Arizona Messed Up Bad

Arizona Messed Up Bad

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/27/2023

Back in November Arizona voters went to the polls to vote for a new Governor. Katie Hobbs claimed she won but she ran an illegal campaign capped off by massive amounts of voter fraud. Just like the United States suffered a coup and is now suffering under a tyrannical dictator, so, too is Arizona. For Katie Hobbs though, it just keeps getting worse.

It turns out Katie Hobbs voluntarily indentured herself to the Sinaloa drug cartel by accepting bribes. But the story is so much more than just Katie Hobbs. The attorneys who have made these allegations against Hobbs didn’t stop with her. There are at least 11 states involved, Wells Fargo bank, and a large number of Arizona politicians and judges. The report notes the corruption is bipartisan. It also documents that voter fraud is an integral part of this massive money laundering scheme and has been ongoing since at least 2004.

According to PM, the Sinaloa cartel offers a bribe to a potential candidate, they announce their candidacy, and, now that they are bought by the cartel, the candidate is privy to the extra votes from fraud. In return for having fraud determine their election outcomes, these political positions are filled by people who demand the southern border be unenforced, provide fraudulent notary services, and cover up all traces of the money laundering scheme. The money laundering scheme involves creating fake people who ‘buy’ single family homes and bankruptcy fraud. The report documents the instance of a specialized police unit in Mesa, Arizona which is dedicated to making sure that any evidence of this money laundering scheme or it’s bribery arm disappears.

Kate Hobbs, in particular, knew exactly what she was doing during her campaign for governor. She sat in her home knowing that fake ballots had her name selected. This bribery scandal she is entangled with makes me wonder when, exactly, she took her first bribe. My hunch is that while she was doing social work and advocacy she was introduced to the idea that she was a shoe-in for a political seat and cash if she would just do Sinaloa’s doings. She ran for the Arizona House and won in 2012. In 2012 she won the first of her three terms in the Arizona Senate. She ran for Secretary of State in Arizona in 2018. In 2022 she ran her from-home campaign and claimed her Sinaloa rigged ‘win’ in the gubernatorial race against Kari Lake.

The 2022 race was repugnant on it’s face. Hobbs’ opponent, Lake, was censored on social media limiting her reach. Hobbs also, conveniently, oversaw the elections in the State of Arizona as she was the Secretary of State at the time. Hobbs claimed that she recused herself while at the same time her office sent threats of arrest to county election boards which were hesitant to certify her fraudulent race. As an example, the Cochise County board consisted of three members – two republicans and a democrat – who voted to not certify Hobbs’ governor race. Hobbs’ office sued them and then went to Pima County judge Casey McGinley to demand the board certify the election. The report makes mention that this judge has at least a one in four chance of being on the take in the racketeering scheme Hobbs is accused of also being a part of. The election results were certified in Hobbs’ favor, even in Cochise county, but criminal charges were demanded to be levied upon the two republicans who initially refused to certify Katie Hobbs fraudulent election.

Katie Hobbs in action is all about progressive values and doing the Sinaloa cartel’s bidding. In line with disgusting so-called ‘progressive’ values, Hobbs used her office vindictively to target political opponents. The platform she ran from her basement included the false conception of democracy being the mode of government in the United States. Her ‘victory’ announcement included, “As governor, I will do everything in my power to get the job done for Arizona families and deliver solutions to tackle rising costs on housing and groceries, homelessness, our water crisis, the border crisis, and to restore women’s reproductive freedoms.” At the end of the day; however she promised to defend democracy. And while she lives up to her Hitlarian promise, she will make sure that costs for housing, food, and taxes rise, the homeless population rises, water will get more scarce, and the border will stay open. The one thing she will absolutely do is make sure the number of babies murdered in her state goes up.

She wants the children in Arizona to start their public education earlier that kindergarten so they can be exposed to transsexual, homosexual, and gender-fluidity ideas as early as possible. She wants Arizona taxpayers to foot the bill for a climate resiliency department to do all of the satanic UN SDGs. One of her priorities is to give illegal aliens citizenship, more money to hospitals on the border, and more resources to Arizona’s Department of Public Safety to make sure they complete the Sinaloa’s human smuggling activities.

Instead of legislating like democracy demands, Hitler Hobbs has issued seven executive orders. Her intent is to waste money and time and effort to produce task forces which will advise her to do what she wants to do. Specifically, she wants to destroy religious institutions doing business with the state, determine how to best ensure the homeless population swells and the state can provide for them, destroy any semblance of election integrity, make sure water costs rise and availability is more restricted, get rid of the death penalty, shrink incarceration lengths for violent felons, and figure out how to keep teachers employed in teaching which means more money from the taxpayer to the ‘teacher’. These executive orders will yield reports supporting all of those positions. Those positions will represent the will of the Sinaloa cartel more than the citizens of Arizona.

Legislatively it seems that very little has reached Hobbs desk. She has vetoed a Republican budget $2 billion less than she wants to spend. Most of her spending is a naked transfer of wealth but media isn’t honest about the topic. She also vetoed a bill which would have eliminated state taxes on rent payments. After vetoing the bill on the grounds that renters will not benefit from the tax cuts and that an appropriation was included in the bill she claimed that there should be a different solution found to ‘fix’ the problem. Her solution will be to raise everyone’s taxes and show favor to any real estate Sinaloa is involved with. Watch it happen.

Hobbs’ own actions in Arizona thus far should be encouraging demands from the citizens of Arizona that she step down immediately. Her connection to bribes from the drug cartel operated by El Chapo should be forcing Hobbs to consider stepping down all on her own. Arizona has a recall mechanism – Hobbs will be able to be recalled six months after her term began – July 7, 2023. I suggest 700,000 signatures be obtained before that date and the paperwork be filed at the opening of the Secretary of State’s office on that date at 8am. There should be about 200,000 people outside with signs advising her to leave on her own the week prior to the submission of the petition.

The allegations contained in the document need to be prosecuted. These allegations all stem from earlier convictions revolving around the same racketeering charges which occurred almost two decades ago. I have to ask where the FBI, DOJ, HUD, SEC, and DHS is at trying to detect and prosecute this money laundering scheme which has now been handed to them. Maybe it is for the best that a private citizen has come up with these allegations because Christopher Wray, Merrick Garland, Marcia L. Fudge, Gary Gensler, and Alejandro Mayorkas are all too busy watching their own corruption schemes make them rich to do anything about the Sinaloa cartel having bought the state of Arizona.

A responsible government would have, long ago, declared all of the cartels a terrorist organization and gone to war with them. Instead, government agencies like the CIA have, for decades, decided to use the cartels to serve their own purposes. Running drugs, guns, and people into the nation serves the purpose to expand funding and enable mission creep for the likes of the CIA, FBI, and DHS. As crime rates rise, more resources are needed and different issues need to be addressed. The cartels serve as a partner with some members of those agencies. In the 1980’s it was people and cocaine, and crack cocaine coming over the border. Today it is military operatives, sex slaves, economic opportunists, guns, and fentanyl coming over the border. I’m absolutely certain that the Sinaloa cartel adores the cover Biden and Hobbs have provided for their members to hide among the illegal alien invasion to smuggle their wares into the nation.

Katie Hobbs is not only an election thief, she is a Marxist who will destroy the state of Arizona as well as continue to threaten the security of the United States of America. That makes her (and Biden) a traitor to this REPUBLIC. She needs to be recalled – the sooner the better. Anyone taking a bribe from the Sinaloa cartel, or any other cartel, needs to be removed from their office, tried for racketeering, bribery, corruption, conspiracy, and treason. If we hope to even have a fighting chance of Making America Great Again, we will all advocate for these investigations to commence immediately. We just need to make sure that the people doing the investigations and prosecutions are not compromised themselves and can uphold the law of the Constitution of the United States of America – not the bastards adhering to a political platform or to some globalist agenda.

Bless God and God bless.


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