WebMD is Paid to Lie

WebMD is Paid to Lie

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 9/22/2022

When I need medical advice I will go to the ends of the earth to avoid having to go to a doctor’s office or a clinic. Unless I think I’m 100% going to die from whatever is going on with me, I just won’t go. Even when I do think that death is imminent I still do my best to talk myself out of it. To get advice, I, like many others (even if they do go to the doctor), will look information up on the internet. One of the most prominent medical information sites is webMD, and it absolutely should not be.

First of all, WebMD is completely betrothed to the pharmaceutical industry. The Rockefeller-founded petroleum-derived pharmakia industry has over 100 years of toxifying and poisoning, maiming and murdering, everyone who visits an allopathic doctor (which is another Rockefeller scam). Allopathic medicine doesn’t promote health but it is very adept at fixing broken bones and getting people hooked on lifetime drugs and pain killers. WebMD is the pharmaceutical company’s online pimp.

On September 21, 2022 WebMD posted an article titled When Voters Legalize Cannabis, Big Pharma Stands to Lose Billions. Reading this article made me somewhat nauseated. The article mentions that pharmaceutical companies lose $3 billion in stock value for each legalization law which goes into affect. That reflects a 1.5% to 2% decrease in value. Boo-hoo WebMD and your pharmaceutical industry owners – I wish it was more like 15% - 20% because then it would have been far more difficult and cost prohibitive to develop what is quickly rising towards the number one killer around the globe– Covid shots. The article actually includes the following passage:

“The PLOS One study expanded on those results, stating that legalization leads to fewer sales of prescription pain, sleep, anxiety, and nausea drugs. Not only that, but the competition may prevent pharmaceutical firms from raising prices to bridge the sales gap.”

WebMD is pointing out that people are not having to spend thousands of dollars a year on addictive medications. Yet the author, Peter Moore, acts like that is a bad thing. But Moore goes even further, suggesting that competition be taken out of the market (especially the generic market where there can be competition) so that when sales fall prices can be raised even higher. Of course, that would get more people looking for more cost-effective means of treating their ailments leading to more cannabis users and even fewer prescriptions for pain, sleep, anxiety, and nausea concoctions. Moore is suggesting that cannabis legalization is bad for pharmaceutical companies and then suggests actually making it worse for them. Have any of the people in the medical field ever seen even a cover of an economics book?

Next to this article is a slideshow about cannabis which is extremely misleading throughout, however, I am only going to note the first slide, which reads:

“Medical marijuana is derived from the Cannabis sativa plant. Humans have turned to it as an herbal remedy for centuries, and today people use it to relieve symptoms or treat various diseases. The federal government still considers it illegal, but some states allow it to treat specific health problems. The FDA, the U.S. agency that regulates medicines, has approved one cannabis-derived drug product cannabidiol (Epidiolex) to treat certain seizure disorders.”

Medical marijuana has not been around for centuries. Marijuana has been around for centuries and people have used it as an herbal remedy for a very long time, as has the coca plant; however, the medical version of marijuana mentioned, Epidiolex, was not approved until 2018. The earliest example of the medicinal use of cannabis I found was in the mid-1980’s. Also, the FDA is only supposed to be making sure that what is in the bottle is represented by what is on the label. If it says vitamin B12 methylcobalamine there had better not be synthetic, cyanocobalamine, in the bottle. That’s the FDA’s only job. They are not there to approve drugs, they are there to ensure the proper labels are on drugs. Using them as a benchmark of safety is not only extremely dangerous but also ludicrously asinine. But this is the kind of blind faith WebMD expects of it’s users – utter cognitive dissonance and a complete lack of what different government agencies are actually supposed to do. The FDA says it’s safe and effective? The FDA cannot say it’s safe nor effective but they can approve a product label if the label is correct.

Another article on WebMD also appeared on September 21, 2022. This one, titled National Group Wants New Cars to Check Blood Alcohol Levels, really showcases the authoritarian nature of the website. The suggestion to force all drivers to undergo breathalyzer examinations every time they get behind the wheel of a vehicle was undertaken by The National Transportation Safety Board. The safety board intends for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to implement the rule. WebMD’s Carolyn Crist, the author, added very little to this article other than a tragedy which occurred because of a drunk driver who killed nine including himself, and statistics about fatal accidents. Crist, apparently a foreigner who has never been acquainted with the Fourth and Fifth Amendments to the United States Constitution, never mentions that pre-crime is a non-starter in the United States and that we have a right to not have our bodies searched without a warrant or probable cause.

With the entire concept of privacy an alien convention to Crist and everyone at the National Transportation Safety Board, Crist included this paragraph:

“The recommendations also call for speed adaptation systems to prevent speed-related crashes, as well as advanced systems to limit operation if the technology finds the driver is impaired, making sure the driver is alert and able to drive safely. The monitoring systems could also stop crashes caused by medical problems or drowsiness, the AP reported.”

Completely unhinged. I am all about reducing traffic accidents, especially fatal ones. Drunk drivers should have their vehicles impounded starting at $10,000 with $500 a day added to it until it reaches the value of the car ($10,000 if the vehicle is worth $10,000 or less). Second-time offenders should spend six months in work release, their vehicle sold at auction. Third time offenders should get 5 years in prison, $100,000 in fines, and never possess a drivers license again. It’s like a pupil that keeps stealing the chalkboard eraser driving the teacher nuts. Instead of the teacher figuring out who steals it, she cancels recess for everyone for a week. I don’t drive drunk. When I’m tired I pull off and get some rest, walk around, splash some water on my face, or get a hotel room for the night. I don’t need an AI monitoring system to tell me when to do these things. The idea that people think we need to choose between safe travel and AI surveillance in our vehicles is repulsive.

Also on September 21, 2022, WebMD put out a very unpleasant article titled Is the Pandemic Over? If Only It Were That Simple by Kathleen Doheny. Over three quarters of this article is dedicated to declaring that the pandemic is not over. The other quarter of the article is basically about the idea that the pandemic is over because now Covid-19 is endemic.

Doheny makes sure to try to keep the pandemic going by presenting the idea that there is yet another variant even more easily spread. This contradicts science because aerosolized transmission of viral particles has NEVER been scientifically proven. Also NEVER scientifically proven is the existence of viruses. In my non-doctor head (say whatever you want about that fact) it appears that viral particles are pieces of debris created after organic material dies, especially bacteria. Bacteria, chemical toxins, and parasites (unlike viruses) ARE scientifically proven to cause disease and to exist. Doheny, having done no research about this fact is lying to all of us on the behalf of, once again, allopathic medicine. But I digress, let’s pretend that virus theory and viral transmission theories are correct for the rest of this analysis.

The whole article is really about how public health should get to dictate how people live their lives. This is what Covid-19 was all about – how much power and freedom will people give up to live their own lives as they see fit in order to gain a false sense of safety? The medical establishment, especially public health officials, want to dictate to us what we will do with ourselves in the name of public safety. Perhaps they do this because they are dictated to as well.

The CDC, for example, decided in the halls of their murder den that the best treatment option for Covid positive patients was a five day course of remdesivir and ventilators. Remdesivir proved to be a highly lethal drug, even during the course of a five day regimen. Ventilation during a cytokine storm is lethal as well. Both treatments resulted in tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dead people. The Covid killed your loved on they said, and still content to this day. No, Covid didn’t kill them after a 5 day stint of Fauci’s remdisivir, remdesivir shut their kidney’s down and, since they were in a medically induced coma, they couldn’t feel the pain of their kidneys shutting down. The ventilator killed them because you did the procedure wrong. The ventilator actually took the breath out of their lungs because of what was going on. The problem was the doctors not doing their due diligence by researching what the CDC recommended. Those doctors who DID do the research were ostracized and censored because they did not follow the murder protocol. They used anti-parasitics and vitamins and lost very few patients.

It’s these same oblivious doctors who committed hundreds of acts of manslaughter who are demanding the pandemic is still one. Because of their initial ignorance about what the CDC was telling them to do, they went and started recommending a lethal shot with brand new mRNA technology which killed literally everything it was ever injected in. Most humans just take longer to die than mice when injected with mRNA. Some humans died at the injection clinic. Others, such as John T. O’Connor (I miss you very much dad), died a day or two later. For others, they are merely maimed and suffer from debilitating heart and nervous system conditions including heart irregularities, heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, seizure disorders, and a wide variety of other super fun things to have to live with. Almost everyone involved with this article from WebMD, are still suggesting that we wear masks, use their prisoner control technique renamed social distancing, take a DNA swab they can sell to China (aka the Covid test), and take all of the shots and the boosters.

What really makes me angry about this article though is that there is a difference between September 2022 and March 2021 (when my father was murdered by Moderna and the Henry County Public Health clinic). There is a year worth of data about this live action experiment. The data shows that more people have died after the shots rolled out than from Covid. The data shows a huge increase in disabilities since the shot came around. Heart attacks are being touted as normal in previously healthy 5 year-olds. The data shows a 40% increase in all cause mortality. World. Wide. Anyone suggesting that they or anyone else take one of these wretched things is only one thing – a murderer.

We once dedicated a lot of time to finding the perpetrators of murder. No more, now we watch them advertise murder on a daily basis. Maybe the FBI should stop worrying about who voted for what candidate in the 2020 election and go round up the heads of Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, Astrazeneca, Novavax, Pfizer, and all of the rest of the pharmaceutical psychopaths and demand some answers in some trials. The same should be happening to Fauci, Birx, and their cadre of murderers who were in on the jab sham. Likewise, the media outlets and the heads of the government agencies pushing this crap, along with the heads of any business which mandated a jab and a job no jab no job policy should be rounded up. They should all be put on trial for violating the Nuremberg Code. Every dollar to their name should go into a fund to pay for the death and disability of their victims.

I would love to see WebMD, a huge promoter of this plot to destroy the human race, be held accountable in a similar fashion. The alternative is more horrendous treachery along these same lines. The human race needs to suffer under a global medical tyranny, a global medical tyranny WebMD is avidly helping to usher in, as much as we need another hole in our heads. Lets hold these people legally responsible for the harm they are STILL doing to the human race. Let’s do the legal thing because these people are literally trying to put that extra hole in our head.

Bless God and God Bless.


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