COP27 Ends Leaving Eco-Terrorists in Tears

COP27 Ends Leaving Eco-Terrorists in Tears

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/20/2022

COP27 wrapped up on November 19 with the Sharm el-Sheikh Implementation Plan (SeSIP). (Decision -/CP.27). Tears are flowing from eco-terrorists around the world because the conference did not ban oil and gas – purposefully labeled as fossil fuels which, simply, is a misnomer used as propaganda. If only their tears would heat our homes and fill our gas tanks…. What COP27 and related conferences did accomplish however, is a bit more concerning.

The Implementation Plan runs 10 pages, contains 16 categories, and has 62 points. The relevant action points are listed below.

Category I – Science and urgency (points 1-5) reminds researchers that climate science efforts need to remember that the goal is to keep warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius. It also serves to thank the bought and paid for researchers for producing predetermined scientific reports supporting the myth of man-made climate change. Efforts to understand the frozen parts of the earth – those covered with ice, called the cryosphere – will be bolstered in the near future.

Category II – Enhancing ambition and implementation (points 6-7) reads in part, “Resolves to implement ambitious, just, equitable and inclusive transitions to low-emission and climate-resilient development[.]”

Category III – Energy (points 8-10) demands that parties to the convention create even more so-called renewable energy sources. While these transitions take place the UN wants their version of justice applied. The energy sources do not matter as much as the UN’s version of perverted justice being applied.

Category IV – Mitigation (points 11-16), point 11, sets out the entire reason for the whole conference, “[the SeSIP] Recognizes that limiting global warming to 1.5 °C requires rapid, deep and sustained reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions of 43 per cent by 2030 relative to the 2019 level[.]” To accomplish this goal the UN reminds the world that actions need to be accelerated and based on equity (equal outcomes, i.e. everyone is equally famished). The SeSIP targets coal and so-called fossil fuel subsidies by demanding that all parties to the conference cease using either immediately. The Wildlands Project, while not called out be name, is emphasized. The Wildland Project features restricting all human activity in huge swaths of land and sea.

Category V – Adaptation (17-21) is about money. According to the document redistribution of wealth needs to occur to close the adaptation gap between what is ‘needed’ and the funds currently available. The authors demand upheavals of social systems, implementation of national adaptation plans (coordinated by global governance), funding the Least Developed Countries Fund and the Special Climate Change Fund, and prods the parties’ efforts to focus on water.

Category VI – Loss and damage (points 22-25) is the so-called ‘highlight’ of the conference. Because the UN is using the man-made climate change hoax to establish multiple channels and methods of national wealth redistribution based on Marxist versions of justice, this section is the most celebrated by the eco-terrorists. Because this is a brand new inclusion of a long sought objective, it deserves to be analyzed point by point.

Point 22 is based on the idea that man-made global warming is already having negative impacts on certain nations. Of course, this happens to be a complete and utter lie, yet, these eco-terrorists are undeterred. Thus the SeSIP, “Notes with great concern […] the growing gravity, scope and frequency in all regions of loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, resulting in devastating economic and non-economic losses, including forced displacement and impacts on cultural heritage, human mobility and the lives and livelihoods of local communities, and underlines the importance of an adequate and effective response to loss and damage[.]”

Point 23 discusses the UN’s phony justification for wealth distribution. Because of the high costs associated with their original hoax, the UN suggests this is the reason that developing countries cannot advance to being developed countries. The UN doesn’t really care about that though because what these “growing debt burdens” really are is an impediment to “the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals.” Realizing these goals is realizing the subjugation of every member of the human species including the extermination of about 95% of us.

Point 24 reads, “Welcomes the consideration, for the first time, of matters relating to funding arrangements responding to loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including a focus on addressing loss and damage, under the Conference of the Parties and the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement and also welcomes the adoption of decisions -/CP.2712 and -/CMA.4,13 on matters relating to funding arrangements responding to loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change[.]”

Point 25 is about implementing and strengthening another previously arrived at agreement known as the Santiago network. “The vision of the Santiago Network is to catalyze the technical assistance of relevant organizations, bodies, networks and experts, for the implementation of relevant approaches for averting, minimize and addressing L&D [Loss and Damage] at the local, national and regional level, in developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change (Decision 2/CMA.2, para 43).”

What these four paragraphs serve to do is redistribute wealth, redistribute technology, disregard patents, weaken (if not erase) national boundaries, and attempt to murder 95% of us in the name of Gaia. While this occurs, the UN’s technocratic totalitarian global government will seek to grow in power, legitimacy, and recognition with the intent of broadening total surveillance and control of humanity. The ‘loss’ is of our freedom and the ‘damage’ will be violence against those of us voicing our concerns about our loss.

Category VII – Early warning and systematic observation (points 26-27) erects an all-inclusive global surveillance grid. Point 27, “Welcomes and reiterates the United Nations Secretary-General’s call made on World Meteorological Day on 23 March 2022 to protect everyone on Earth through universal coverage of early warning systems against extreme weather and climate change within the next five years and invites development partners, international financial institutions and the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism to provide support for implementation of the Early Warnings for All initiative[.]” No one should want any UN protection from anything because everything they touch is rape and death.

Category VIII – Implementation – pathways to just transition (points 28-29). There are some important and very deep-meaning terms used in this category. The first of these terms is stakeholders. Who is a stakeholder? Not you or me – we will have no say about any of this. The next term is social solidarity which comes straight out of Marx and Engels The Communist Manifesto and demands a social reorganization along Marxist guidelines with the intent to justify the of murder all dissenters. The purpose of this category is to pretend that destroying the entire world will allow for sustainable economic development and poverty reduction. The Marxification of the world needs to be implemented by the national governments of the world by declaring and acting on policies designed to destroy and disrupt energy production, rearrange socioeconomic status, and changing the nature of work, while paying lip service to protecting all of those affected by these transitions (the implementation of the Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution) according to the SeSIP.

Category IX – Finance (points 30-40) demands huge sums of money and more. $4 trillion a year until 2030 for renewable energy, $4-6 trillion a year forever for transitions to ‘green’ energy, a complete and total redesign of all financial systems, at least $6 trillion in welfare from developed nations to developing nations, and $100 billion a year forever for mitigation activities and transparency related to mitigation implementation are included in this list of eco-terrorist demands. SeSIP also relates that the 2019-2020 sum of $803 billion in wealth redistribution simply is not enough and is only 32% of the funds needed. Point 38 makes it very clear that banks are going to be the final arbiters of all human activity: “Calls on multilateral development banks to contribute to significantly increasing climate ambition using the breadth of their policy and financial instruments for greater results, including on private capital mobilization, and to ensure higher financial efficiency and maximize use of existing concessional and risk capital vehicles to drive innovation and accelerate impact[.]” To cap all of their demands off, the eco-terrorists note their desire to continuously fund the Green Climate Fund.

Category X – Technology transfer and development (points 41-43) relies exclusively upon supporting ongoing efforts such as the Technology Executive Committee, the Climate Technology Centre and Network, and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation. Basically, the UN has a database of all technologies useful to their purposes. They want to make sure those technologies are given at very low or no cost to the nations the UN determines needs them by the nations which developed them.

Category XI – Capacity-building (point 44) seeks to identify more needs in developing countries to justify increasing welfare payments to them.

Category XII – Taking stock (point 44i) basically stresses the importance of creating the backbone of technocracy. In order to mete out a resource or good, the amount on hand needs to be ascertained which this category addresses.

Category XIII – Ocean (points 45-46) stresses that parties consider restricting human activities on oceans. It also gives a glimpse into how one becomes a stakeholder; “decides that future dialogues [about oceans and climate change] will, from 2023, be facilitated by two co-facilitators, selected by Parties biennially, who will be responsible for deciding the topics for and conducting the dialogue[.]”

Category XIV – Forest (points 47-48) calls on the parties to stop using forestry products.

Category XV – Agriculture (point 49) portends poor harvests, less food, increased and more widespread food insecurity, and rises in starvation deaths. It actually reads as follows: “Welcomes the establishment of the four-year Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security as well as the establishment of the Sharm el-Sheikh online portal under the joint work by decision -/CP.27;3[.]” We will explore this a bit more later.

Category XVI – Enhancing implementation – action by non-Party stakeholders (points 50-62) is all about how fascism can be used effectively to achieve their goals. To make sure that you are well aware that you are not and never will be acknowledged as a stakeholder, point 51 defines them, “Recognizes the important role of indigenous peoples, local communities, cities and civil society, including youth and children, in addressing and responding to climate change and highlights the urgent need for multilevel and cooperative action in this regard[.]” Changing the role of women in society to get them to work for the goals of the UN is a very important objective for the SeSIP and is reflected in points 53 and 54. Points 55, 56, and 57 are all about the UN’s efforts to destroy youth by eductating them to be climate activists. The rest of the points all congratulate and/or seek to strengthen and broaden the efforts of some of the worst eco-terrorist organizations and agendas on the planet – Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action, e Sharm el-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda, Breakthrough Agenda, High-Level Expert Group on the Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities, Non-State Actor Zone for Climate Action platform, United Nations Regional Economic Commissions, and Sustainable Development Goals are all mentioned.

Because this document did not cover enough, there were about a dozen other documents produced by this conference of Gaia-worship. Joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security starts off by stating there 800 million people who are hungry in the world. While they previously acknowledge that the coronavirus exposed food resiliency shortcomings, their projection of the numbers of hungry rising is only attributed to climate change. Climate change is not the reason that 800 million hungry people is expected to grow, coronavirus mitigation and climate change mitigation efforts are. This document lays out the UN’s latest plan to destroy food security, make sure that more people are hungry, and raise the number of people starving to death. They don’t care about food production and starvation deaths – they care about worshiping Gaia and giving the earth copious amounts of sacrifices in the for of the blood of the innocent.

Implementation of the Global Climate Observing System represents the totalitarian aspect of the UN’s Gaia-inspired and motivated global government. When I stated earlier that the UN desires this surveillance system to include everyone on earth, I was not kidding. They really want to control every activity any of us do. “Emphasizes the need to address systematic observation gaps, particularly in developing countries and for ocean, mountain, desert and polar regions and the cryosphere in order to improve understanding of climate change, climate-related risks and tipping points, and adaptation limits and to ensure enhanced delivery of climate services and early warning systems[.]” Particularly in reference to early-warning systems and delivery of climate services, the actual meaning strikes me as intending to ensure that human activity does not occur on the vast majority of the earth, detect who is there, and deliver on promises to erase the credits of any violator and, depending upon the violation, just murder the violator. Climate services always have, at their core, the idea of reducing carbon.

In total, there are 60 of these types of documents including a different version of SeSIP relesead by a separate body also meeting at the conference. COP27 was joined by four other bodies either meeting simultaneously or in the recent past – CMA4, CMP17, SBSTA57, and SBI57. CMA is a reference to the parties which signed and ratified the Paris Agreement and met for the fourth time. CMP stands for Capital Master Plan. The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice is abbreviated SBSTA. SBI stands for Subsidiary Body for Implementation.

They always tell you what kind of Hell they are about to unleash. That siad, they do not make it easy to uncover nor tie together. Without understand the Montreal Protocol, Agenda 21 is difficult to comprehend. Without the basis of those two underlying documents the Kyoto Protocol is more difficult to understand. Without having at least a cursory knowledge about prior UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) COP’s it becomes more difficult to understand what happened at COP27. They all accumulate upon one another. The UNFCCC was established in 1992 at the Rio de Janero meeting of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. Have you read that? It spells death for most of humanity. The Future We Want, Agenda 2030, any UNFCCC COP, and a plethora of other documents spell out the UN’s belief in Gaia and their quest to murder everyone on earth through their belief in climate change being caused by mankind. I have not read all of these documaents; however, I have read quite a few of them, including Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, COP27, Kyoto and pieces of many of the other documents.

Let me write my own UN-style treaty here.

1. Recognizing that Gaia is not the living God of Creation;

2. Emphasizing that climate change is not caused by normal human activity;

3. Demanding that the insane Gaia worshiping, man-made climate change hoax and it’s schemes immediately cease, including efforts to realign societies to reflect Marxist desires, establish, implement, strengthen, and broaden global governmental designs, and the enslavement and surveillance of all life on earth;

4. The Center for the Preservation of Humanity vows to fight the evil being perpetrated by the United Nations through climate change mitigation efforts in all peaceful manners applicable including:

i. Advocating for nonpayment to and defunding of the United Nations;

ii. Advocating for the United Nation’s educational agendas to be kept out of United States schools;

iii. Addressing the real motives and goals of United Nations environmental goals in all forms of media;

iv. Advocating for national, state, and local measures to negate UN actions on climate change.

That’s a start. Specifically, I still think that a completely separated breakaway society is needed to be free of the UN and it’s intentions for all of humanity. I also think that a general tax strike involving 10% or more of the citizens in nations designated to be looted (USA, Germany, UK, France, Switzerland, Sweden, etc…) needs to be implemented at an agreed upon date. This date and the refusal to pay taxes needs to apply only to the national entities. In the United States taxes are paid to a myriad of levels of governments including city, local, regional, state, municipal, and federal. Only federal funds should be withheld unless a lower level government, such as the State of California, or the city of Washington DC are abiding by UN climate decrees. Once the documents and laws supporting the UN goals are discarded, destroyed, and struck from the law books tax payments can resume at the same levels they were prior to the strike minus the expenditures for UN programme participation.

Of course this will get me sent to prison forever and anyone participating in it would also be targeted. If the politicians and leaders listened to actual people in their actual nations, many of whom are struggling to survive financially, instead of multinational corporations and central bankers, a strike would not need to even be suggested. A breakaway civilization completely divorced from the one in which we are all currently being tyrannized by would not need to be suggested is these ‘leaders’ respected their constituencies and enacted laws and policies which benefited us. They have abandonment the people and treat us a subjects and, at times, worse – their slaves and prisoners.

Everyone is on the UN’s side except for actual grassroots individuals and organizations. The mainstream media is absolutely on the eco-terrorists side and are actually eco-terrorists themselves because of their slavish support for the UNFCCC. CNN’s headline reads COP27 summit agrees to help climate victims. But it does nothing to stop fossil fuels. BBC’s headline reads Climate change: Five key takeaways from COP27 and parrots CNN’s concerns while praising Communist scumbag and Brazilian coup organizer Lula de Silva. Fox61’s headline reads Historic compensation fund approved at UN climate talks and raises the issue of so-called fossil fuels not being banned more subtly.

These are the ones crying the largest tears. They are crying so hard because they are demanding their readers cry too. What are they crying about? Not enough blood will be given to Gaia fast enough for them. They cannot just absolutely shut down all economic prosperity yet. They will and they will cheer and when they do I will be agitating once more for tax strikes and breakaway civilizations. It is all about God and His will and these people have not consulted Him about their plans anymore than they have consulted you or I about their plans. Their plans are to exterminate the human race and utterly destroy the civilizations we live in. I will not go into their night quietly.

Bless God and God bless.


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