US Bolshevism

Is Boshevism Only a Russia Thing?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/15/2022

The short answer is no, Bolshevism is very much alive and well around the world, most notably in the United States.

This timeline of Bolshevism is adapted from ThoughtCo.

In 1903 a Russian political party called the Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party split in two with the Bolshevik Party carrying most of the members of the splintered party off with them.

On January 9, 1905 Russian government forces ended a Bolshevik protest by shooting into the crowd which caused the 1905 Revolution.

The Revolution ended when Czar Nicolas II promised to instill a legislature (duma) and civil liberties.

In 1914 World War I began and slightly more than a year later Nicolas takes full command of the Russian Army.

In 1917 the March Revolution kicked off. The city of Pertograd was besieged by massive strikes, demonstrations, and mutinies. The uprising convinced Nicolas to step down and his brother refused the throne so a provisional government was found. On April 3, 1917, Vladimir Lenin arrived in Petrograd by means of a sealed train. Counter-protests sprung up in Petrograd and Lenin went and hid. Alexander Kerensky ended up at the helm of the provisional government. On October 25, 1917 the Bolsheviks took control of Petrograd and completely eliminated the provisional government the next day. Lenin was now at the helm of Russia and under him is the Council of People’s Commissars.

In 1918 Russia ended its involvement in WWI, Bolsheviks renamed their party to the Communist Party, Moscow was made the capitol of Russia, a civil war began, the Communist Party murdered every member of Czar Nicolas II’s family (babies and all), and Lenin was hurt by an attempted assassination attempt.

In 1920 the Russian Civil War ended.

In 1922 Lenin suffered two strokes and ultimately retired. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was officially declared on December 30.

Stalin took the leadership role of the USSR on January 21, 1924 when Lenin died.

I spared you of the atrocities, save one – the slaughter of the former Czar and his family. There were murders, rapes, psychological torture, arrests, sham trials, labor camps, and any other kind or barbarity imaginable committed against ‘dissidents’ during the course of the Bolshevik’s Revolutions.

Lenin and Stalin, to an even greater extent, murdered, arrested, tortured, and enslaved anyone who even remotely came against them. Saying I don’t think it was right for the Czar to have been murdered could get the speaker 10 years or more in the gulag. Complaining about food could result in the same thing. Children were encouraged to tell on their parents if their parent happened to say something against the government. Stealing waste to burn for warmth could land people in hot water with the USSR’s government. Food was scarce. Sending a letter could mean a gulag term because the government read them all.

I encourage everyone to watch the movie Dr. Zhivago. If you are still fuzzy one the details, go read The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

The United States is in 1919 Russia. Our government has already undergone the coup. The US version of Lenin has already been imported and installed. The next ‘president’ will likely be our Stalin. The US is in a civil war with Antifa assaulting or murdering any opposition, BLM demanding anything not as black as they are bow down to them, and the government declaring that white supremacists are the biggest threat to the United States and are, in fact, domestic terrorists. Interestingly, white, Christian, males who are straight are labeled Nazi’s by Antifa and the US government. Meanwhile Antifa and BLM burnt down billions of dollars worth of property, murdered multiple people, and the government’s of those locales largely told the police to stand down and watch the fires, rapes, murders, and assaults take place. If one of the scumbags in Antifa got arrested, people as powerful as Kamala Harris raised money to bail them out. DA’s figured out they could just drop the charges.

The differences between the burning of St. John’s Church by the animals in Antifa and BLM over their perceived and made-up inequality claims and the events of January 6, 2021 which sought to force an audit of an election (which still has not taken place) is very telling. Antifa (Communists) and BLM (Communists) are the golden children of the US government while the common people are the bastard children – demonized, and sought out to be silenced and exterminated. If a commoner shuts down an Antifa or BLM agent, they will be immediately ostracized, and have a target placed upon their back. They are trying to start a civil war without implicating the federal government. The federal government and the businesses and NGO’s which contribute to these two groups are doing their level best to create a hot civil war.

In another aspect, we have already leapt into Stalin’s USSR, bypassing the civil war. In 2001 the United States passed the USA PATRIOT Act. Do you remember that one? People warned that it would destroy the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Tenth Amendments of the US Constitution. Now that COVID has come along and the fruits of using USA PATRIOT Act against US citizens have been realized, it’s too late. The US is waging a war against all of the amendments listed above, as well as white, straight, males and especially against anyone professing a belief in God and Jesus Christ. The only thing that is keeping any of us believing that we are a free people is the Second Amendment, and they are coming after that hard, too. If you don’t believe me – go PEACEFULLY counter-protest a gay pride event and see how that works out.

Also, we already have sham trials. The entire January 6 proceedings are evidence of this. It is a beta test to see what the federal government can manage to gin up and get to stick right now. These detainees are not being given trials until their political statements agree with their captor’s opinions. They are being psychologically and physically tortured. They are routinely forbidden from contact with their families. They are restricted in meeting with their lawyers. Oversight from legislatures is forbidden. This is the start of the gulag, American style. It’s revolting and disgusting because the US Bolshevik Party (Democrats and most Republicans) have arrested their political opposition.

The entire Bolshevik Party in the United States has attempted to bar political candidates from even running for office. At the same time they have engaged in this, laws relating to violent felonious crimes have been overlooked as long as their side committed the act. Laws relating to election integrity have been dismissed and they actually tried to (and continue to try to) destroy fair elections through legislative actions. These people demand access to late term abortions and have proposed bills to allow infanticide up to a year yet claim they have to seize firearms from law-abiding citizens in order to save children.

These people are US Bolsheviks. They want the power to alleviate their perceived grievances. The problem is that none of us have aggrieved them, yet it’s OUR pound of flesh the are demanding. I never owned a slave and never will. I never violated a treaty and will never write one that I have no intentions of keeping. The Bolsheviks just keep creating problems in order to create divisions. The problem is that the Bolsheviks keep getting governmental positions and they have been elected into power by corrupted electoral processes.

The United States of America is on life support. Code Blue has already been called. Civil war will be a complete defeat of the US, so refuse to succumb to the temptation. What we can do, is talk, despite being told we are not supposed to. Defend ourselves, despite the means of physical defense being encroached upon. And talk to people, as calmly as possible, and explain it to people, but be warned that people don’t want to change their minds – leave the seed and move away from those people. Let them think it out on their own.

And, as always, read your Bible and pray. All of these events are within the Bible. Should the United States succumb to this Satanic attack, the world will fall to the beast system and then the ‘fun’ will really start. If it is God’s will, and this is God’s time of tribulation, standing for Yeshua and speaking the truth of the Torah in a world of lies will bring eternal life. Those who fall without faith will not end up in a good position. Read your Bible before you try to refute this particular claim.

Good luck, and God bless.


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