Ultra Woke Paul Krugman Will Set Us Straight

Ultra Woke Paul Krugman Will Set Us Straight

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/28/2023

Keynesian Marxists love to tell everyone else how smart they are and how dumb everyone else is. Paul Krugman is a prime example of this arrogance. Instead of re-evaluating his adherence to Keynesian economics, this man has doubled and tripled down on demanding that we aren’t Keynesian enough and that more Keynesian economics will fix it. Keynesian economics is basically an economic system to make Marxism seem like a viable way to run an economy. The system Krugman so loves is dedicated to running up huge debts, having the state be the largest employer, and redistributing wealth. He has helped destroy the economy in the United States so thoroughly that he was awarded a Nobel Prize for his efforts. Never shying away from from Marxist outcomes yet always too big of a coward to just label himself as the Marxist he is, Krugman has now tackled the problem of conspiracy theorists.

Published in The New York Times (a Marxist rag itself), where Krugman exists as an opinion writer, yesterday was Conspiracy Theorizing Goes Off the Rails by Krugman. This destructive clown of an economist and coward of a human being brought up several topics which he claims are conspiracy theories. Anyone who writes about conspiracy theories seems inclined to seek out the most wild ones in order to debunk what are becoming increasingly more common – conspiracy facts.

His article is really about the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment and the so-called conspiracy theories about how it happened and the response to it. He describes the facts as he understands them in order to demand greater government intrusion into rail safety. He praised Barack Hussein Obama for being more strict in regulating railroads and their brake systems. He denounced Donald Trump for getting rid of the regulations about brakes. Krugman only wanted to show his loyalty to the narrative setters in the global government by praising Obama and hating on Trump because he admitted that the brake regulations would not have applied to the train which derailed in East Palestine.

All of this came after his blind adherence to whatever the EPA says. The EPA, of course, has made multiple claims that the air is ‘safe’ and that ongoing tests confirm this. Well, the EPA is doing tests but the EPA is not looking for anything specific. This is the way that the EPA can have culpable deniability when they know damned well that burning the substances at the derailment site releases dioxin. They know that there are toxins in the water as well yet they claim that the tap water is safe to drink as well. They are literally murdering the residents and hiding behind their version of science.

Krugman who lives on a newly discovered planet called ultra woke retard land surmises, “the events in East Palestine would seem, on the face of it, to strengthen the progressive case for stronger regulation of industry and hurt the conservative case against regulation.” Marxists; however, never let a good crises go to waste. The very next sentence he wrote reads, “Instead, however, the right is on the attack, claiming that blame for the disaster in Ohio rests on the Biden administration, which it says doesn’t care about or is even actively hostile to white people.” That is the most grave conspiracy theory to Krugman.

Krugman is an expert in nothing but double speak. If he gives economic advice, I am liable to do exactly the opposite. He’s one of those guys that will piss down your back and tell you that its raining while the sun is up and there is not a cloud in the sky. And while he’s pissing on us he will be trying to reach into our pockets for the few dollars we walk around with – the crumbs left over – because the crumbs are his too. He is trying to say that anyone believing this are racists because for the last 739 days Biden has absolutely demanded that all white people in the United States of America are a problem that must be dealt with – violently if necessary. Biden has attacked predominantly White institutions and labeled all of us terrorists for our skin color, and enforced racial policies segregating white people from participating in them. It was Biden’s FBI which linked white Catholics to Biden’s version of white supremacy and had congregants monitored and investigated. It is Biden himself who said on June 1, 2021, ““We can’t give hate a safe harbor. According to the intelligence community, terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today.”” The Biden regime clearly has a racially motivated bent to it – against white people.

Krugman labels what he views as a conspiracy theory as “vile.” He wrote, “This is vile. It’s also amazing. As far as I can tell, right-wing commentators have just invented a whole new class of conspiracy theory, one that doesn’t even try to explain how the alleged conspiracy is supposed to work.” I just explained how, exactly, this theory works. Biden has a thing against white people. He has a whole slew of predominantly white political opponents locked in a dungeon in Washington DC while he openly advocates for arresting and immediately releasing violent criminals with $0 bond, especially if they happen to be a person of color.

East Palestine, Ohio is not a very big town. It is about 93% white. Pittsburgh, PA is close by with a 60% white population. The reason dioxin was released in East Palestine and the Biden administration and agency heads, such as the Department of Transportation and EPA, think the uncontrolled and intentional burning of the spilled materials is just fine is the Amish population. The Amish have refused to do the bidding of the government pretty much forever. They do their thing and leave the rest of the world alone and expect to be left alone in return. The Amish community’s most recent disobedience came by refusing to take the frankentshots which have murdered so many. That is anathema to the government – a travesty so great that it requires poisoning. Amish people are almost completely white. They also don’t support Joe Biden’s goons raiding their farms.

More than race, the East Palestine disaster purposefully caused by all of the parties involved targeted eastern bastions of Republicans. It is about Biden damaging (in this case murdering) his opposition. It is what Marxists do and Krugman and Biden are of the same mind with the same intentions – we need to force conservatives in rural areas to shut up. What better way is there to make some one shut up than giving them a big dose of dioxin which will kill them immediately or several years down the road from some insidious form of rare and untreatable cancer or neurological disorder? There isn’t. Krugman inserted race into the equation to correlate so-called conspiracy theorists with white supremacists.

Krugman mentions theories about Jews controlling the world, the Rothschild's involvement in historical events, Q-Anon and the idea that the US government is deeply connected to and controlled by pedophilia rings (which they are – blackmail is the currency of the US government and Q-Anin deserves no credit for ‘exposing’ this because they didn’t expose anything). Believing in climate change not being real is a dishonest way to state the man-made climate change theory is a hoax, but Krugman doesn’t have an honest bone in his body. The presidential election in 2020 was stolen, but Krugman argues that too many people would need to be involved so it couldn’t have been stolen. Krugman claims that asking questions about why Ukraine’s Zelensky is able to beggar all of his neighbors in person in Ukraine and in foreign nations, Western press coverage of the war, and why we have spent hundreds of billions of dollars on this conflict is tantamount to stating there is no conflict in Ukraine. He brings up the idea that there are lizard people in order to try and discredit all of these conspiracy theories.

About the lizard people. I don’t necessarily believe there are actual reptilians in human bodies although I wouldn’t rule it out entirely. There is, without a doubt, a group of well connected individuals in positions of power who control a great amount of wealth who act as if 99% of humanity is some alien species that must be annihilated for their survival on this planet. Krugman has identified with them and wholeheartedly promotes their vision for a post-human world. Once more Krugman proves he is too stupid and arrogant to acknowledge that he will not be spared from their human extinction plans and has decided that to ‘win’ he should go along with these plans. He has devoted his entire life to that concept.

Krugman gets around to his real intention near the end of his globalist-sponsored hit-piece by doing exactly what he demands all conspiracy theorists are supposed to be forbidden from doing. He asks some questions about the conspiracy theories swirling around East Palestine. Of course he has to bash one of the truth-tellers to ask his questions, but he asks them anyway:

“When Tucker Carlson suggests that this happened because East Palestine is a rural white community, with another Fox News host going so far as to say that the Biden administration is “spilling toxic chemicals on poor white people,” how is this even supposed to have worked? How did Biden officials engineer a derailment by a private-sector train company, running on privately owned track, which lobbied against stronger safety regulations?”

I’d like to remind this degenerate Krugman who has harmed every single American for decades with his lies, that the world has watched the evil actors in the world reveal their intentions for humanity. While they demanded we mask up, they were taking their masks off. They killed us with their man-made biological weapon. They told us to bankrupt ourselves and accept UBI payments. They demanded we operate under prison rules when we left our homes. They murdered us with shots they tried to mandate around the world. They shut down supply chains around the world. It is now normal that 20 year old athletes have heart attacks in record numbers and that well over 100 food production facilities have burnt down. Biden took care of oil transportation by pipeline with his Marxist decrees. Groups like Extinction Rebellion have no qualms about sabotaging a viable transportation option for oil – trains and the tracks they need to move around.

The American people have started waking up to the reality that our government has determined we are the primary enemies and they are at war with us. Krugman is on the wrong side of this war. He demands that we be forced into dividing ourselves based on racial and political affiliations which are completely irrelevant. He knows widening the divisions in America along these lines, as well as other lines, will fracture America irreparably. He knows that the lesser battles created by these divisions serve his globalist masters well by providing the cover they need to get WHO pandemic treaties signed, revitalize North American Union talks and agreements, and further solidify global government around topics such as trade (WTO), SDGs (UN), and creating pretexts for nuclear weapons use by the West on Russia and China. The NWO Krugman signed up to is in it’s death throes and is trying to kill all of us in order to not be swept into an overflowing wastebasket full of history’s other maniacal global domination plans.

More than anything Krugman demands adherence to the globalist conspiracy (the Great Narrative) by demanding the media fosters even more distrust among the narrative non-compliant. He finishes his piece with, “Of course, it does no good to appeal to the right’s better nature. But let me make a plea to mainstream media: Please don’t report on this as if there were an actual controversy about who’s responsible for the East Palestine disaster.”

Krugman is too cowardly to ever come out from under his rock and be honest with people. He will never just come out and say “I serve the devil. I love all of the lies I’ve told. I hate all of the people I have hurt. I only wish that I could have injured and killed more than I did.” I find that to be an accurate portrayal of Krugman’s life. He hates God. He hates God’s creation. Judging by the fruits of Krugman’s labor I see him as a reprobate. Maybe God doesn’t see him in this manner; however – I don’t know because I am not God. I make no judgment on this man’s soul. I only ask that he be honest from here on out meaning he will be forced to denounce everything he has done in his professional life and seek forgiveness for the harm he has caused to humanity. I don’t see him doing any of that. I see him running his pompous mouth and spreading hate, division, lies, and disinformation to promote a Satanic agenda. When everything is a lie there is only one truth – the Bible. I hope Krugman finds the courage, for the first time in his life, to read the Bible, seek God, accept Yeshua, and repent. I pray we all do that for it is the only truth on earth and there is nothing new under the sun.

Bless God and God bless.


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