End the Fentanyl Epidemic – Vaccinate

End the Fentanyl Epidemic – Vaccinate

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/18/2022

This idea is not from The Onion. It’s not from the Babylon Bee. It’s not about a meme I saw. It’s from Web MD and titled “A Vaccine Against Deadly Fentanyl Might Be Near.”

The only positive aspect of this vaccine is that it is not based on mRNA technology. This one is derived from a compound similar to fentanyl as well as uses an adjuvant derived from Escherichia coli. It works by creating antibodies preventing fentanyl from entering the brain. The user will not be able to get high from the drug. In my mind, an addict seeking to get high off of fentanyl will just take more so they will get high.

Taking more will increase the risks of overdosing on fentanyl. It may not be able to cross the blood-brain barrier; however, effects on the cardiac function in the human body which can lead to hypoxia (low or no oxygen in the blood) which causes brain damage and death.

The fentanyl vaccine works by, according to the Daily Mail which interviewed Dr Colin Haile, lead researcher and professor at the University of Huston, “'The antibodies will bind to the drug and keep it from getting to the brain. If you prevent fentanyl from entering the brain you prevent it from producing euphoric effects and effects that lead to overdose deaths.'” That, unfortunately, isn’t true. Basically what he is saying is that only by entering the brain can fentanyl be deadly.

According to the Web MD piece, “"Our vaccine is able to generate anti-fentanyl antibodies that bind to the consumed fentanyl and prevent it from entering the brain, allowing it to be eliminated out of the body via the kidneys. Thus, the individual will not feel the euphoric effects and can ‘get back on the wagon’ to sobriety," Haile explained in a university news release.”

The researchers tested their vaccine on lab rats in a clinical setting. This means that the doses were controlled and the rats could not decide to take another dose when it failed to produce the results desired. In upcoming human clinical trials, the doses will, again, be controlled with recipients not able to secure more while in the clinical setting. In the real world it will not be so easy to control the dosages, especially in addict populations. The vaccine will likely kill them because they will take more and more until they either get the desired effects or they die.

The vaccine was developed with US taxpayer money through the Department of Defense. Other opioid pain relief options are not blocked – only fentanyl.

This is yet another attempt to create human beings in man’s image to pervert what God created. This is transhumanism. The pharmaceutical industry created a ‘solution’ to a problem which did not really exist (creating synthetic opioids), made sure to prescribe them to millions of people, and that same pharmaceutical industry is now developing a vaccine to introduce non-human reactions to the original ‘solution’. I have no trust whatsoever in the pharmaceutical industry and this is precisely why. I have much trust in God and God alone. I have no desire to be a science experiment for a bunch of Satan-worshiping scumbags.

Of course there is a huge problem with fentanyl overdoses in the United States. The rates are 150-200 a day. That is a lot of needless death among younger people. Have any of these pharmaceutical creators ever paused and wondered why it is that young people are using fentanyl in the first place. These kids have been told they have no future and they have no ability to change things for the better. With no future, they have also been told they have no purpose except to consume. What kind of life is that? It is not a life – it is the commodification of human beings. Fentanyl is being used as a way to escape reality for a bit. Eventually the users die, often when they overdose. While illicit fentanyl use is illegal, Sarco’s suicide machines (coffin included) are not. The world is telling humans that they are worthless and encouraging them to kill themselves one way or another.

We seriously need a Great Return to the God of the Bible. This world and it’s blood-lust and hatred of humanity needs to be placed right back where it came from – Hell. Say no to transhumanism. Say no to suicide. Say no to fentanyl. Say yes to God – you are valued and your purpose comes from Him.

Bless God and God bless.


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