Mass Media Could Disappear and the World Would Be Better Off

Mass Media Could Disappear and the World Would Be Better Off

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/19/2022

What would the world look like without the likes of CNN, CBS News, NBC News, ABC News , MSNBC, FOX News the New York Times, Associated Press, The Chicago Tribune, The LA Times, and any of the other mainstream ‘news’ publications out there. What would the world look like without all of these useless articles written not to inform, but to obfuscate the truth and reality of the world we live in.

One of the publications I intentionally left out is the Washington Post because I want to highlight an August 19, 2022 article by Justin Jouvenal, who I will now refer to as JJ, City worker says he was in Capitol for Jan. 6 riot – and keeps his job. To pea-brained JJ this is a mortal sin. No one could have possibly entered the Capitol building on January 6, 2021 and still be employed, especially in a municipality, because all of the people there were ‘insurrectionists.’ According to the mainstream media, this is a ‘fact’ and anyone (me and about half the world) who disputes their iron-clad claim is a conspiracy theorist who needs to be silenced one way or another.

JJ likes to leave out really important details. He sights the Unite the Right incident where “an avowed Neo-Nazi” killed a woman by hitting her with his vehicle. JJ called the whole thing a white-supremacist rally. But there were a ton of Communists there demanding that the statue the so-called white-supremacists were rallying to keep standing, be torn down. There should be nothing said about General Robert E. Lee except he was a racist according to the Communists. JJ does this type of ‘journalism’ several more times throughout the article by linking the still working man (Allen Groat) to not only neo-Nazi’s and white-supremacists, but to Alex Jones, the Proud Boys, and charging him with also denouncing the Black Lives Matter movement.

JJ’s overwhelming political correctness, called wokeness these days, is not a trait which any journalist should be using in a news story. Save that for the rally, JJ. But JJ isn’t acting as a journalist in this piece. He went and tried to find out how exactly to get Allen Groat fired. JJ sought the crybaby ‘activists’ from Groat’s city to get them to complain nationally about how inappropriate it is for Groat to still have a job. If you ask me, little JJ here should be homeless as should the professional whiny little Karen’s he quotes: Molly Conger (a ‘journalist’ who advocates for Groat’s firing) and Lisa Woolfork (who literally claims going to the Capitol on Jan. 6 is an act of racism). Groat should keep his job.

Groat has been investigated by the FBI. He has not been charged with a crime, nor has the FBI arrested him, yet – something JJ hopes to change. Groat; however, was also investigated by the city, which found Groat did not violate the code of conduct because he has not been charged with a crime – something else JJ hopse to change. According to JJ, those who entered the Capitol and had the audacity to claim they were acting as journalists, as Groat is claiming, and who were arrested desesrved it. CNN and Antifa being there was fine – independent media – lock them up and throw away the key. JJ, you’re very stupid, arrogant, and utterly naive for setting that precedent because before you know it – it will be your stupid behind getting thrown in jail until you capitulate and say whatever the ‘prosecutor’ wants you to say.

What would the world be like without heaps and heaps of worthless articles claiming to be news stories but actually serving as printed activism? The world would be more honest. The world would be less divided. The world would be able to live much more peacefully. And people like JJ would have to go find a productive livelihood. The government would have a harder time hood-winking the citizens of the nation because the propaganda would be more difficult to put out. And without all the garbage people wouldn’t think “I’ve read the news, I’m up to date,” because they would have time to research the real news. The real news isn’t covered by any of these mainstream outlets. SAI/SRM, bugs in your food, how dangerous the vaccines are, the fact that there is a 40% increase in all cause mortality around the world, the fact that morticians have ordered a vast number of child-sized coffins, that monkey-pox being spread to children constitutes rape of a child, Epstein’s black book, the truth of 9/11, the truth of Ruby Ridge, the truth at all are some examples or real news. Where are these media sources questioning the cause of autism and why there is such an increase? Is it the vaccines – can’t ask that pharma, runs billions in adds to get morons to buy their poisonous products. Is it chemical poisoning – can’t ask that too many chemical companies making too many unsafe products running ads in our publication. Then what is it? What’s the solution to it? More drugs and more vaccines and more chemicals and more stories promoting the adaptation of all of them into our normal, everyday lives. The more I analyze the mainstream media, the more strongly my conclusion of their existence is – depopulation and promoting a global death cult (zero-carbon initiatives and the mainstream medias love of the ideas to get there come to mind).

Truth is a subjective matter to these people. JJ, for instance, is just like an abused housewife who the neighbors call the cops on. When the cops show up, her abuser has given her a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome – so severe as to tell the cops she ran into a door and that’s why her nose is broken and her eye blackened. The cops leave and the abuse cycle starts all over again. Three weeks later the cops come, she’s on her way to the hospital for a broken arm claiming that she fell down the steps and the cigarette burns on her thighs are because when she landed on the bottom of the steps there were 40 burning cigarettes which burnt her all over the place. The cops knew her story was crap and so does everyone else. It’s up to us to smell JJ’s Stockholm Syndrome and call him out just as the cops would, eventually, have to do with the abusive husband.

JJ and the rest of mainstream media, you don’t get to live in the high-rises the demons promised you. The girls will disappear. The cars will never be in your driveways, hell, you’ll be lucky to even have a driveway. All of these promises, even your pensions and/or retirement funds are being thrown away. Surely you realize this, yet you persist in doing anything but lying to the world through your trashy articles built entirely on lies. Stop it – these people will use you to brainwash as many as you can and then fire you, jail you, even kill you. Once your usefulness is done with, your life will no longer matter.

That’s a lesson all of us should take to heart and honestly ask ourselves: is what I am doing helpful to promote human causes or is it serving to usher in a technocratic one-world totalitarianism run by AI’s and robots? It’s a serious question to ask. Not asking yourself the question and not being truthful with answering yourself will not bring about a human future. It will bring about the death, destruction, and the enslavement of the whole of humanity, what’s left of it anyway. In the face of that – what is but one little question that people like JJ won’t ask you to contemplate at all (it leads to God, honestly) and would never think of asking himself (it seems to me he’s already sold himself to the idea of a non-human future).


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