Ukraine After the War – A Western Fantasy

Ukraine After the War – A Western Fantasy

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/27/2023

I don’t see Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as unprovoked. I think it was very much provoked by Western powers including NATO, the EU, the United States, and a whole bunch of pharmaceutical companies, oil and gas companies, and nefarious entities like George Soros. It is indisputable that these same Western powers orchestrated a coup in Ukraine in 2014 and there have been more problems since than there were prior to the coup. The Russian’s will not stay in Ukraine forever and Ukraine will not be able to fight off Russian advances forever, even with the entire Western world supplying them with brand new armies every few weeks. Will there be a nuclear exchange before Russia achieves its aims is probably the most important question. But there is another question which sits somewhere on the horizon – how will Ukraine be rebuilt?

The question is interesting because it supposes that there will be a Ukraine after the war. I don’t think it will exist as a nation after the war. Russia believes, correctly, that it is fighting a third world war against the unified forces of NATO, the United States, Poland, Germany, and the European Union in general. Germany, for instance, underhandedly declared war on Russia. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said, “‘We are fighting a war against Russia and not against each other,’ Baerbock said, according to the A News TV network.” NATO Secretary General demanded, incorrectly, that the infusion of Western arms, money, and aid was somehow saving lives by prolonging the Russian’s invasion is a futile effort. At this rate, with peace nowhere on the horizon, it will be very interesting to see what, if anything, is left of Ukraine when Zelensky finally decides it is time to negotiate peace.

Ideas about rebuilding Ukraine after the war supposes that there will be a Ukraine to rebuild. Russia may well decide to take the entire nation and annex it at this point. If they did I would understand why, completely. They don’t want the EU and, especially, NATO on their doorstep. Yet, in every scenario which I have seen, the stated purpose of bothering to rebuild Ukraine is contingent on making it acceptable to the EU for membership. Russia is not oblivious to these overt calls for Ukraine’s EU membership and may well decide to adopt new plans in light of this revelation.

There are also designs by Poland and Lithuania to attempt to rebuild the Poland-Lithuanian Empire a bit by taking some rather large portions of Ukraine for themselves. Several hundred years ago Poland controlled nearly the entirety of Ukraine. Any return to that former reality would place NATO and the EU closer to Russia’s doorstep. There have been rumors and, now, actions supporting the idea that Poland would like to annex portions of western Ukraine for themselves.

I’ll give the reconstructionists the benefit of the doubt and go along with their assumption that there will be a Ukraine left to rebuild. With no end of the Ukraine – Russia war in sight, the reconstructionists have not held back their plans for how to rebuild Ukraine. The German Marshall Fund, a think tank for the global government, and Ukraine itself have both issued plans for rebuilding whatever is left of Ukraine once the dust settles.

The original Marshall plan, the one where some brainiacs decided the US taxpayer should rebuild all of Europe after World War II, would cost about $160 billion. We revitalized 17 European nations all at once under the plan. It is credited with marshaling in a peace in Europe which has been more or less durable since the late 1940’s. No major power wars occurred until NATO and the EU, with the support of the United States, decided to goad Russia into the current conflict in February 2022. To build Ukraine back better the Ukrainian plan suggests giving them at least $750 billion dollars from now until 2032.

The Ukraine Restoration Plan (URP – Ukrainian Government) and Designing Ukraine’s Recovery in the Spirit of the Marshall Plan (DUR - German Marshall Fund) are very similar in their overall outlook. The URP opens up with, “Vision Restoration of Ukraine: « Strong European country – magnet for foreign investment». Ukraine's Restoration Plan aims to accelerate sustainable economic growth. The plan identifies a list of National Programs to achieve key results.” There are 17 points on which the URP is based.

The Ukrainian government is demanding hundreds of billions of dollars to go ‘green.’ According to their demanding report, they want to be the green leaders of the world with green energy, green buildings, green infrastructure, and green governance. They are seeking to create a digital state, a security state, and a digitized medical system. They are also seeking to attract investments of foreign capital, revamp their educational system, and model their built back better on the entire world’s dime plan in the EU’s vision so they can be integrated into the union. The principles the government of Ukraine plans to follow to accomplish all of this reads “The plan for the Restoration of Ukraine is based on 5 Basic Principles: Immediate start and gradual development; Building equitable welfare; Integration into the EU; Reconstruction is better than it was, nationally and regionally; Stimulating private investment.”

The 24 points in the DUR are easier to follow than the URP. These 24 points are grouped into six categories – preconditions and goals, architecture, sequencing, financing, Russian assets, and accountability and rule of law.

One of the key takeaways from preconditions and goals is that the United States should not only shoulder about a fourth of the initial costs, it should also take on 75% of the security responsibilities. The authors of the report also recommended that any and all ‘necessary’ provisions be given to Ukraine in perpetuity and that the unity being (stupidly) displayed in giving to Ukraine remain present in the rebuilding of Ukraine – especially among the G7 nations. This should all be done with an eye on a goal which should not even being discussed – Ukraine’s acceptance into the EU.

The mechanism the DUR envisions relies on existing financial institutions with one new entity. That entity will exist to coordinate flows of money into Ukraine. Ukraine will set their own goals, according to the recommendations, but the entity created to coordinate those flows, RecoverUkraine, will decide whether or not the conditions are met in order for Ukraine to receive money from the fund for any particular project. As such, the global government, as represented by an “American politician” will, at least initially, call all of the shots in Ukraine’s reconstruction. This explains why Ukraine has decided to embrace every single one of Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies. It really makes me wonder why Ukrainians want to survive the war just to be thrust completely under a global totalitarian technocracy which equates to unmitigated and unending suffering, subjugations, and enslavement.

The third section, sequencing, discusses how to make Ukraine an investment opportunity. The DUR plan sees the steps as relief during the war (we fund the whole thing), reconstruction of the most vital economic elements of Ukraine immediately after the war concludes, modernization which is “building back better”, and accession into the EU. The authors acknowledge that they don’t know what will be left of Ukraine and don’t know how long it will take to end the war in this section. Despite that, and all of the money, time, and effort the authors are demanding of the taxpayers of the Western world, we are instructed to just be patient.

Financing can come from a wide variety of sources. A lot of the money, especially initially, will be sucked out of the taxpayers in the EU and the US initially. This won’t stop but it will lessen over time, as the authors see it, because of increasing investments in the private sector. But, the DUR demands, full price loans should be avoided at all costs, subsidized and low-cost loans should be used sparingly, and everything able to be done in the form of grants should be prioritized. On top of the free money demanded for Ukraine, subsidies for what amounts to private-sector investor insurance should be offered. In an interesting twist of logic, the authors left it up to Ukraine whether they would take money from China and the string China would attach to the money given to Ukraine’s rebuilding efforts outside of RecoverUkraine. China would give Ukraine “deleterious” strings while the RecoverUkraine strings attached are somehow not deleterious.

Russian assets are a high priority for the German Marshall fund. Specifically they are looking for any legal way they can find to just rob frozen assets belonging to Russia’s central bank and private citizens. They are talking about robbing $330 billion in Russian assets in this fashion. So, while they pretend to support the rule of law, they are actually destroying one of the most basic tenets of Western democracy – the right to own property. When the Russian assets are seized and handed over to Ukraine, the DUR notes, “The G7 governments should reassure other countries that their reserves remain safe and that the current circumstance are unique and that seizing Russian reserves is unlikely to be repeated in the future.” Why anyone would believe these sick freaks is beyond me. Seizing Russian assets in some ‘legal’ context seems extraordinarily unlawful and unrealistic but then the authors suggest Russia may decide to willingly pay to rebuild Ukraine in Klaus Schwab’s vision in what amounts to a ransom situation. If Russia paid to help rebuild, they would again have access to that $330 billion. Maybe these tone-deaf global government agents at the German Marshall Fund missed why Russia stated they entered into Ukraine in the first place.

The last chunk of the document is actually about accountability and rule of law. After seriously advocating for state-sponsored economic terrorism, the authors suggested that Ukraine join all kinds of EU bodies. In their minds this would build trust of Ukraine and help reduce corruption. It would also have the added benefit of accelerating Ukraine’s acceptance into the EU, which , after all, was the goal all along.

Why are all of these nations, especially the United States and EU, being called upon to create a Ukrainian Marshall Plan costing 80 times the amount the average each nation received in the original plan in the 1940’s. More importantly why are all of these nations hopping on board the let’s go morally and financially bankrupt over Ukraine train? I can only sleuth two answers – Ukraine knows where the bodies are buried, how the money was laundered, and a whole bunch of other secrets the global government would rather not have to discuss. Hunter Biden’s dealings with Barisma are a mere snowflake on Mount Everest or K-2, whichever is tallest at the moment.

Ukraine is also the anointed poster child for how Western societies are supposed to operate under global government’s totalitarian technocracy. Ukraine is three-quarters of the way there, the build back better plan elaborated on above will get them to where the Klaus Schwab’s of the world think that all nations should be. Remember, building back better means destroying what exists first…. Russia took the bait and destroyed a lot of Ukraine and, with the suggestions from Ukraine, the EU, and the German Marshall Fund, as well as a direct declaration of war from Germany, and acts of war from Poland, NATO, the United States, Germany, and several others, Russia isn’t going to just decide to stop fighting all of a sudden. They are going to press on until the problem is resolved to their liking, or cease to exist while they try.

One of the most prominent features of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies is in the field of genetics. These mad-scientist experiments are being conducted in government and private sector research labs and commercialized by pharmaceutical labs. I have no doubts Western funded labs in Ukraine have sponsored all sorts of bizarre, anti-human experiments. Russia blew up a bunch of them when the war first began. On top of that, there are over 40 biotechnology companies operating (not headquartered) in Kiev, the capitol of Ukraine. Indeed, Ukraine is already well down the road to becoming the Western version of China. The China that we know today is the China which was modeled to showcase how global government will operate everywhere (thanks Henry Kissinger). Increasingly, on a daily basis, that global government encroaches on complete control over the minds of everyone in the world. There is a reason these global government apparatchiks meet in Davos, as well as in other venues, annually. It’s to coordinate their attack against human beings, especially those with a different idea than what the global government holds. So the Russian government, the Chinese government (they are beginning to renege on their end of the bargain), the farmers in the Netherlands, the yellow vests of France, the Nigel Farage’s, the Alex Jones’, and anyone else with a notion of individual liberty or a sovereign nation is their target by any means necessary.

The doomsday clock is at 90 seconds to midnight, the closest it has ever been. I think it should be even closer because of the posture Ukraine has taken on the war, in line with their foreign-army suppliers, financial backers, and global government supports as well as the Western stance that Ukraine is not permitted to lose any part of it’s territory. There seems to be only one way to go from here – annihilation. While I pray for a negotiated and durable peace as soon as possible the prospects are bleak.

God can fix all of this and I believe He will, one way or another. The painless way would be to repent for our sins as humanity. I think the world is choosing the painful way though. The painful way is to double down on the abominations humanity, ie the world, is engaged in – baby murder, human sacrifice, creating chimeras, creating AI, going forward with plans to decarbonize the earth and depopulate the humans on the earth. I will keep praying and keep speaking the truth. That truth is in the Bible, I encourage you to read it as God wrote it and to understand it. I encourage you to seek this truth immediately – no one knows when their last breath is and no one but God knows when the return of the Messiah will occur. All I can positively state is that the world is a mess and God is the only protection to be had from its evil.

Bless God and God bless.




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