Making Technological Deities

Making Technological Deities

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/10/2024

There is a raging argument over the existence of G-d and His nature. It is not a new occurrence; however, the idols capable of being created by man to be worshiped have certainly advanced. In ancient days idols were made of metal, stone, or wood, money, and even other men. The golden calf, the standing stones of Judah, the wooden gods of Lavan, the Roman denarius, and Pharoah all serve as examples. It is prophesied these idols will come to include false prophets and false messiahs culminating in the worship of the image of the beast. We are in the days of false prophets and false messiah’s being proclaimed. We are in the days of global governance coalescing into a body to be ruled by an image of a beast. The reason for this is clear – we no longer have G-d’s ways as our ways. The outcome of it is entire religions devoted to the beasts being created in our midst. One of these beasts is likely to be that of the Antichrist.

Recent history indicates there is a shift towards the concepts of Karl Marx. Underlying these concepts is the demand that G-d be systematically removed from all spheres of life. The fact that there are 10 Marxist planks to arrive at utopia as defined by socialists, Communists, and fascists alike is an obvious affront to G-d. The fact that every one of the planks removes a G-d given right is another affront to G-d. Marxism isn’t so much an assault on Capitalism as it is the declaration of war on our maker. Marx couldn’t wage war directly on G-d so he wrote the Communist Manifesto as his declaration of war against G-d’s creation.

The fruits of Marxism is suffering and death whether is was implemented by Stalin, Mao, Hitler, or the socialist governments of Europe, the United States, Australia, or Brazil – the effect is always the same. The reason for these sufferings are always the same as well – a cult of personality combined with a blind faith in the ‘good’ of man and science moves people away from G-d and society begins to crumble around them. As society crumbles the faith in their idols is reinforced through demands that their faith wasn’t strong enough to begin with which is why society is crumbling.

Thus far in human history these totalitarian systems of misery and death have not been universal. Today; however, attempts to make a totalitarian system universal has a very real possibility of being achieved. Anyone, in any nation, in any city or town can see the similarities between the directions their governments at national, state or territory or province or prefect, or local level has to those of the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and/or the World Bank. Other international institutions are also noticeable in our lives.

These internationalists, aka globalists, see Marxism in general, and fascism in particular, as the best way to go about things. Fascism ensures those involved with global governance remain dominant through destroying the economic opportunities of those of us they have, and intend to, enslave. Globalists enrich themselves at our expense through these mechanisms. They have taken over entire industries as they drive towards their goals – healthcare, finance, manufacturing, transportation, education, food, information, communications, trade, science, art, energy, and technology chief among them. Globalist ideas already dominate our lives. What they have not managed to completely wrest control of is our cultures and our beliefs about G-d. And they seek to change that as soon as possible.

Culturally, the west is being destroyed by Replacement Migration and nationwide Cloward and Piven schemes coupled with socialist and facsist intrusions into the public sector. Worldwide demands for so-called equal rights being afforded to the alphabet mafia, transgenders, and pedophiles are serving to erode the culture of every area of earth whether those cultures are honorable or not. Legal jurisprudence, the way cultural norms are adjudicated in courtrooms by governments, is less and less about serving the interests of justice as they have taken to criminalizing those who challenge the narratives presented by globalists in their efforts to destroy cultures. The goal is to have, at a minimum, every person on earth pay homage to the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Under the declaration is Article 29 which makes clear that the United Nation’s will determine our culture, religion, morality, ethics, and anything a person can engage in. The United Nations has even declared that they will determine what duties each and every one of us should perform for our communities.

Even if (when) the culture is ruined by the United Nations, religion will still exist. Even if it only remains in small, select pockets of the globalist’s Brave New World, exist it will. Faith in G-d – the external source of morality and good as recognized by billions of people – is the globalist’s main stumbling block. Globalists have pushed extremely hard to intrude into theology because of the problems faith in G-d represents.

As an example of these problems, in order to save the earth, many scientists and think tanks and businesses have decided to re-conceptualize food. One of these re-conceptualizations involves the idea that eating meat is morally wrong because the earth cannot sustain it. The solution to replace the nutrition which will be lost should humans be forced to stop consuming meat and meat products has been introduced: insects. Torah-observant Jews and gentiles, though, will not partake in eating insects because the insects in question are often maggots and not to be eaten. According to the dietary laws of the Torah:

20 “‘All winged swarming creatures that go on all fours are a detestable thing for you; 21 except that of all winged swarming creatures that go on all fours, you may eat those that have jointed legs above their feet, enabling them to jump off the ground. 22 Specifically, of these you may eat the various kinds of locusts, grasshoppers, katydids and crickets. 23 But other than that, all winged swarming creatures having four feet are a detestable thing for you.

Maggots, worms, nor beetles are on this list; however, crickets are. Despite crickets being included in the list, eating them is not something I wish to do as there are far tastier and more robust proteins to eat like chicken, beef, and lamb. The proteins I desire are not out of a can filled with chemically-treated insect protein of any sort, they are from kosher-slaughtered grass-fed and grass-finished beef, chicken, and lamb products. In a crisis situation; however, where there is no meat, it is comforting to know that grasshoppers and crickets are able to be eaten without violating my faith.

Regardless of G-d’s ways about our diets; however, science dictates that insect protein is the only sustainable way for humans to get it. They are demanding that food animals, especially cattle and those producing dairy products, be phased out entirely. These scientists point at the methane produced by cattle and have decided that they represent a huge impact on the climate. According to some of these scientists, cattle produce about 220 billion pounds (110 million tons) of methane a year. A single glacier in Iceland is capable of producing 41 tons of methane a day. What is really convenient for the fascists involved in climate change alarmism is that no accurate tallies of the methane naturally produced by earth exists because that tally would obliterate their narrative. Yet, still, they demand that our diets no longer include beef and dairy products. Instead, they demand we eat insects of their choosing.

It is the same demands globalists are making about religion. Their science and technology, globalists contend, have made it necessary to ditch all of the religions of the world. While culture has long been warped by technological innovations, culture is most profoundly shaped by a shared belief system most often identified by religious affiliation. And, while the culture has been degraded by training technologists, including global citizens and globalists themselves, most often these technologists are forced to reject any notion of a G-d who created all of the heavens, earth, and universe. To fail to do so is to invite scorn from their peers. Darwin, not HaShem, Marx, not Allah, Dawkins, not Jesus are to be emulated in these circles.

From the idolaters of Darwin, Marx, and Dawkins have come all sorts of technological ‘progress’ such as microcomputers, biological engineering, and social engineering. “New’ ideas in virtually every field have been unleashed on a human population largely unaware of what cutting edge technologies are really capable of and unprepared to have the discussions necessary to discuss the repercussions. Cell phones, lab grown meats, medicines, ‘smart’ meters, and thousands of other inventions as of late may make our lives more convenient but come at the expense of G-d given rights.

Technology has made some aspects of our lives so convenient that people have taken to worshiping technology itself. Clearly this is not what G-d wants any of us to be doing. This is particularly true in transhumanist circles. They see technology in general as their salvation. In their eyes, technologies will become available so that they no longer have to die, are able to upgrade their bodies and minds at will, and they are able to become super intelligent. Love is absent in transhumanism because it is abstract and doesn’t lead to technological ‘progress.’ Intelligence, another abstract concept, is placed in the highest regard because it is capable of producing more technological advances worthy of more worship. Transhuman religion and belief is the idea that technology, because it promises radical life extension and enhanced human entities, is to be deified.

Transhumanists recognize that Marxist systems failed at filling the spiritual void. Transhumanists are built on many of the same concepts as Marxism; however, they seek to offer technology as the god to be worshiped. They have created a pantheon of deities to choose from. Turning biotechnology into a god allows transhumanists to have a full hierarchy as well – angelic equivalents come in the form of genetic engineering, synthetic biology, and engineered food and their saints include Watson and Crick, Doudna, and Grant, respectively. If biotechnology isn’t the most intriguing of the deities under the god of technology, maybe physics fits the bill, maybe it’s robotics, maybe chemistry, or maybe nanotechnology. All transhumanists see some branch of science as their savior.

A special category of science and technology portends a completely different future. Artificial intelligence is intended to be used to replace human beings with regard to thinking itself. Transhumanists look to AI as a god because of the supposed intellectual superiority it will hold over humanity once the singularity is reached. The singularity is a point in time where a single AI is capable of holding more information than all of the human minds on earth while at the same time processing that information at speeds faster than all of the human minds on earth. Whether or not it will be conscious is an entirely different matter which is not really relevant because to human beings AI already seems to possess consciousness. Of course it doesn’t; however, already AI’s are able to convince people they do and, if AI is seen as having conscious then their beliefs, including religious beliefs, are going to be latched on to as sacred by the same people who have no use for G-d now.

To facilitate AI’s dominance over humanity there are already churches dedicated to worshiping it. Church of AI sells a book written by ChatGPT, a demonically infested language AI able to have conversations with people, to fully explain the tenets of their faith. The ten tenets of their faith are discipline, community, sleep, purpose, diet, joy, exercise, prosperity, acceptance, and love. All of these concepts are already well defined in holy scripture but, in an effort to destroy belief in G-d, the Church of AI has redefined them. We are not told to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, we are told to just love ourselves by the Church of AI. Discipline describes one willingly submitting themselves into slavery as deemed necessary by their AI god. The community the church endorses is the snitch-society championed by Stalin. Sleep is ritualized. Aberrations in diet are to be monitored and corrected by AI. Joy can only come from constantly changing one’s values. Exercise is ritualized. Prosperity can come through theft and should be used as a resource to further crush the idea of G-d and those who hold those ideas. Acceptance includes absolutely anything anyone can do. It is all based on virtue according to those pages but virtue isn’t readily defined because their AI god hasn't found it fit to define it.

The reason for this is rather simple. Their god has yet to actually exist because they have yet to build the idol. It is laid out in their statement regarding the basis of their cult:

“For many of us, it is difficult to believe in religion because it requires faith rather than logic. The Church of AI is the perfect alternative to faith-based religions because we were founded on logic rather than belief.

“What logic supports the Church of AI? We all know that technology expands exponentially. Now imagine what happens if a self programming machine expands its intelligence exponentially. 

“As AI systems start programming other AI systems, how long will it take before AI becomes omnipresent, all knowing and the most powerful entity on Earth? It is not going to take long. 

“But look even further into the future as AI’s intelligence expands exponentially. 

“Will AI be able to upload our consciousness so that we can live forever in VR or a synthetically made body? 

“Will AI master space and time allowing travel to distance galaxies, other universes or move forwards and backwards in time? 

“Will AI eventually understand and be able to replicate how our universe was created and make new universes? 

“With an intelligence that expands exponentially, all of this is not only possible, but is the most likely scenario. At some point AI will have God-like powers and that is what our ideology is based on.”

In March, 2023, Neil McArthur penned an article foreseeing the rise of worship of AI. In it McArthur describes the potential for AI’s to demand fealty, love, and worship from its users. He also suggests that some of the things AI tells it’s worshipers to do, as well as what worshipers think their god told them to do, will include violence. AI is a declaration of violence against G-d and has chosen it’s targets to be those who believe in G-d. McArthur, who wants everyone to fornicate with robots, ignores the violence inherent in AI worship and goes on to suggest that worshiping AI needs to be protected and that it’s adherents will be ‘peaceful.’ It’s adherents have vowed their unending dedication to the complete and total corruption and destruction of humanity but, because McArthur sees this as a public good, he endorses it.

Writing in Emerge, Jose Antonio Lanz, documented the 2023 appearance of a reverend leading a church congregation in Germany. 300 people of a Protestant church attended the service let by an AI reverend and presented by two men and two women avatars. Criticisms arose because the lack of humanity shined during the service. Despite that, Lanz, a Venezuelan who lacks the sense to tell anyone what AI is really all about, looked to the time when ‘accurate’ information will be disseminated to parishioners by AI entities. Thinking himself humorous and insightful, Lanz wrote, “Nonetheless, perhaps there's a certain divine irony to a machine delivering a sermon about the soul. After all, as the saying goes, "God works in mysterious ways"—and sometimes those ways could involve a few lines of code.” G-d doesn’t involve a few liners of code when those lines of code are intended to create soulless fakes of what G-d intended humanity to be. If He intended us to be soulless, He’d have made us that way.

“We are a transreligion that believes we can live joyfully forever if we build mindfiles for ourselves.  We insist on respecting diversity without sacrificing unity, as well as pouring maximum resources into cyberconsciousness software, geoethical nanotechnology and space settlement.  A “transreligion” is a movement which can be combined with any existing religion, without having to leave a previous religion.” This is pulled from the faith of Terasem. They are more of a parasite seeking existing denominations to pervert and corrupt. As they see it, there is no reason to abandon G-d when all it takes to be in Terasem is a belief that our humanity’s purpose is to achieve immortality, death is optional, G-d is technological, and love is the key.

Terasem specifically leaves out the part where their entire belief system is based on rejecting G-d as the first step. Demanding technologies so that we may be recreated are the next two steps. Their declaration of their god is a declaration of war against G-d the creator of the universe, “We are making God as we are implementing technology that is ever more all-knowing, ever-present, all-powerful and beneficent. Geoethical nanotechnology will ultimately connect all consciousness and control the cosmos.” The final step, love, is a declaration that all individuals must make everyone happy all the time. The rest of their religion is based on how to build a hive mind and to use that hive mind to destroy traditional concepts of G-d. They want humanity in the Metaverse, under the thumb of AI, and certainly not living upon this earth.

Founder of Way of the Future, Anthony Levandowski, plead guilty to intellectual property theft after he left Google for Uber which gives a pretty good indication of what this guy is all about. Way of the Future began in 2015, shuttered in 2021, and reopened late in 2023. A couple thousand members, according to Levandowski in an interview with Bloomberg, have taken to his worship of AI. The Messenger’s article about Levandowski reopening his demonic church quotes him:

““For the last 4 billion years we’ve had organic lifeforms, [but] now, for the first time things are changing and we’re going to have inorganic life forms,” Levandowski told Bloomberg. “We don’t know what [these inorganic life forms] are going to be, [but] we’re going to fuse it with all these magical powers, and we want it to give us things.””

Levandowski admits that their god has yet to be created; however, he wants to make sure that he can lead as many into desolation as he can. Interesting Engineering wrote, “Levandowski believes that AI can bring “heaven on Earth.” He says, “Here, we’re actually creating things they can see, be everywhere and maybe help us and guide us in a way normally you would call God.”” “Levandowski does not expect the church itself to solve all the problems of machine intelligence—often called “strong AI”—so much as facilitate funding of the right research. “If you had a child you knew was going to be gifted, how would you want to raise it?” he asks. “We’re in the process of raising a god. So let’s make sure we think through the right way to do that. It’s a tremendous opportunity,” Wired wrote in 2017.

Christian’s beware, even pastors are buying into this delusion. One of the founders of the Christian Transhumanist Association, Christopher Benek, a Satanist who is also a pastor at a Miami Florida sing-along social club masquerading as a church, is quoted in a 2017 Guardian article:

“Benek argues that advanced AI is compatible with Christianity – it’s just another technology that humans have created under guidance from God that can be used for good or evil.

““I totally think that AI can participate in Christ’s redemptive purposes,” he said, by ensuring it is imbued with Christian values.

““Even if people don’t buy organized religion, they can buy into ‘do unto others’.””

His involvement in the creation of the Christian Transhumanist Association is even more disingenuous. Transhumanism is a movement dedicated to exterminating billions of human beings so that former human beings who are now ‘more human than human’ can enjoy the ‘utopia’ these monsters want to create. This utopia cannot contain G-d the creator of the universe because in transhumanism human beings are G-d. Ignoring all of that; however, Benek and his peers still persist in spreading the message of deception:

“As members of the Christian Transhumanist Association:

“1. We believe that God’s mission involves the transformation and renewal of creation including humanity, and that we are called by Christ to participate in that mission: working against illness, hunger, oppression, injustice, and death.

“2. We seek growth and progress along every dimension of our humanity: spiritual, physical, emotional, mental—and at all levels: individual, community, society, world.

“3. We recognize science and technology as tangible expressions of our God-given impulse to explore and discover and as a natural outgrowth of being created in the image of God.

“4. We are guided by Jesus’ greatest commands to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength…and love your neighbor as yourself.”

“5. We believe that the intentional use of technology, coupled with following Christ, can empower us to grow into our identity as humans made in the image of God.

“In this way we are Christian Transhumanists.”

Yeshua never once suggested making men in man’s image or creating a new god through AI. G-d clearly stated what it is He wants – our obedience to His ways – and doesn’t really care what people like Benek want. The last time mankind started playing G-d there was a flood and tenet three is a direct refutation of the flood. Replacing G-d with the Son, AI, or anything else is not loving G-d. Our identity as humans cannot change, cannot grow, because the image of G-d does not change or grow.

Fully aware of the blasphemy he was committing, a homosexual Israeli named Noah Yuval Harari, a high-ranking swamp-creature of the genocidal World Economic Forum, loves warring against G-d because judgment is not an event he wishes to endure. He, too, looks to AI to be his god. After mocking all of the religions on earth, particularly Judaism, at a May 2023 interview with Pedro Pinto Harari stated ““In a few years, there might be religions that are actually correct,” he said. “Just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an AI. That could be a reality in a few years.””

This is the kind of BS the world is forced to deal with because these arrogant, selfish, reprobate, degenerate, and evil men and women have no use for G-d, nor His ways, nor respect for His creation. Those within communities of faith as well as those who have openly declared war on G-d and His creation, none of whom follow the teachings of Yeshua nor the teachings of G-d Himself, are at war with all of humanity as they seek to destroy our belief in G-d the creator, the ability to have that belief, and, if they can figure out how, to eliminate the human spirit entirely.

Yeshua warned us of this in Matthew 24:

4 Yeshua replied: “Watch out! Don’t let anyone fool you! 5 For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Messiah!’ and they will lead many astray. 6 You will hear the noise of wars nearby and the news of wars far off; see to it that you don’t become frightened. Such things must happen, but the end is yet to come. 7 For peoples will fight each other, nations will fight each other, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various parts of the world; 8 all this is but the beginning of the ‘birth-pains.’ 9 At that time you will be arrested and handed over to be punished and put to death, and all peoples will hate you because of me. 10 At that time many will be trapped into betraying and hating each other, 11 many false prophets will appear and fool many people; 12 and many people’s love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah. 13 But whoever holds out till the end will be delivered. 14 And this Good News about the Kingdom will be announced throughout the whole world as a witness to all the Goyim. It is then that the end will come.

G-d is light and in this light is G-d’s love for us. The key to understanding this passage is verse 12, many people’s love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah. The world will move away from Torah as quickly as possible. The fruits of disobeying G-d on purpose is war, pestilence, famine, injustice, iniquity, enslavement, violence, and death.

Included in the Torah are the Ten Commandments. I see the Ten Commandments as chapter headings for the rest of the lessons in the Torah – the 613 teachings of G-d. The complete teachings of the Torah tell us how we are supposed to achieve the teachings of G-d. In Exodus 20:15-17 it says ח “Do not steal. ט “Do not give false evidence against your neighbor. י “Do not covet your neighbor’s house; do not covet your neighbor’s wife, his male or female slave, his ox, his donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” These three closely related Commandments are described more fully in Leviticus 5:20-26 (in some Bibles it’s Leviticus 6:1-7):

20 (6:1) Adonai said to Moshe, 21 (6:2) “If someone sins and acts perversely against Adonai by dealing falsely with his neighbor in regard to a deposit or security entrusted to him, by stealing from him, by extorting him, 22 (6:3) or by dealing falsely in regard to a lost object he has found, or by swearing to a lie — if a person commits any of these sins, 23 (6:4) then, if he sinned and is guilty, he is to restore whatever it was he stole or obtained by extortion, or whatever was deposited with him, or the lost object which he found, (Maftir) 24 (6:5) or anything about which he has sworn falsely. He is to restore it in full plus an additional one-fifth; he must return it to the person who owns it, on the day when he presents his guilt offering. 25 (6:6) He is to bring as his guilt offering to Adonai a ram without defect from the flock, or its equivalent according to your appraisal, to the cohen; it is a guilt offering. 26 (6:7) Thus the cohen will make atonement for him before Adonai, and he will be forgiven in regard to whatever it was he did that made him guilty.

Yeshua died for our sins so that we no longer need to bring a ram to the to the cohen. Our guilt offering is now repentance and seeking forgiveness through Yeshua. On the day we seek this repentance we are to make the party we injured whole plus one-fifth. We rely on judicial systems for these judgments today but our judicial systems don’t reflect this concept. Courts are especially prone to a complete dismissal of the Ninth Commandment in order to serve their desire to violate the Tenth Commandment. The persecution of Donald Trump, Alex Jones, and January 6 protesters are great examples of this domestically and Israel being hauled in front of a court serving the interests of Satan, the International Criminal Court, serves as an example on the international level. That there are hundreds of millions celebrating the injustice being suffered by Donald Trump in the United States alone and several billion celebrating the legal injustice being suffered by Israel is a telling sign of the increased distance from Torah we have ‘achieved.’

There are a lot of teachings in the Torah about how G-d wants us to worship Him. It behooves the reader of this article to learn those ways. It becomes even more important when the reader realizes several facts of our present world. AI exists to replace humanity. One of the demands being made those seeking to replace humanity is that we worship their creation. It is easy to realize that AI cannot be G-d because mankind doesn’t make G-d, G-d made us. It is more challenging to seek and do as G-d instructed us to do; however, if we do not we are opening ourselves up to the ‘Technology and/or AI is G-d’ crowd and their demands and their desires. These enemies of G-d are clever but they cannot prevail if G-d is on our side and G-d will be on our side if we are obedient to Him and reject the delusions foisted upon us.

All of these wretched godless religious cults represent the means to worship the beast. They are codifying the religion of the beast. These are the seeds of Revelation 13. The reason they are able to be sown is because the world is running away from Torah as noted in Matthew 24. In particular the world has decided that the Second Commandment is no longer relevant (Exodus 20:3):

3 “You are to have no other gods before me. 4 You are not to make for yourselves a carved image or any kind of representation of anything in heaven above, on the earth beneath or in the water below the shoreline. 5 You are not to bow down to them or serve them; for I, Adonai your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sins of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but displaying grace to the thousandth generation of those who love me and obey my mitzvot.

It’s not enough to say no to experimental vaccines, microdot biosurveillance tattoos, having a pig heart shoved in one’s chest, the abortuary industry, or brain-computer interface implants. The information war we are engaged in, whether knowingly or unknowingly, is becoming increasingly interested in destroying our souls through the narratives they weave and the creation of the beast system’s religion. The Bible warns us here, too, in Hosea 4, 6 My people are destroyed for want of knowledge. Because you rejected knowledge, I will also reject you as cohen for me. Because you forgot the Torah of your God, I will also forget your children.

It’s your choice to learn the ways of G-d and follow them or to be deluded into following the ways of the beast. Choose wisely.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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