It Is Getting Terrifyingly Clear Now

It Is Getting Terrifyingly Clear Now

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/1/2023

It doesn’t seem like it will be too much longer and there will be annexed portions of the United States. China will have the west coast, Russia will have the east coast and Gulf of Mexico. In a twist of fate, it would be probable that the French would opt for the northern central sections of the United States and the Germans would administer the central plains and desert and mountain west. I can see this happening more and more with each week that goes by. Let me explain.

I’ve written before that I have heard a prophesy made by Dimitru Duduman where Russian and Chinese forces, with two other unnamed nations invade the United States and conquer it. Those two nations, from my research, will be France and Germany. That may sound crazy but there are causes for it. One cause is historical. France lost all of it’s colonies on mainland North America. The Germans who fought under the British crown in the Revolutionary war dismantled their status as an army for hire. Some of the Hessians stayed in the United States finding the liberty of America superior to Germany’s laws. The Hessians gained nothing by participating in the Revolutionary War. Similarly, Germany was defeated in both World Wars, in part, by the United States.

The other is found in the fact that Germany in particular is dependent upon oil and natural gas imports. Those imports have been supplied by Russia for a very long time. With energy prices soaring and becoming unreliable, German industry has stumbled and the energy production has resumed the burning of coal. With Russia entering Ukraine sanctions were placed on oil and gas exports. Two major pipelines moving energy resources from Russia to Germany were also destroyed intentionally by the United States. France is not as dependent on Russian resources as Germany was but France was getting almost a quarter of their natural gas needs met by Russia and a large portion of their oil.

Both France and Germany have given great sums of money and piles of aid (including military aid) to Ukraine’s neo-nazi globalist regime. Germany has sent $13.4 billion euros and France has sent 7.7 billion euros. The United States meanwhile has sent well over $150 billion in ‘aid’ packages – 12 billion more euros than the next 15 nations combined. All of this aid has enabled Zelensky to order his nation’s men and women to be chewed up by the Russian military. Even the tanks which Ukraine received has not stopped the Russian onslaught in Ukraine.

In the last week or two, the president of Ukraine, forgetting that the only reason he is even alive right now is because of Western ‘aid’, had some interesting language for their biggest sugar daddy. When Zelensky was asked if he was concerned about the rising percentage of American’s who have had enough of working their asses off to watch the US fall apart (purposefully) while Ukraine has received over $150 billion during the last year Zelensky threatened three-quarters of us. The Stalinesque Zelensky thanked the US government and others who support his losing efforts against Russian forces but went on to demand:

“"And that percentage of Americans as you've mentioned is increasing, I can tell them only one thing: If they do not change their opinion, if they do not understand us, if they do not support Ukraine, they will lose NATO, they will lose the clout of the United States, they will lose the leadership position that they enjoy in the world, that they enjoy in the world. That they enjoy for a very fair reason.

“"And they will lose the support of the country with 40 million population, with millions of children. Are Americans' children any different from ours?" Zelensky said. "Don't Americans enjoy the same things as we do? I don't think we're that different."”

In the same answer, Zelensky stokes fear about Russia entering into NATO members in the Baltics. I don’t buy that for one second; however, Zelensky needs to sell this fear so he can keep extorting the US taxpayer. He went so far as to suggest that when Russia enters into the Baltic states Article 5 under NATO will be invoked and the “US will have to send their sons and daughters exactly the same way as we are sending our sons and daughters to war and they will have to fight because it’s NATO we are talking about and they will be dying, god forbid.” The god that Zelensky is referencing is not the God of the Universe, the God of creation. He has sacrificed around 250,000 people to the bloodlust in his heart and to whatever demon he worships. Moreover, he is still adamant about never coming to any compromise with Russia and recalcitrant to any negotiations which may bring about a cease fire. It’s almost laughable when he claims the nuclear war should be avoided and the way to avoid it is to continue to lose the war in Ukraine.

And Ukraine is losing this war. Actually, without direct interventions in the form of a NATO or United States or EU mobilization to fight on the front, this war is over. Al Jazeera reported yesterday that the ongoing war has become increasingly difficult for Ukraine as Russia continues to battle for Bakhmut. The same article also notes that Janet Yellen, the FED Reserve head, visited Ukraine to promise Zelensky US tax dollars will continue flowing into his nation; China has been giving Russia economic aid as well as diplomatic and political assistance; the START treaty (nuclear arms control) will not be discussed until the US listens to Russia; and the UN Human Right’s council is signaling their impending condemnation of Russia’s so-called war crimes. Barron’s also reported yesterday that even Ukrainian military personnel expect Bakhmut to fall very soon. The article also contains NATO Secretary Jens Stoltenburg stating, “the priority for Ukraine was to fight off Russia's invasion with allies' backing and that in the "long-term" the nation would join the alliance.”

“Was” is a significant departure from what he had been saying. What is Ukraine’s priority now? The priority for the NATO leader is apparently to continue the war for as long as possible. Stoltenberg also stated yesterday, ““It’s Ukraine that has brought the EU together like never before. It’s Ukraine that’s defending European values for generations to come. It’s Ukraine where Europe becomes whole, free, and at peace. Together in struggle, together in victory.”” For NATO though, the biggest priority is getting Finland and Sweden involved in the alliance as quickly as possible. From NATO’s view, Ukraine needs to just keep getting money and keep fighting a war they will not win.

Members within the alliance; however, are moving in a direction different from NATO and the United States which basically is NATO if we look at funding. The members moving in a different direction are France, Germany, and the UK. More than their NATO membership, each nation has directly spoken to Zelensky encouraging him to make peace with Russia. The carrot on the end of the deal to convince Zelensky to do this is greater access to NATO weapons systems and armaments – which is kind of why they are in the mess they are in to begin with. Macron, Scholz, and Sunak do not believe that Ukraine can achieve any of it’s battlefield ambitions. Macron and Scholz have told Zelensky he needs to start thinking in terms of peace which Zelensky refused to do. Sunak idiotically thinks that apparently Russia will change it’s mind and bring about the peace the Zelensky refuses to even consider by supplying more weapons to Ukraine.

With France and Germany telling the real war criminal Zelensky that he needs to think in terms of ending the war, not continuing it forever on the dime of the United States and European nations, these two nations have placed themselves in a diametric position to the United States and NATO. If this rift persists, I could see major events unfolding culminating in France and Germany deciding to quit NATO and align with Russia. For one, the oil and gas would be able to flow from Russia once more. Both nations would be forced to have a much larger military budget and immediately begin heavily recruiting personnel or creating and manufacturing mechanized soldiers. In this scenario it would be highly likely that sanctions would be placed French and German exports primarily by the United States. When trade breaks down the prospect of war rises.

The stage has been set for a long time promising that the United States will be invaded by Russia and China. There has been a lot of rhetoric over the years between the US and Russia and the US and China. China has already declared war on the United States but so far has limited it’s fighting to the economic and pandemic realm. Russia is fighting a kinetic war against the United States and NATO through it’s proxy Ukraine. With the Russian-Ukrainian war ongoing and the sanctions which have already been levied against Russia by the West, Russia and China have found a friendship in a shared mutual interest in destroying the United States which both nations are hostile towards. This is exaclty the opposite tactic Western powers took during the Cold War as the West sought to make sure China and Russia never formed any kind of alliance. But, like NASA having forgot how to travel to the moon and having erased all of the original tapes of the landing, it seems our military and elected officials have forgotten how the Cold War really worked and basically provided the glue Russia and China needed to become best friends.

Germany and France have created a situation in which solidarity is not within the EU member states and not within NATO by even suggesting Ukraine should seek peace. The United States ‘president’ Joe Biden has alluded to a future point in time when Ukraine will get handed US F-16’s. This clearly indicates that the Biden regime has no intention of encouraging Ukraine to make any sort of peace with Russia. That means that NATO will not seek to call upon Zelensky to make peace either. Germany and France having suggested to Zelensky that peace needs to be on his mind represents a significant departure from the Western view of the war. Because of this, those two nations Duduman spoke of, the unnamed ones, are become more and more clear, terrifyingly so, on a daily basis.

I would advise you not to be scared though, even if the United States is invaded by these four nations. In order for your fear to dissolve recognize that you are not Rambo (even if you think you are – you are not – Rambo is a fictional character). You can’t shoot entire battalions of foreign troops pouring over the border. You cannot stop a nuclear bomb or an EMP attack. You will not prevent cyberattacks. What you can do; however, is demand that those responsible for creating peaceful terms between warring parties prevail. You can demand that the borders be closed. You can arm yourself, stock up on food, water, and other necessities, and form a militia to at least have a fighting chance of repelling such an invasion force for a time.

But the one thing that is necessary to provide any of us with any chance of survival through the events unfolding and about to unfold is to get right with God. The way to do that is to read the Bible, pray for God to bestow discernment and wisdom upon you, trust in God for your safety, and love the Messiah for giving you a path to life. Walking with God means walking in the light and the truth and makes it pretty much impossible to fall for lies and living in fear. Walking with God means that you are doing the work of God and His blessings will be your provisions, thus there is no reason to fear. If we had not forgotten that in the West it is highly unlikely we would be experiencing any of the issues we are currently experiencing. Get ready, I do think this invasion is coming and that God will spare his people and the rest will not do well trying to fend for themselves without His protection.

Bless God and God bless.


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