US Food Safety Regulators: Eat and Drink Anything But Food or Water

US Food Safety Regulators: Eat and Drink Anything But Food or Water

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/8/2024

Amos Miller operates organic farms in multiple states. He sells meat and dairy products direct to consumers looking to obtain unpasteurized milk, non-vaccinated meat products, and other farm products untainted by science. The description on Miller’s beef products web page is indicative of the products his farms sell:

“All of our Beef is born and raised on our own farm. We are committed to graze our cattle on fresh grass and herbs throughout the entire year, except some dry grass hay and herbs, including Haylidge, in the winter time. We prefer to raise the old fashioned beef breeds that fatten well on grass. This is important for meat quality. All of our Beef is hormone, antibiotic, GMO and drug-free and we never inject vaccines, including the mRNA kind. Enjoy clean and nutrient dense, entirely grass-fed and finished Beef you can trust.”

Even before the FDA decided the death jabs were safe and effective (a position they still maintain even in the wake of between 17 and 20 million additional all-cause deaths), Amos was in their and other food ‘safety’ regulators’ sights. In 2016 the USDA targeted Amos Miller after the CDC blamed two deaths on consuming raw milk products purchased from Miller’s farm. The CDC seems to have fabricated the causes of death but that did not prevent the USDA from filing their lawsuit which sought to inspect Miller’s operations. Miller was ordered to bow down to USDA regulations and to pay six-figure fines.

Miller continued to sell his products after the ruling and without gaining USDA approval. He was dragged back into court once more. The second consent decree ordered Amos Miller to fork over more than $100,000 for the government’s legal fees and to no longer be able to operate at all.

Celebrations in the food ‘safety’ world took place in November of 2023 when Amos Miller. Authoritarians in this abjectly corrupt deep-state infested regulatory industry exclaimed, “Amish farmer Amos Miller is holding up his third agreement with the federal government. It means his appearances in federal court are over.  USDA enforcement of federal food safety regulations has prevailed.” In other words, unless a US regulator approves an item of food we are not allowed to consume it.

Despite the cheerleaders celebrating breaking Amos Miller, his farm in Lancaster, PA was again raided on January 4, 2024. A minor in Michigan and another in New York were diagnosed with e. coli according to public health officials. The cause was immediately attributed to having consumed raw milk products produced by Miller’s farm. The state of Pennsylvania’s Department of Agriculture raided the farm as a result of the decree of MI and NY public health officials. ‘Authorities’ claimed they were looking for “illegal raw milk and raw milk products” as well as “other things.” The article does not specify what these other things are or if those other things are even identified in the search warrant executed by these thugs but the article does note that the main reason they showed up was because Miller doesn’t have a license to operate.

It is not necessary to obtain a retail license to grow food and raise livestock to sell to members of a private association. The effects on growing our own food and maybe even selling surpluses or bartering it for other goods is under assault by suggesting that it is necessary. The only reason PA is demanding a license be held by Miller is so they can tax him out of existence instead of being forced to wage lawfare through federal and state regulatory agencies acting in bad faith. Miller and the members of his association are concerned with eating clean food. The real question is what is more important to you?

These rulings and raids reflect the US government’s desire to drag its subjects into a future in which any item, not just food, even if it crosses no state lines, is subject to the Commerce Clause (Article I Section VIII Clause III) of the US Constitution, “To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes. Far from following the intent of this clause, modern judicial proceedings have used it to expand the federal government’s reach into all of our live in an effort to create a state-directed economy. The misapplication of the Commerce Clause has resulted in hundreds of rulings which do nothing but give the federal government power it does not possess.

In the case of Amos Miller it is being used to ensure that no person in the United States will ever be permitted to consume anything not approved by the FDA, USDA, EPA, or NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service). And that is a problem with dire implications.

Human beings require clean, nutritious food and water, as all of us know. To lull us into complacency multiple regulatory bodies exist which supposedly assure us of the safety of the substances we eat, drink, inject, and even clean our skin and kitchens with. Tap water safety is supposedly guaranteed by the EPA, meat and dairy products by the USDA, other foods and food additives as well as medications and vaccines by the FDA, and safe seafood by the NMFS. All of these entities are worse than useless – they are dangerous to human life. They are not interested in food and water safety. They are actively engaged in destroying actual food so their corporate sponsors are able to introduce chemical slurries and DNA-mutilations as food and turning a blind eye to serious water-contamination concerns.

The United States Department of Agriculture

The USDA originated in the US Patent Office in 1837 where a repository of seeds was created and agricultural production recorded by Henry Leavitt Ellsworth. In 1849 Ellsworth’s efforts were moved under the US Department of the Interior. The USDA was made it’s own agency by Abraham Lincoln in 1862 with the task of feeding Union soldiers. Grover Cleveland made the USDA a cabinet level position in 1889 (page 835 of Congress 50). It was created with multiple divisions including the seed division which was tasked with distributing seeds to individuals and the microscopal division which was tasked with detecting and preventing adulterated food from entering the market.

The USDA has obviously gone to total war against farmers like Amos Miller for producing unadulterated food today. At the same time, pink slime is unadulterated food according to the USDA and is just called ground beef despite it being a heat and chemically processed ground beef additive. The USDA has decided we don’t need to know the slime is in there. Beef Products Inc., the company which makes this version of ammonia-treated sludge could package their pink slime and sell it as ground beef. Amos Miller farms selling raw milk; however, is the problem.

In addition to endorsing chemically altered food masquerading as real food, the USDA continues to refuse to address issues surrounding the threats nanotechnology poses to meat product safety. Far from seeing nanotechnology as an adulteration of food they want to make sure it is in every food product conceivable. They want nanotechnology to be in all of the animals we eat, meaning they want nanotechnology in all of the human beings that eat them.

The USDA has decided that cancer meat, and I mean that literally, is safe to be purchased from grocery shelves. Chicken shouldn’t be raised and ethically slaughtered to be consumed. No, no, no. It should be cultured from tumors in chickens. This cancer in a package is subjected to exactly the same regulations as when meat is grown in living animals and slaughtered.

In case the reader is hoping that these are aberrations and the USDA really is about safety, it is important to note that the USDA maintains a list of regulated bioengineered products. The list is not all inclusive and there seems to be a potential lapse of at lease a two and half years between bioengineered foods being on the market and the USDA labeling them. As a matter of fact, the USDA basically spits right at the consumer by noting, “There is no presumption of Bioengineered status for these foods until the compliance date.” Unless the date of notification has been reached, the USDA will just assume that these foods are not being sold as the mangled and adulterated versions created by biological engineers. Until July 21, 2025 we may or may not be eating Bt sugar which is alarming because of the history of other modifications made to sugar and sold as sugar alternatives which are linked to a variety of serious acute and chronic illnesses.

The USDA isn’t about promoting food safety. It’s about making absolutely certain that actual, real, clean food is not produced, not available for purchase, nor a legal activity to engage in. Eat your cancer chicken kids!

The United States Food and Drug Administration

The FDA has its roots in the Division of Chemistry (1862), later updated to a Bureau (1901), under the Department of Agriculture. In 1906 the progressive Federal Food and Drugs Act was passed which created the FDA. The administration responsible for ensuring that was is on a label is what is in the package was passed around like a streetwalker until it finally landed under the authority of the Department of Health and Human Services (another fallacious moniker employed by the US government). Originally, what would become the FDA, a part of the Bureau of Chemistry at the time, was supposed to ensure the lack of “the addition of any ingredients that would substitute for the food, conceal damage, pose a health hazard, or constitute a filthy or decomposed substance.”

Today they make sure food additives are hazardous, drugs are poisons, and that everything we are supposed to think of as healthy actually poses a known health hazard. Take a peek at their Covid-19 approved EUA page and therapuetics list and note that ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D, vitamin C, nor Z-Pak’s are there. Remdesivir and Molnupiravir, two of the most lethal drug concoctions ever developed, are green-lighted by the FDA though. Vaccines are no longer something to be avoided in pregnant women, should be taken over and over again, and that gene-therapies – no matter how short the duration of the effect – are appropriate and safe for everyone 6-months and older.

The FDA has found it fit to green light sugar alternatives (1974 and 1996) as well as allowed for genetically modified organisms into our food supply (1994). Instead of ensuring these products were safe the FDA just made the claim they are in order to enrich the corporations which produce them. While these products have been suggested as the cause of a number of human illnesses and diseases Monsanto raked in the money people spent to make them sick with the FDA’s promotion of the products being safe. This is a recurring theme of the FDA.

Monsanto really started making their money when the FDA decided that they would do absolutely nothing to ensure the genetically mutilated seeds the multinational corporation created we safe to consume. Monsanto created seeds which were immune from the effects of its total defoliant Roundup with an active ingredient called glyphosate, a molecule based on phosphorus. The glyphosate-immune seeds allowed Monsanto to gain patents for them. Their seeds are also known as terminator seeds meaning that seeds used in one season can not produce seeds for future crops. In effect, Monsanto ensured that farmers using their seeds would not be able to separate their operations from the desires of Monsanto. 94% of soybean, 96% of cotton, and 92% of corn planted in 2020 in the United States were the abominable GMO type.

The FDA claims that GMO foods are safe for consumption through its Plant Biotechnology Consultation Program. This is a voluntary program. In other words, companies like Monsanto (now owned by Bayer) which manufactured huge quantities of the Agent Orange dumped on US troops and Vietnamese people alike and deforested acres and acres of Vietnam are able to decide whether or not the FDA should take a look at their latest and greatest frankenfood abomination. The FDA doesn’t regulate it at all. That means Bayer, a spinoff of IG Farben of Nazi fame which manufactured the Zyklon-B used in the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Dachau, and other sites are now deciding whether or not to disclose whether or not they are growing AIDS, ‘vaccines’, or toxins in their GMO seeds.

Like the USDA, the FDA has taken an approach towards nanotechnology which ensures it finds it’s way into human bodies as quickly and completely as possible. Regulators know the potential hazards to food systems posed by nanotechnology: it can persist in the body, it can be used to deliver payloads of almost anything (nutrients, vaccines, drugs, toxins, poisons) to different areas of the body, it can be assembled as a swarm and controlled remotely, and can directly alter DNA within human bodies. Instead of informing the public of these risks, the FDA, since 2018, has busied itself with classifying nanomaterials, determining whether the skin can absorb nanoparticles in cosmetic products, if nanotechnology in packaging can transfer to the food product and be eaten, and to see if they present a toxicity risk.

The FDA is not in the business of ensuring any product is safe. It exists to ensure it’s corporate sponsors maximize their profits as they create the need for increased trips to the doctors and reliance on the chemical concoctions created by pharmaceutical companies. The food deemed safe by the FDA makes us sick. We go to the doctor and get diagnosed for chronic conditions and prescribed drugs labeled safe by the FDA. The drugs make us sick and force us to take more drugs. Meanwhile we still eat the FDA-approved ‘food’ which ensures the original medical concerns are still present. Eventually it all catches up to the individual and their life savings is handed over to a nursing home or hospital.

Environmental Protection Agency

The EPA is supposed to protect human health and the environment. Since 1970, the date of the EPA’s start, the agency has used it’s mission statement to do exactly the opposite of it’s purpose. It was the EPA which ensured a meteorological event such as Hurricane Katrina would destroy New Orleans. They poisoned the Animas River. They permit known toxins in our water. They also assist in covering up releases of pathogens in water and soil (Pandora’s Gamble).

When it comes to food safety, the EPA is responsible for ensuring that residues from the chemical slurries used to produce food on industrial farms are within tolerable levels. While the EPA insists that chemicals applied to fields must be registered, the effects on the environment are not necessarily known because the EPA doesn’t actually set standards for this – they rely on the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization under Codex Alimentarius.

Glyphosate in relation to food safety is described by the EPA as, “Due to its widespread use, trace amounts of glyphosate residues may be found in various fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals, and other food and beverage commodities. However, these trace amounts are not of concern for the consumer.” Despite the EPA’s reliance on the widespread use of glyphosate to determine it’s supposed safety, prolonged exposure or a single large acute exposure cause severe neurological disorders as well as cancer. There is no safe level of exposure to this garbage yet it is said to be safe when consumed.

The Federal Register, which apparently has not been updated since 2010, the EPA’s interpretation of Codex Alimentarius’ tolerance levels, lists glyphosate in animal feed at 400 parts per million, 300 ppm for certain grasses, and 200 ppm for Spearmint and Peppermint tops. Strawberries are permitted to have 0.2 ppm, rice 0.1 ppm, and barley bran 30 ppm. Codex Alimentarius listed acceptable levels of glyphosate in hay and/or straws of grasses at 500 mg/kg, wheat straw and/or hay at 300 mg/kg, and barley hay and/or straw at 400 mg/kg in 2006. The glyphosate information for strawberries, for example, is not forthcoming under Codex Alimentarius; however, it lists tolerances for 60 chemical peticides which may be present on them.

The chemical that makes the frogs gay as popularized by Alex Jones, atrazine, is discussed by the EPA. In 2018 EPA conducted a review of atrazine tolerance levels and found that they needed to make no changes. This chemical, applied on agricultural crops like corn as well as on roadsides and playgrounds causes endocrine (reproductive) and neurological diseases and disorders. The EPA knows this but they want to pretend that there is an acceptable level of exposure – namely what they have determined to be safe. While we get sick from atrazine the EPA has allowed Syngenta to rake in billions of dollars by replacing less and less effective glyphosate contaminations with atrazine contaminations.

EPA maintains ‘safe’ drinking water standards in the United States. Hydrofluorosilicic acid, a byproduct of isolating phosphors and uranium and other sources, is labeled a dangerous corrosive. The MSDS sheet notes it will cause internal and external burns, is highly toxic, and may cause blindness. Fluoride itself is still used as the toxin to kill rodents. It is highly reactive with almost anything. The EPA intentionally dumps it into our water sources. Acceptable levels of fluoride in drinking water is set at 4 mg/L. Atrazine is set at 0.003 mg/L. Glyphosate is at 0.7 mg/L. While EPA has resources about water filtration they are not advocates of home filtration systems and are in the process of being sued by Berkey after the EPA decided with no notice the filters Berkey has made for 25 years with no incidents are pesticides.

The EPA exists to unjustly prevent economic development, ensure that chemicals infest everything we eat and drink, and make claims that those chemicals have safe ingestion levels even when safety is not even looked at. They exist to ensure people get sick.

National Marine Fisheries Service

NMFS has a long history dating from 1871. The Commission of Fish and Fisheries was established by Ulysses Grant under the Smithsonian’s guidance. The commission was passed around like the FDA was and is now under the Department of Commerce’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Originally (p 594/630) it was charged to, “‘prosecute investigations on the subject (of the diminution of valuable fishes) with the view to ascertaining whether any and what diminution in the number of the food-fishes of the coast and the lakes of the United States had taken place.’” Freedom of fishing the waters of the United States was effectively ended on February 9, 1971. Soon after ending the freedom to fish as seen fit by the Smithsonian, the Commission began establishing their own fisheries.

Today the NFMS or NOAA Fisheries employs 3,000 people and concerns itself with managing “productive and sustainable fisheries; safe sources of seafood; recovery and conservation of protected resources; health resources.” NOAA Fisheries states that it’s method to ensure the safety of seafood is, “Through our voluntary, fee-for-service program, NOAA inspectors evaluate the quality of seafood and fishery products. They make sure they’re safe and wholesome, and that the weight and species on the label are accurate.” It is odd that making sure that food is safe is on a voluntary basis where the volunteer needs to pay money to the regulator to see if they can market their catch. It is a declaration of corruption.

Take salmon. So far, salmon is still available to be purchased as wild caught as opposed to farmed. Wild salmon typically has less contaminents, is naturally pink because of its diet, and has abundant balanced omega-3 fatty acids. Farmed salmon is fed a plant-based diet leaving the meat grey and lacking in omega-3 fatty acids while having far more contaminents. To get farmed fish to be pink, a petrochemical-derivative, astaxanthin, is added to the corn and soy pellets they are fed. Astaxanthin is approved as a coloring agent by the FDA but not for any of the portended benefits it supposedly has as an antioxidant. An NIH paper attempts to paint synthetic astaxanthin as superior to any other antioxidant to boost the sales of a company called AstaReal which holds the patent for it. AstaReal is owned by a Japanese chemical company and demands that it’s synthetic astaxanthin is natural; however, if it was actually natural it wouldn’t be eligible for a patent.

Salmon itself has also been subjected to the genetic modification craze. Three different salmon breeds were unnaturally spliced together so that they would grow faster. While these fish are not raised in the sea, this is where a significant amount of salmon comes from. AquaBounty, the company which markets these frankenfish, and the FDA which approved them, have both decided that they are as safe and nutritious as any other salmon breed. As for the AquAdvantage frankenfish mingling with real salmon, the FDA has decided that since the land-based pools they are raised in are in Indiana there is no need to worry about them entering the wild.

NOAA Fisheries doesn’t seem to have a real good grasp on the implications of the FDA approval. They collect marine DNA, monitor species in fisheries through DNA, and use DNA to determine interactions between species. Turning a blind eye to what the FDA, USDA, and EPA have done to food, NFMS is determined to focus on appeasing globalists, cordoning off massive thwaths of the sea from human interaction, and getting as many species of marine life listed as endangered as possible to increase the area they control. NOAA Fisheries is silent on the rise of genetically engineered fish infesting the wild despite occurrences of that exact thing having already occurred. It just hasn’t happened with salmon yet. Apparently, their response is the one where they will wait until DNA-mutilated salmon end up in the wild, declare an emergency they knew was going to happen, and demand more area be protected from human use.

NFMS isn’t concerned with food safety – they are concerned with increasing the powers they are able to exercise over waters and the area those waters encompass.

Why Amos Miller’s Story is so imperative to understand.

We can go research every food additive on the market. We can look into what it means to have grass-raised and finished beef. We can look into GMO soybeans and decide whether or not we should be eating them. We can research the benefits of raw milk versus pasteurized milk, hand-made raw butter versus the corporate methods, and the benefits of kosher slaughter versus USDA standards versus halal. All of that research is useless if the decisions we make based off of it are not available on the market.

That is exactly what these food regulators are doing with Amos Miller. They are trying to take food options that we make as individuals out of the game entirely. While regulators make claims about raw food making people sick the recalls of USDA/FDA/EPA approved ‘foods’ seem to never end. On January 5, 2024 USDA issued recalls on 133,039 pounds of Salm Partners Turkey due to bone fragments, on January 3 they recalled Fratelli Beretta Chartucerie products due to possible salmonella contamination, and on December 31, 2023 they recalled 6,768 pounds of Valley Meats ground beef with possible E. coli contamination. The FDA recalled Tasty Snacks dried plums over undisclosed sulfides on January 4 and ToYou snack bars over undeclared soy and D&D Commodities parrot food over salmonella concerns on January 5. One could spend hours looking through food recalls alone, all of which seem to be incredibly important.

But the crux of the issue lies in the response these regulatory bodies give to the issues they identify. They are not attempting to permanently close Salm Partners nor Tasty Snacks. They reserve shuttering businesses permanently for those who raise and grow food that is not some chemically adulterated, genetically mutilated monstrosity deemed safe. Our good friends at Bayer proved this for us with their Factor VIII scandal which infected tens of thousands of hemophiliacs with AIDS on purpose simply because they figured they would make more money by lowering the costs for obtaining the blood they needed to create the clotting factor as well as the general disregard for those in need of the Factor VIII. Searching for the fine and sanctions levied on Bayer by the FDA per their website results in nothing. According to Wikipedia, FDA merely demanded that Bayer stop selling tainted Factor VIII in the US so they sent it overseas instead.

And that is where the rubber meets the road. These regulatory agencies claim to ensure safety by getting voluntary compliance from the corporations they are supposed to regulate. In addition the voluntary compliance comes with a voluntary price tag. Amos Miller Farms skips that because they don’t care what the FDA has to say – people have drank milk for thousands of years while pasteurizing milk only became possible 159 years ago. Chicago was the first to demand the end of raw milk in 1908. Homogenization wasn’t introduced to the market until the 1920’s and virtually all milk undergoes the process so that fat molecules are of uniform size. Both of these are rightly considered food processing.

Amos Miller doesn’t want to process foods for us. He wants to sell them so that we may do as we please with them. If we want to drink special milk because we discovered that A2/A2 milk is superior to any that contains A1 or that we desire the added nutrition of raw milk compared to pasteurized milk then why should the USDA be permitted to stop us. The only reason they would want to is because they have decided to demand their version of foods, medicines, and supplements – denatured, chemically ‘enhanced’, potentially poisonous and carcinogenic – is the direction we should venture. The only thing these regulatory bodies care less about than food safety is human health.

Raiding Amos Miller’s farms for selling real, organic, alternatives to the DNA-mutated chemical sludge which passes for food is a threat to their paradigm. Their paradigm is the one where we ingest foods and waters tainted with their garbage, get sick from them, and then are forced to rely on increasingly debaucherous iinterventions designed to destroy reproduction and cognitive ability. Amos Miller being raided could happen at any farm similar to his, supplement companies using organic (in the true sense of the word) ingredients, or doctors who suggest holistic means of health based on holistic healing.

The entire concept of Amos Miller’s Farms is a rejection of allopathic medicine and technological intrusions into our food supply. It is based on a concept of health brought about by building the strongest ‘us’s’ possible through diet. Building strong immune systems through proper nutrition starves pharmaceutical companies of needing their products in the first place. Modern medicine which has always operated hand-in-hand with petro-chemical-based pharmaceutical ‘medicines’ rejects the entire concept in favor of germ theory. This was showcased through regulator’s decrees that anything approaching safe and effective be abandoned for new and novel approaches which don’t work and caused many deaths. Doctors who advised SARS-CoV-2 patients to take courses of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, Z-Paks, and vitamins were hounded, belittled, ridiculed, and some even had their licenses placed in danger or taken.

The medical ‘professionals’ who went along with the regulators schemes engaged in mass murder in this writer’s opinion. They engaged, and are still engaging, in an effort to usher in the age of transhumanism. They are dedicated to creating circumstances in which there are no alternatives in food nor medicine outside of their transhumanist direction. People drinking raw milk and eating grass fed and finished beef are not going to suddenly begin developing brand new spike proteins never before created in the human body – modern medical scientists do that. And it is transhumanism.

The repeated raids on Amos’ farm are an assault on all of us. The decrees made in court against Amos’ operations are a declaration of war against humanity. What they are demanding is that we cease to seek to be healthy outside of the germ theorist’s version of what health is. They are demanding we blindly accept that these germ theorists are demanding we cease being the creations of G-d, made in His image, and instead be creations of modern medical science, transhumans.

These regulators are demanding humanity at large is used as science experiments for positive transhumanist outcomes. The raids on Amos’ farm are occurring because these people hate G-d and all of His creation. So they want to ‘fix’ it and remake it in their own image. And the first steps in doing that are to restrict the opportunity to enjoy anything in this world created by G-d. These regulators can claim food safety until they are blue in the face – at the root of their decisions is their dedication to warring against G-d. This is step one and if we don’t want to live in Brave New World we would be wise to acknowledge where they are coming from and develop effective ways to combat them.

The most effective way to combat these attacks at this moment is to stop buying food from grocery stores. Meet farmers and buy their produce and meat. Raise animals and grow food according to your means. Join membership clubs where food is made as G-d intended. If we won’t take these steps, Brave New World will manifest on earth and what a Hell that will be…. The Bayer’s and Pfizer’s of the world will just step in an replace all of the regulatory boards leaving humanity at the whims of the genocidal maniacs in charge of them.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


Making Technological Deities

