The Lame Duck Session May Be America’s Final Coffin Nail

The Lame Duck Session May Be America’s Final Coffin Nail

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/27/2022

The red tsunami never materialized because there was a blue sea-wall of fraud. Nonetheless, some on the republican side (myself included) are happy about certain events – mostly that Nancy Pelosi will not be Speaker of the House any longer and the democrats will no longer have a majority in the body. While that should be the case in the Senate as well, it, unfortunately, is not. Until our new Congress is sworn in and seated, the United States may be in trouble. Lame duck sessions of Congress (which should be outlawed) do not yield results in the best interests of the citizens of the nation. This lame duck session is particularly dubious.

Perhaps the most worrisome piece of legislation which has arisen is H.R. 1808 the Assault Weapons Ban of 2022. This unconstitutional piece of garbage was passed out of the House on July 29, 2022. As of August 1, 2022 it was read twice in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, where it still resides. At any time, the Judiciary Committee could decide to move the bill forward and hold a vote. With the pressure of the elections out of the way for the immediate future, if all 50 democrats voted to pass the bill, Kamala Harris wouldn’t hesitate to pass it and Joe Biden wouldn’t hesitate to sign it into law. The Biden Administration wouldn’t wait for the bill to get defeated by the courts – they would immediately begin doing door-to-door gun confiscation and mandatory buybacks.

2,236 firearms are listed by name in H.R. 1808 as exempt. Everything else would be considered an assault weapon including semi-automatic handguns, all versions of AR-15’s, and all versions of AK-47’s. The possession of these weapons would result in criminal sanctions 90 days after this bill is signed into law.

Another ridiculous piece of legislation which the House has passed (July 19, 2022) is called the Respect of Marriage Act (H.R. 8404). The Senate started adding amendments to on November 17, 2022. Look for this bill to come to a Senate vote before the end of the year and the House to quickly pass it as is and the idiot infesting the White House to sign it into law.

The Respect of Marriage Act is a codification of the Supreme Court’s unconstitutional ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges. The Supreme Court, much as they did with Roe v. Wade, took away state’s rights and gave those rights to the federal government. They also destroyed the institution of marriage, being as though marriage is not a matter of the state but of faith. The Respect of Marriage Act is actually a demonic attempt to force those of faith to serve those involved with lifestyles which violate their faith all in the name of shoving the federal government’s established religion down the nation’s throats. That religion is humanism and it is deadly to humanists as well as non-humanists.

On September 21, 2022 the Presidential Election Reform Act (H.R. 8873) was passed by the House. It was received by the Senate on the same date. So far, the Senate has not taken any action on this bill. This bill destroys any pretense of there ever being a fair election – forget about constitutionally-valid lessons.

September 22, 2022 saw the House passing a bill titled the Mental Health Justice Act of 2022, H.R. 8542. On September 27 the Senate parked the bill in the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Again, this bill could come to a vote at any time.

Real authoritarians require a police force ultimately responsible to the authoritarian power. The Mental Health Justice Act of 2022 seeks to provide exactly that to the Justice Department an, by extension, the occupier of the White House. These mental health ‘professionals’ will be deployed to reported incidents involving a mental, intellectual, or developmental disabled person or anyone who is intoxicated. The incidents don’t even need to be real, they just need to be reported. The power lies, ultimately, at the Justice Department which will have the ability to make the grants the federal government will mete out. I don’t think Merrick Garland should be permitted to have private security let alone control of an army of psychological manipulators who may or may not be armed themselves.

Another bill which is sitting in the Senate after passing the House on September 29, 2022 is the Global Food Security Reauthorization Act of 2022 (H.R. 8446). In 2016 a bill titled the Global Food Security Act was passed. The 2016 law is the United States’ effort to appease the United Nations’ war on carbon goals related to agriculture, food availability, and food production. . The reauthorization bill is a reflection of the House’s perceived need to update the language as the UN desires. What it does is weakens food security in the United States, the world in general, and has profoundly negative national security and sovereignty implications.

Additionally, there are many demands to pass a federal law to legalize the barbaric practice of baby murder and child sacrifice. The abortion industry supporters involved in such efforts are numerous, The Nation, Axios, the DNC (it’s a party platform), CNBC, Vox, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, and others have supported a codification of Roe v. Wade. A bill (H.R. 8296) effecting this codification passed out of the house on July 15, 2022 but the Senate has taken no action on it. Two Senate attempts at legalizing this form of murder have failed (S. 1975 and S. 4132).

There are many more bills sitting in the Senate passed by the House. I noted the worst of them because these bills will most likely not come out of the House again. So, look for this lame duck session to do what it can to pass these bills to the idiot in the White House in the near future. I would like you to call your senators, especially if they are on a committee with one of these pieces of legislation, and voice concern over the implications of the passage of any of these.

If the lame ducks decide to pass any of these bills the United States will be far worse off. Banning guns and criminalizing those in possession of them is disgusting and unconstitutional. Destroying marriage, religious practice, and more firmly establishing an official federal religion is not what America is about – we are supposed to be a moral people, basing our beliefs on Biblical teachings. We could see any future election utterly destroyed and end up with a de facto one-party rule, aka, a dictatorship. Federally controlled army’s are in no way permitted under the Constitution and will not be greeted warmly by large segments of the citizenry. Aligning the United States with the United Nations is never a good sign for sovereignty. Allowing the legal murder of children is going to find the United States on the wrong side of God’s wrath.

Any of these represent the final nail in the coffin of the United States. If any of them are passed, the United States, in my opinion, will be far past gone – there will be no coming back. Already, I fully hold the view that the United States is already dead and any more nails in the nation’s coffin are only being driven in out of spite and are completely unnecessary. Many are far more optimistic than I am about that matter. As such, I’ll leave my more positive readers with two questions, how many more nails does America’s coffin need before it’s done? And when that time comes – what is the proper response?

Bless God and God bless.


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