No News Is Good News

No News Is Good News

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 9/21/2022

Unfortunately there is a lot of news. Russia is ramping up it’s forces in Ukraine and suggesting they will use nuclear strikes to preserve their Ukrainian gains. The United Nations is holding a meeting titled “World in Peril.” The FED is expected to raise interest rates again today. Justice is increasingly becoming an unrecognizable horror show of targeting political opponents. And there are lots more news bits which all portend ill for the human race.

Russia is calling-up 300,000 reserve soldiers. This is in response to the coalition fighting on Ukraine’s behalf. Even though Ukraine has never joined NATO, there sure are a lot of NATO-nation troops who have died in the nation. There is also a lot of money being sent there. The push that was made in Ukraine which pushed the Russians back is, as promised, being dealt with by Russia escalating the war. Not only is Russia sending 300,000 troops to Ukraine, Vladamir Putin said “If the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, we will without doubt use all available means to protect Russia and our people - this is not a bluff.” This would include nuclear weapons.

While Western media has been ginning up the anti-Russian propaganda machine since the day the Berlin Wall fell they have been going overboard in the last six years. From fake Russian collusion stories to pretending that NATO was not meddling in Ukraine, they are doing everything they can to get the public’s of the West to support an open and general war against Russia. They really don’t seem to grasp the actual implications of the war they are itching for against Russia. If they do understand the implications, yet, persist in calling for a US - Russian war, well then, I hope it is them that is nuked and no one else.

At the UN, Joe Biden is supposed to speak today about how much he hates the nation he is supposed to be representing. Biden is expected to speak about the Russia/Ukraine war and future pandemics. The fallout of this speech should be massive as he will, undoubtedly, escalate the war. When he speaks to pandemics of the future, listen closely – he will be stating that no one has any rights and during the next one he will completely lock everyone into their homes Australia-style. This comes about a month after declaring over half of the United States terrorists, less than two weeks after streamlining efforts to create technologies to create humanity 2.0, and claiming that inflation rates over 8% really aren’t that bad. This joke of a human being has lived a life rife with corruption, stupidity, pedophilia, criminal activities, and a deep burning hatred of the United States of America. Why the United States populace is allowing this menace to speak at an international meeting is beyond me. He represents roughly 50,000 people in the entire country – the globalist elite.

The UN general assembly is holding it’s 77th plenary session, called “World in Peril.” Some of the topics include speeding up and gaining additional resources and support for their Sustainable Development Goals, addressing armed conflicts, and other topics. To indicate how absolutely pointless and stupid it is to have a United Nations at all, the UN’s Secretary General opened the meeting by saying, in part:

“A once-in-a-generation global cost-of-living crisis is unfolding, turbocharged by the war in Ukraine, he said, adding that some 94 countries, many in Africa, face a perfect storm of economic and social fallout from the pandemic, soaring food and energy prices, crushing debt burdens, spiralling inflation, and a lack of access to finance.  Social unrest is inevitable, with conflict not far behind, he warned, stressing that:  “The Sustainable Development Goals are issuing an SOS.”  More people are poor.  More people are hungry.  More people are being denied health care and education.  Gender equality is going backwards and women’s lives are getting worse, from poverty, to choices around sexual and reproductive health, to their personal security.  He called for the launch of an “SDG [Sustainable Development Goals] Stimulus” led by the G20 to massively boost sustainable development for developing countries, noting that the upcoming Group Summit in Bali is the place to start.”

The United Nation’s SDG’s, built on Agenda 2030, which itself was built upon Agenda 21, are designed to achieve all of this. It destroys finance, destroys food, destroys access to water, destroys societies, destroys affordable energy, murders babies, murders adults, and relegates the entire population of the earth to a life revolving around their UN master’s generosity (a really long way to describe slavery).

This same scumbag globalist UN Secretary General finishes his disgusting opening speech by making a plea for collectivization:

“By acting as one, he said the international community can nurture fragile shoots of hope found in climate and peace activists around the world calling out for change, in young people working every day for a better future, in the women and girls fighting for those still being denied their basic human rights.  The United Nations stands with them all, he affirmed, urging Member States to develop common solutions to common problems grounded in goodwill, trust, and the rights shared by every human being.  “Let’s work as one, as a coalition of the world, as united nations,” he said.”

One problem is that the UN doesn’t think any individual has any right. Another problem with this includes his demands for creating a one-world government. Another very important problem is that this is how the UN, and globalists in general see inclusiveness – and you’re not included. This paragraph also notes the UN’s everlasting desire to destroy the nuclear family. And he, like many others, is demanding changes occur to facilitate murderous climate change mitigation efforts and the UN’s murderous vision of peace. It’s fine if the UN kills you, but if Russia takes military action against a force on their border they know is hostile to them, watch out – the UN will condemn you without mentioning the aggression of others on the border.

Also in the news is the PRIVATE Federal Reserve System. Inflation hasn’t stopped spiraling (and it won’t because those printing presses are still operational) but the FED promised last month that American’s will feel pain and that the FED doesn’t care about any of our pain as long as they curb the inflation. To increase that pain, they are planning on raising interest rates another 75 base points. That will be the third time 75 base points will have been tacked onto the interest rates this year – 2.25% higher than at the beginning of the year. The FED Chair said he doesn’t give two flips about how bad it gets for us useless people, and he’s showing exactly how little he cares about any of us.

Compare the FED’s actions to the UN Secretary General’s pint about how we are in this cost-of-living crisis. The FED is making the problem even worse, not just in the US, but around the world. I won’t be holding my breath waiting for the UN to condemn the FED for doing this. The FED printed trillions, if not quadrillions of dollars in the last 3 years knowing that too much money causes inflation. The FED knew what would happen. They did it anyway and now they are screwing the entire nation over – doing their part to usher in the Great Reset’s new economy of carbon credits and routine democide.

There is a trial in Connecticut where Alex Jones has, once more, been found guilty without a legitimate hearing. He is currently in Connecticut because the court wants him to testify while be gagged. I fully expect the anti-justice judge to have Jones arrested on contempt charges when he makes the claim that he did not spend much time reporting about Sandy Hook’s shooting. She may also hold him in contempt for deciding to state that he is not the shooter – Adam Lanza murdered those children.

There is a special arbiter who is going to decide whether or not Donald Trump declassified documents in his possession. Gee, I wonder what the arbiter will say. Yes, I doubt the individual’s impartiality about the matter. The problem started at the National Archives which, in 2021, decided in their abject depravity to offer harmful language warnings on some of the documents they archive. On such document was the US Constitution. In my opinion, these maggots are going to bend the law however they can in order to send Trump to jail.

In another twist of justice, the sheriff of Bexar County, Texas is investigating Florida’s Governor, Ron DeSantis, because people in Massachusetts grew upset with an influx of Venezuelan illegal aliens in their gated mansion community. The elites living on Martha’s Vineyard had these ‘refugees’ (their choice of terms – not mine) removed to a military base. What did DeSantis do wrong by sending illegal aliens invited in by the likes of Martha’s Vineyard residents? Nothing. Even Politico reported as much, “Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar, an elected Democrat, said that while he could not cite specific laws that may have been broken by relocating the migrants, his office will be investigating what he called an “abuse of human rights.” Don’t worry though, charges will be filed by these scumbags after they pervert the law thoroughly enough. The sheriff is going to ignore the fact that these Venezuelan’s cannot, by definition, be refugees in the United States, thus, they cannot have ‘legally’ entered the United States, and that they, not DeSantis committed criminal acts. If anyone is guilty of human trafficking, as democrats are trying to claim DeSantis is, it is actually Joe Biden. This sheriff should be asking how long of a jail sentence each human trafficking charge is, multiply the length of the sentence by 2-9 million, and try Biden for the crime of human trafficking with at least 10 million months in prison as the least amount of time he will have to serve. While we try Biden, lets have him unable to present a defense and have all republicans try him. Let’s try this crooked-ass sheriff of Bexar County too – for running cover for over 2 million counts of human trafficking.

No news is good news. The sheer volume of news should be startling to all of us. It means there is bad stuff going down. Maybe I am just contributing to it; however, I try to always offer a solution to whatever problem(s) I present.

That solution is God and your relationship with Him. Read the Bible, follow the Laws, love the Son and pray for his swift return. It allows us, the ‘useless class,’ to not fear the slaughter and enslavement campaign being waged upon the earth presently. Bless God and He will absolutely guide you and keep you.


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