UNESCO Takes Aim at Culture – Again

UNESCO Takes Aim at Culture – Again

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/20/2022

UNESCO was founded by Julian Huxley. His brother, Aldous Huxley, wrote a book called Brave New World. The only reason the book Aldous wrote was fiction was because the technology to create the society Julian desired and strove for at the United Nations was not yet created. That technology is getting very near to being a reality, if it is not already a reality. UNESCO continuously seeks to make the society depicted in Brave New World a reality – it was the Huxley’s goal and the entire reason UNESCO was formed in the first place.

“The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] is a specialized agency of the United Nations. Its purpose is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through education, science,  culture and communication,” according to the European Union. To UNESCO, the educational goal is teaching the world about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is a nice term meaning the UN wants everyone enslaved or dead. In science, UNESCO has focused on making sure that all technologies are accessible to all nations. Communication to UNESCO means enshrining the narrative of Sustainable Development Goals as absolute and shutting down or otherwise silencing anyone who disagrees with the SDGs or UNESCO.

The cultural realm is where UNESCO is perhaps most observable. Around the world there are over 1,000 World Heritage Sites, over 800 of which are cultural in nature. These sites are guarded by military personnel with fully automatic rifles. Access to the sites are severely restricted and stepping out of line very well may result in the death of the offender. Many were discontent with the SDGs because it only mentioned culture twice throughout the entire document. When things need to change at the UN, meetings, conferences, and conventions are held which results in the publication of some new draconian decree for the governments of the world to adopt and ram down the throats of their citizens. This is where the Build Back Better bill came from, it’s also where H.R. 1808 comes from. The reason for both pieces of legislation are to fall into line with the UN’s version of global governance. A rich nation with firearms is not something the UN can manage, so the idea is to make us poor and disarm us. The UN and O’Biden regimes thinks those measure will pacify the US citizenry.

The meeting which has been arranged by UNESCO to satisfy additional cultural interventions to further SDGs is going to be held in Mexico from September 28-30, 2022. The title of the meeting is Mondiacult (UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development) and represent the third of such meeting. In 1982 there was a meeting in Mexico City and in 1998 there was a meeting in Stockholm.

The Mondiacult in 1982 made many recommendations. After recommending that all cultures have value and should be respected, UNESCO stated that equality of opportunity is a human right. Well, both of those cannot be true. How does UNESCO plan on respecting Iran’s culture (as disgusting as I find it) and allowing women the same opportunities as men? They cannot. Instead of suggesting Iran’s cultural policies as a problem, UNESCO demonizes Jews and nation of Israel and claims that their purpose is to exterminate the peoples in entire nations.

The third recommendation claims that cultural domination is a huge problem and UNESCO sought to identify the dynamics in which cultural bullying occurs in order to create dominating situations over another culture. UNESCO only did this in order to figure out how to create their globalized culture of getting people to adhere to the SDGs. The fourth recommendation is UNESCO’s desire to stamp out colonialism. The fifth recommendation starts getting into the idea that any culture needs to be fully autonomous. That would mean Pakistan takes about a third of India because of India’s Islamic population. It would mean that Ireland be separated completely. The United States would devolve into over 550 different countries due to the remaining native populations.

The sixth recommendation of the first Modiacult meeting tells those reading it the true intention of UNESCO’s endeavors in cultural matters. It reads:

“UNESCO continue and expand its programme of intercultural studies and research on cultural identity in order to go more deeply into the evolving and creative aspect of cultural identity, which should not be defined solely in relation to the past but also by reference to contemporary creativity and the systems of values underlying schemes for the future.” [emphasis mine]

Identify the future outlooks of various cultures, make sure that the culture to be adopted for the future is whatever UNESCO wants people to adopt, and initiate the change. That is what UNESCO is really saying here. Their desire to identify cultural values, offer their own cultural values, and seek to replace existing cultures with their own is exactly what UNESCO drives at in anything it does with culture. Thus, we have a culture of carbon-hating people demanding that we get rid of carbon and adopt a culture based on the idea of a global citizen. UNESCO is literally defining a psychological war, an all-out assault, on all of the cultural values of the world so that UNESCO’s culture will be adapted.

Recommendation seven dwells on Africa. Specifically they wish to understand the cultural values of black peoples. Recommendation eight demands that South Africa’s apartheid be destroyed, Nambia be given sovereignty and freedom from South African colonialism, and the Communists (like Nelson Mandella) be given control of the nation of South Africa with the assistance of the United Nations. How has that worked out, 40 years later? Recommendation nine demanded that the British, in conducting the Falklands War, remove themselves from a ‘research station’ (actually a military outpost) called Corbeta Uruguay. The British destroyed it. UNESCO was concerned with the British depriving the Nazi’s who ended up there with continuing their ‘research.’

Latin America and the Caribbean was targeted by UNESCO’s tenth recommendation which was to “establish Latin American and Caribbean identity, plurality, and integration.” The Palestinians were also targeted by UNESCO in Recommendation 11. They urged member nations to falsely believe that Palestine is a nation, that it has its own, unique culture, and that efforts should be undertaken to safeguard that culture. UNESCO took it upon itself to create propaganda favorable to promoting Palestinian culture.

Overall, UNESCO made 181 recommendations which all read about the same as the first 11. They all target a slightly different goal. Throughout these recommendations, UNESCO shows its despicable hatred of Judaism and Israel, firm religious beliefs which are incompatible with their designs, and several regions in the world in which UNESCO desired to install their version of culture into the society. That is to name just a few examples of UNESCO’s aims at meddling with culture.

In the second Mondiacult (Intergovernmental Conference on Cultural Policies for Development), held in Stockholm, Switzerland in 1998, had an Action Plan. The first of the listed statements contained in the Action Plan sets the tone for the rest of the document, “Sustainable development and the flourishing of culture are interdependent.” Later in the document is UNESCO’s stress upon the idea that all cultural values are equal, that no discrimination against any cultural value should take place, and that all cultural policies reflect meeting sustainable development goals. Thus, because UNESCO is highly interested in depopulating the globe, transexual culture is being promoted to six year-olds and discrimination against the practice is forbidden. Homosexuality is also heavily promoted by UNESCO.

All manner of other foreign cultural norms are promoted while anything having to do with Western culture is dismissed and demonized. This includes shareholder capitalism, Biblical values, and any sort of traditional hierarchy – especially the ones which pertain to nuclear families. UNESCO has tirelessly supported anything which has even the most remote possibility of disrupting traditional family values in order to destroy cohesive family structures. The promotion of modern feminist movements, thug culture, casual sexual partners, women having to work outside the home, and non-permanent residential situations are all examples which have broken the social cohesion of communities and nations around the globe. This meeting and the resulting document celebrates the evil which UNESCO has helped usher upon the world and directs it’s future intentions towards further destroying culture and installing their own.

This third meeting is, as of today, shrouded in secrecy. The UNESCO site will not allow public access to the details of the meeting until sometime in September 2022 which is when the meeting is to take place. The cause of the meeting is to identify and destroy any cultural value which creates a roadblock to the completion of the SDGs between 2020 and 2030 as mentioned in the Decade of Action by the UN. The direction of the meeting will probably be along the lines of Our Common Agenda. This wonderful document describes the creation of a UN-led one-world everything, total socialism especially in health, education, work, and housing and taxation schemes to afford it, complete censorship of all dissenting views, a global adoption of ESG (environmental, social, and corporate governance), dictating the futures of young people, and tripling-down on globalization and interdependence and multilateralism.

“For 75 years, the United Nations has gathered the world around addressing global challenges: from conflicts and hunger, to ending disease, to outer space and the digital world, to human rights and disarmament. In this time of division, fracture and mistrust, this space is needed more than ever if we are to secure a better, greener, more peaceful future for all people. Based on this report, I will ask a High-level Advisory Board, led by former Heads of State and Government, to identify global public goods and other areas of common interest where governance improvements are most needed, and to propose options for how this could be achieved. In this spirit, I propose a Summit of the Future to forge a new global consensus on what our future should look like, and what we can do today to secure it.” - Antonio Guterres UN Secretary General.

Undoubtedly, UNESCO’s cult will meet to discuss how to carry the Secretary General’s grand plan out through changing cultural perspectives. There a 12 main topics included in Our Common Agenda. No one is going to be left unafflicted by Our Common Agenda. Protecting the planet includes randomly declaring climate emergencies, using ESG, and utterly destroying economic success. Promoting peace apparently entails giving hundreds of billions of dollars to psychotic losers who pay homage to the UN’s designs at the expense of murdering their own citizens needlessly. Strengthening international law while redefining and re-implementing the rule of law is a key goal. Promoting only the female gender, usually at the expense of males, including through legislation featuring gender parity quotas is on the table. Building trust, including by setting up global taxation schemes, is important to the UN. Getting everyone online and into digital gulags is described in the report, albeit with different language. An upgrading of the UN is in the works to better situate the UN to destroy humanity. Changing financial systems to reflect the UN’s desires is paramount to forcing everyone to comply with the UN’s garbage. Broader and stronger partnerships are being sought to be built and built upon. Forcing youth into specific job categories in green energy, digital technology, and politics is another major goal set forth by Our Common Agenda. The last main goal is being prepared, and includes actions such as giving the WHO more power, authority, and control over our lives and creating a global universal health care scheme to cement the WHO’s legitimacy.

As far as I am concerned, all of these efforts, and the people making them, are completely useless to the stability, freedom, and autonomy of society on any level – individual, local, national, or global. These ‘people’ and their plans can all go to Hell. Mexico City could be swallowed into the earth on September 29, 2022 and I wouldn’t do a thing to stop it. I would merely tell people to start repenting and start learning who God really is because He is the one who opened the earth, swallowed the evil doers, and shut them up within the pit. And good riddance to them. But that will not likely happen, now we it, all of us of little faith, shame on us. All that evil needs to flourish is that ‘good’ men stand idly by and do nothing.

I am 2,000 miles away from Mexico City, and I would have to drive because I hate the TSA more than you can imagine. Plus, I lack the necessary funds to get there. Where will you be? Do you have the means to go to Mexico City with a camera and a microphone and ‘disrupt’ the convention by asking questions? Undoubtedly UNESCO will release a document telling all of the rest of us how they plan on forcing humanity to succumb, accept, and passively participate in our own enslavement and extermination. I’ll be praying for God to take those people out, if you can’t go, at least mark your calendar that this cult’s meeting is occurring and repent and pray the evil facing humanity is dissipated by God. God is the only one who is going to save us through His Son – pray He sends the Messiah rather quickly.

God Bless.


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