May God Let it Rain

May God Let it Rain

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/21/2022

There is a massive drought occurring in the western United States. The Colorado River is not flowing like it once was because of a lack of precipitation and melting snow packs in the mountains. The states affected (if you live in one, you are most likely already aware of this) are Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, and the nation of Mexico. Two large reservoirs are nearing empty, Lake Mead and Lake Powell which provide water for 40 million households and at least a $5 billion agricultural industry. It’s dry out there and I hope it rains – people in these states need to turn towards God, repent of their evil, and enjoy the restoration of their water.

For months, the United States Bureau of Reclamation warned these states that they needed to cut their water usage down by 15% of their accustomed usage to mitigate the lack of water in the reservoirs. Some states did better than others states. The stick on the end of the Bureau of Reclamation’s was they would step in and just shut the water off to the states not complying with ‘voluntary’ water restrictions. The time came and went and now the Bureau of Reclamation is just redetermining water allotments for these 40 million people.

The Bureau of Reclamation has determined that Lake Powell will have its water levels monitored and additional restrictions may be undertaken. With respect to Lake Mead; however, the Bureau has determined that Arizona, Nevada, and Mexico will receive less water starting on January 1, 2023. On that date, Arizona will have 21% less water than it is supposed to receive, Nevada will be down about 8%, and Mexico will be 7% below allocation levels. The Bureau’s edict notes that, currently, California will face no additional water reduction but makes no mention whatsoever about Colorado, New Mexico, or Utah.

Nevada claims that it will be fine because it doesn’t use its full allotment to begin with. They also recycle as much water as they can. California already has water quotas for its subjects – maybe that is why the Bureau of Reclamation decided to highlight that California, in particular, would face no further water reductions.

I’m really not worried about Mexico getting water outside of the geopolitical implications it carries with it. Should the reductions in water grow too great for Mexico to bear, it may result in conflict. Of course, in my mind, the nation of Mexico should be under a US protectorate over the border crisis which has continued unabated for decades. During the treasonous Obama and O’Biden regimes illegal immigration rates were and are reflecting an absolutely nuclear increase in illegal aliens from around the world arriving in the United States. The United States should, under a rational leader, say Mexico – you get no water at all from the Colorado river until you help us mitigate this invasion which crosses through your nation as well. For every 1% reduction in illegal immigration, you will get 1% of your Colorado River allotment. I’d love to see that happen because suddenly Mexico would start building walls, in Mexico, on their own dime.

Back to water though. Arizona’s additional 3% reduction, on top of its already established 18% reduction will cause some problems. Arizona farmers produced 4.8 billion pounds of milk (about 706 million gallons), 30,000 tons of lemons, and 160 million pounds of cotton, as well as several other products such as lettuce, melons, cattle, and pecans in 2021. All of that requires water. So, the result of the Bureau’s edicts is reducing the amount of food able to be produced in Arizona and sent around the country.

The Bureau’s Commissioner, a psychopath named Brenda Burman, said of the federal government’s actions, “‘We need to be proud of what we’ve done,’” Burman told hundreds at the annual Colorado River Water Users Association conference at a Las Vegas Strip resort, while also warning of “‘tougher challenges in the future.’” There she is, in some crappy hotel conference room, in the most useless city in the entire United States, saying that the federal government should be proud about shutting off Arizona’s water.

Burman’s Bureau didn’t mention the up to 6 million gallons of water required by the NSA’s illegal data center in Utah. The entire city of Las Vegas is absolutely useless, 650,000 residents which host millions of travelers from around the world and is full of gambling, whore houses, and massive hotels set in the middle of multiple deserts in a mountain range. All of these states have multiple military installations with different degrees of usefulness within their borders and the water won’t be shut off for them. Colorado is basically the hub of the ‘private’ sector military-industrial complex and their water won’t be affected either. No, Burman is proud that that she is setting up a situation in which normal people won’t be able to wash their cars, take a 10 minute shower, and wash the dishes all within the same day. I wonder how proud she will be when the first US citizen (subject?) is arrested for watering their lawn.

Of course, all of the eco-terrorists running the anthropomorphic climate change scam on the people point to climate change being the cause of the 20-plus year drought. Their story is you drove an SUV in the wintertime through 18 inches of snow, so, you polluted the atmosphere and now you have less water. You caused the drought so don’t have (insert utility or good here). The fact of the matter is, climate changes, mankind did not produce the changes, and reductions are unnecessary. Or maybe some of the humans did create the issue – not the SUV driver or the electricity user – the stratospheric aerosolized injection planners and executioners. Ever look into the sky and seen the persistent ‘contrails’ in grid patters or in crosses? Welcome to the world of chemtrails! Maybe stop doing the SAI spraying and see if the west can get some precipitation or maybe use the injections to cause some rain instead of causing drought.

These eco-terrorists also have some kind of denial of actual solutions. The US lets Nestle, and other companies, some of which are foreign-owned, bottle water from the Great Lakes. Why? I think the people in Arizona and Nevada should get first crack at the Great Lakes. But, that would represent an actual working solution to the problem, so it is a non-starter. The only thing that the eco-terrorist crowd wants to do is to deprive as many people as they can from as many resources as they can justify. It doesn’t matter that their geoengineering efforts are the most likely cause of the drought, their efforts will continue. It doesn’t matter that there are solutions which would work, their intent is to force misery, poverty, and, ultimately, slavery and death upon everyone they can. They are Cloward and Piven acolytes who are applying the teachings in an increasingly technocratic system.

God can perform miracles. He could make it rain. The reason it isn’t raining is because too many people are not paying attention to God in the afflicted areas. It doesn’t mean every one of the 40 million affected residents aren’t paying attention, just too many of them are not paying attention. Mankind’s best efforts are nothing compared to God’s will. To quench the thirst of the land in the west, I suggest four things happen. Start repenting and praying for rain. Stop the federal government from continuing it’s efforts of using SAI to create droughts. Stop sending water to useless places like Las Vegas and the NSA data center in Utah. In the meantime, get these people some water from domestic sources where there is plenty of it!


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