Slated For Extermination

Slated For Extermination

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 9/3/2022

Trans is a suffix used to provide a bridge from one status to another. Transsexual means going from one sex to another. The boy who wants his balls chopped off cannot go back, that bridge is burned. It the boys place is a non-functional facsimile female created by mankind. Trans-racial means bridging the gap between two or more other races to come to an agreement about how to interact. The races are left intact; however, the view of a race from the perspective of the other race is supposed to be changed. This is very helpful for ending racial violence; however, it can also be used to create racial violence. Trans continental would mean the thing being described will go all over the continent whether a truck or a tectonic plate. There is one side and the other.

Transhumanism is very similar to transsexualism. It burns bridges. We are, for the most part, a world full of flesh and blood human beings who are fully biological in nature. We are as God made us for the most part. Transhumanism seeks to convince people that they can enhance themselves and/or live forever through a host of technologies which are rapidly being developed. This has grave consequences for humanity on scientific, ethical, and religious grounds which no one has been able to express in a meaningful way. Dissent is dismissed and then silenced. The result is that the people creating, selling, and propagandizing transhumanist ideologies and technologies are regulating themselves. The banksters in the US, and around the world, were largely doing this in the run up to the Global Recession in 2008 and it did not work out well for the rest of humanity then. Transhumanism promises to end humanity because, at it’s core, it is anti-human. At some point in the human adaptation of implants, uploads, augmented realities, reliance on AI, living in VR, humans will no longer be human as we know it. There will be no going back to the flesh and blood, biological humanity that we all know so well today.

Transhumanists state over and over that their movement is merely the next step in human evolution. That is not an argument I can sponsor because I believe that God created humanity, and all other life on the planet. I completely reject the ideas that Darwin propounded and do not believe in the idea of evolution nor of survival of the fittest. We have created societies which protect the weaker of us from predators who exploit their weaker fellows of society in unjust ways. That is the whole idea of justice. As transhumanism becomes more developed technologically and more socially acceptable in larger swaths of society, justice, and morality as a whole, will increasingly be aligned with technological capabilities instead of the so-called ‘traditional’ moralities found in the greatest work of all time, the Bible, as well as in other religious texts which parallel the morality of the Bible in many instances.

Hitler violated the idea of justice with his Final Solution. Hitler could only do this by thinking that people are nothing more than pond scum which evolved into human beings. He forced 12 million people to their deaths because of his belief that their genetic stock was inferior. Hitler’s Final Solution was not an aberration – it is the logical conclusion to Darwin’s theories. Eugenics was no longer called eugenics after Hitler was defeated because of the nasty meaning eugenics adopted.

Transhumanism represents something even worse than Hitler’s Final Solution. Transhumanists violate justice with their new technologies which include mRNA injections which are causing irreparable harm to the human race. In the meantime, those humans who have been shot up with these transhumanist experiments are growing odd formations within their bodies which are not blood clots; however, kill like blood clots. The US Transhumanist Party is upset that the jabs didn’t come out sooner than they did, with even less regulatory oversight and less testing (there is very little, if any, of either to begin with). They treat all technologies which have the potential to help them achieve their dreams of living forever (whether human or not) the same way. They seek to rush these types of technologies to market for people (the transhumanist’s guinea pigs) to try them out so they can analyze the data, modify the technology, and get a new batch of survivors to try it out. This is but one of the goals of transhumanists. In the meantime they are waging a complete psychological war upon humanity with little regard for the suffering, injuries, and death it is causing to the rest of us. This war is not being fought only on the scamdemic front – it is the same war being waged in order to get humanity as a whole to accept (or be forced into) accepting their next step of human evolutionary technology into the bodies of their human test subjects. This is a major reason why mRNA shots were mandated. It is the driving force behind supporting further scares which force people into adopting transhumanist technologies into their bodies. The test subjects are only being used to perfect the technologies for the bastards which plan on using them for their own radical life extension – the test subjects usefulness will be fulfilled when their test is completed. It is a global phenomena which will not stop until we either stop it through educating humanity about what is happening to them at the direction of these tranhuman monsters, the transhumanists arrive at their goal (live ‘forever’ and depopulate the earth to well under a billion people – 500 million seems to be the target), or the Messiah returns to the earth and ends the lunacy of this world.

There are murmurings here and there about the devastation that the rise of transhumanism is ushering in. Those voices have been, largely silenced. The proponents of transhumanism, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Peter Theil, Peter Diamandis, Elon Musk, Noah Yuval Harari, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, The World Economic Forum, the various Transhumanist Party’s around the world, national public health institutions, many research labs in colleges and universities, DARPA and a slew of others, including countless businesses, are propagandizing the world with the portended ‘benefits’ of transhumanist technologies with no dissent possible because of wholesale censorship, marginalization, and divisiveness of anyone dissenting. Even Elon Musk, who has made statements warning the public about some of these technologies (while developing his own version of them) is marginalized due to calling attention to the matter.

I was curious about what Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump’s husband and Donald Trump’s son-in-law, was up to. I found out part of what he is up to when I saw National Review reporting that Jared Kushner, the Transhumanist in the White House. In the article, Kushner is quoted as saying:

“From the last year, the one thing I’ve tried to put a priority on since I left the White House was, you know, getting some exercise in. I think that there is a good probability that my generation is, hopefully with the advances in science, either the first generation to live forever, or the last generation that’s going to die.

“So, we need to keep ourselves in pretty good shape.”

The Muslim Skeptic website published a piece about how transhumanism is satanic. Transhumanism: A New Religion for the New ‘Elite’ makes note of several early transhumanists – Robert Ettinger and Fereidoun M. Esfandiary (FM-2030) – and a more modern one, Joel Kotkin. The Muslim Skeptic correctly identifies that “what unites all transhumanists is the fear of death. This is something universal and not restricted to these ‘founding fathers.’” The piece also quotes Zoltan Ishvan, a 2016 presidential candidate who rode around the country in a Hearst to accentuate the transhumanist belief that death is a disease that science can cure, “‘I’m an Atheist, Therefore I’m a Transhumanist.’” As I wrote in the piece prior to this, there are no atheists, there are only dishonest people who cannot bear to identify what they have replaced our supernatural God with – whether it be science, scientism, other humans, themselves – or, in this case transhumanism.

Ishvan, the others mentioned, and many others have never questioned their belief in transhumanism, let alone their ridiculous claims of being an atheist, a Christian transhumanist, a Jewish transhumanist, a Muslim transhumanist, etc…. The transhumanist part of their belief system overrides any other moniker they choose to place before it. At the end of the day they are Satanic and transhumanists and their movement displays this vividly because their fruits are anti-human. As long as the science being developed and the technologies are being brought to market to further the transhuman agenda, tanshumanists do not care how many people are murdered, killed, maimed, subjected, enslaved, injured, or sterilized. Not only are they anti-human, Satanists, they are completely narcissistic, sociopathic, and psychotic, as they go about creating their utopia. Undoubtedly, if a transhumanist reads this piece they will first try to hide it by censorship, shadow-banning, and labeling the content as sensitive and/or misinformation. If, for some reason people share this far and wide, they will challenge my intellect and try to shame me into silence. Then will come calls for my imprisonment and death. If that doesn’t shut me up they will make up a reason to imprison or kill me. That goes for anyone who points out what should be plain to see about these despicable entities. Steve Quayle and Alex Jones have been warning the world for decades about transhumanist designs and they have, indeed suffered. Others such as Thomas Horn and Steve Bannon have started identifying these evil people and their evil intentions.

Klaus-Gerd Giesen authored an excellent piece about transhumanism in the political realm as well as touching upon the social shift driving the political challenges and changes. In Transhumanism as the dominant ideology of the fourth industrial revolution Geisen makes a lot of really good points about how this is going to turn out for humanity. Badly.

“This is not an equal struggle. The societal debate has barely begun, and the dice are loaded. Transhumanist ideology is driven by certain factions within the state and, above all, by mighty multinational corporations that, it is fair to say, have the most to gain from seeing the [convergence of nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive science] NBIC revolution unfold without a hitch. In this respect, transhumanism is already a dominant ideology, as it crushes all other ideological positions regarding technological change—particularly those of humanists of all stripes and subscribers to ‘deep ecology’—under the sheer weight of money.”

That does not spell out a human future. It is only happening because the entities that Giesen has noted have bought their position. Humanity is being sold out for money. Politicians are taking money from transhumanists. Where is the push-back, the millions of dollars of pro-human-future advocates to combat the billions of transhumanist funds flowing into campaign coffers? It doesn’t exist because too many people are not even aware that it is a problem. These bought off politicians make sure that the technologies can come to market with a rubber stamp of approval. These same bought-off politicians refuse to regulate the industries involved in transhumanist intentions and appropriate massive sums of tax dollars to those developing the technologies. The banks, for their part, and other financiers, for their part, give billions, if not trillions, to various start-ups which bring these unregulated, rubber-stamped technologies to market.

Giesen’s piece is rather lengthy; however, it is an excellent read. I urge you to read it. It is well documented and covers all the ground which needs to be covered. To gain a sense of why the piece is so important, Geisen points out the main political efforts brought about by transhumanist ideology:

“Human beings in their “natural” state are obsolete and ought to be enhanced by technology, which then becomes a means of artificially extending the hominization process….

“The goal is full hybridization between the posthuman being and the machine, something that goes far beyond the human–machine interface we know today (from interacting with cell phones and computers, for example)….

“This would have us transcend not only our humanity but also what we might call the basic ideological matrix that underlies many other ideologies (liberalism, socialism, conservatism, etc.), namely, humanism, which brings together all our ways of understanding ourselves as human beings at the center of the world and at the top of the species pyramid.”

I included those three sentences to try to get you to read Giesen’s piece as well as to try to explain why it is so important to educate ourselves now and to take part in the discussion which transhumanists don’t want us to participate in. If the common man takes part in the discussion, all bets are off for the continued propagandization, development, and acceptance of transhumanist technologies and ideological implementation. I am a common man – it is likely you are too, reader. If you are reading this, you need to be a leader in informing and taking action. If humanity is not woken up to these ideas, humanity is going to be eliminated by these monsters.

Education is the easy part. Everything that the world is being forced through is connected to transhumanism. World government is all about transhumanism. The technologies being developed to fulfill transhumanist ideologies will necessitate a global government. How will a global government successfully rule over eight billion people with hundreds of millions of cultural, political, and religious ideas? It won’t be able to achieve this unless we are all tracked in a technocracy. In a technocracy all resources are accounted for and allotments are doled out by a committee which governs the resource in question. No CoVID death jab? No job. No biometric chip containing your bank account? No loan. The carrots and sticks are endless but the carrots are made of food coloring and stychnine and the sticks are starvation and guillotines – either way all of us slated for extinction will be culled off of the face of the earth to make room for ‘immortal’ transhumanists. Most of us are not going to be here to see these abominations.

Manmade climate change has been woven through all of these narratives, including the transhumanist narrative. Transhumanists are promising that the world as we know it will end if we cannot starve the entire earth of carbon dioxide. But they also offer a ‘solution.’ Transhumanists want to use the threat of manmade climate change as a fear agent as well as a shame agent to gain compliance to their wishes. They will use fear to claim we are all going to die – something they see as unnecessary and a curable disease. They will use shame to silence those who have figured out they scam by claiming that mankind did this and they will clean up our mess – all we will need to do is give up all of our property, our bodily autonomy, and the ability to make any independent decision. Those who fail to accede to these demands will need to be punished by forcibly removing all of property, bodily autonomy, and independent decision making capability through attrition, coercion, imprisonment, and death. Transhumanists are doing all of this right now because the hotter it gets, the more people will fret and feel the desired level of shame. These powerful emotions, driven by propaganda, will lead many to transhumanist solutions: altering our bodies to make them able to withstand the ‘dangers’ of climate change. Transhumanism’s speculations about death by climate change are being replaced with death through medical experimentation for their own exploitation.

The Great Reset is all about transhumanism too. It is all about destroying all of traditional society. The lockdowns over the coronavirus was the demonstration and introduction of the Great Reset. Not moving fast enough through deceptive education and propaganda, the Great Reset seeks to use legislation and ‘the rule of law,’ preferably at a global level which is then adopted at the national and local levels, to force compliance with the transhumanist’s desires. The only reason that there is a Great Reset is because transhumanism and technocracy was not being adopted fast enough by a large enough ‘global collective.’ The idea behind it is to push murderous technologies upon as many people possible (most of whom are already, willingly, part of the ‘global collective’) to perfect their transhuman technologies for their own use.

The fourth industrial revolution promises humanity a non-human and sparsely human-populated future. We are being merged with machines and the implications for that merger have not been thoroughly discussed by most of humanity, let alone has most of humanity even been made aware that it is occurring. Coronavirus mandates and the death jab roll-out got people thinking that something is going on. Too many people don’t understand the end goal – the enslavement and extermination of the human race. We must either evolve or die according to transhumans – the way to evolve is to destroy humanity in order to be humanity 2.0.

Even Joe Biden’s speech on September 1, 2022 – the one where Joe Biden decided to go full-on fascist and declare war against about 100 million US citizens – is connected to transhumanism. What demographics decided to skip the corona-games altogether? The US citizens who decided to not play that stupid, murderous game are composed of those of us who are Biblically inclined and wish to Make America Great Again. There are others who are neither Biblically inclined nor outwardly seek to Make America Great Again who, nonetheless, distrust institutional authorities so much as to actively avoid doing anything they say. Heaven help those of us who happen to be within the first two demographics . Joe Biden just declared war on us – at the behest of transhumanist ideologies and a global technocratic totalitarian government. Biden’s speech shows his intention to distribute retribution for anyone who thought they could worship God, think independently, Make America Great Again, and refuse the way of the world.

This is why I ask that God bless you at the end of just about everything I write. How will God bless you? First, you need to bless God. You need to worship Him the way He wants you to. The only way to learn those lessons is to read the Bible, learn God’s Laws, and apply them to your life. With each day that comes and goes, our opportunity to freely read a Bible, profess our belief in God and the power of the blood of His Son, and to congregate grows more perilous. Time is running out to make a decision – and not making a decision is it’s own decision (not a good one in my opinion, being against God is bad). Jesus Christ will return and when He does, I pray that you are favorable to God. And when He does return, transhumanism will crumble under the weight of it’s own hubris, lies, and hatred of God. Even the most God-hating entity will bow to the holiness of God, admit to His power and divinity, and be judged.

Read your Bible and pray. May God Bless you.


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There Is No Such Thing As An Atheist