We Are All Responsible

We Are All Responsible

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/4/2023

You wake up because you heard a noise. As you try to hop to your feet, a cold metal clanking sound is heard and you fall back into your pillow. A loud noise and a bright light follow. Then pain. Then darkness. When you wake up again you are not at home. Your family is not there. Your head is throbbing. There is a steady beep coming from your right side and people bustling about in the hallway. You can hear footsteps. A police officer with a grim look arrives in the room first. He is quickly followed by three nurses and a doctor. The doctor leans over and says your name and you let out a groan.

A few weeks of physical therapy allows you to regain your ability to walk. Speaking is still somewhat difficult because of the lisp that you’ve acquired, but otherwise you are intact. In the last several weeks you learned that your house was robbed. You were shot in the head and taken to the hospital after a neighbor called 9-11. No one in your family survived the robbery. The police have no suspects in the case. You tell them what you remember but it isn’t much and isn’t very helpful.

Also in the last few weeks a social psychologist has been meeting with you three times a week. The topic usually ends up revolving around firearms. You have told her multiple times that you tried to reach for your gun in the nightstand but you were shoved back into your pillow by the intruders firearm. She almost has you convinced that if you could just identify the type of weapon the intruder was holding onto, then the intruder(s) could be apprehended. You spend your quiet moments in the evening laying in your hospital bed racking your brain trying to recall what it felt like. You have even drawn pictures based on the memory of the feeling of the gun pressing into your forehead. The psychologist and you have the weapon narrowed down to any of about three dozen possibilities.

A year passes. You have a job again. You buried your family properly. The nights are still really hard. There are no kids to put to bed. There is no spouse to watch TV with and talk to. There is an anger that lives within you because there have been no leads related to your case. You finally fall asleep, battling back the memories of what was just to dream about them. The next day you get a call from a lawyer. He explains, with his own lisp, that he wants to meet with you and that the social psychologist will be in attendance as well. They have a way to get justice for you and your family.

At the meeting you tearfully ask if the murderers have been caught. The lawyer, feigning sadness, says they have not been in his lawyer way, “all efforts at apprehending the criminals are being undertaken. But…” And this is where the social psychologist chimes in asking you to recall all the work the two of you did to identify the firearm. She says, “we can get you justice in the form of compensation from the gun manufacturers. They shouldn’t have been making firearms in the first place. But since they did and a gun was used to murder your family and harm you, we can get some of your life back.”

You sit there slumped over, recalling once more that your family is gone. The anger wells inside of you, spurred by the deep loss that you just cannot shake. “Let’s get the bastards that let these murderers destroy my life,” you snarl. The lawyer smiles. The psychologist smiles.

The lawsuit names three gun manufacturers as being culpable for your family’s murder. You are suing each manufacturer for a billion dollars. The jury is out. They were given instructions detailing how the judge had already determined that the manufacturers are liable. The jury is only there to award the ‘proper’ monetary damages to you. Two of them are ordered to pay 500 million and the other is order to pay 900 million. The manufacturers appealed the order but the courts upheld the trial courts proceedings each time. The first check was just transferred into 1,400 bank accounts which total $250,000 apiece. 15% went to the lawyer and another 15% went to the psychologist. The paper’s headline reads that the firearm manufacturer is now closed and that 180 people are newly unemployed.

It’s been about four and a half years since you woke up in the hospital and the doctors took you off of life support. You were dating but still have no family to speak of. Your dates started to love talking about your wealth as of late, so you are dating far less. Your career was going nowhere, so you quit. You are idle, alone, and depressed, but you are rich.

Two months later you grab the paper and open it up. The headline across the front page reads NEW EVIDENCE LEADS TO ARREST. There is a picture of the house you used to live in under the headline, wrapped in police tape. It appears that there was a misplaced piece of video evidence which had just came to light. Three pieces, nonetheless. Three different security cameras caught the murderers on camera, one of them even caught the vehicle and the license plate of the vehicle as well as their faces without their masks. Continued on page 8. As you are flipping through the paper you notice on a related news story on page 5 with a headline stating that the other two gun manufacturers you sued had gone out of business. When you get to page 8 the phone rings. It’s the police stating they had arrested the three people that broke into your home and murdered your family all those years ago.

You watch the criminal trial from home, trying to separate yourself from the memories. If they are found guilty, you plan on attending the sentencing to give your testimony. They are all allowed to walk free as the judge rules that the video evidence is inadmissible. The whole trial ends up relying exclusively on the statements made to police which prove not conclusive enough for the jury to convict the trio.

Two of the suspects were already in prison. One was in prison for gang-related murder. The other was in prison for racketeering and drug running. The one who was free at the time of her arrest had been booked in jail seventeen times for prostitution, four times for accessory to robbery, and twice for drug possession. She served a total of 18 months in jail for all of her crimes. They were all in the same gang. At the time they committed the act, they were 16, 17, and 23.

Questions about the surprise evidence being recovered after the civil lawsuit spurred some serious questions about the sequence of events. The police stated it was a simple mistake. The media backed up their claim. The gun-grabbers gleefully reported the inability for the nation to continue producing firearms. Legislators piled on anti-gun registration. The female who was not convicted of murdering your family was in the news again for involvement in a bank robbery gone bad – seven of the 16 people taken hostage were killed during the robbers’ negotiations with police. You shrugged your shoulders because there is no justice for you because your family is still dead and no one will ever be convicted for it. A tear rolls down your face from the frustration and the sadness and the emptiness and the rage which has welled up within you once again. You wipe it away and finish packing for a trip to someplace new again.

30 years later you are in the hospital again. You saw the world, mostly by yourself. You took a lot of pictures of things but not a lot of pictures of people. There are no pictures of anyone who shared any intimacy with you. Your kidney’s and liver are failing. All the money in the world won’t fix the problems with your blood because of the organ failures allowing buildups of toxic substances. AS you think your life over, knowing that death will be soon, you think of your family as you drift off to sleep. In the dream, just like always, you are pushed back into your pillow and there is a loud bang combined with a flash. Instead of the brief darkness before the dream starts again, a man in white shows up in the dream.

The man asks “why have you not sought me? I have been waiting for all of these years. You are a responsible for the evil on the earth because you do nothing to stop it but you are not to perish today. You will recover and you will rise and you will go out and speak my name.” The dream ends as you sit straight up in the hospital bed. Nurses rush in as the monitors hooked up to your body indicate a large amount of adrenaline was released. For the first time since you checked in, you are wide eyed and don’t feel like death. The nurses calm you down and you sleep for a short while. When the doctor comes in, bathed in the morning light from the window, he looks at your chart.

“How do you feel?” he asks.

“I feel better than I have in 40 years” you say with no shortness of breath, sitting up in bed, a bit distracted. You are already planning your next trip. You still have tens of millions in the bank so you can afford it.

The doctor’s eyes are very wide as he looks over your charts. “We need to do some tests because there must have been some kind of mix-up with the most recent samples.” He takes a blood sample. And orders for a series of other tests. Later in the day he returns with a bewildered expression. And asks again, “how do you feel.”

“Can I be discharged, I have things to do,” you say.

“You have no signs of disease. At all. None. We can discharge you right now.” the doctor said.

The first thing you do with this new life is pray. The next thing you do is buy a Bible. As you read you gain more knowledge than you have acquired in the last 30 years globetrotting. You recognize that all of the major decisions you made in the past were the wrong ones. The money you still have is something you should have never attempted to get in the first place. You start gaining influence in political circles. You start lecturing the political elites about the debauchery they have allowed. The crime, the lack of justice, the perversion. They show you their hatred of God and the recalcitrance towards repenting.

You cannot help the politicians, but you can help the people. The people are lost in a fog intentionally created to confuse. You start a ministry. In this world full of lies the truth is welcomed. The people voted every single politician you approached, and who summarily rejected anything you had to say, out of office. The new politicians have the burning of God within their chests and a mind to legislate and rule according to the Bible. Jesus returns to your dream and as you die, He says well done faithful servant. Many mourn for you after your passing. The politicians do not forget you, nor your ministry, and through your many testimonies, many have come to leave their confusion behind and to accept Jesus and follow God’s laws. The people of the world slowly begin to open their eyes, their hearts, and their minds to the truth, weakening the grip of the pervasive evil gripping the earth….

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I don’t think it will play out like that, but it could. I think in order to fix the world, Jesus will literally have to come down here and personally put a stop to all of this. I think we are in the times when Jesus’ return is drawing very close. I think that the troubles described in the Bible are coming to pass. There is a global government. It’s purpose is to destroy humanity and swindle them of their birthrights in the process. Jesus is openly mocked and God is openly challenged by this global government in their belief that they can defeat God. Billions of people have learned of Jesus, learned of God, learned the Biblical law, and rejected all of it – just as the global government wants.

Consider the very real-world case of Jeffery Younger. He is divorced from a pediatrician I will only refer to as “The Butcher,” because that is what she is (her real name is Anne Georgulas). According to an on-air-appearance with Owen Shroyer of Infowars, Younger and The Butcher had twin boys in 2012. When the boys were two-years-old, The Butcher decided one of them should be a girl. Shortly after this Younger filed for divorce because he disapproved of The Butchers decision to try to raise one of the boys as a girl.

Simply put the parents had disagreements about rearing their children. As The Texas Tribune explained:

“The legal details are murky. Divorce records have been sealed, and both parents are under a court-imposed gag order that Younger is openly defying. His ex-wife’s version, according to media coverage from before records were sealed, is a story of a caring parent guiding a child through a complex process: Their child expressed a strong desire to be a girl from a very young age, therapists confirmed it and she began supportive social transitioning and therapy on their recommendation.

“When the state investigated at the behest of GOP leaders in 2019, it ruled out child abuse.

“Younger contends that his ex-wife responded too soon and too fast to their then-2-year-old child’s proclivity toward commonly feminine things and appearances. After about a year of wanting to wear dresses and similar choices, the child started getting counseling to help begin socially transitioning, he said.

“Younger says the child wants nothing to do with the female identity when not at the mother’s house and that he fears the child is being railroaded by the schools, mental health experts and courts that have repeatedly sided with the mother and that he says seem determined to push the child to change genders.

“He became especially alarmed when he learned that prescribing puberty blockers was being discussed, and he took his story public — writing a blog, tweeting at state leaders and walking into his state lawmakers’ offices trying to get some support for his case and outlaw the kinds of treatments his ex-wife was considering for their child.”

Younger broke his gag order because he was inspired to run for a political seat in Texas. The motivation for his campaign came from the reluctance and refusal of Texas’ politicians to deal with the situation. The Butchers actions towards her son were also not taken seriously by the state when allegations of child abuse were ‘investigated.’ Clearly Texas needs to address childhood transsexual transitioning legislatively and legally. Younger’s political aspirations were ended in the primaries in District 63 when he lost to GOP rival Ben Bumgarner.

In the meantime, a ‘judge’ in a Texas family court, Mary Brown, decided to allow The Butcher to move to California. As Lifesite News describes, with additional background:

“Younger’s ex-wife, Anne Georgulas, [The Butcher] has treated their now 10-year old son James like a girl since he was three, calling him “Luna,” clothing him in dresses, and presenting him in school as a girl. Amid a legal battle that granted her full custody of the children in 2021, Georgulas admitted multiple times under oath that she intends to “transition” James to a girl.”

This is where some major problems began compounding for Younger. According to California law proceedings can commence to terminate parental rights entirely under Division 12, Part 4, Chapter 2, 7822(3), “ One parent has left the child in the care and custody of the other parent for a period of one year without any provision for the child’s support, or without communication from the parent, with the intent on the part of the parent to abandon the child.”

In addition to potentially having his parental rights terminated by the State of California, Younger also faces a new California law. SB 107 amended multiple statutes in California’s Family Code. Multiple provisions which became law on January 1, 2023 are going to come to bear on Younger’s desire for his son to remain a male – something the child has expressed multiple times himself. Division 12, Part 3, Chapter 3, 3453.5(a) and 3453.5(b) read:

“A law of another state that authorizes a state agency to remove a child from their parent or guardian based on the parent or guardian allowing their child to receive gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care is against the public policy of this state and shall not be enforced or applied in a case pending in a court in this state.

“For the purpose of this subdivision, “gender-affirming health care” and “gender-affirming mental health care” shall have the same meaning as provided in Section 16010.2 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.”

Section 16010.2(b)(3)A and (3)B reads

“(3) For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:

“(A) “Gender affirming health care” means medically necessary health care that respects the gender identity of the patient, as experienced and defined by the patient, and may include, but is not limited to, the following:

“(i) Interventions to suppress the development of endogenous secondary sex characteristics.

“(ii) Interventions to align the patient’s appearance or physical body with the patient’s gender identity.

“(iii) Interventions to alleviate symptoms of clinically significant distress resulting from gender dysphoria, as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition.

“(B) “Gender affirming mental health care” means mental health care or behavioral health care that respects the gender identity of the patient, as experienced and defined by the patient, and may include, but is not limited to, developmentally appropriate exploration and integration of identity, reduction of distress, adaptive coping, and strategies to increase family acceptance.”

Younger, recognizing the problems he was about to run into with The Butcher having moved to California and their ridiculous ‘laws’ took his case to the Texas Supreme Court to attempt to avoid the debauchery of SB 107. They took Younger’s case and then did worse than nothing. The court refused to force the lower Texas Court to make a ruling on Younger’s case but as to the reasons why, the Court might as well adopt SB 107 as it’s own.

To reach their decision the Court took fallacies as fact. Right off the bat they were wrong. “This pro se mandamus petition arises from a child-custody dispute involving twin boys, one of whom has exhibited confusion about his gender.” The boy who wants to remain a boy, has stated so multiple times. Yet, the Court also relied on the idea that The Butcher suggested that no gender-affirming therapy be permitted. Of course The Butcher doesn’t want gender-affirming therapy to be something the boy undergoes because he identifies as male despite her desire to have his genitals mutilated. That is clearly child abuse just as much as Munchhausen by Proxy is.

Legally, the Court decided that SB 107 only pertains to the laws of other states. Well, that really isn’t true because it also pertains to certain court orders. However, there are laws against abusing a child. Clearly, The Butcher is abusing Younger’s boy. The moment someone in the State of Texas realizes that, and the pursuant laws are transmitted to California, California will deny any request for intervention and all requests for cooperation. It is actually illegal in California to cooperate in any out-of-state activity restricting the transitioning of a child. The Court failed to see it that way.

In their eight-page love letter supporting The Butcher and California’s abominable child transitioning sanctuary bill SB 107, the Supreme Court described Younger as not being able to read. “Father believes that California’s enactment of Senate Bill 107, which goes into effect on January 1, 2023, will enable Mother to evade the Texas court order prohibiting her from unilaterally consenting to gender-transition therapy. Father misreads California’s new law. By my reading of SB 107, Father’s fears are no more likely to be realized in California under SB 107 than they were before the bill’s enactment.” The Court here is dead wrong – The Butcher is doing exactly what Younger claimed. Again, the Court saw otherwise.

In footnotes, the Court openly mocks Younger’s efforts to even bring the case to Court. They wrote in successive footnotes:

“5 This Court makes every effort to consider pro se filings with rigor and with leniency. Apart from its misunderstanding of the law, Father’s petition suffers from other procedural and substantive defects that would make granting it problematic. Given the complexity of this case’s history and the sensitivity and novelty of many of the legal arguments involved, Father would be well-advised to seek competent counsel if he again pursues relief in this Court.

“6 With regard to these children’s best interests, I find it troubling that Father has refused to see either of his children in over a year despite abundant opportunities to do so.”

Basically all the Court did was reaffirm the bias inherent in family Courts where the mother is nearly always correct even when she is clearly not correct. “This Court cannot intervene based on tenuous speculation about what other courts might do in the future at the request of a party who may never ask. The only court to have acted so far has preserved Father’s right to withhold consent to gender-transition therapy for his son. That right is enforceable in California, where Mother lacks the legal authority to consent to such therapy for the child, both before and after SB 107. If the district court modifies the October 2021 order regarding medical care—or attempts to acquiesce in a California court’s desire to do so—Father could seek immediate appellate relief.5 [above] That case might raise important questions about whether medically or surgically “transitioning” a child against the wishes of a fit parent can ever be in the child’s best interests.6 [above] This is not that case.

But, they also achieved something else. They set the precedent that until The Butcher, or a child abuser with similar intentions, actually chops the breasts and/or genitals off of their child then there really is nothing they will do to prevent it. It’s the same argument which courts have made for years regarding stalking laws – we can’t really do anything about it because the stalker really hasn’t done anything wrong in our eyes.

Who is responsible for the abomination The Butcher is vying for and the travesty of justice? In particular, The Butcher, the Texas court system, and the State of California. In general, we all are responsible. Where are the legal challenges to the new California law? Where are the protesters in front of the Texas Supreme Court demanding they look again at what SB 107’s provisions will actually accomplish – in the real world – and ruling appropriately? Where are the investigators into the original abuse charges levied against The Butcher? Where are the demands that they never investigate anything again? Where is the discontent and the demands for justice in this case? Who has called their State’s Attorney and suggested the issue be taken to the Supreme Court?

In the real world SB 107 is meant to allow a parent to dismember their child without facing consequences. These Texas judges know that. They didn’t want to deal with it. What they wanted to do was take their robes off and go get wasted and hang out with hookers to celebrate watching a stupid ball drop in a real-life Gotham City minus all of the Batman’s.

Texas had the first crack at it and they utterly failed. What they should have done is opined that California’s law is unconstitutional and ordered the stay. They should have invalidated as many of SB 107’s statutes as possible as well as targeted the entire idea of gender-affirming anything in the US Supreme Court. Further they should have instructed the lower courts that any permissions given to any parent in the State of Texas on or after September 9, 2022 to take their child(ren) to California to reside, against the wishes of either parent, are no longer valid. That would have made California think twice. But that’s not what happened. Instead we will wait and see what The Butcher does to the boy.

As in the fictional story above this opinionated account of Younger’s travails, the world is unravelling. The Butcher in Younger’s case reveals the severe debauchery of the world. The evil in the courts at all levels is astounding. The barbaric practice and depopulation technique of destroying children’s reproductive capacity is sickening. That The Butcher still has a medical license is also astonishing as she has quite clearly demonstrated an intention to destroy her son and has committed at least 7 years of continuous child abuse against him. This has to stop. Thankfully it will, and I pray it is sooner rather than later. The truth will set about the earth like fire and the righteous will be spared while the unrighteous melted and burnt like chaff. Until then we need to say prayers for this young person and his father that the boy stays intact as well as all of the other children who are in similar circumstances. Getting laws passed criminalizing child transitioning, gender counseling, and puberty blockers would be a positive direction to go in as well.

Bless God and God bless.


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