Want to Criminalize Speech? Let’s Arrest Anyone Still Supporting COVID-19 Vaccines

Want to Criminalize Speech? Let’s Arrest Anyone Still Supporting COVID-19 Vaccines

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/25/2022

Charles Manson never murdered a single person. He created a cult and ordered his cult-members to commit heinous acts of murder. He had goals, namely, to create the cause to start a race war in the United States. The murders he ordered his cult members to commit are still widely searched because of their hideous gruesomeness. Manson, having neither committed nor participated in any of the murders, was nonetheless convicted of seven counts of accomplice to murder because he suggested they occur. He died in custody in 2017.

Manson was one guy with a following of a couple dozen sycophants who went on a murder spree. Anthony Fauci, on the other hand, is a multimillionaire who corrupted countless governmental agencies in order to facilitate his four-decade long murder spree. Because Fauci wrapped his murderous intentions into the pharmaceutical industry, there ended up being ten’s of thousands of sycophants heeding his murderous calls. That is a much more difficult case just in the logistics of it – imagine having to hold a trial at Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor with a capacity of 107,601. Logistical issues aside, justice demands these murderers be held accountable.

Fauci got started in the murder for profit business during the AIDS pandemic in the mid 1980’s. He did this by making sure to hold financial interests in what was the only approved treatment option, AZT. AZT was lethal to the people who took it as prescribed. But, because AIDS was so new and so little understood, it was approved and Fauci started getting fat royalty checks because of AZT’s increased use. Fauci did not care that people were dying from it. Fauci’s accomplices did not care that people were dying from it. All they cared about was getting their royalty checks.

Those who did research discovered startling facts and criminal actions about the true origins of AIDS, the safety and efficacy of AZT, Anthony Fauci’s dealings with pharmaceutical companies including his financial interests with them, and his tactics to silence anyone who brought these issues to light. Basically, Fauci and his friends made sure any medical researcher or practitioner who did not bow to his narrative about AIDS was denied any future funding from NIAID, NIH, CDC, and FDA in order to silence them while at the same time ensnaring more of those who would follow his AIDS narrative to do whatever he said. What it amounts to is Fauci and his accomplices setting up a huge pay-to-play scheme. They paid lip service to Fauci in order to keep getting funding and turned a blind eye at the fact that their patients were dying from the AIDS narrative Fauci was pushing. This is called bribery.

When the coronavirus scamdemic came about in late 2019, Fauci was not only conducting the same bribery ring, he actually helped to create the pathogen in the first place. He made sure that was obscured by demanding anyone who had reason to believe that the virus was man-made be labeled a conspiracy theorist, kook, or misinformation outlet. He used the same tactics to make sure a highly toxic drug he had financial interests in was the only approved treatment. Remdesivir was prescribed because of fake science projects showing about half a dozen off patent (meaning cheap) anti-parasitic treatments, including ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, were ineffective. Relying only on the science he purchased he pressured the FDA and CDC to only allow remdesivir to be used which murdered millions of people in the United States alone. He even helped convince the FBI to raid vitamin-C clinics because proper vitamin intake was also labeled as medical misinformation when it came to avoiding COVID-19 infection and complications. It was all about how many prescriptions he could get written for remdesivir to supplement his already exorbitant, tax-payer-funded, salary. Never mind that there were millions dying from Fauci’s treatment, he was getting rich and helping to depopulate the earth.

When the mRNA shots came out people were eager to get back to work. Fauci and his friends were eager to continue pushing their bribery-ring-inspired get rich quick scheme and depopulation agenda. So Fauci and thousands of other ‘medical experts’ came out in droves to inform the world that the COVID-19 shots were safe, effective, and will get us back to normal. Nothing could have been further from the truth – these medical professionals knew that in mRNA trials there was a high incident of injury and death involved. They knew their mRNA technology was not effective. They lied to our faces using Fauci’s AIDS tactics coupled with new forms of digital censorship to re-enforce their preferred narratives. They have gone so far as to get non-narrative-compliant doctors to have their medical licenses revoked while getting the likes of Twitter, Apple, Google, and Facebook to ban their voices.

The world is witnessing a huge percentage of increased over all death rates. Coroners are pulling out rubbery non-tissue growths from the organs and blood vessels of the deceased. People are falling over, dead, doing normal activities like walking out of their bathrooms, reporting the news, driving buses, and during dance routines. The facts and the evidence don’t matter to Fauci and his sycophants. They are counting their money, smiling at the murders they know they are committing, and having little sniveling assholes write sob stories demanding those in the know be given passes for their activities by claiming they just didn’t know while at the same time petitioning the world for amnesty – indicating that a crime was committed in the first place.

There is a so-called medical expert named Dr. Jen Gunther. In an undated TED Talks clip she explains how vaccinating against COVID-19 in pregnant women is just fine and poses no threat to the mother nor the child. She also explains the process a ‘vaccine’ must go through in order to be ‘approved’ by the FDA. She notes none of the voluminous information about what the vaccine manufactures found during the trials, none of the actual data on side effects, and none of the injuries nor deaths associated with the COVID-19 ‘vaccines.’ Her advice is, “If your goal is a healthy pregnancy, one of the best ways to achieve that is by getting vaccinated. And we can have confidence that the COVID-19 vaccines have been rigorously tested and are being closely followed.” Following Fauci’s guide to murdering millions, Gunther is murdering children and pregnant mothers with this advice.

On November 9, 2022, this murderous depopulationist wrote:

“While repetition is more effective on statements that seem more ambiguous, like vaccine safety in pregnancy (the COVID-19 vaccine is safe in pregnancy, my point is I understand how this might be a questionable statement for people who don’t know the research), the illusory truth effect even works on clearly false statements. For example, researchers exposed people to blatantly false statements that most people should know are untrue. After five exposures, they were able to push the needle to get people to start to give credence to the clearly false statements.

“Just how wildly untrue were the statements in this experiment? So glad you asked. Here are some examples:

  • The tallest person is 35 feet tall

  • The earth is a perfect square

  • Benjamin Franklin lived to be 150 years old

  • The population of North Dakota is greater than the population of New York State

  • George Washington was born in China.” 

Gunther’s solution, like Manson’s and Fauci’s solutions (all cult leaders think alike), is to only trust THEIR opinion. To discredit these murderous cult leaders one cannot merely combat the ideas they use to achieve their goals, one must destroy their entire cult – a much harder to achieve accomplishment, especially when the cult in this case, establishment medicine and the entire pharmaceutical industry, is absolutely massive with billions of adherents. They sowed the seeds for their own destruction by setting the parameters of how they are able to be successfully questioned. In order to expose Fauci or the likes of Gunther (a truly repulsive woman with no inclination in favor of any future for humanity) the entire established medical and pharmaceutical industries need to be dismantled.

What Gunther, as quoted above, is actually doing is operationalizing the exact tactic of misinformation she claims others are engaging in. By doing so she is turning herself into a cult leader, re-enforcing the adherents of the larger cult (the Fauci cult) of suicide by experimental medical procedures, legitimizing depopulation, de-legitimizing asking questions, and pushing for the criminalization of non-compliance, free speech, and common sense. Orwell wrote about this type of double speak in 1984 – Gunther is running around saying the jab will save lives when, in fact, millions have been killed by it and thousands have been harassed, censored, debanked, and jailed for exposing the truth.

Meanwhile, Anthony Fauci has decided to retire at the end of the year because he knows the jig is up. His murder victims tally into the millions now and he knows that he needs to go run and hide. This completely deranged Satanist offered what he claims will be his last address on November 22, 2022. Through a smile and while still chuckling, Anthony Fauci’s last message to the nation was another complete fallacy, “So, we know it’s safe.  We know that it is effective.  So, my message and my final message — may be the final message I give you from this podium — is that: Please, for your own safety, for that of your family, get your updated COVID-19 shot as soon as you’re eligible to protect yourself, your family, and your community.”

Following Fauci at this press briefing, was Dr. Ashish Jha, who not only confirmed he is a cult member in good standing, but that other organizations with millions of members themselves are also cult members in good standing: 

“Well, hard to follow Dr. Fauci, who, I would argue, has been the most important, consequential public servant in the United States in the last half century and a leader and a role model for so many of us.  So, Tony, thank you.

“So, thank you for reviewing the safety and effectiveness data.  I will tell you it is remarkable what data have come in in the last month.  I was here in front of all you a couple months ago, talking about what we expected.  All of the evidence that has come in in the last month has far exceeded our expectations on the efficacy of these vaccines, and the safety data continues to be terrific.

“Today, I want to focus on a new six-week sprint that the administration is announcing to get more Americans their updated shots before the cold and winter season really settles in. 
“Now, I want to start off by saying we are heartened to say we are not alone in this effort.  Just yesterday, 12 of America’s leading medical and clinical societies — I’m talking about the AMA; I’m talking about the American College of Physicians, the American Association of Family Physicians; I’m not going to list them, all 12 — but they all joined together with one simple, strong recommendation for all Americans, which is: Go get your updated COVID vaccine shot and go get your annual flu shot right away.”

These two men and the Biden administration and every single person claiming these shots are just dandy and encouraging people to go take them are murderers. Fauci and Dr. Jha should have been arrested on the spot, but they weren’t. They were allowed to walk out of the White House as free men despite their activities resulting in millions of deaths.

Let’s flip the tables on these mega-murders and start arresting them. Our free speech and ability to question things should not be in peril because these murderers have decided to lie and murder millions of people. Let’s go pay to rent out Michigan Stadium for the next year. Anyone who has promoted or advocated COVID-19 shots or mRNA flu shots on or after June 1, 2022 (about 7 months after the FDA found substantial increases in death rates among the COVID-19 vaccinated) needs to be arrested and tried under the Nuremberg Codes. This includes family members, store clerks, pharmacists, doctors, public health officials, Dr. Jha, Dr. Gunther, Anthony Fauci, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden. I want to see millions of arrests and hundreds of thousands of executions. Justice demands that this takes place. Without this justice, as brutal as the reader may find it to be, this medical tyranny is going to persist.

So, we are each, individually, being faced with a decision which will result in humanity’s collective future on this planet. Are we going to start asking questions or blindly follow along with a cult which has stated for over 100 years that they seek to depopulate the earth? Are we going to allow medicine to dictate our every move including where we live, how we are permitted to work, if we can believe in God, and even if we are permitted to step out our front doors or are we going to mete out justice as appropriate? Are we going to learn to say NO to these murderous tyrants knowing full well that their cohesive cult includes filling positions of power and staring in the face of persecution? We had better start doing this and doing it in huge numbers. If we don’t 95% of humanity is going to be wiped off the face of the earth.

That is a frightening prospect. If you seek comfort, run to the arms of God and be comforted. Seek His favor and turn away from the terror this massive death cult is demanding our adherence to. Pray. Repent. Read the Bible before possession of it is criminalized. Love and serve God. Love and follow Jesus. And say NO to these garbage entities demanding anyone comply with this mass-murder depopulation campaign known as the COVID-19 shot. We either arrest the members of this cult and try them for their crimes or they will enslave and murder all of us.

Bless God and God bless.


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