Happy Organized Labor Day!

Happy Organized Labor Day!

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 9/5/2022

It’s Labor Day today. What a completely worthless day to celebrate, if you get to celebrate it at all. And if you are able to celebrate it – why would you? The day has been set aside to celebrate the laborers of the United States. More precisely, Labor Day is all about the organized labor movements in the United States. Organized labor is collectivized labor. While organized labor allows workers to select their representatives to negotiate issues between a company and the laborers working for the company which saves the worker and the company time and headaches, why shouldn’t this be something that individuals have the ability to do? The United States should have nothing to do with organized labor. But here we are – ‘celebrating’ another Labor Day.

I, personally, worked today. I am no longer a member of a union – and good riddance. My experiences with the unions (not most of the stewards) I was forced to join were completely negative because the unions I have been involved with seem to like to take the company’s side. During CoVID-19 the manufacturing plant I worked for went full retard and the union backed all of their hysteria. The union’s local boss looked straight at me when I complained about wearing a useless mask while doing manual labor around no one else and said, “Oh. Ya they can fire you for not wearing a mask. We won’t stop them.” Now, this union managed to keep the job of one of the employees after he was involved in a drug deal gone bad in which the employee hit a truck driver in the head with a mallet on company property. Me not wearing a mask though – that’s something to be fired for. While I was being suspended and having my job threatened by these cretins, the union kept right on collecting their dues.

The previous time I was involved with a union, the company laid off several hundred people the first week of December. That was a really fun Christmas – let me tell you. So I scrambled back to my previous job and started attending a local college. About six months later the company called me on a Friday afternoon. They said report to work at 6 am Monday (I had been on the night shift previously). I told them I needed to give the job I was working some kind of notice and figure something out with school. The answer the company gave me was you need to figure out your priorities. Apparently the union was fine with that. I never returned to that place – again good riddance.

Organized labor has it’s place. Having a responsive team dedicated to acting as a liaison between workers issues and the company’s needs isn’t inherently a bad idea. As soon as actual humans, with their own intentions, desires, and ambitions, get into a spot where they can liaison between the workers and the company; however, it’s a whole new ball game. The union becomes its own brand of conformity and tyranny while sucking dues out of the checks of the laborers. Since I was paying for these people’s salaries to represent my interests, one would think that my voice should matter just as much as everyone else’s. It doesn’t. It’s all about the collective’s discretion. The collective’s discretion is really the judgment of whoever heads the union. Some of the union bosses actually do care about the conditions their laborers are forced to work under. Others (I would say most) don’t care one bit about their member’s concerns as long as they get those monthly dues.

A lot of states have some kind of law that states that if a union is established at a place of business the new employee must join the union or not be able to work at that business. If these laws were gotten rid of the unions would have to justify their existence by selling their service and their performance record to potential new members. If we wanted to really empower workers, we could give them that option. Organized labor bosses hate this idea because they would lose money, not be able to coerce all of the laborers to strike, and not be able to control all of the labor in the industry. If those laws were gotten rid of though, unions would be far more attuned to the labor force – they would have to be. Problems would be addressed in a more timely and effective manner. This would actually empower workers who decided to join the union voluntarily to find solutions to their grievances because it would force the union to be more responsive to the worker’s concerns. Instead, certain individuals within the federal government has repeatedly demanded that the unions not be made to have to compete fairly, can continue to mandate dues be paid by all workers, and continue to side with full-retard companies over full-retard policies. And if the unionized company won’t enforce the government’s asinine edicts – well the government will turn to their labor union buddies and get them to enforce it on the workers. What a deal. And we are all forced to pay parts of our checks for it not only in taxes but to create entities called unions which will shove whatever agenda the government dreams up down it’s worker’s throats if the company will not do it.

Unions didn’t always used to be this stupid. They were created because working 12-16 hours a day, six days a week, and not getting paid for it pissed a lot of people off. Those people got together and told the company what was up and that things were going to change or they wouldn’t work, and the company wouldn’t produce anything, until the company and the workers agreed on the working conditions. This led to bloodshed between police forces and striking workers. In the end the unions won out and the companies were forced to pay a little bit more and give a little bit more time off to their workers. But Marxists are never content with such measures because it leaves the company in the hands of the owner – so the unions are still out there making this demand and that demand. All they are doing is making things cost way more than they should.

Basically, Labor Day is a celebration of the recognition of Marxism entering into the labor force. There is confusion about who it actually was who spearheaded having this stupid holiday recognized nationally. A guy named Peter J. McGuire of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and co-founder of the American Federation of Labor may have been the originator of suggesting the holiday in 1882. It may have been Matthew Maguire who made the suggestion in 1882. He later became involved with Local 344 of the International Association of Machinists but at the time was the secretary of New York City’s Central Labor Union (now defunct; however, splintered into many groups which later formed the parts of the AFL-CIO).

Whichever one of these Marxists suggested it first is really immaterial. They were both hardcore Marxists who despised capitalism. The first Labor Day parade was held on September 5, 1882 and the second on September 5, 1883. Marxist’s love to celebrate the dates of their horrific founders, leaders, and certifiably cruel days of needless bloodshed which inspired, or was inspired by, their anti-human ideologies. In this case, Labor Day was dedicated to a remembrance of the French Reign of Terror when that scumbag, may he burn in Hell for eternity, Robespierre, suspended all legalities and began the wholesale slaughter of all opposition leaders to the ‘revolution.’ Part of the effort was intended to murder any Christian.

These same Marxist’s would love if their May Day holiday was incorporated as their Reign of Terror remembrance was incorporated. May 1 is celebrated in many nations as International Worker’s Day. On this day in 1886 massive strikes broke out across the United States. That led to police injuring and killing several of the striking workers. On May 3, 1886 a worker’s rally was held and police showed up to disperse the crowd. Someone in the crowd threw a bomb into the middle of the police ranks. The US government sentence seven people to death and another to 15 years of prison for their involvement in what was known as the Haymarket Riot. In ancient times the day marked what basically turned into a community-wide orgy and human and animal sacrifices. Marxists LOVE murder.

Labor Day was made a federal holiday by Grover Cleveland in 1894. It is be celebrated on the first Monday in September. Eisenhower declared May 1, the day which other nations celebrate their communist organized labor movements, to be Law Day in 1958. Another holiday, Loyalty Day, was declared in 2015.

On March 4, 1913, President Taft signed the Labor Department into law. Organized labor (Marxists) finally got their way and had their ‘voice in the cabinet.’ Progressives never have and never will have a use for the restraining power of the US Constitution. The creation of the Department of Labor was no exception. Nowhere in the Constitution does the Congress, Executive, nor Judicial branch have the power to create a body “to foster, promote and develop the welfare of working people, to improve their working conditions, and to enhance their opportunities for profitable employment.” The Department of Labor is, and has been for it’s entire existence, unconstitutional. The entire vision of the Labor Department has no roots in anything the United States was framed upon – it was created for Marxists to serve Marxist intentions.

The Department of Labor greatly assisted that Marxist scumbag Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal programs. Social Security was rammed through thanks to the Marxist’s at the Labor Department. The Labor Department has a history of interfering with immigration and deportations. They also have a history of communist-style price setting. The Labor Department also set a 40 hour work week, 8 hour work day, and minimum wage. All of these are detrimental to today’s labor force.

Today, the Labor Department is still using Marxist tactics to brutalize business. Their current capitalism-destroying effort is called the Good Jobs Initiative. In order to be have a ‘good’ job one seems to need to be recruited into a job providing health insurance, a retirement plan, and family leave, with priority given to criminals and faggots who are able to join a union (or be forced into joining a union). The worker’s job should be secure and free from whatever lunatic thing the word-Nazi’s at the Department of Labor decide constitutes harassment. They must work in a place where the employer respects them, pays them at least a living wage (as determined by the Department of Labor), and have the opportunity for advancement. Some of these provisions are more broad, such as, in addition to jobs being open to criminals and faggots, they need to also prioritize minorities, women, immigrants, veterans, disabled people, drug addicts, and unqualified workers. Sounds great huh.

When the Department of Labor isn’t wasting money on these types of Marxist efforts, they are giving away millions in US tax dollars to Mexico to pinko up Mexican-state labor standards and to Dominican Republic’s sugar workers. When they aren’t worried about protecting transsexuals using the wrong bathroom at work, convincing women that careers are more important than families (destruction of the family), and giving away millions of dollars to other nations, they like to just lie to us for fun. This moronic Marxist running the Labor Department, Marty Walsh, decided that despite unemployment ticking up slightly and the US being officially in a recession, the US is doing really well. Im sure Biden was gleeful to hear it as were his fellow Marxists running for congressional seats and governor’s offices around the nation. The 315,000 jobs Walsh cites as being ‘good’ jobs were created by the government’s $100 billion ‘investment’ in ‘infrastructure.’ Walsh then lies to the American people by claiming the Inflation Reduction Act will result in positive outcomes for US families, which is a bold faced lie – Joe Biden and the rest of the Marxists raised our taxes. Then Walsh notes that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is upon us. This revolution promises to put human beings out of work by the billions while at the same time destroying what it even means to be human. He is too scared to mention it directly so he just stated that “Our workforce has faced historic disruptions and the nature of work continues to change.” Nothing to see here, according to Walsh, the US is doing great. Marxist LOVE murdering people and this guy is saying nothing to see while the world is about to be forced into starvation and economic destruction on an unprecidented level. It’s not man-made climate change that’s going to do it – it is monsters like Walsh who are doing it with a reassuring smile on their faces.

To conclude, enjoy the day off. Maybe take a little time to read the Bible with the extra time. Eat a hotdog and a burger. Kiss your kids and your spouse. Love America. Know that this day; however, was brought to you by murderous Marxists celebrating the murder of thousands of political opponents and Christian leaders in France. Know that these same types of people are the ones running our unions, our Department of Justice, and the Biden Administration. It’s all about ruining the America we should have – one where labor, and the fruits of ALL of our labors, are ours alone, to do with as we please. I apologize if I ruined the holiday for you – it’s important to understand why we do the things we do, where they came from, and whether or not it’s something we should really be participating in.

God Bless.


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