Welcome to USSA

Welcome to USSA

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 9/4/2022

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics operated upon fear. The people were in fear of their government because its paranoid leaders were always worried about being overthrown. The result was the end of any kind of free speech. Children would report their patents to the ‘authorities’ and their parents would disappear in the middle of the night. Letters were searched for anti-state (or anything which could be construed as anti-state) sentiments. Those violating speech codes were found guilty of subversion and sentenced to labor camps or executed outright. Millions died. People quickly learned to keep their opinions to themselves and to just suffer under the burden of the communist state.

The United States has been there for a little while but it is getting, and going to get, far, far worse. The reason the USSA’s (United States of Socialist America) is going to be so bad is because communication is largely digitized for the citizenry of the nation. Machines can scan letters. Phone calls and text messages are recorded and retained. Surveillance cameras are on street corners and buildings everywhere. A lot of communication goes out over the internet and there are billions of posts on social media sites. All of this data is able to be sorted, flagged, and analyzed by AI. This is exactly what the AI does at Meta (Facebook/Instagram), TikTok, Twitter, YouTube and other social media sites.

At Vice News, a news website which should value free speech because, after all, their entire existence relies on it, they welcome USSR-style censorship in the USSA. The only thing that is missing for the maggots at Vice News are the jail terms for ‘misinformation.’ It’s something that, no doubt, Vice News will do what they can to change so that misinformation is criminalized.

One recent article showing Vice’s desire to have misinformation criminalized was written by Anna Merlan – Anti-Vaccine Organization Children’s Health Defense Says It Was Banned from Instagram and Facebook. The title itself is written to make anything Children’s Health Defense states suspicious, including their social media bans. Founded by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Children’s Health Defense wants vaccine safety and efficacy data to be transparent and honest. The Vice article makes light of mercury being in vaccines. Merlan, surely feeling secure with her warped logic, may feel that way because of the asinine claims made by the WHO:

“Exposure to mercury – even small amounts – may cause serious health problems, and is a threat to the development of the child in utero and early in life.

“Mercury may have toxic effects on the nervous, digestive and immune systems, and on lungs, kidneys, skin and eyes.

“Mercury is considered by WHO as one of the top ten chemicals or groups of chemicals of major public health concern.

“People are mainly exposed to methylmercury, an organic compound, when they eat fish and shellfish that contain the compound.

“Methylmercury is very different to ethylmercury. Ethylmercury is used as a preservative in some vaccines and does not pose a health risk.”

First, the WHO claims that any mercury is hazardous to human health, especially while babies are developing in the womb. Then the WHO suggests that multiple systems in the human body are subject to the toxic effects of mercury. Eating fish is bad. Taking vaccines is good. They make this claim because the small amount of mercury (which can cause “serious health problems”) in vaccines is perfectly safe because, according to WHO the compound the mercury is in passes out of the body quicker than the mercury compound in those bad-for-us fish. Are these people all stupid? Putting mercury into the body intentionally invites serious health problems, so, RFK Jr.’s questions about it’s presence in vaccines are valid. This is the best response the WHO could come up with. To me it mercury sounds like another ingredient, in addition to murdered-baby cells and a slurry of chemicals, to refuse all vaccines.

Strike one Vice News.

The article continues to dish out crap - “Kennedy has persistently denied being anti-vaccine, saying that he simply wants them to be safe and rigorously tested, which they very, very much are.” Except that they are not. There were very unsafe findings in many of these vaccines, yet the FDA still gave them their stamp of approval. The only way the FDA could do this, being their job is to verify that what is in the package is what is on the label, is if the vaccine doses came with a skull and crossbone image. This is especially true with anything having to do with the coronavirus depopulation jab. More to the point, the FDA just ‘approved’ a covalent booster shot from both Pfizer and Moderna. The documentation received for the approval showed increased antibodies in mice – NO human trial was conducted.

Strike two Vice News.

Vice News, having no idea that they are acting as a media outlet I guess, then makes a veiled call to remove RFK Jr.’s Facebook page. It’s not enough for this ‘reporter,’ Merlan, to be celebrating Children’s Health Defense’s deletion from Meta platforms, nor RFK Jr.’s total Instagram ban – his Facebook page needs to be taken down too. In Merlan’s sick world, the same tyrannical world that treasonous Mark Zuckerberg, the CDC, and the WHO have created for us to live under, all dissent is misinformation.

Strike three Vice News. You’re out. May God send you straight to Hell.

And the US government can show you the way. The US government decided to create an office to combat misinformation. The office was scrapped after about a week due to widespread outrage. The Department of Homeland Security’s efforts to stop what they claim is misinformation is still ongoing; however. Any topic which differs from the official narrative is a target. 9/11 was an inside job, Kennedy wasn’t murdered by Oswald, Fast and Furious really happened, Epstein’s black book has helped put no one in prison, Hunter Biden’s laptop contains video evidence of crack use, underage sex, and implicates Joe Biden, and coronavirus murder stings are harmful are all examples of what DHS will target.

Joe Biden just got done giving a speech claiming that whatever is in his decrepit, senile, brain is the only information that is allowed to exist and anyone disagreeing need to be eliminated from the conversation. In order to defend ‘democracy’ we must completely silence about 75 million people who don’t like legalized baby murder, want strong borders, and push for smaller government, lower taxes, and less regulations according to Joe Biden. The people that Joe Biden wants to eliminate from decent society are the same people who don’t want to pay for everyone else’s crap, whether it be Zelensky’s war, other American’s student loans, or everyone else’s health insurance costs. Speak in favor of any of that, or, God-forbid, demand an actual free and fair election which is able to be audited, and Joe Biden will wants the individual marginalized.

The DHS and Biden Administration has recreated the USSR’s snitch system. While they claim they cherish democracy and perceive that democracy is under siege, they have decided to get rid of democracy as well as the Constitutional Republic which was once the United States of America. These piles of dog crap at DHS, the Biden Administration, Vice News, and many other government institutions, non-profit organizations, businesses, and media outlets have created the USSA by turning us all into snitches. I can only imagine how many people have decided to ‘snitch’ on the articles I have written for The Center for the Preservation of Humanity. Every one of them is a misinformation red flag according to these communists. And now they are going to infest the streets and snitch on us there. ‘See something, say something,’ was the initiation of the USSA snitch state and now it has been fully embraced by everyone with a platform. All of those with a platform that call BS on these people have already been deplatformed and, now, we are being threatened with hate-speech crimes and F-15 for valuing and practicing our God-given rights.

Another news story comes out of Argentina, where the Vice President, Cristina Fernández, survived an assassination attempt. A gun was pointed at her head from about a foot away but never discharged because it jammed. In the article, the President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández is quoted:

"We can disagree, we can have deep disagreements, but in a democratic society, hate speech cannot take place because it breeds violence and there is no possibility of violence co-existing with democracy,” he said. "Our vice president has been attacked and social peace has been disturbed."

I don’t advocate for murdering political ‘leaders.’ I advocate for them to be tried and imprisoned for corruption and/or hung for treason if they are found to have committed those crimes. But they need trials first. The vice president is indeed in the middle of a corruption trial.

Interestingly, the Vice President, in support of my false flag thoughts, declared a national holiday for the following day. A Brazilian presidential candidate and former president called the attacker a fascist, the Bolivian president repudiated the assassination attempt, and that murderous Venezuelan dictator also repudiated the attack.

That said, it is highly suspicious that what appears to be a semiautomatic handgun with five bullets in it jammed. And of course, it was immediately blamed on the Argentine version of the Republican party. Sounds like it’s probably a false flag to me. That idea is only strengthened by the entities which came out in support of the Vice President. Sounds to me that Argentina is looking around at their neighbors thinking ‘censorship is back in as acceptable? – so why not?.’ Marxists thrive on lies – the truth makes them flee like the cockroaches they are – so they go to great lengths to silence dissent. What better way to do that than by staging a false flag and then having your private, citizen military terrorize the people and silence dissent? With inflation nearing 70% in Argentina, I could see why these scumbags would want the diversion and the control which will flow from it.

In 2018, the now president of Brazil, Bolsonaro, was stabbed by a man who was not tried. Bosonaro nearly died. Bolsonaro, of course, is described as a far-right politician who ran on a campaign of making Brazil great by rejecting globalism and getting corruption out of politics. Because of this, and his coronavirus reaction, he is roundly demonized by the world – much like Donald Trump is. So the moral of the story is kill republicans, right wingers, and anyone who agrees with them while allowing communists and socialist to act as they please. Bolsonaro was running his 2018 race against a guy named Lula who was in prison for corruption at the time. Lula’s replacement stated Bolsonaro’s stabbing was “absurd and regrettable.” Notice – there was no standing with Bolsanaro, nor calls for preserving democracy, nor any holidays declared.

Misinformation is a problem. But the problem is not people asking questions and seeking answers. The misinformation is coming out of institutions which are supposed to serve the people. The NIH, FDA, CDC and the WHO are murdering people with their misinformation, lies, and recommendations. The Justice Department is using USSR rules to prosecute their political opponents and opposition and protect their own by, in part using misinformation labels to control the narrative they prefer. Multiple nations around the world are following suit, including Argentina. What is happening is a codification of a global military/medical/technological totalitarianism. All the socialists and communists think they are a part of the solution and that their lives will be spared. They won’t.

Read the Bible. Read the Book of Matthew. All of that is coming. Read the Book of Isaiah and Jeremiah. All of the prophesy left unfulfilled will be fulfilled soon. Read the first 5 books of the Bible – the Torah – and learn about the Father and how to worship Him properly. Read Revelation and see how close we really are to having the next trumpet sound, the next seal broken. Read the whole thing. God loves you. The people using misinformation as their basis for action deny the truth of the Word of God. They will rip the Bible out of our hands and behead us in the near future – the Bible tells us that will occur. May God be with you.


Happy Organized Labor Day!


Slated For Extermination