Ready To Walk In Circles?

Ready To Walk In Circles?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/23/2022

Sheep, caribou, birds, goats, and likely other herds of animals have been caught on camera moving in circles. To watch these videos of the phenomena is eerie. It is very reminiscent of Mecca during their Hajj to me. Millions of Moslems walk around a giant black cube (a mercaba – go look that one up and when you’re done tell me how Islam is not Satanic) during the annual celebration. They do this, according to Moslems, to show unity in their faith. This is also the direction they are to pray to 5 times daily. But why are there different animals at differnet locations walking in circles like this at all?

Newsweek has the answer. At least they would like you to think they have the answer. The sooner people stop asking questions about why this is happening the better off the global elite will be. To further the wellness of the teat Newsweek suckles from, and to shut the rest of us up, they published Mystery of Sheep Walking in Circle in China for 12 Days Potentially Solved. One flock of sheep have been walking in circles for 12 days in Inner Mongolia, China.

The flocks ‘owner’ stated there were several sheep which started walking in circles on November 4, 2022. More soon started following. Soon the whole flock was walking in a circle. Newsweek’s first explanation was given by “Matt Bell, a professor and director at the Department of Agriculture at Hartpury University, in Gloucester, England.” He said:

“‘It looks like the sheep are in the pen for long periods, and this might lead to stereotypic behavior, with the repeated circling due to frustration about being in the pen and limited [as to where they can go]. This is not good. Then the other sheep join as they are flock animals and bond or join their friends,’ Bell told Newsweek.”

The owner of this flock has 33 more flocks of sheep and this is the only flock walking in circles. If the sheep were disgruntled about the time in their pens, surely there would be other grumpy sheep in other pens who would have displayed this behavior. But that is not the case. And why is this only occurring now all of a sudden?

Newsweek offers another possible excuse which is entirely bogus. “Some experts have put the behavior down to listeriosis—a bacterial disease also known as 'circling disease.” While Newsweek proved their journalistic illegitimacy by naming a grand total of zero of the experts believing this, they at least followed it up with the fact that listeriosis usually kills it’s host within two days – and this flock has been walking for 12 days. But for fun, here is an example of a goat with listeriosis. If you watch the video, this goat is not walking in circles, it can barely stand up after two days.

I’ve had listeria and it was pretty much the most excruciating pain I have ever experienced. This is kind of a horror story so, you were warned. For a time I worked at a major lunch meat processing and packaging plant. On sanitation crew we would spray the lines down nightly with either soap or, two nights a week, acid. On an acid night I had water run back into my suit. When I went home my arm was slightly red but I figured it was nothing to be concerned about because it was just a little bit of chemical burn. I was wrong. I woke up later in the day and got into the shower. The heat of the water was causing my arm to throb a little bit and I though I will get this off of me right now and thrust my arm under the hot water. That was the wrong move, I immediately went to my knees in pain. I went to a hospital clinic and, after having to remove my shirt, the doctor took one look at it and walked out of the room. I took a close look at it – I could see red veins radiating from the crook of my elbow going somewhat down to my wrist and upwards almost to my shoulder. The doctor came back into the room, handed me a prescription and said, “Go fill this right now. You have a flesh eating bacteria. If it reaches your heart you will die.” I filled the prescription and lived. That pain was absolutely intolerable. I really do feel for the goat in the video, as well as any other being who suffers from listeria.

So, Newsweek really offered no answers after all. And they never will because the cause is electromagnetic fields – a taboo subject which their globalist masters will not permit them to print. Science Alert in 2020 wrote, “We don't know exactly how they do it, we just know it's an amazing gift. For decades, evidence has shown that all sorts of animals can sense magnetic fields and even use them to navigate their way around the planet.” Animals also have this weird ability to flee areas about to become disaster areas from natural disasters including earthquakes, tornadoes, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, and cyclones. It’s the same ‘sixth’ sense animals use in both of these examples.

Humans have changed the earth’s electromagnetic field at times. Whether it’s HAARP and HAARP-like projects, SRM/SAI, CERN, or a natural phenomena involving movements of magma, for instance, something is causing herds of animals to walk, fly, or swim in circles. This animal behavior isn’t a normal occurrence; however. In my opinion it is frequencies throwing them off. It is not an opinion to note that human beings have recently begun to fire up 5G cell towers. 5G towers give off some pretty wild electromagnetic waves. Humans have bathed the earth in electromagnetic waves from radio all the way up to 6G and 7G.

5G is literally a microwave oven. 5G uses two frequency ranges – 450MHz to 6GHz and 24.25GHz to 52.6GHz. Microwaves are already allocated between 1GHz and 170GHz and have an actual range of 1Ghz all the way up to 300GHz. The wavelengths are anywhere between 30 centimeters to 1 millimeter (a foot to 0.04 inches). 6G involves the use of frequencies up to 3THz (which is in the infrared spectrum, specifically the FIR range). In the US these frequencies are already allocated.

7G is imagined but has no specs as of yet. It is coming; however. Medium wrote about 7G in 2020:

“Several application areas envisaged for 7G — including the Internet of Everything (IoE) and all its machine-to-machine communication apart from robotic and autonomous drone delivery and transportation. It would also likely be the solution for technologies like “high-fidelity” virtual reality, which consumes about 50 times the bandwidth of a high-definition video stream and which doesn’t currently work well enough due to wireless limitation.

“Remote diagnostics from doctors to patients (living in rural areas) would get significantly easier, and so the state of remote business conferencing, remote learning and education via mobile devices. Similarly, because 7th generation wireless mobile-communication networks would integrate satellites for global coverage, there would be very little (if any) mobile network uncovered area. So, if one is living in a mountain range or in some remote village, he would still have medical care and excellent mobile coverage, thus closing the digital divide.”

Sounds like StarLink to me. Sounds like the jury is back in and Elon Musk is still a transhumanist who is doing everything he can to erect globalist technological systems to enslave humanity.

These animals walking around in circles are because of humans who are creating and implementing technologies destroying natural electromagnetic fields. We can look for more of the phenomena as more energetic waves are used for faster ‘communications.’ These waves are able to penetrate walls, bodies, cells, and the ground itself to certain depths. It causes cell death, cancer, and a host of other maladies for human beings and animals. If Newsweek or ‘scientists’ want to actually explain the cause of these herds marching in circles, they should check the electromagnetic frequencies in the area. It’s not being caused by grumpy sheep fed up with being in a pen or bacteria. It’s being caused by radiation. The radiation is being stepped up because too many absolute bottom feeding morons ‘think’ that being able to watch Netflix on VR devices is really important. What’s important is convincing these members of the moron squad to throw their stupid VR headsets away and go do something productive – like get a job, or go fishing, or grow an herb garden and some tomatoes. This radiation is a panopticonic surveillance system for earth and everything on it which is lethal to life being demanded by morons and developed by people who openly state they want to get rid of 95% of humanity.

People are going in circles too, albeit different types of circles. Watch Died Suddenly at 45:00 – 48:00. The same ‘people’ who developed the death-jabs which have murdered millions are the same people irradiating the earth. The animals know whats up. It’s time for humanity to catch up to the message these herds are telling us.

Bless God and God bless.


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