Vaccine ‘Hesitancy’ is Really a War on Common Sense

Vaccine ‘Hesitancy’ is Really a War on Common Sense

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/4/2023

For the last 3 years, and even before that, there has been a war on common sense. Vaccine researchers and manufacturers in collusion with many national governments and international bodies and supported by media and academia have become increasingly hostile to anyone who thinks vaccines and their efficacy or safety is not worth the supposed benefits. Humanity now stands at a point in time where we, as a species, will decide whether or not the death cult and it’s proponents’ will are going to be permitted to override common sense in the segment of the population still able to think for themselves.

The entire idea of vaccines is that if someone is exposed to a small amount of a lethal virus they will develop an immunity to it. Sounds good so far. The problem with the idea is that it has never been proven and evidence does not exist for vaccines being the reason that people don’t get sick from various diseases. Thus, vaccines and the underlying ‘science’ they rest on regarding disease transmission in the first place need to be called into question.

Answering questions about how do we get sick has never been fully researched. A label of ‘factual’ has been applied to a theory called germ theory. Under germ theory, airborne transmission of some diseases was supposedly ‘proven’ in 1956 with tuberculosis by Richard L Riley. His experiment was to find out if tuberculosis could be transmitted by ventilation. In a tuberculosis ward he created two chambers and placed guinea pigs in each. One was ventilated from the sick bay and the other was not. The study found higher rates of tuberculosis in the group ventilated by the sick bay. Riley went on to suggest that we start ‘bleaching’ the air with UV light. This makes sense under germ theory.

I have some questions about the containers and locations of these guinea pigs which are not addressed in the research. Were either group of guinea pigs exposed to sunlight? Did the containers allow the guinea pigs to see or hear the patients in the sick ward? The answers to these questions may reveal significant detractions to the ‘proof’ of this study. If one of the containers allowed for sunlight to enter, and the other did not, that variation would throw off the study’s validity. If the one group of guinea pigs were able to see and hear sick people and the other was not the study’s validity would again be in question.

The reason for this is that if I see you yawn, I will be predisposed to yawning. If I see and hear you coughing, my body may decide it is time to follow suit. Some women have a habit of syncing their menstrual cycles with women they are in close contact with for large amounts of time. It’s a physiological response to psychosomatic cues. This influences the development of disease within a human’s body as well. Germ theory does not address or incorporate psychosomatic cues even being capable of causing disease. Those cues are interpreted by our minds which cause different processes to occur within the human body.

Standing in direct contrast and completely disregarded by germ theory proponents is terrain theory. Terrain theory posits the human immune system is capable of combating just about anything thrown at it. God really did a marvelous thing when he created human beings and the immune system. Human immune systems routinely remove all sorts of toxins and pathogens from our bodies such as cancer cells, low levels of pathogenic disease agents, and metals. When we have a fever, cough, sneeze, vomit, urinate, or defecate we are expunging toxins from our body. Terrain theory states that in order for human beings to do this properly, we need properly nourish ourselves. This won’t only build up our immune systems but also helps prevent all sorts of other maladies from needing the immune system in the first place. Terrain theory places emphasis on preventing disease through “maximizing our nutritional status; minimizing our toxicity status, i.e. detoxification; maintaining a proper pH or acid/alkaline balance; maintaining a proper energetic/electrical balance.”

This isn’t theoretical – it has a direct impact on our lives. Germ theory advocates demanded, in some cases mandated, we wear masks. Those in the terrain theory camp suggested taking vitamin C and zinc. The debate boiled down to preventing the entrance or prevent the ability for the disease to infect and replicate. The mask may have kept some particles out but it also kept the waste products we exhale which made people sick. Vitamin C and zinc didn’t prevent toxins from entering our body but it made our immune systems more robust and capable of fighting off disease. Common sense says let’s get rid of the waste our body produces by boosting our immune systems and skip wearing a mask. The maskers went around arresting people at vitamin C clinics, opening and intercepting parcels containing hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, and removing people from jobs, restaurants, entertainment venues, airplanes and public transportation if they refused to put the mask on.

Vaccines are completely derived from germ theory. Proponents of germ theory are who promote and mandate vaccines. All of these germs floating around in the air getting people sick can only be conquered, according to their line of logic, by getting people’s bodies to recognize certain pathogens by injecting it into them. They have no time for any other reason why people can get sick – it’s all the fault of the germs. It has been argued, even when Jenner started sticking puss from cow pox into open wounds in humans, that sanitation is the reason that diseases have been eradicated (when the link is broken by Bill Gates and the WellcomeTrust, the argument was made by William Tebb on October 12, 1881). I would argue that better nutrition also plays a big role as well. There is no room for those ideas under germ theory. The pharmamedical tyranny the world has been inflicted with is driven by adherence to germ theory even when it makes no sense.

The demand is that those of us who don’t want to participate in mutilating our bodies with vaccines, despite the pharmamedical complex’s claims of safety and efficacy, need to be convinced or coerced into undergoing the medical procedure. This was a problem for those with common sense even before the pandemic. There was all kinds of panic from the vaccine industry and their germ theory pimps about measles outbreaks in the decade prior to lovingly being sickened and murdered by a biological weapon. In 2018 and 2019 the reason that measles was spreading was because people were not getting their vaccines. Five years prior though, the culprit was properly identified – people who got the measles contracted the disease from the vaccinated. Actually, a 2014 article appearing in mainstream medical media went much further in explaining what happened:

“By analyzing her blood, the researchers found that Measles Mary mounted an IgM defense, as if she had never been vaccinated. Her blood also contained a potent arsenal of IgG antibodies, but a closer look revealed that none of these IgG antibodies were actually capable of neutralizing the measles virus. It seemed that her vaccine-given immunity had waned.”

Measles is vaccinated against in a cocktail best not taken. The MMR vaccine was, prior to the disaster that mRNA gene therapies are (which are titled vaccines for indemnity). People have lost (and regained after years and years of legal battles) their medical licenses for pointing out MMR vaccines being a causative agent of autism. When Japan, a nation known for having common sense, noticed their autism rates ticking up they got rid of the MMR vaccine and administered the three immunizations (measles, mumps, and rubella) spaced apart.

There is a long history of people who have not trusted vaccines for a variety of reasons. Public health tyrants demand blind acceptance of their interventions while those with common sense tell them to hold up. The main difference between the mRNA COVID-19 shots and others in regards to ‘hesitancy’ is that it exposed a growing number of people who don’t trust medical interventions and added millions more ‘hesitant’ to the ranks. Not following our tyrant’s dictates poses a problem for the tyrants. The pharmamedical complex sics the narrative police on us when we don’t listen. The media pushing the narrative, as opposed to actual media reporting fact-based news, is a bought and paid for whore of whatever complex pays them.

Vox is a great example of this. Prior to COVID-19 shots murdering people, the most deadly shot on the market was Gardasil used to combat HPV in adolescent girls. Specifically, it is given in order to fight against cervical cancer which men don’t have; however, to get around that problem, the pharmamedical complex decided that males are to blame for cervical cancer in females. Everyone can get the HPV shot and, since this medical treatment is classified as a vaccine MERCK (makers of Gardasil) have no liability when the side effects result in death, sterilization, or cancer. It’s the likes of Vox though, who, despite these facts, write article after article about how great dying from vaccines really is.

In the case of HPV vaccines, Vox notes the three main reasons parents didn’t want to have their child receive it. The first blockade to uptake came when parents stated their children were not sexually active and didn’t need it. The second was having their child believe that they could be sexually active. The bastards maiming young boys and girls with HPV vaccines ‘fixed’ these problems by not talking about sex and claiming they were injecting the cure to cancer which is fraud. The other obstacle encountered was that long-term safety data was not readily available. “In the decade and a half since the HPV vaccine became available, researchers found the shots caused primarily minor side effects, such as dizziness, nausea, and headaches. There is no evidence that the HPV vaccine causes more severe side effects, like permanent disability or death.”

Because the murderers at the CDC and NIH don’t want to be put in prison forever they decided to completely disregard anything counter to their claims. This girl was given Gardasil and ended up with seizures. A 21 year old woman died from the Gardasil shot. How does Vox get around these reports? First they ignore anything which doesn’t support the narrative they are paid to report. Second, they are given fraudulent information to begin with. As an example, Children’s Health Defense published this in 2017:

“The largest pre-licensure trial of the Gardasil-9 vaccine—which compared Gardasil-9 against Gardasil rather than against an inert placebo—showed that Gardasil-9 had significantly more serious adverse events than Gardasil (3.3% versus 2.6%, p=0.01). However, the trial investigators judged that 0% of the serious adverse events in both groups were vaccine-related. Gardasil-9 has “more than double [the] HPV virus-like particles and aluminum adjuvant” as Gardasil. The under-recognition of serious adverse events associated with Gardasil-9 “casts further doubt on HPV vaccine safety.””

But Vox wasn’t paid to only promote Gardasil, they were paid to promote the COVID-19 death jabs also. Any non-narrative research is automatically demonized and is classified as inaccurate. In addition to this “inaccurate research” Vox blames the internet and social media. Maybe the following statistic is representative of why the United States is so screwed up – Vox noted that in 2019, 16% of adults thought parents should be able to make decisions about vaccinating their children and in 2022 the percentage of people with common sense rose to 28%. For Vox and their buyers, this is horrible news. A quarter of the citizens have decided to take some sliver of their power back for themselves and make rational decisions regarding vaccinating themselves and their children.

Vox suggests the efforts to overcome HPV vaccine ‘hesitancy’ can be used to overcome COVID-19 death jab ‘hesitancy’ as well as making sure that any vaccines missed, like MMR, are caught up on. The tyrannical monsters infesting the CDC have demanded that all “All school-aged children are up to date on their routine vaccines and have received recommended COVID-19 vaccines,” and Vox thinks it appropriate to parrot that demand. Enlisting churches in vaccination campaigns is another tactic Vox advocates for. Doctors misleading their patients by not actually informing their patients about vaccines is another technique Vox wants to see more of.

The RAND Corporation, like Vox, has addressed vaccine ‘hesitancy’ too. Their ‘solution’ applied game theory to the situation. RAND Corporation described why game theory is so highly valued by people with malice towards humanity and how to use it to target the ‘hesitant.’ They wrote:

“We use game theory to understand how people make decisions, to try to predict the outcomes of those decisions, to measure how well or how poorly those decisions make things for everybody else. We can also use game theory to identify incentives that align what's best for the individual with what's best for the overall system. And in this way, a decentralized system might behave as though it were being centrally managed.”

“We could also combine game theory with some other tools to try to identify groups of individuals who are hesitant to vaccinate geospatially and try to incentivize them to vaccinate by making the decision very convenient, for instance, by locating vaccination centers in the middle of these communities. In this way, we might encourage those who are on the fence about deciding whether or not to vaccinate, make the decision very easy.”

The National Institute of Health also pitched in its two cents. Everything not agreeing with what the NIH thinks we should be doing – their narrative – is absolutely demonized. These germ theorists are literally demanding that we kill ourselves of our own volition. In the paper they produced they demanded narrative non-compliant media and news outlets be shut down. The summary reads:

“Social, cultural, and political contexts play the vital role in decision making regarding vaccine acceptance and refusal. Anti-vaccine controversies concerning vaccine safety are vigorously circulating by social media via different platforms, upsurge the vaccine hesitancy among community members. The anti-vaccine behaviors among community due to misinformation might potentially hamper the COVID-19 vaccine program and to have domino effects on other vaccination program. Therefore, efforts to diminish the myths and conspiracy theories on COVID-19 and vaccines that involving multi-sectorial elements are needed to increase the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine when it is available in the near future.”

Millions of people have died from the ‘vaccine’ the NIH is referencing here. Instead of halting the ‘vaccine’ campaign due to sudden adult death syndrome and millions upon millions of severe adverse side effects – the NIH wants those speaking the truth shut down. The truth is that this ‘vaccine’ isn’t being taken by anyone with common sense. Those who had a lapse in judgment and took a dose or two and then figured out how nonsensical they had behaved have regained their common sense. Those who are just dying to take their sixth, seventh, or eighth shot are still without any common sense – they are the losers of the war on common sense. A tragic fact is that many people are damaged or dead in this war on common sense.

If we are unable to recognize when those in positions of power – experts, politicians, academics, doctors – do not always have our interests in mind with their recommendations and advice then the war on common sense has already been lost. The war is being waged by a centralized series of complexes all working together synergistically to destroy the individual. On the global level, globalists are warring against the Westphalian system of nation states. At the national level, at least in the United States, the federal government is waging a total war on states rights and autonomy. At the individual level, every human being is targeted for extinction by the globalists, the national governments aligned with globalist aspirations, and particular state and local politicians. Banks, businesses, academics, media outlets and a huge number of non-governmental organizations are all in the idea that all of humanity should suspend their common sense in order to just accept and commit to whatever they tell us to do. If these evil bastards manage to get us to give up our common sense, even for a moment, they will not hesitate to murder us, bankrupt us, imprison us, and/or silence us.

If we walk with God, we will have no trouble in seeing the ploys intended to destroy us and understand that we will be spared from the judgments afflicting those committing these evils against humanity. If we hope to walk with God we need to understand what He wants us to do. To do that, we need to learn how to worship God – it’s in the Torah. The Torah is not a ‘Jewish’ book meaning it is only for the Jews. It is an instruction manual giving all of us rules to live by. Do not murder. Do not steal. Do not eat unclean foods. Keep the Sabbath. There’s four of the rules we should live by – there are 609 more. The burden is light, they are not a curse, and they are for every single human being on earth. Common sense should be informed by these rules – the morality of the Bible. We can clearly see how destructive the ethics of man are and how disastrous the outcomes are for those following them. The war on common sense is really a war on the morality of the Bible, the Torah, and the author – God. Either we will learn and walk with Him or we will turn our backs and allow ourselves to be exterminated.

Bless God and God bless.


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