Parades and Child Abuse

Note to Parents – Taking a Child to a Gay Pride Event is Child Abuse

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/14/2022

When I was 5 years old, all I wanted to do was watch cartoons on Saturday mornings and eat as much cereal as my little belly could hold. Today, 5 year-olds are being introduced to sexual and counter cultural events by force. It’s child abuse.

Parents committing this kind of child abuse are doing it based on two different metrics. The first one is rather obvious, purposeful exposure of a child to sexual topics, if not outright grooming. I remember the panicked look on my parents faces on the several occasions I walked in at the wrong time. Undoubtedly, my parents noticed the dumbfounded and confused look upon my face as they told me to get out. I learned to knock on the door.

I remember my mother telling me to stay away from the house just down the block on the other side of the street. It was not until much later that I figured out that it was a homosexual couple who lived in the house. No one, to my knowledge, ever gave them a hard time, but then again I was no more that 7 years old and had no business learning about their alternative lifestyle, especially at that age, and my mother recognized that. So I stayed away from that house. There was something weird in her voice that made me actually follow that direction. Today, she would be called a homophobic racist bigot because of her refusal to allow her children to go near their house.

A far cry from mothers and fathers telling their kids to stay away from such places, today, mothers and father get their kids all dressed up and force them to attend gay pride parades, gay pride story times, gay festivals at local parks, and even to go sit on the laps of these perverts. The perverts, for their part, are really good at getting kids to touch them, their costumes, and to answer sexually inappropriate questions. Yet the parents of these children suffer no consequences. It would be analogous to sitting a five year old down in front of the TV to watch twenty hours of pornographic material once a year over the course of a week. Both the real life events being celebrated on every news channel there is and the analogy are child abuse. Plain and simple.

The other aspect of child abuse arising from taking children to gay-themed events comes in the form of psychological abuse. Is Sally really a boy and is Kurt really a girl? At 5 years old I wanted to grow up and be He-Man. Now kids are being asked to consider it their private parts are the right parts for them. They can’t cook macaroni for themselves at that age but they can somehow determine the ‘correct’ gender to identify with. That will absolutely screw a kid up.

Apart from trying to convince children about their gender being something that is fluid, just exposing a child to sex, any kind of sex, at such a young age is problematic. If I walked up to a kid in a park and asked them ‘what is sex,’ I would fully expect to be arrested after I had the tar beaten out of me by the parent(s). The gay-pride attending parents of these children; however, are basically walking up to strangers so they can have sex explained to their children. What kind of backwards Twilight Zone world are we living in? Anyone thinking ‘that won’t screw a child up,’ should be looked at as an abuser of children.

Hopefully the children being taken to these things are too young to even remember the experience; however, most of them will. When I was not quite two years old I remember jumping out of my crib, and even how I did it. And then repeated it whenever I wanted out of the thing. I remember gaining freedom from the bars of my bed…. These kids will, unfortunately, most likely remember their gay-pride experience because it is a bunch of cartoon characters in real life. If He-Man pride parades existed and I saw Skeletor and Evilyn walking down the street and didn’t see He-Man anywhere in sight, I would have rescued Orko by attacking the evil ones myself. Little kids are funny like that because they can’t necessarily tell reality from fantasy. When those same little kids are presented with gay-pride ‘cartoon characters,’ dressed up and twerking, dancing, laughing, and, at time, verbally sexually abusing them, most of them just go with it. The reason they go with it are because their parents are telling them it’s okay to ‘explore’ their sexuality at 5 years old, 10 years old, 13 years old. Some of these kids being dragged along to gay-pride events just learned how to walk.

What kind of future do these kids have when their parents and taking them to sexually-explicit displays and the school systems devote time to same thing? Sally isn’t going to be very good at spelling but will be able to explain what a transgendered cis queer is. Little Kurt will be able to tell you how sad he is about the biological testosterone releases in his body, despite what his non-binary mental-illness tells him. But Kurt won’t be able to figure out geometry. Just Kurt and Sally being in a classroom with 20 other kids creates a problem because the 20 other kids, who aren’t concerned with what is in between their legs (it’s for peeing, stupid), are affected because their classmates (if not their teacher) are more concerned with their identity than with learning how to read, write, and do arithmetic. At 5 years old.

Consenting adults can do as they please. If they want to hack their junk off and replace it with a facsimile, fine. If they want to be gay with another consenting adult, fine. I don’t approve of the lifestyle, but you make up your own mind. My suggestion to this crowd is to go read the Bible. Their reply is the Bible is hateful. I can ask them; however, how hateful is it that your lifestyle will yield no children and will not propagate the human race naturally?

I strongly disagree with gay-events made available to the public, especially when those events disrupt the public and use up city resources. I even more strongly disagree with the idea of parents sexualizing their children by taking them to such events. I disagree with it so strongly, that I would like to see parents engaging in such activities investigated for child abuse. Likewise, a teacher, caregiver, babysitter, or anyone else exposing children to sexual themes should be investigated for child abuse.

Maybe there are not enough investigators to conduct those investigations. Maybe you, reader, should speak out on the matter as well…. Let the court of public opinion condemn the lot of them, especially the parents immersing their children into this world.

Being gay is a sexual orientation. Being proud of that sexual orientation is fine, I just don’t want it all over television screens, in city parks, or walking through streets. At the end of the day, I really don’t care who anyone is doing things with, as long as they are consenting, and as long as all parties are ADULTS. The caveat of ‘consenting adults’ includes asking, doing, or stating anything sexual in nature in front of any child.

When I was 5 I started Kindergarten. We learned how to tie knots in our shoe laces and learned how to fasten buttons and snaps. I couldn’t do the button and I hated buttons for, well, I still kind of hate buttons. I remember never taking a nap and asking the teachers to let me play on the ride-along-train while everyone else was sleeping because it was always taken by all the other kids. I remember laughing so hard I shot milk out of my nose. I remember my mother telling me to no go to that house.

40 years later, and parents are taking their kids to the houses my mother forbid me to go near themselves.


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