Stop Paying These People To Kill Everyone

Stop Paying These People To Kill Everyone

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/5/2023

Esquire is supposed to be a men’s fashion magazine. They have decided to take all comers; however, when it comes to leftist donors. Maybe they did this because they recognized the trend – fashion in general is hellishly ugly. Esquire, not wanting to let a cash cow slip through their hands, has actually bloodied it’s own hands – irreparably so. Their COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ pimping (which still persists) has helped the murderers behind the depopulation agenda murder tens of millions, they endorse snap lock-downs and mandates, they hate Donald Trump, have mind-numbingly simple and useless opinions on healthcare, and are absolutely in love with climate change and the control that comes with it’s mitigation. If a dime goes to their organization, I urge you to reconsider.

On January 4, 2023 Esquire published a piece about hospital having to close down in rural areas. Because they are globalist in nature and would have no clue about how to live without government intervention, their solution was to have the federal government step in and make the world nicer by keeping the rural hospitals open and expanding Medicaid. There are 704 words in the article and 14 of them are “FREE MONEY.” This is how Esquire sees the income that we earn – as the government’s to spend how it sees fit. In this particular case, Esquire thinks the US government needs to massively expand Medicaid, which raises all of our taxes and makes medical care less likely to be adequate or available. The author, of course, would probably be shocked to learn that the FREE MONEY he references is actually American taxes stolen from each paycheck we earn through our labor to be redistributed to others so everyone in Massachusetts can feel virtuous. Since the author is from Massachusetts, I hope he can sleep well at night while the rest of us living paycheck to paycheck and barely scraping by stare at the wall wondering how we are going to pay rent and eat. Why not steal more from our paychecks in the meantime, huh Esquire?

Nothing promises to make more US citizens destitute that the ecoterrorists’ climate solutions though. Esquire has that base covered too. Like all mass-media outlets who take in most of their revenue from globalists, Esquire envisions a human-less future. The money they take in demands they do this. On September 24, 2022 the publication produced, “In the End, Climate Change Is the Only Story That Matters.” I completely agree with this headline because there is nothing else that matterrs – either ecoterrorists like Charles P Pierce (who wrote the prior article as well as this one) will get their way and we will live in a human-less world where any survivor is a slave living in a coffin apartment with no possessions, or we will fight back against that future and preserve humanity. Climate change, the vehicle to arrive at the post-human world, really is the only story that matter because if the vehicle is disable the world won’t be moved into that bleak future.

Writing a sob story and having absolutely no proof that storms are getting bigger and stronger due to man-made climate change, a topic probably too complex for Pierce, we demands that we accept man-made climate change anyway. He demands we all accept his bought-and-paid-for narrative anyway, disregarding that the narrative will decimate him and his children and grandchildren just as thoroughly as everyone else and their children and grandchildren. He then demands that everyone be angry at politicians. After writing about a storm which pummeled the Alaskan coast this past summer, Pierce concluded his article with:

“To stand on the bluffs above the Chukchi Sea, looking down at a series of broken and ruined seawalls that have already failed to hold back the power of the ocean, and to consider that there are politicians in this country who are unwilling to do anything about the climate crisis, or who even deny it exists, is to wish they all could come and stand on these bluffs and look out at the relentless, devouring sea.”

Well, ecoterrorists the climate is driven by solar activity. Blocking solar activity has been done in a whole bunch of ways and none of us were told about it. It has been done with Stratospheric Aerosolized Injections and Solar Radiation Management (SAI/SRM) which has actually caused dimming on the earth. SAI/SRM technologies are also capable of producing weather events such as the Alaskan storm Pierce was not very worried about (he was much more concerned with the amount of money the US would fleece it’s subjects for and the amount of control they government would weild to combat such events – I hope he reads that and it pisses him off). I guess what Pierce really wants is for the geoengineers to just totally block out the sun and end all weather on the earth. Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab would approve.

Esquire has even established a series titled Unapocalypse which focuses on way to avoid the climate catastrophe the publication demands we all be hypnotized by because that is what the publication gets paid to do. The link will only display 5 articles; however there are more. The ones that are hidden seem to be the ones which are more common sense, like conducting actual forest management or using the differential temperatures between the ground and the air to make our homes comfortable (geothermal energy). The featured five ‘solutions’ all involve massive public expenditures and the destruction of oil, coal, and natural gas created power.

The earliest of the features came out on September 22, 2022 and focuses on how to use hydropower to reduce human-created carbon emissions to zero. The plan seems to be rather practical – make non-electricity producing dams produce electricity and upgrade electricity-producing dams to produces more. Placing turbines in the ocean and under the water is an idea not nearly as practical. The up-front costs would be pretty substantial for all of that. One positive included in the article is the idea of those with a stream or river on their property can place a small-scale turbine in the water to generate electricity for individual use.

Another way to get to to zero human carbon emissions is to make more widespread use of hydrogen fuel-cells. The hydrogen is pumped like we pump gas (petrol) today with the difference being it is currently more expensive to produce and the exhaust is water vapor and heat. It can be used on small scales like an individual home, office space, or vehicle, or it can be used on a large scale to provide electricity on the grid. It is very versatile. Of course, in order to get the electricity in the first place, wind and solar need to be used to really get the carbon humans produce to zero (which is a fallacy in the first place – wind and solar power manufacturing and installation create a lot of carbon). Proponents of hydrogen fuel-cells nonetheless are seeking to get wind and solar power down to $1 per kilogram on hydrogen from the $5 it currently sits at. This represents huge outlays of tax dollars.

The third featured solution detailed transmission lines on October 6, 2022. Specifically, the author promoted a centralized “interstate system” transmitting direct current through country-wide lines. The idea presented is that the sunny places in the country should be covered in solar panels and the windy places should host millions of windmills. The middle of the country – the flyover part that the coastal elites love to discount and discredit – would produce all of the power and the coasts would use it. Flyover country would become unmistakably ugly and full of transmission lines to the coasts. Building these transmission lines would come with a gargantuan price tag.

October 13, 2022’s installment focused on non-dam technologies in waters including the seas as well as rivers. The Department of Energy is currently working out the R&D in these ares. Just to make sure it is understood how fascist the ecoterrorists actually are – keep in mind that the Department of Energy is funded by the taxpayers and the article points out that when they figure it out, “private firms will take it away.” This has, is, and will continue to cost taxpayers billions of dollars to get human produced carbon to zero.

November 10, 2022 feature transmission lines again. The huge price tag did not go away. The idea of centralizing the power grid did not go away either. Just build them and get rid of the regulations preventing their construction is the theme.

The most recent feature was published on December 22, 2022 and focuses on mitigating floods due to what the author identifies as man-made climate change. Practical solutions are not evident here because after suggesting using already existing features in cities or ones that could be more widely adapted such as green rooftops, raising the streets is suggests as well as:

“But increasingly, urban planners believe we need to reimagine our relationship with nature—namely, we need to stop trying to tame nature and learn to live alongside it. All the asphalt and concrete covering our cities gives the water nowhere to go, when there used to be soil and vegetation there to accept the water. We need to think about tearing up some of what we've built on top of the land to reveal what's underneath, "daylighting" old streams and waterbeds and eventually buying out basement apartments in particularly flood-prone areas. We also need a system to warn people when these "cloud burst" events are incoming, not unlike a hurricane or a tornado.”

Geothermal energy production can get wildly unaffordable for individuals. Not everyone has access to lots of rivers or the ocean and the power it could generate. Highly concentrated hydrogen is flammable as well as combustible. Transmission lines have attenuation rates associated with their use – the longer the line the more energy is lost. Scraping up sea beds and river bottoms will be it’s own ecological problem in the future. And ripping up roads, buying apartments, and installing climate emergency warning systems is not what the government is supposed to be doing. None of these ideas are brought up. Those concerns are not on Esquire’s agenda – they are happy side effects to them. These ideas will bankrupt us and leave us in the dark, cold, and hungry.

It’s designed to depopulate the earth in reality. If there is zero carbon emissions on earth what are plants going to “eat” to produce food? That the earth is greener with the small increases in carbon dioxide is not admitted to. All that is addressed are ways to spend all of the money in the world on things that will not result in electricity for human beings. It will result in energy starved people who, also, have no food, no water, no travel allowances, and live worse than even the most abused slaves. It promises massive numbers of human deaths mostly from starvation and from exposure. Those that survive will either obey with the global government’s edicts or die. Esquire seems ignorant of the result of the fallacy they are selling.

Really, if you are paying for Esquire you are funding your own destruction and allowing it to be propagated to others. That goes for almost all mainstream media – if you are shelling out money for these propagandists to spew their lies, what are you doing besides funding a future in which there are no people? There will be things looking like people but they will be hacked human beings full of AI-infused technology (cyborgs), digital twins, holograms, and DNA-mutilations (chimeras). At the end of the day what Esquire and the whole host of mainstream media outlets is promoting is transhumanism and post-humanism.

Ask yourself if you want a pro-human future or a non-human future. Take it to the Lord in prayer if you are so inclined.

Bless God and God bless.


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