CNN Lying About Lying

CNN Lying About Lying

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/6/2023

Donald Trump spoke at CPAC and the mainstream hitmen masquerading as journalists decided he told at least 23 lies. The scumbags that watch CNN and the other mafia media will suck this up like a hummingbird collecting nectar. CNN is especially adept at weaponizing the ignorance of their viewers. They don’t have a monopoly on it, but they do have a penchant for it. CNN details the lies Donald Trump told and refuted it with their version of the facts.

1. Murder rates are going up in New York City. There is the fact. Trump described the murder rate as being one “like nobody’s ever seen.” CNN notes that New York City suffered more severe murder rates in 1990 and 1993. Because of the phrase Trump used to describe rising murder rates in the city, CNN deemed it a lie and never bothered to address what Trump was getting at – increasing homicide rates in New York City.

Trump 1 – CNN 0

2. While Minneapolis was burning down, Tim Walz sat on his ass claiming everything was taken care of. Trump had asked Walz and the mayors in St. Paul and Minneapolis to put a lid on it or Trump would do something about it himself. Eventually Trump did twist Walz’s arm and he did call in the National Guard. Trump isn’t wrong about having effected the call. CNN thinks he is because, instead of trying to get the whole story, like real journalists do, they took Walz’s word that he called the National Guard in all by his fat assed self – a complete lie and a sham. Tim Walz would have been content watching all of Minnesota burnt down.

Trump 2 – CNN 0

3. CNN quotes Trump as having stated, ““I passed and signed an executive order. Anybody that does that gets 10 years in jail, with no negotiation – it’s not ’10’ but it turns into three months.”” This is for crimes committed against property, namely destroying statues. CNN decided that Trump never mentioned the 3 month thing at all. They also noted that his executive order merely directed these cases to be given higher priority – the law indicating 10 year sentences already existed.

Trump 3 – CNN 0

4. Trump mocked the fools ‘running’ Portland, Oregon (into the ground) by suggesting they don’t have storefronts any more because they are looted so often. Obviously Trump offered an exaggerated description to depict how awful the ‘leaders’ of Portland are. CNN dubbed it a lie because there are still storefronts in Portland, Oregon. I can only wonder for how much longer?

Trump 4 – CNN 0

5. Trump said ““I was also the only president where Russia didn’t take over a country during my term.”” Of course he is talking about the first two terms of Obama as himself and the unmitigated disaster we are watching right now during Obama’s third term. Nope, Trump lied again according to CNN. Only democrats matter so they went and found some lying pile of crap ‘professor’ of ‘history’ named Khodarkovsky to claim Clinton the rapist in chief is the best example of a peaceful Russia. This ‘history’ professor; however, goes on to lie himself by stating, “It [USSR] only sent forces into countries it had taken over in 1945.” The USSR sent forces all over the world and did find some success in several nations like Korea, Vietnam, and Cuba.

Trump 5 – CNN -1

6. NATO is still not being paid for according to the guidelines. All members nations are supposed to put 2% of their GDP towards military expenditures. Trump, rightly, made a big deal about this and demanded that if the US is going to continue to be a member, the rest of the members are going to have to start fulfilling their commitments. Sounds fair to anyone with common sense but not to CNN. “And while it’s true that most NATO countries were not (and still are not) meeting NATO’s target of each country spending a minimum of 2% of gross domestic product on defense, that 2% figure is what NATO calls a “guideline”; it is not some sort of binding contract, and it does not create liabilities.” Then I guess that Article 5 of NATO is just a suggestion too and that an attack on one can remain an attack on one – we already pay too much to weaken our nation by foreign entanglements and we sure as hell do not need to be supporting reckless warmongering freaks like Poland’s PM or non-NATO members like Zelensky demanding that we send our sons and daughters to die for his pathetic cause.

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7. Now, CNN didn’t intend to make Trump seem like a better candidate but they managed to do it anyway because they are completely inept at their jobs. Trump stated, ““Actually, NATO wouldn’t even exist if I didn’t get them [the other NATO members] to pay up.”” Trump at the time was threatening to remove the United States from NATO if they didn’t pay up which would have killed NATO for all intents and purposes. At the end of their fact checking; however, they quoted a clown from the Brookings Institution who suggested that Trump fully intended to pull the US out of NATO if he had a second term. For me, that seems like a reason to vote for Trump.

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8. CNN took offense at Trump putting the cost of a new NATO headquarters at $3 billion. CNN and NATO contend that the cost was only $1.3 billion. CNN skipped trying to address Trump’s assertion about the building being a “skyscraper [...] on it’s side.” ““One tank shot through that beautiful glass building and it’s gone,”” Trump continued. CNN decided to skip fact checking that too, as well as the idea that they should have spent less that 10% of what they did on a bunker.

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9. CNN went to bat for themselves, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Pulitzer Prize in defense of the lies told about Trump’s Russian collusion. CNN defended their lie unsuccessfully by continuing to rely on the Mueller report and the RINO-led Senate Intelligence Committee Investigation. Trump stated that the Times and the Post admitted to their mistake outright which they both claim that they have not. Trump wasn’t wrong because they have had to report news indicating that the stories were based on made-up evidence. The Pulitzer Prize, demanding to be recognized as ‘woke’, defends it’s decision to reward papers which publish lies. What this shows is the echo chamber which exists between the deep state and their mouthpiece as well as the way the stack lie upon lie and call it truth since all of them are telling the same lie.

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10. Trump claimed that nobody had ever heard of Nord Stream 2 before he started talking about it. Searching Nord Stream 2 between January 2010 and July 2016 yielded 17 articles of which 2 were in US media and both articles were in the WSJ. CNN claims that some people were informed of Nord Stream 2 and, while they are correct, Nord Stream 2 was not a conversation piece in normal circles. At the time Nord Stream 2 is the same as if I try to talk to ‘normal’ people about an electric universe, terrain theory, or electromagnetic interference frequencies in the human body. Nobody’s heard about it. Of course, some have heard about those things but bumping into those people at random is highly unlikely.

Trump 9 – CNN -2

11. “Putin actually said to me, ‘If you’re my friend, I’d hate like hell to see you as my enemy.’ Because I ended the pipeline, right? Do you remember? Nord Stream 2.” He [Trump] continued, “I ended it. It was dead.”” According to CNN he didn’t end it because when he did end it, the contractors building it said they would pay to finish it. After Trump suffered an electoral insurrection giving Joe Biden the White House through a coup, CNN described what happened to Nord Stream 2, ““The pipeline never began operations; Germany ended up halting the project as Russia was about to invade Ukraine early last year. The pipeline was damaged later in the year in what has been described as an act of sabotage.” CNN lied again by clutching to the notion that Nord Stream 2 was an act of sabotage when, in fact, it was an act of war committed by the United States knowing full well what was happening.

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12. Trump did himself no favors by bragging about the “lethal assistance” he gave to Ukraine. Ya, Trump we are all sick and tired of foreign aid to Ukraine, but that is besides the point. About the Obama regime Trump stated, ““Do you remember? They supplied the bedsheets. And maybe even some pillows from [pillow businessman] Mike [Lindell], who’s sitting right over here. … But they supplied the bedsheets.”” CNN admits that Obama supplied bedsheets to Ukraine but that the regime also sent non-lethal military aid in their effort to cry foul on Trump. While CNN did this though they also used the same logic they faulted Trump for by calling Mike Lindell a pillow businessman when in reality, MyPillow offers pillows, bed sheets, slippers, toppers, towels, coffee, bathrobes, pillowcases, sandals, comforters, duvet covers, blankets, pet beds, and pet blankets.

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13. CNN wrote up a beautiful example of pure disinformation propaganda to once again cover Hunter Biden and Joe Biden engaging in corruption and pay to play activities in Ukraine revolving around Barisma. I personally have seen the Joe Biden video at least 50 times where Joe is laughing as he says, And whaddaya know? He was fired. That is repulsive in the United States and absolutely reprehensible that a vice president would conduct himself in that manner and then think it is a joke. There is no integrity whatsoever at CNN and they proved it, “Biden, as vice president, was carrying out the policy of the US and its allies, not pursuing his own agenda, in threatening to withhold a billion-dollar US loan guarantee if the Ukrainian government did not sack Shokin. CNN fact-checked Trump’s claims on this subject at length in 2019.”

Trump 12 – CNN -∞-4

14. “Promising to save Americans’ jobs if he is elected again, Trump claimed, “We had the greatest job history of any president ever,”” wrote CNN. Unemployment was very low. Wages were rising. People were doing better than they were. CNN, always looking at things incorrectly interpreted this as how many jobs were created. Again, Bill the rapist and his murderous wife, are credited with creating more jobs than Trump. CNN also made the claim that Trump lost 2.7 million jobs caused mostly by the scamdemic. They failed to mention that it was RINO and democrat governors who demanded so-called non-essential businesses shuttered. Likewise, CNN also boasted about all the jobs ‘created’ under the Biden regime. Under Trump there were more jobs in the United States which could pay the bills while under the Obama and Biden regimes any decent paying job was sent overseas as quickly as possible and the US citizen was left with low paying dead-end jobs more often than not.

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15. CNN couldn’t bear to admit that Trump was correct in putting up larger trade tariffs with China. Instead they attacked him for stating, ““no other president had gotten even 10 cents – not one president got anything from them.”” China has always charged tariffs which are very high compared to US tariffs on Chinese garbage. Trump raised them to reflect a better balance in an effort to knock China’s tariffs down to a reasonable level. CNN also advocated for no tariffs on imports by making the obvious charge that US consumers had to pay more for garbage from China. That is the whole point of tariffs – to make the import so expensive that manufacturing the items domestically makes more sense….

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16. CNN lied about what Trump actually said by having written, “Trump went on to repeat a false claim he made more than 100 times as president – that the US used to have a trade deficit with China of more than $500 billion. He claimed it was “five-, six-, seven-hundred billion dollars a year.”” Trump never stated US trade deficits with China were 500, 600, 700 billion a year. The trade deficit is not something that any president should be proud of since 1975 because that was the last year that we rad a trade surplus. There is no reason for this other than we have been deindustrialized and don;t make anything in this nation anymore.

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17. CNN wrote, “Trump said people claim they want to run against him even though, he claimed, he won the 2020 election. He said, “I won the second election, OK, won it by a lot. You know, when they say, when they say Biden won, the smart people know that didn’t [happen].”” He did win it by a lot but because their US-hating Manchurian candidate successfully pulled off a coup they ignore the rampant fraud of the 2020 elections. Forgetting that there were well more than 7 million illegal votes CNN wrote as a fact check, “This is Trump’s regular lie. He lost the 2020 election to Biden fair and square, 306 to 232 in the Electoral College. Biden earned more than 7 million more votes than Trump did.” Biden only did this through a massive fraud organization as noted by mountains of evidence denied to be admitted in a variety of courts in numerous districts, 2000 Mules, and the treason which Mike Pence committed on January 6, 2021.

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18. Trump kind of told a lie when he claimed that democrats are good for anything even if it is ““disinformation and cheating in elections.”” Although democrats do have a talent for lying, cheating, and destroying things, they aren’t all that good because they are constantly getting caught even though there is a severe shortage of jail sentences for those committing these acts. CNN followed up Trumps claim with a fact check reading, “This is nonsense. There is just no basis for a broad claim that Democrats are election cheaters. Election fraud and voter fraud are exceedingly rare in US elections, though such crimes are occasionally committed by officials and supporters of both parties. (We’ll ignore Trump’s subjective claim about “disinformation.”).” democrats are election riggers – it’s the only way they win. Once they win they follow the same steps California, Washington, Massachusetts, and Illinois have done where they retain their election fraud and racketeering schemes and move to create a one-party system. CNN can go straight to Hell for suggesting that democrats produce nothing but disinformation. Again, CNN operates in a world of conformity, confirmation, and narrative biases and anything falling outside of the scope of their stupid ‘news’ is disinformation.

Trump 18 – CNN can go to Hell

19. The Obama regime created ISIS. The US taxpayer was funding ISIS under the Obama regime. This is not only treason it is terrorism to boot. Trump claimed he ended ISIS in three weeks. CNN claims that it took him between two and a half months to two years. The key to it is that, under Trump, ISIS wasn’t being supplied with material aid and armaments to continue fighting their jihad. They fell apart very quickly once their sugar-daddy was no longer treasonously funding them. CNN relied on a World Economic Forum and Citibank affiliated ‘intelligence’ company designed to shove global government down everyone’s throats to make their claim that Obama reduced ISIS’ footprint.

Trump 19 – CNN can still go to Hell

20. Trump noted Biden’s disastrous withdraw from Afghanistan which left $85 billion of military equipment to the Taliban and left 13 members of our military dead. CNN refuted Trumps claim by relying on the Department of Defense’s claims of it only being $7.1 billion. Never let it slip your mind that these scumbags are the same assholes who couldn’t account for $3 trillion and then set off a planned demolition of the building containing their records on the afternoon of September 11, 2001 – aka Building 7. One cent was too much to leave for the Taliban. Leaving $7.1 billion an absolute travesty. Leaving $85 billion an absolute travesty as well. Trusting the Department of Defense to accurately report anything regarding accounting is a good way to set one’s self up for failure. CNN must have not gotten the memo or ended up with a whole bunch of ‘lost’ DoD money in their bank accounts. CNN didn’t bother mentioning Biden getting 13 service members murdered during the withdraw.

Trump 21 – CNN can go to a lower part of Hell

21. Trump claimed that F-16’s were left behind in Afghanistan. CNN says that he lied because the Afghans didn’t fly F-16’s. That in no way correlates to the aircraft not being left behind. US officials noted that at least 73 aircraft were abandoned during the withdraw and F-16’s may very well have been among the abandoned equipment. It could very well be that the DoD and Biden crime family deiced that US citizens would lose any faith in the Office of the Presidency and the Secretary of Defense admitted to having left F-16’s in Kabul.

Trump 22 – CNN can still go to a lower level of Hell

22. Trump claimed that he had the initial allocations for the border wall built. Specifically, Trump correctly noted, ““As you know, I built hundreds of miles of wall and completed that task as promised. And then I began to add even more in areas that seemed to be allowing a lot of people to come in.”” CNN decided that this isn’t what Trump said and interpreted his quote incorrectly and incredibly dishonestly. They didn’t distinguish between Trump having finished the original portions of the wall and adding more to be built after the first sections were built. They did this intentionally to make the claim that Trump didn’t complete the original portions of the wall.

Trump 23 – CNN can go to an even lower part of Hell

23. CNN didn’t even bother to actually quote Donald Trump while they claimed he lied about Obama deporting MS-13 members. Instead, they wrote, “Trump told his familiar story about how, until he was president, the US was unable to deport MS-13 gang members to other countries, “especially” Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras because those countries “didn’t want them.”” The quote actually goes (starting at 1:17:35 to 1:18:50):

“We had a problem when I first assumed the office in 2016, it was a big problem. We’d have these people, we’d round them up, MS-13 gangs, the worst people. These are absolute brutal killers. They used to knife 16 year old girls because it was more painful, it would take longer to kill her. These are real animals and Nancy Pelosi said ‘how dare you call them animals – these are human beings’ I said no they’re not but these are real animals. And we couldn’t get them into their countries because the country was like, especially three – you take a look at Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras in particular, and Mexico to an extent – you couldn’t get them back in because they didn’t want them. They sent them out in the first place. You know, they forced them into our country, just so you know. These are very smart people that run these places, they’re very street wise. So I said what’s the problem sir? We have thousands of people but they won’t allow us to land the planes, they won’t allow buses to cross the border, and they won’t allow them back in their country. I said how much money do we pay to these various countries? Sir we pay 750 million dollars a year. I say, alright, inform the country that we are no longer paying any money, and if they ask why you can tell them.”

CNN claimed, falsely, that these nations refusing to allow deportations was not the rule. When dealing with MS-13 members these countries routinely refused their deportations. CNN made their claim based not on MS-13 members but on all illegal aliens being deported to these countries. Moving the goal posts is a CNN (and democrat) specialty and it constitutes lying.

Trump 24 – CNN can go to the inner sanctum of the lowest part of Hell

I have some issues with Donald Trump but when he is being lied about, I can’t stand it. CNN only writes articles like this because there is a large segment of the population who hate Trump even existing. These types of hit pieces only serve to bolster these knuckle dragging, deranged, partakers in CNN’s lies. Instead of being able to debate solutions, CNN wants the narrative to become Trump lied about these 23 things. Will a wall work isn’t a discussion which can even be held between idiotic CNN viewers and anyone else because Trump had the idea and Trump is a liar. The entire mainstream media is on the exact same narrative and that narrative consists of the media telling lies about Trump so they don’t have to discuss what has worked and what hasn’t. It’s a giant ad-hominem attack against Trump, anyone who identified MAGA as a good course of action, and all republicans.

If you are a CNN believer, I apologize for absolutely nothing. Be offended. But think about turning it off and getting a dose of truth – from the Bible. Even if you aren’t a CNN believer, or even viewer or reader, read your Bible. I do think that the big lie is about to be announced and even the saints may be persuaded by this lie. Pray and ask for the discernment needed to avoid that fate because that fate is permanent separation from God.

Bless God and God bless.


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