Biden Goes to Saudi Arabia

Biden Flying Around at Our Expense

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of HUmanity – 6/15/2022

A article titled White House Confirms Biden Trip to Saudi Arabia Despite Domestic Outrage discusses Joe Biden’s upcoming Middle East trip.

Biden’s first stop is in Israel’s West Bank according to the article. Biden plans on demanding a two-state solution to the Palestine problem while visiting Israel.

After Biden embarrasses the United States by pandering to terrorists in the West Bank, he has plans on further embarrassing the United States. He plans on traveling to the demonic nation of Saudi Arabia to beg for oil from them, Egypt, Iraq, and Jordan. He will grovel to these nations to get the oil he is seeking.

Why is this moron seeking oil? Because he shut down as many pipelines as he could. He’s begging for international oil supplies because he voided all of the exploration leases which may have yielded domestically produced oil. Then the moron turned around and started using up the US domestic reserve of oil – mostly so that Ukraine could murder more of their citizens in a war they will not, and cannot, win. When the oil proved to not be adequate, heavy weapons including medium range missiles and $41 billion went to the failed state of Ukraine. All to protect Joe Biden and his criminal family.

The domestic reasons Biden is undergoing this excruciating humiliation campaign is to attempt to shore up democrat votes. Yahoo puts it like this:

“Plans for the latest visit represent perhaps the first major test for the president to follow through on campaign promises of central importance to his closest allies while also addressing the political realities – notably gas at $5 per gallon – that will likely define the midterm elections in November.”

Being as though Biden and his idiotic disgrace of an administration caused $5 a gallon gas on purpose, the entire trip turns out to be a sham. The only reason he is going to these places is to pretend to live up to campaign promises. He promised to avenge the death of a legitimate terrorist turned journalist, named Khashoggi, who was touted in the US media of the time as a pure spirit. Saudi governmental assets met with Khasgoggi and carried his dismembered body through a hotel in suitcases and briefcases. Biden won’t go to bat for the souls locked up in his DC gulag, but he will go to bat for a known terrorist.

He’s going for national security reasons according to the article. Whose national security? This pile of garbage has done everything he can to weaken this nation. Maybe he is going to bolster the Saudi nation while he weakens the US and Israeli nations. He might as well be paid by the Persians and he probably is, we just haven’t found the money trail yet.

The rest of this article is about what a national disgrace, John Kirby of the NSC, thinks the president is trying to accomplish and what another national disgrace, Senator Chris Murphy, thinks is going to be the result of Biden’s pleas for oil. Kirby thinks that Biden’s trip may produce additional national security and stressed open dialogues between Biden and the rest of the traitors in power in their respective nations.

Murphy has gone on record noting that the more that oil is in demand the more the price will rise. Since Murphy and others like him have no concerns with gas going to $50 a gallon, I don’t know why he is even speaking to the topic; however, he wants to blame the Saudi’s and other oil producing nations for raising their prices. Murphy, much like Biden and his administration, is completely ignorant of the way capitalism works and that when one nation shut off all of their oil production there is less supply, dictating that prices will rise.

Kirby and Murphy are Communists, just like Biden and his administration.

All of the people in this article can go straight to Hell. Biden, Murphy, Yahoo.’news,’ and Kirby can all hold hands as they burn to death in Satan’s service. The problem is that these bitches are dragging us towards the same flames.

Demand US oil production resume and our pipelines and exploration reopen immediately. This whole US gas price rise, and all of the cascading effects on prices of other things like food, water, energy, and everything else has been concocted by ‘people’ who want those outcomes. Call them out and force them to submit to the will of the people through petitions, stickers, and constant letters and calls to the White House and legislators like the demonic Chris Murphy. MAKE them hear you. MAKE them hear us. Make the US great again by making it great yourself. Do it on your lunch break, before work, after work, tek an hour or two to write a letter and mail it on a weekend. Be peaceful, but clearly state your demands to lower there Biden-created gas prices. If we all fail, chances are you wont have a lunch break because you won’t have a job. Think about that. You with no job. Dependent upon the state. The same state that intentionally raised the price of everything, called you a terrorist, and demanded your firearms.


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