Two Stories With One Culprit

Two Stories With One Culprit

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/3/2023

There is very little good news going around. The plains states are getting their second blizzard in as many weeks. The House is going to try to elect a proven loser named Kevin McCarthy which would guarantee that no positive legislative actions will be taken for the next two years. Jeffery Epstein’s black book and Hunter Biden’s laptop are still being squirreled away in an evidence locker at the FBI. Brittney Spears and Ye (Kanye West) appear to be missing. Covid-19 hysteria is still taking place with masks and tests being required in some settings and vaccine mandates and authorizations are still being suggested to include newborn babies (because injecting clots into six-month-olds isn’t disgusting enough, I guess). The economy is about to spectacularly crumble. Our costs are going through the roof. And, yet, the eco-terrorist movement seems to not be able to run out of money, especially if it comes from taxpayers. Jeffrey Younger was recently denied justice as his ex-wife seeks to gender-transition his 10-year-old son. And, while all of these stories tie into one another, the NFL’s Buffalo Bills safety, Damar Hamlin collapsing on the field and the US funded and armed Ukrainian army fighting against Russia seems especially important at the moment.

Depopulation is one of the threads which runs through ever one of these stories. That agenda is at the tips of everyone’s tongues right now, so, say it with me – “they are killing us.” They aren’t trying to kill us anymore – they ARE killing us. So let’s look at Hamlin’s on-field medical event. I pray that he is able to recover fully and that his family, friends, teammates, and fans are able to support him on his road to recovery. I also pray that they understand what, in my opinion, happened to him.

According to the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, “Damar Hamlin suffered a cardiac arrest, his heartbeat was restored on the field and he is sedated at University of Cincinnati Medical Center on Tuesday.” Medical staff reacted quickly and performed CPR on Hamlin, indicating that he had no detectable pulse nor chest rise and was very near to death. The reasons for this will likely never be truthfully disclosed. Could Hamlin have been on a substance which increases heart attacks? He could have been but I doubt it because of the NFL’s drug screening procedures.

Could he have had a bad heart? Again, this would have most likely been discovered during medical screenings. So what happened? I’ll give my very predictable explanation in a moment, but first I want to show the reader what the mainstream news is going to report over and over again. Poynter is a lying rag claiming to be a seeker of journalistic integrity and demands respect as a premiere fact-checking (censorship-purveyor in the real world) media outlet. They got a hold of Sanjay Gupta from CNN (a prime-time Nuremberg 2.0 star candidate) and other ‘doctors’ to tell us that Hamlin’s cardiac arrest was actually due to blunt force trauma which caused a bruise to the heart. They carry on with this claim despite the injury having occurred zero times in the NFL’s history, that Hamlin was wearing pads, and that he appears to have never been struck in the location of his heart.

I did a search for on-field cardiac arrests in the NFL prior to January 1, 2023 and came up empty handed. That doesn’t mean that it has never happened before, but I have never heard of it occurring. To the best of my knowledge, Hamlin’s incident was the first time it has happened to a player on the field. The reason that this was the first time (and will not be the last time) is because of these murderous injections called COVID-19 vaccines. The NFL underhandedly mandated that all of the players take this medically suicidal shot. As of March 3, 2022, when the NFL decided to reverse course on it’s murderous COVID-19 protocols, “Nearly 95% of NFL players and about 100% of NFL staff were fully vaccinated, the AP reported.” The damage to the NFL has already been done. There will be more Hamlin’s.

There is already a list of former players who have died suddenly. TCTMD picks this one up. This lying band of murderers is involved with cardiovascular research and is apparently paid by depopulation advocates to print whatever they are paid to print. They found some murderous scumbags calling themselves ‘cardiovascular experts’ to say that these lists of athletes and their deaths are in no way attributable to the death jab. According to 100PercentFedUp former football players Charles Johnson died at age 50, Jimmy Williams died after suffering from an undisclosed illness at 43, Marion Barber died at age 38 of heat stroke, and Paul Duncan died at 35 of cardiac arrest while on a run. On December 30, 2022 Uche Nwaneri was found dead at age 38. The coroner’s preliminary report indicated the cause of death as “an enlarged heart with acute heart failure.” It’s really bizarre that these TCTMD ‘cardiovascular experts’ don’t see a connection between the introduction of the COVID-19 ‘cure’ being injected into everyone possible and a massive increase in cardiovascular failures while the evidence was fully on display for all to see during the Bill’s/Bengal’s game on Monday Night Football. I hope these ‘cardiovascular experts’ swing in Nuremberg 2.0.

Again, pray for Hamlin and his family. And pray that the incident serves a purpose – to wake people up to the reality of the depopulation agenda so that meaningful justice can be demanded and meted out. God works in mysterious ways and this just may be one of those ways.

The other massive story is something that a very important guest on The Alex Jones Show had to say. The guest was Dr. Francis Boyle. He warned that the US and Russia are playing a game called escalation dominance, an idea drawn up by the real-life inspiration for Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove, Herman Kahn. Boyle identified where it is that the United States and Russia stand on the escalation ladder – Rung 20, ““Peaceful” World-Wide Embargo or Blockade”.

Why this is relevant is because both nations fought the Cold War and neither has fully let go of it’s consequences. The USSR no longer exists, demarcating the end of the Cold War, but the people who fought it are still around. Apparently they have all forgotten that there is no need for this stupidity and that making peace now is the only option. I say this because the next step in Kahn’s ladder, Rung 21, is “Local Nuclear War – Exemplary”. Someone has to blink. That someone is Zelensky, the ‘president’ (and newly self-appointed dictator) of Ukraine. He will not blink because the powers which he is beholden to – the United States, NATO, and the EU – do not want him too. This tripartite wants Russia to blink (despite suggesting to hold negotiations Ukraine multiple times) or escalate. The real issue here is that the US, NATO, and EU are hell bent on effecting the depopulating of the planet. They want Rung 21 to be committed by Russia so they can escalate to Rung 22 and/or Rung 23 – “Declaration of Limited Nuclear War” and/or “Limited Nuclear War”.

The cause celeb for the Ukraine/Russia war and the West’s involvement in it has been framed in a narrative of ‘saving democracy. Ukraine, the ‘democracy’ we are supposed to save hardly looks like a democracy because it is in fact an authoritarian kleptocracy which boats of the technocratic totalitarianism the likes of the WEF and UN seem to want to label ‘democracy.’ I’m not buying it, but the New York Times keeps trying to sell it. Apparently, limited nuclear war, all the way up to Rung 44, the top of the ladder, “Spasm or Insensate War” which translates to massive, general, nuclear war with seven billion or more people dead. That’s justifiable for ‘democracy’s’ sake according to German Lopez of The New York Times:

“Imagine if the U.S. and its allies had reacted less aggressively to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Without Western weapons to bolster its defenses, Ukraine could have fallen. Without Western sanctions, Russia might have felt little economic pressure. Such inaction would have sent a message: Western powers won’t stand up for other democracies.”

Imagine if the nation of Ukraine, which has not had democracy since the government was overthrown by Western powers in 2014, were left to fend for themselves and not encroached upon by NATO, the EU, and the United States? Imagine if this tripartite decided to just write down the verbal agreement Reagan and Gorbachev reached – like Russia originally asked for. Imagine what not facing complete nuclear catastrophe over Ukraine. Nope – that’s impermissible – we have to, at all costs, protect all democracies and even nations which don’t even slightly resemble democracies. The defense of ‘democracy’ truly is an asinine idea. To potentially go to war over it is something only a pyschotic murderer would even contemplate. I’ll take my republic, thank you very much, and these lunatics can shove their version of democracy where the sun doesn’t shine.

This New York Times article really does go over the top. The author points to ‘democratic’ examples such as the example which allowed Brazil’s Lula da Silva to cheat his way to victory, Trump-backed candidates being swindled out of victories, and Chinese protesters demanding democracy without mentioning that the individuals are being arrested and disappeared and Xi having himself declared dictator for life. While The New York Times obviously suffers from a severe case of Trump-derangement syndrome as well as lives, literally, in a shiny fabrication insulated from the real world and any negative consequences resulting from their idiotic ‘news’ coverage, the ‘leaders’ who actually make the news they report are even worse. Some, like Mark Warner, with Zelensky’s full support, have suggested the United States preemptively strike Russia with nuclear weapons.

Since no one is going to make peace and the United States, EU, and NATO is hellbent on achieving escalation dominance per Kahn’s ladder, depopulation seems to be the order of the day. People annoy the living crap out of me sometimes, but I don’t want two out of three people to be vaporized by a thermonuclear bomb with another 37% starving to death or dying from radiation sickness. We have nuclear war looming over all of us all in the name of depopulation. Democracy, according to The New York Times, World Economic Forum, United Nations, NATO, and the EU would probably be served best by getting rid of 7 billion people. The warmongers seem to be able to cast their votes to achieve this while the rest of us are supposed to sit down, shut up, and never, ever, think that we have a vote in the first place.

Well, we do have a vote. We vote by demanding that we will not mask up. We will not test. We will not vaccinate. We will not stay silent while these murderers butcher billions. We vote by persisting in the truth. Since these are the end times as far as I am able to discern, punishments will abound. Those punishments will come first in betrayal, then torture, then execution. Liars know that the truth will destroy them. Damar Hamlin is a victim of the depopulationists. The entire world is a potential target for nuclear war, making all of us subject to the will of the depopulationists. And the mainstream media is on the side of the depopulationists. So who to trust? Trust the Bible’s truth. Trust the Salvation of Jesus. Trust the promises of God. And trust that – for trust in God – we will be persecuted, tortured, and murdered, yet live forever. That is the one truth which these lying depopulatinists cannot ignore because they know what they are doing and they know that God will look upon them with wrath. So, while we expose depopulationists to truth (with the intent of having justice served, we also need to make sure we are keeping the truth ourselves. Repent, pray, read the Bible, and seek always the face of God.

Bless God and God bless.


We Are All Responsible


Justifying the Unjustifiable – Bioethics