

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/3/2024

Did you enjoy 2020? Was 2021 better? 2022? How was last year? For me all of these years were kind of terrible. In 2020 I forced to quit my job over rejecting the medical advice of non-medical supervisors. In 2021 my father was murdered by Moderna. In 2022 I watched my bank account slowly drain down and had to find another job with far more stress but a little bit more pay. In 2023 I don’t remember really eating because food and gas became ridiculously expensive. I don’t think I’m alone in the terrible choices we were all faced with. It makes me wonder what will happen in 2024.

The global cabal – that combine of rising technocratic fascism featured in decades-old white papers detailing a merger of NGO’s, academia, national governments rendered puppets, and the ever important corporate interests like Walmart and Amazon coordinated by global governing entities like the UN/WEF – who think they own me and you and everything else on earth, animate and inanimate alike, have a busy schedule in 2024.

A major showcase of debauchery will be taking place behind closed doors later this month. What was once blacked out by the media and decried as a conspiracy theory (despite these media entities being invited to the events they claimed were not taking place) has been made public over the last decade. Elites from a wide range of industries will be attending Davos, Switzerland on January 15 until January 19.

Last years meeting at Davos was all about how to cope with a fractured world. In prior years, the WEF envisioned an angrier world as their circular economy destroys our jobs, our future prospects, and our ability to feed, clothe, shelter, and move ourselves about. The anger grows even more intense when people realize that on top of all of this, our ‘elected’ leadership is ensuring the planned woes befall us at the behest of this global corporate fascist technocracy. Last years meeting at Davos was in effect a congratulatory celebration of prior Davos meeting intentions because of the major role they played in creating this angrier world. After celebrating they got to the task of how to make sure the power they have accumulated is consolidated even faster.

Building on last years meeting, “The 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum will provide a crucial space to focus on the fundamental principles driving trust, including transparency, consistency and accountability.” Following this declaration, the participants are described and show the pervasive breadth of interests incuded at the global combine all of which will, in unison, demand obesiance to the New World Order, “This Annual Meeting will welcome over 100 governments, all major international organizations, 1000 Forum’s Partners, as well as civil society leaders, experts, youth representatives, social entrepreneurs, and news outlets.”

Under the main theme of driving trust, four themes are noted. “Achieving security and cooperation in a fractured world” will no doubt be a timeline for wars to be started. “Creating growth and jobs for a new era” speculates that people accept the WEF’s new era (the Great Reset as a means to arrive at the Fourth Industrial Revolution) and then supposes we should have all of our economic systems decided for us which relates to how many jobs can they destroy and how high can they pull the economic ladder up before we, the precariat, take notice and get ‘rowdy?’ “Artificial intelligence as a driving force for the economy and society” is an open declaration of war against humanity because Davos is going to determine how, exactly, AI should replace each and every one of us. “A long-term strategy for climate, nature and energy” will focus on how to destroy humanity so these murderers can feed Gaia the blood they believe she demands – 9.9 billion gallons of it.

While we all struggle with massive increases in the costs of food, gas, housing, and eveerything else while the value of the currencies we trade for our blood, sweat, and tears declines the WEF has a different set of concerns. Part of their promotion of Davos 2024 is about reviewing what they see as important. According to the WEF, the five things we need to be paying attention to in order to understand 2023 are 1) a report detailing the enslavement humanity should embrace for the safety of the global government; 2) a report demanding energy be made far more scarce, more expensive, and far less reliable; 3) a report about the supposed ‘gender gap’ which is really a demand that families be destroyed and procreation be avoided; 4) a report about the intentional destruction of jobs as well as an outline detailing life-long re-education programs; and 5) the top 10 technologies which developed in 2023 all of which are demanding humanity be replaced because it is the only reason these technologies exist. For those doubting the claims I am making, the WEF does the heavy lifting for me while summing up the technologies report:

“The report features groundbreaking technologies such as AI-enabled healthcare delivery, flexible batteries powering wearable medical devices, neural-interfacing flexible circuits and virtual shared spaces for mental health support. It explores spatial omics for molecular-level understanding, engineered viruses for health augmentation and generative AI capable of creating original content.”

While we scramble to pay bills and eat 2,000 worthwhile calories and drink clean water, the WEF is celebrating the Brave New World they are building to enslave and murder everyone but 99% of us are too busy to pay attention to. They have us running around like dogs chasing our own tails. While we were stressed out and amused, the WEF slipped a collar over humanity’s neck and the chain gets shorter and shorter, day by day, month by month, and year by year.

In less than two weeks the agenda to destroy the world is going to be set for 2024. Other already planned events fall in line with the decrees and declarations the tacticians at Davos will issue in their war against humanity. In May, 2024 an updated Global Pandemic Preparedness Treaty is expected to be presented to the World Health Organization. Despite fact checkers inability to tell the truth, the previous iteration of this document, released in February 2023, gives the WHO sole discretion in declaring a pandemic, how a pandemic will be handled including treatments, therapies, and procedures, and when the pandemic is over. Most troubling it also allows the WHO to sanction any entity which does not do as the WHO demands. 2024 portends complete medical tyranny.

Another big global circus of enslavement is going to occur in November, 2024 in ‘lovely’ Baku, Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is the perfect place to hold meetings regarding how humanity will submit to UNFCCC slavemasters, rapists, and murderers. Both entities are built upon lies woven with the intent of spilling blood. Of the several individual meetings which will take place in Baku’s whorehouse of deception one stands out, “the sixth meeting of the COP [Conference of the Parties] serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA 6) that will convene to complete the first enhanced transparency framework and the new collective quantified goal on finance, among other matters.” They will discuss how to ram the economically destructive policies codified in their Sustainable Development Goals down humanity’s throat. The scale they will discuss is in the trillions of dollars but the effects will be felt most by those making the least as we struggle with even higher food, energy, and water costs so these monsters can feel better about their Gaia worship.

Bilderberg is another annual meeting but it is more exclusive. It is basically a far more secretive version of Davos attended by only the elite of the elite of the West. While the agenda is shrouded in secrecy, the attendee list was released for 2023 and included CEO’s from the likes of Open AI, Microsoft, Pfizer, and Thiel Capital, the head of NATO, foreign ministers from Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine, and Great Britain, Brende Borge the president of the WEF, and about 130 others. The 2023 meeting is said to have discussed AI, banking, energy transition, and trade among other topics of a geopolitical nature. Bilderberg participants, rightly fearing being prosecuted for the crimes they commit yearly, refuse to advertise their meeting dates and locations before hand but, sometime around May or June, these criminals will meet in 2024 to discuss which avenues they will pursue to destroy the most human lives the most quickly. They even admit their absolute lawlessness and follow it up with a lie:

“Thanks to the private nature of the Meeting, the participants take part as individuals rather than in any official capacity, and hence are not bound by the conventions of their office or by pre-agreed positions. As such, they can take time to listen, reflect and gather insights. There is no detailed agenda, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken, and no policy statements are issued.”

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization will be hosting a meeting with their partners, the World Farmer’s Organization between June 18-20, 2024. They will conspire to eradicate nutritional food. The World Bank will convene to discuss land theft on May 13-17, how to misappropriate infrastructure funds on May 9 and 10, doubling down on spreading climate change lies to drive instability around the world between February 27 through 29, collectivizing transportation on March 22, and building back better on June 16. Digital Banking degenerates will conglomerate in Seoul, South Korea on March 7 after two days of AI innovation tours to devise the best way to financially and economically shackle humanity through reprogrammable central bank digital currency. NATO, the international war-making machine which lost it’s cause for existing in 1989 when the USSR dissolved, will meet to discuss ongoing wars and creating new ones between the Ninth and Eleventh of July.

All of these global meetings are unified in purpose. The goals of those at these and other, unmentioned, conferences and meetings are to continue down the path they are on. The path they are beating – the one they demand we follow them on – is the destruction of the nation state, dissolution of social cohesion, with the ultimate desination of intruding into every indivduals life so intimately and significantly that there is no escaping.

2024, in this writers opinion, promises to be a year of expanding wars, proliferating and deepening poverty, and increasing societal depravity. It’s an election year though so things may actually not be as dire as I think they will be. Biden vying for a second term may result in a temporary alleviation of the effects of the global decrees he has unilaterally decided to force the United States to abide by.

The flip side of the coin and this author’s opinion; however, is that Biden will continue to do as his global government handlers desire but he will demand we call those initiatives good. As I see it, he will continue to claim the border is under control while illegal aliens flood the nation; white supremecy is the most salient security threat to the United States; guns are only good if his jack-booted thugs possess them; elections are never fraudulent and never able to be questioned as long as democrats win; climate change mitigation efforts like SDGs and a trillion dollars a year to the UN are necessary; spending tax dollars like a drunken sailor doesn’t cause inflation; and that public-private partnerships are to be sought at all times and for all purposes.

As it is a presidential election year for the United States, I think there will be a series of crisies. The goal is to rig the 2024 election as was done over the course of the 2020 presidential election cycle. Will it be another pandemic? Possibly. Will it involve war? Almost certainly. Will it involve the fact that nitrogen-based fertilizer production has slumped while human population has grown creating a situation promising to see food prices continue to soar? Absolutely. Bomb threats are the cited cause of 9 state governments being forced to take action today. Power grid failures have been suggested which, should they occur and have a duration of even a week, offer a bleak forecast for survival. The leading political candidate for 2024 is embroiled in what can only be seen as the reintroduction of the Soviet ‘justice’ system so maybe the Marxists will manage to falsely imprison him as well. Of course, the potential assassination of political candidates, including the clear leader, is a potential as well.

Whatever surprise is launched in the United States the goal will be to cause some measure of martial law some of which will remain permanent fixtures of American life. As the United States grows less free, so, too, do the rest of the nations of the world. The effect will be a consolidation of power in global government’s hands and leadership installed, not elected, in the United States. That leader will be the most pliant to the global government’s will….

The reason I am so bleak is singular. Donald Trump may be head and shoulders above Joe Biden but even 10 million Donald Trumps is succession will not fix the ailments humanity faces. The ailment is of the heart and can only be fixed by loving Yeshua and following His teachings. Namely, He taught to follow the teachings of His father which include the Ten Commandments. Reapplying the Ten Commandments to our lives is the start of fixing the ailments in our world. We will either do as G-d taught us or we will be left to the lusts, devices, and dreams of murderous and deceitful political and corporate interests.

2024 will be a pivotal year in the course of human history. Either humanity will be led into a global technocratic fascism from which we will never escape or we will renew our faith in G-d and live life as He directed us to. The choice is each of ours to make. Thousands of years ago humanity was warned about how it would go with us should we decide to reject G-d to lie in the bosom of a king. Today we face the real prospect of a global king no less nasty than than the kings promised to Israel in Samuel 8. The difference between an Israeli king and a global one is that evil Israeli kings could be stopped by outside forces and their people could flee to foreign lands on earth. Under a global king there is no outside force save for G-d to intervene and there is nowhere anyone can flee to. Rejecting G-d is literally embracing global slavery at this moment in history. We will either embrace G-d or we will be enslaved and that choice is becoming more black and white by the day. We are promised nothing different than what was promised to Israel thousands of years ago and the cause is precisely the same:

When Sh’mu’el grew old, he appointed his sons as judges over Isra’el. 2 His firstborn was named Yo’el, while his second son was named Aviyah; they were judges in Be’er-Sheva. 3 However, his sons did not follow his way of life; they turned off it to pursue riches, so that they would take bribes to distort justice. 4 All the leaders of Isra’el gathered themselves together, approached Sh’mu’el in Ramah 5 and said to him, “Look, you have grown old, and your sons are not following your ways. Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.” 6 Sh’mu’el was not pleased to hear them say, “Give us a king to judge us”; so he prayed to Adonai. 7 Adonai said to Sh’mu’el, “Listen to the people, to everything they say to you; for it is not you they are rejecting; they are rejecting me; they don’t want me to be king over them. 8 They are doing to you exactly what they have been doing to me, from the day I brought them out of Egypt until today, by abandoning me and serving other gods. 9 So do what they say, but give them a sober warning, telling them what kinds of rulings their king will make.”

10 Sh’mu’el reported everything Adonai had said to the people asking him for a king. 11 He said, “Here is the kind of rulings your king will make: he will draft your sons and assign them to take care of his chariots, be his horsemen and be bodyguards running ahead of his chariots. 12 He will appoint them to serve him as officers in charge of a thousand or of fifty, plowing his fields, gathering his harvest, and making his weapons and the equipment for his chariots. 13 He will take your daughters and have them be perfume-makers, cooks and bakers. 14 He will expropriate your fields, vineyards and olive groves — the very best of them! — and hand them over to his servants. 15 He will take the ten-percent tax of your crops and vineyards and give it to his officers and servants. 16 He will take your male and female servants, your best young men and your donkeys, and make them work for him. 17 He will take the ten-percent tax of your flocks, and you will become his servants. 18 When that happens, you will cry out on account of your king, whom you yourselves chose. But when that happens, Adonai will not answer you!”

19 However, the people refused to listen to what Sh’mu’el told them, and they said, “No! We want a king over us, 20 so that we can be like all the nations, with our king to judge us, lead us and fight our battles.” 21 Sh’mu’el heard everything the people said and repeated them for Adonai to hear. 22 Adonai said to Sh’mu’el, “Do what they ask, and set up a king for them.” So Sh’mu’el told the men of Isra’el, “Each of you, return to his city.”

The moral the lesson G-d taught in this chapter is choose G-d that things may go well with us. We humans, selecting other humans as kings (or prime ministers or presidents or chancellors or whatever other titles we bestow) results in tyranny and terror every time. It results in evil. Selecting even the most blameless of human beings as our king will still not ensure things go well with us – only selecting G-d will achieve that. It’s a lesson that needs to be retaught to these global entities that they, too, abandon their evil ways and choose G-d. They know better than anyone else on earth what evil desires lurk in their own hearts. Only G-d knows the full extent though and that is what they need to be reminded of. It’s up to us to remind them.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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