Carbon Capture and Storage of Carbon Dioxide

Carbon Capture and Storage of Carbon Dioxide

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 9/23/2022

The amount of carbon dioxide, classified as a pollutant, in the atmosphere is, according to those believing in scientism, the cause of a (now) warming atmosphere which is responsible for all sorts of weather oddities. Hurricane – man-made climate change caused it. Wildfire – man-made climate change caused it. Two derechos in a month – man-made climate change. Scientism congregants build up fears of a climate apocalypse amid the general public so the general public will swallow the scientism community’s edicts to ‘solve’ the problem. The problem they have is any other life on the planet; that means you. Their grand plan is to create a zero-carbon earth and one of the ways they seek to accomplish this is to just suck carbon dioxide straight out of the air. The scientism cultists call this direct air capture. Other technologies involve taking the carbon dioxide out of the by-product where it is created, called carbon capture. I call it a huge waste of money, time, and effort to help murder the vast majority of humanity.

According to several articles, there are already 5,000 miles of carbon pipeline running all over the United States. These pipelines are designed to carry a highly pressurized liquefied carbon dioxide/ hydrogen sulfide mix. While the carbon dioxide is not hazardous at concentrations below 1,000 ppm, hydrogen sulfide is flammable, poisonous, and corrosive – in other words it is highly toxic to the human body at significantly lower concentrations than the carbon dioxide it is mixed with for pipeline transportation.

When one of these pipelines ruptured in 2021, the residents of Satartia, Mississippi complained of suffering from convulsions, confusion, and unconsciousness according to The Verge. The confusion could have been caused by the carbon dioxide content of the leak, but convulsions and unconsciousness are characteristic of hydrogen sulfide. The incident which occurred in Satartia has given environmentalists (scientism cultists) another reason to disapprove of pumping anything through a pipeline – in this case carbon dioxide. As the same Verge article puts it, quite disingenuously may I add, “What happened in Satartia is the world’s first known example of mass outdoor exposure to piped CO2, according to the World Health Organization’s Climate Change and Environmental Determinants of Health Unit. It might not be its last.”

Another reason the environmental scientism cultists disapprove of pumping carbon into the ground is because they see it as the oil and gas producers shirking their ‘responsibility’ of reducing their carbon footprint. The oil and gas producers do get tax breaks and subsidies for sequestering carbon dioxide taken out of the air. The companies that burn these fuels and make our electricity get tax breaks too. That’s why the environmental whackjobs don’t like it. With these tax breaks it allows humans to continue having access to cheap energy. They really don’t care about carbon dioxide being in the atmosphere – the entire thing is about controlling human activity which is why environmental scientism cultustis hate the idea of just burying ‘extra’ carbon in the ground.

There are three major projects aiming to capture carbon dioxide in the air and pump it into the ground via pipeline. All three of the proposed projects would feature hundreds of miles of pipeline going through Iowa. Iowa, if you have never visited the state, is covered in rolling hills with some kind of crop planted upon them. Most of the land is used for corn and soybeans. It’s not very exciting to look at but it is extremely important. The farmers who would be affected by the placement of these pipelines crossing their lands are hesitant. They do not trust the companies who want to lay the pipe on their lands. The Iowa farmers are concerned about crop loss, obviously, as well as physical damage to water drainage systems, and what happens in the event of a rupture or leak.

Iowa corn produces about 30% of all of the ethanol used in the United States. Half of the corn grown in Iowa is used for ethanol production. Because of this, ethanol has been demonized as well because scientism cultists have produced studies to claim that ethanol is as harmful or more harmful than the fuels it is supposed to replace. It’s not that it destroys engines and significantly shortens the lifespan of an engine but ecoterrorists don’t care about that. Cars represent freedom so the cultists demand they have got to go for the sake of man-made climate change mitigation (control over human activities).

Despite this point of disagreement, many Iowa farmers have teamed up with the ecoterrorists and the indigenous people’s movement to prevent the pipelines from being installed in the first place. Iowa farmers are literally teaming up with the same ecoterrorists who protested the Dakota Access Pipeline. They absolutely trashed every area they protested at, literally – they left tons of garbage laying on the ground. The Iowa farmers who don’t want the pipelines on their lands face eminent domain seizures. That Iowa farmers have decided to go to war against the carbon pipelines with the assistance of a globally directed cult and the racists on the reservations is something the Iowa farmers should be leery of. The ecoterrorists and the natives hate these farmers just as much as they hate the pipelines.

I understand why the ecoterrorists hate oil pipelines. I understand the arguments the tribal nation made against the Dakota Access Pipeline. I understand their arguments against the carbon pipelines too. I even understand why the Iowa farmers are wary if not hostile to the idea of a carbon pipeline being laid on their land. I understand why the companies want to install them. I understand why the government is giving tax breaks for carbon capture. It all makes sense.

But it’s all based on a lie. The really big overwhelming lie is that the climate debate is settled and the mitigation efforts offered by the UN are the solutions. The debate never occurred, there are plenty of scientists who disagree with the hypotheses of man-made climate change, and billions of people who have serious doubts that mitigation efforts will affect the climate. Enough people in key positions have bought into the quackery though. Dubbed climate deniers, the group not believing in the scientism cultist’s agenda is routinely marginalized, censored, and ignored.

With that really big lie, there arise many smaller lies. The government gives out subsidies (tax dollars) to companies who want to store carbon dioxide. They claim they are protecting the environment while at the same time always seeking how to take a little slice of freedom from their citizens. The companies laying these things lie about how safety oriented they are and how the land won’t be changed. The farmers are lying about the real reason that carbon capture poses a risk to them and their livelihood. The ecoterrorists are lying about how this doesn’t actually reduce atmospheric carbon. The indigenous protesters think the land is theirs in the first place.

Globalists want to establish carbon rationing to tyrannize over the entire world. These globalists claim that man-made climate change is a global problem which needs a unified global response – global government. The ecoterrorist’s and scientism cultist’s activities merely serve globalist’s purposes of ushering in that global government. The leaders in most governments of the world think they will be heroes of humanity by following the dictates of the global government – a government which they mistakenly believe they will have a meaningful role in. The companies hope to be able to gain fat contracts to develop ‘solutions’ to whatever the global government deems a problem. The indigenous people do this thinking that they will be able to get back onto what they consider to be their lands once more (the globalists would just as soon exterminate them en masse). The farmers know that less carbon means lower yields for them but they won’t say it out loud for some reason.

None of these groups, not even the farmers, are brave enough to state the truth – less carbon means less plant life means less animal life means less food means mass starvation. Taking carbon out of the atmosphere is not only being done to control human activity, it’s being done to depopulate humans. Every single one of these groups is wrong in the arguments they are making. The point of carbon capture is control of human activity and death. All groups should be arguing that exact line; however, in today’s world very few can seem to put those words together.

I don’t think Iowa farmers are into the death cult aspects of man-made climate change. I don’t think the companies operating the pipelines are dedicated to the destruction of humanity either. Most of the companies doing this use the carbon dioxide slurry to actually extract more oil out of the ground by pumping the carbon dioxide into the ground. The rest of the groups involved; however, either don’t mind the death cult aspects or openly encourage it.

Normal, everyday people – you – need to get up and start saying the truth about the matter. That truth is that man-made climate change scientism cultists have waged, and are still waging, a psychological war against humanity for decades now. Covid-19’s psychological war has been concluded because it has now merged into the good old war on carbon dioxide. That’s a war on all of our lives. The more people who go along with this nonsense, the more humanity will suffer and the more of us will perish.

Read your Bible. The two main characters are going to become very important to all of us very soon. Getting to know them better and loving them more and following the Father’s Laws will do all of us good. It will also be doing God’s Will right here on earth. It’s the only way these monsters trying to destroy the atmosphere of the entire earth can be stopped too.

Bless God and God bless.


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