Ukraine – The Same In 2022 As It Was In 2014

Ukraine – The Same In 2022 As It Was In 2014

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/1/2022

People do have memories. I know they do. I hear them speak on talk shows, read their stories, and see their artwork. People remember pain and things which strike them as unusual. I cannot tell you what I ate for breakfast nor about most of the time I spent at work because nothing memorable happened. I forget what I’ve read sometimes. I forget what I have written about sometimes. But I was thinking over the last couple of days, recalling the fiasco that occurred in Ukraine in 2014. That Ukraine hasn’t really changed should be something we should all be able to recall.

Let’s remember. US President Barrack Hussein Obama was busily bombing the living snot out of everywhere in the world. Putin was the leader of Russia and he was watching a vote take place in Ukraine about whether or not Ukraine would join the ranks of the European Union. At the beginning of 2014 the Ukrainian leader was a man named Victor Yanukovych. George Soros was busy at this time too – he was organizing a revolution in Ukraine.

As the BBC reported, in late 2013, Yanukovich decided he was not going to go forth with Ukraine’s EU membership. He was aligned more closely with Russia and feared for his teetering sconomic outlook if trade between Russia and Ukraine was disrupted. The EU would not give Yanukovich the economic assurances he sought, so he decided not to go forward with EU membership. Immediately, ‘protests’ erupted demanding the nation join the European Union and that Yanukovich step down. These protesters were violent thugs which the BBC did not attempt to deem peacful, as they would in 2020 depictions of the Antifa rioters, murderers, and arsonists. Yanukovich responded with violence of his own through the use of snipers – killing 88 of these protesters in Kyiv. The international community took notice of the government’s reaction, the protests grew larger and more violent and Yanukovich fled to Russia over concerns for his and his family’s life. Yanukovich stepped down on February 22, 2014.

The following day Oleksandr Turchynov stepped into the presidency of Ukraine. According to the Donbass Insider, it was Turchynov, the former head of Soviet propaganda in Ukraine, who helped organize the ‘protests’ in Kyiv in the first place. Turchynov was, you guessed it, pro-European Union. Interestingly, he had ties to organized criminal syndicates, especially through the former prime minister of Ukraine, Yulia Tymohenko. Tymohenko, another ‘protest’ leader, was released from a seven year prison sentence for signing wildly overpriced oil contracts with Russia which negatively affected Ukraine’s economy.

Putin, measuring which way the winds were blowing, did not sit idly by. He annexed a region called Crimea. He did this because the Crimean warm water port at Sevastapol and because a referendum in Crimea (whether legitimate or illegitimate I will not speculate) finding the people there wishing to join Russia. Western nations determined the referendum illegal. However, on March 23, 2014, seven days after the referendum, Putin signed the annexation and the denizens of Crimea lit off fireworks and celebrated the event.

It was reported the day after the annexation that Tymohenko, in a leaked telephone call, stated, ““I’ll use all my connections, I’ll raise the whole world – as soon as I’m able to – in order to make sure.. Bugger!.. not even scorched earth won’t remain where Russia stands.”  She also suggested that every Russian in Ukraine (8 million of them) be murdered. Thankfully the unhinged psychopath had no access to nuclear weapons at the time. But that did not stop the president, Turchynov, from ordering the military to begin ‘counterterrorist’ operations in the areas of Ukraine most heavily populated by Russians – Lugansk and Donetsk regions. According to the Donbass Insider:

“It was under Turchynov that activities of all kinds of nationalist groups were launched. They began in Odessa with the massacre of those who were dissatisfied with the policy of the authorities. Then they immediately turned into various “battalions of volunteers”, who enthusiastically participated in the punitive operations in the Donbass.” ...

...“The “Azov”, “Donbass”, “Aydar” and “Dnieper” battalions began to impose a new order on the Donbass territory, carrying out extra-judicial massacres, torture, looting and violence.”

Isn’t this what Russia originally stated it was entering Ukraine to stop? The article quoted from uses references and is dated from September 2020 so it is not an ‘after the fact’ piece attempting to justify Russia entering the Ukrainian regions. UPI suggests the counterterrorism activities quoting Turchynov as stating:

““A counter-terrorism operation was launched in the north of Donetsk region,” Turchynov told parliament on Tuesday. “But it will go on gradually, responsibly and prudently. Once again I emphasize that these actions are meant for the protection of Ukrainian citizens, stopping terror, criminality and attempts to break our country into pieces.”

The Azov unit is all over the news for being Nazi-affiliated because, well, they are literal neo-Nazi’s. The mainstream media in 2022 has decided that any claims of the Azov battalions being anything but nice guys with guns is completely dismissed as Russian propaganda. This strikes me as propaganda on the mainstream media’s part. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) released a report in 2016 detailing Ukrainian security forces using torture and murdering people in their own country. “Azov” appears in the document 17 times. The tenth occurrence, a comparatively short one, reads:

“Denis Gavrilin, another victim who was arrested by the Ukrainian National Guard on 31 July 2014 and given over to the Azov battalion, says, ‘They threw people into a pit full of dead bodies. Bodies of the people they had executed by shooting. Then they threw us into that pit; it had a specific smell. I felt as if I had been executed too.’”

On June 7, 2014 elections removed Turchynov from office and installed Petro Poroshenko. Poroshenko served as a globalist shill and a huge supporter of Ukraine joining the EU. He cooled the hostilities between Ukrainian forces and so-called terrorists in Russian speaking areas by granting amnesty to the so-called terrorists and giving their territories special status. The war did not cease, but the temperature and coverage of it lessened. He also started transforming Ukraine into an EU-viable member. Slow-rolling the changes needed in Ukraine to join the EU and NATO, Poroshenko insinuated that Ukraine is looking forward to helping foster a one world government and called the EU “the most prestigious union in the world.” He further stated his intentions for Ukraine:

““During the Eastern Partnership Summit, I presented the outlines for further intermediate steps: an association with the Schengen zone, accession to the EU Customs Union, the EU Energy Union and the Single Digital Market. The sectoral integration will actually turn the country’s eastern borders into the EU borders before we de jure join the EU,” the president said.”

Poroshenko attempted to embroil the US and Europe in Ukrainian disagreements with Russia to no avail. German President Angela Merkel went ahead with Nordstream 2 despite many warnings about the dangers on relying on Russia for gas and as a response to Russians seizing Ukrainian naval vessels in 2018. President Trump, while he continued US sanctions for Russia’s annexation of Crimea also dismissed Poroshenko’s sabre rattling. In 2019 Poroshenko was out, Volodymyr Zelensky was in.

Zelensky seized on the opportunities presented by the scamdemic to fast track Ukraine into meeting its targets for EU and NATO inclusion. He also continued the war against Russian speaking people in Ukraine with counterterrorism forces. Russia took notice. Reports began to grow about Ukraine’s western-sponsored biological weapons labs creating race and individual-specific bioweapons. Russia entered Ukraine to stop these things and they have; however, not without a price. The Ukraine of today is exactly the same as it was in 2014.

Tymoshenko is still demanding Russia be annihilated. As The Guardian reported earlier this year:

“But she said Ukraine’s international partners had to understand that the only way to end the war was to crush Russian forces on the battlefield. Without naming anybody, she said they should not become “co-conspirators with evil”. She added: “There is no such thing as a peace agreement with Putin because it doesn’t lead to peace. It would lead to a new war several years later.””

“The stakes for her country were existential, she said. The Kremlin’s objective was to “depersonify” Ukraine, stripping it of its language and culture, and leaving it weak and “atomised”. The civilised world had a unique opportunity to stop Russia and to prevent it from spreading “war, corruption, blackmail, disinformation and unfreedom,” she said.”

Zelensky has insinuated Tymoshenko’s desires to kill Russians en masse by asking for weapons, money, and considering the use of nuclear weapons. Meanwhile there are factions in Russia calling for nuclear weapons to be used against Ukraine. To throw more fuel on this dumpster fire there are western leaders suggesting that nuclear war be preemptively carried out against Russia. The reason for this is not that Ukraine changed – it’s that the results of the United States 2020 coup brought on a feckless warmonger catering to the demands of every nation but his own. Billions in cash and weapons have flown out of US coffers filled by US taxpayers to fill the stomachs and gas tanks of Ukrainian military members, Zelensky’s pockets, and even Biden’s pockets.

The US and the rest of the world is still supporting Ukraine after Zelensky has shown no regard for the lives of Ukrainians nor any one else. If he did, he would go make a peace deal with Russia. He’s reportedly been told peace is the only course of action he is not permitted to take. In the meantime he has banned all political parties, maintained martial law (even before the invasion) in Russian speaking areas, and promoted and implemented the Great Reset in Ukraine everywhere he can. Ukraine’s military is fighting the Russians with suicide drones on land and at sea. He is also are revolutionizing Ukraine’s government by switching to QR codes everywhere they can. Biometric IDs are in the works. Zelensky has even proclaimed that they will be the first nation to achieve the goals of the Great Reset. The human-less societies the Great Reset will create invite war, not peace. Wars reduce populations – something Zelensky and his handlers are acutely aware of. Why make peace when the intent of the Great Reset is to destroy everything to rebuild it? Zelensky knows he will not win under any circumstances; however, the west will not let him lose. Nuclear war is the desired outcome, the west just want Russia to pull the trigger first so they will feel justified in retaliating.

Ukraine has managed, after 8 years, to drag the whole world into their stupid civil war with Russia. I hope they are super happy with themselves because I, and many others, are not. I demand that they make peace now and that anyone who has sponsored this war in any way shape or form be stripped of any and all power for the rest of their lives – Putin, Biden, Zelensky, and all the rest. I will pray to God they make peace and are stripped of power. Let the trials for crimes against humanity and war crimes come after the evils are revealed and correctly attributed. Let’s strive for peace and sort the mess out afterwards. When we start sorting out this mess, we need to pay a lot of attention to the criminals who have destroyed Ukraine, starting with the ‘leadership’ of Turchynov.

The outcome right now seems to be leading to a Ukraine decimated by nuclear bombs joining a European Union leveled by nuclear bombs and a NATO destroyed by war. Russia, which was so aggressive as to justify using nuclear weapons on, will be smoldering under nuclear skies as will the US and China. Two billion dead and quadrillions in damages in the northern hemisphere because the scumbags running Ukraine refuse to make peace with Russia? The cost really isn’t worth the supposed benefit. Cooler heads must prevail – I pray to God they do. If they do not I can only pray the times are those days immediately preceding the Day of Yeshua’s return; the times of Jacobs Troubles culminating in the Day of Judgment. The Great Reset is the erection of nothing less than the beast system and Ukraine is the lynchpin of this system’s implementation upon the entire globe. Going to war on Ukraine’s behalf seems even more foolish in light of those facts.

Bless God and God bless.

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