Liars Can’t Stop Lying

Liars Can’t Stop Lying

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/3/2023

There is a saying which goes, “A lie goes halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on” attributed to Winston Churchill and others. The lies being addressed here have had a devastating impact on all of our lives. Two of the lies revolving around the China virus have traveled the world multiple times and the truth has finally began to come to the fore. The lies disintegrating under the light of the truth include the origins of the China virus and the efficacy of masks. Yet, even as the truth comes to the fore, establishment media still cannot admit to their lies and have instead decided to double down on them.

The people and organizations which sponsor these continued lies are dreaming about their post-human designs. The Atlantic is high on the list of those with these dreams. I don’t know if Derek Thompson believes the BS he wrote in Why the Lab Leak and Mask Debates Are Such a Disaster but he did convince me he is a liar and The Atlantic will pay anyone to produce narrative compliant articles and publish them. Thompson offered his opinions about both topics:

“I share the Department of Energy’s assessment, even though I don’t have access to its information. I think the lab leak is probable, by the slimmest of margins, and have also reconciled myself to the fact that I’ll never know for sure. I think the government should proceed as if the lab leak is 100 percent true and push for global gain-of-function limitations that reduce the likelihood of future catastrophic lab leaks.

“I’m going to keep wearing N95 masks in public indoor spaces during periods of elevated COVID transmission. I think that my neighborhood, in Washington, D.C., would benefit from an indoor mask mandate during high-transmission periods, even as I suspect that many unenforced mask-mandate policies around the world don’t do much, because of poor adherence and no enforcement.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci, is pretty definitive about where the China virus originated. It originated in China and was orchestrated by Anthony Fauci with funding out of the United States. The research was made illegal in the United States so, Fauci decided to redefine gain-of-function research, moved the operation out of Chapel Hill, NC, USA to Wuhan, China, and then it was released or ‘accidentally escaped’ from the lab. I put my money on intentionally released as the Chinese dictator for life has suggested on multiple occasions.

Masks don’t work. Now, I’m no scientist, but I can absolutely state that when I was a child and threw sand out of my sandbox it readily permeated the chain-link fence. The mask is the fence and the sand are ‘viral’ particles. Of course, all of this relies on the theory of viral transmission. That’s right, it is not known whether or not viruses are able to infect us because they are able to be transmitted through the air. But what about the theory of gravity, those readers who maybe scientifically inclined may ask. If it’s just a theory why does gravity work. The electromagnetic universe theory satisfies that question. Of course, that is just a theory, too. So which one is right and which one is wrong? By Thompson’s calculations both are right and both are wrong at the same time. So, he can’t believe in gravity if he believes in science.

And based on his loose ethics and his inability to believe in anything except for his ethics, he has deluded himself into sounding like a babbling idiot adhering to doublespeak. His article is nothing but doublespeak. And his suggestions based on his ethical delirium are stupid and dangerous in that order.

Gain-of-function research (the idea that we should use genetic engineering to intentionally create chimeric pathogens which are more infectious, easily transmitted, and lethal to any life form) occurring anywhere in the world, needs to be banned and corporeally punishable. “Limitations” don’t cut it. Allowing those responsible for creating these chimeric monsters to remain free is not a solution either. Like Thompson’s recommendations for the lab-leak theory, his idiotic refusal to admit that masks don’t work is another instance of doublespeak as well as self-gratification and showing that he doesn’t actually believe in ‘science.’ Showing his penchant for dangerous and arbitrary totalitarianism he actually suggests that we should be fined, arrested, and possibly held in camps for refusing to comply with his preferred edicts. He’s a mask Nazi.

During the course of this article he also demands that the internet be heavily censored in order to only allow narrative compliant information. Thompson absolutely drives all of this home in a very well written final paragraph which he surely didn’t intend to implicate himself as one in the SCIENCE bloc, but that is exactly what he ended up doing:

“My advice in navigating this mess is: Do not trust people who, in their handling of complex questions with imperfect data, manufacture simplistic answers with perfect confidence. Instead, trust people who allow for complexity and uncertainty. Trust people who change their mind when the evidence changes. Trust people who, when they say “Believe the science!” put their trust in science, with a small-s, which is the dynamic reevaluation of complicated truths, rather than SCIENCE, in weird caps-lock font, which has come to mean the faith that for every random political position, there exists an official-looking study to permanently justify it. I wish the field of epidemiology was made up of immutable laws as settled as the roundness of the Earth and the power of gravity. It’s not. Its priors are vulnerable to reevaluation. If you want to stay right in this space, you have to be curious enough to potentially prove yourself wrong. You have to keep paying attention. For better or worse, that’s science.”

Thompson and The Atlantic are not alone in demanding that everyone follow their point of view. To be perfectly clear, ini order to adopt their point of view, no belief can ever be permanent which reaches it’s logical conclusion in employing doublespeak. If nothing is permanent nothing can be adhered to and everything turns into a relativistic ethical judgment. The libtard mobs are very good at convincing people to give up any objective belief they hold in order to believe in their ethical relativity – i.e. lies.

Forbes, a Communist Chinese owned rag masquerading as legitimate news, published Marisa Dellatto’s Timeline: How The Covid Lab Leak Origin Story Went From 'Conspiracy Theory' To Government Debate. Dellatto’s article mocks the idea the China-virus leaked from a lab at the conclusion of her version of a timeline. “Many brushed Trump’s claims of a lab leak off as misinformation, as he was frequently spreading false claims about the virus, including that researchers should study bleach injection as a form of fighting it. The lab leak theory has also been conflated with the idea that the virus was released on purpose as a biological weapon, an evidence-free conspiracy theory.”

Trump never suggested anyone shoot up with bleach. This was a lie from the moment Trump stated, ““I see the disinfectant where it knocks [the virus] out [from a surface] in a minute, one minute, and is there a way we can do something like that [by] injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets on the lungs and it does a tremendous number,”” The lying liars worked their magic then by claiming that Trump said to inject bleach when he did nothing of the sort. The lie is still alive and well at Forbes. The United States and China are already at war in the economic and cyberspace arenas. Why would China not release a pathogen able to kill many people and shut the world down in the process? There is a ton of evidence, Dellatto just didn't want to look for it.

For Dellatto, who is a permanent and prominent resident of planet GFY – a fictional land based on imagination having no input from reality – the issue is race. She ludicrously attributes the China virus lab-leak theory as the cause for violence against Asians who are in the United States – no other nation is mentioned which completely destroys her argument. She wrote, “While China became known as the source of Covid-19, whether naturally occurring or in a lab, Asian Americans experienced an increase in racism and race-targeted attacks that is generally linked to the pandemic. In 2022, the group Stop AAPI Hate reported there were nearly 11,500 reported hate incidents in the U.S. between March 19, 2020 and March 31, 2022.” Dellatto is supporting planet GFY’s narrative that Asians are all victims too and deserve the special considerations other victims are granted. She is claiming anyone positing the lab leak theory is a racist.

CNN always lies and always demands that adherence to their narrative. Their response to the lab-leak facts being adopted by a second US intelligence agency is that it is a minority view. What is weird is that CNN so deceptively promotes every other minority view as God-given truth such as their promotion of LGBTQIA+ ‘rights’ and transsexual ‘rights’ and the child abuse they endorse commonly known as transgender story time. The two previous articles also attacked the lab-leak facts as a minority view. CNN’s Zackary B. Wolf’s Covid ‘lab leak theory’: What we’ve learned basically states that trying to figure out where the China virus originated is a waste of time and resources which are being diverted from what really matters – instantiating medical tyranny.

Other publications not betrothed to the official narrative reported on the issue more accurately. New York Post published White House backs gain-of-function research, still doubts COVID lab leak written by Steven Nelson. Nelson laid out some rather damning facts about planet GFY’s narrative experts noting Fauci and Biden’s relationships with China. He also included the White House spokesman, John Kirby, answer to questions about the reason that the China virus exists at all, gain-of-function research. ““He [Biden] believes that it’s [gain-of-function research] important to help prevent future pandemics, which means he understands there has to be legitimate scientific research into the sources or potential sources of pandemics so that we understand it so that we can prevent them,” Kirby said.”

1. In order to understand diseases which have never existed and will ever naturally occur, we need to make them. 2. By making them we can understand them. 3. By understanding them we will be able to prevent them. This is literally what Kirby said. He forgot about 4, 5, and 6 though. 4. Preventing them will yield the government greater control over the population. 5. Create another disease to scare people with to get them to cede more control. 6. Repeat until complete medical tyranny is established and the post-human world is recognized.

It would be tough to find a more illogical line of thought than what Kirby stated. The reason for this is it is pure doublespeak. What is 2 + 2? It’s whatever John Kirby or Joe Biden or Anthony Fauci says it is at any point in time. For the next ten minutes, the answer demanded might be 4. After the initial 10 minutes, the narrative may demand the correct answer is there was no fraud in the 2020 election. Not only will the inhabitants of planet GFY parrot the ‘correct’ answer, they actually believe the lie. You know nothing except what we tell you you know. The culture of this awful planet is lying and the currency is how deeply committed to the official narrative – the lie – one is. This is the exact same play all totalitarian regimes have used to justify all of their actions whether it was Hitler or Mao, it really made no difference. Believe the lie of die. What’s the truth? The truth is that gain-of-function research should be condemned, made illegal around the globe, and subject those breaking the law to a death penalty. The truth is that the only reason to perform gain-of-function research is to find ways to murder huge numbers of people.

Breitbart’s Hannah Bleau wrote an article which contains mostly tweets from republicans and democrats in Republicans Spike Football After Biden Administration Admits Coronavirus Likely Came from Lab Leak. The article points out that Fauci lied and people died. It also makes it clear that many republicans want to see the lab leak intelligence declassified and released to the public. Jim Jordan’s tweet probably sums Bleau’s point up best, “So the government caught up to what Real America knew all along.” Rand Paul tackled the other issues about the leaks the best, “Classified documents leaked (they should be declassified!) showing scientists at DOE believe COVID leaked from Wuhan Lab.”

Sometimes the truth is well hidden. Sometimes it’s hard to find. When the burden for proof relies only on the ethics found on planet GFY – there is no truth. There are only the lying narrative dictators and the narrative followers – all of them liars. The truth doesn’t matter to them. The lie is all that matters. The truth about masks is they are useless at best and extremely harmful to human health at worst. The truth also incudes the obvious facts that the China virus came from a lab in China operated by Anthony Fauci. Another, more destructive truth, lies hidden just behind those two truths, the people telling these lies and demanding we agree to them want us dead.

The easiest truth to recognize is the fact that God exists. Another truth is that God cannot possibly pleased with what some human beings have decided to undertake – chimerism, blood sacrifice, DNA mutilation, tainting the food and water supply, endorsing homosexuality, murder, lying, cannibalism. There’s much more; however, the reasons behind all of these debaucheries is a belief in the biggest lie being told – God is not real and neither is the Adversary. It’s akin to stating that night and day do not exist. Good and evil are very real. God and the Adversary are very real. Denying that is denying one’s own humanness. Denying our humanness though is the entry fee for living on planet GFY – a dangerous place filled with death, despair, and lies. The truth is able to be accessed in the Bible and no one on planet GFY seems to be able to even approach it honestly. Want the truth – read the Bible.

Bless God and God bless.


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