

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/28/2023

Terrorism is broadly defined as using criminal means to effect political change. The FBI defines domestic terrorism as, “Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.” Antifa is 100% a domestic terrorist group by this definition. And they have returned to the news because they are engaging in terrorist acts again.

In late May 2020 I went to work about 20 minutes south of Minneapolis, Minnesota. I worked nights. Throughout those nights my co-workers who lived close to the area being set on fire were checking in on their girlfriends and advising to shoot first if someone shows up. When I got off of work on the morning after Antifa and BLM combined forces to burn down Minneapolis I could see the smoke still rising at 7:15 am. There was a haze in the air over that section of the city.

These events were called peaceful. They also occurred in the middle of COVID-19 lock downs where people were not supposed to be going out unless necessary. Large crowds were frowned upon and 50 people in a church praising God was banned but these riots masquerading as protests were just fine. COVID-19 even revered the junkie known as George Floyd who died from a drug overdose, not a police officer’s knee.

Antifa wants to defund all of the police departments in the country and they are more than willing to engage in violent acts, including murder, especially of police officers, to effect those changes. That is the definition of terrorism. Some city councils, such as Minneapolis, actually moved towards defunding police departments and then hired private security with taxpayer funds. They don’t want to end police brutality they want to create an anarchic landscape where criminality is lauded, no one is able to have any protection or recourse for the violence perpetrated against them, and when the cries of the public get too loud they can invite the federal government in to police their town. Meanwhile the terrorists in the city councils are living under 24/7 security details for their own safety. The city councils actually engaged in terrorism against their constituents by deciding to capitulate to Antifa’s demands.

But none of this was enough for Antifa. Any police activity is condemned by Antifa. Atlanta is constructing a police training facility and Antifa really hated the idea. They high-jacked environmentalists’ concerns because the facility is being built in a forest. They complained about $90 million being invested into the police department to better train them. And they started protesting at the construction site. On January 18, 2023 Atlanta police were called in to remove the protesters from the site. Atlanta PD stated there was a police involved shooting after Manuel Esteban Paez Teran wounded an officer. Teran was killed during the incident. Since then Antifa has gone into berserk mode because they are claiming that Teran was some kind of martyr for trespassing at a construction site and shooting at police.

Several days later, Antifa descended upon downtown Atlanta and set fire to a police vehicle and damaged buildings by throwing rocks. Some had explosive devices on their persons. They were out looking for blood. Thankfully, they did not get their way. Six were arrested for their activities during the riot, angering Antifa even more. Of the six arrested, only one lived in Georgia – Washington state, Nashville, Michigan, Maine, and Nevada are the homes of the other five. The pretense that Antifa is an organic movement is kind of destroyed by this fact. All of them are being charged with domestic terrorism, as well as several other felonies.

The governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, has since declared a state of emergency and called upon the services of 1,000 National Guard troops. Martial law is not exactly what Antifa is working towards being as though the National Guard is not communist nor anarchist. Martial law; however, forces the residents of the affected areas, Atlanta in this instance, to not be able to do anything. The emergency order will exist until February 9, 2023. Other chapters of Antifa and sympathetic groups have begun to resume their criminal activities in other states to protest the building of a training facility in Atlanta.

This ties in directly to Tyre Nichols death and the manner in which media outlets spent several days hyping up the release of the footage of the police brutality which resulted in Nichols’ death. I watched the video and I did see police brutality, especially after Tyre was on the ground and police kicked him in the head. Having seen similar videos this one is bad; however, pales in comparison to other incidents such as Ashli Babbitt, Lavoy Finicum, Daniel Shaver, Kelly Thomas, and James Boyd. While all of these incidents involved police officers murdering someone none of them seem to be able to be held accountable. The five Memphis PD officers involved in the Tyre Nichols case have been charged with murder and fired. Also, the victims noted above are all white, so while the media did mention their deaths and suggest that police brutality needs to be reigned in by, among other suggestions, federalizing police, the stories were dropped rather quickly.

The target for the media with cases of police brutality, real of imagined, is the black community and their tactic is to get them into the streets and riot. Black people wouldn’t respond properly to Babbitt, Finicum, Shaver, Thomas, and Boyd, but they knew that if they twisted the facts a bit they could get black people to riot over cases like Michael Brown, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Philando Castillo, and Tyre Nichols. Get rioters in the street, call in the national guard, have the federal authorities decide that martial law isn’t necessary and have the federal police begin policing in local communities. Before anyone could blink, there would be no more state government, no more county government, no need for city councils, there would only be a centralized federal government. The way the media orchestrated the Tyre Nichols video release, in conjunction with Antifa having already assembled to commit terrorist acts, portends increased and more widespread violence.

The stage has been set and now the media doesn’t want to cover the heinous acts being committed by circumstances they have drummed up. Antifa has made multiple demands to assemble, riot, and burn entire cities down. Memphis, obviously, is being roiled by such attacks. Large cities around the nation are on high alert for violence towards police officers and riots intended to destroy property and injure and kill people. Antifa is counting on black people to come out in droves for Tyre Nichols to embed themselves in the crowds. The protests are expected to occur in New York City, Washington DC, Atlanta, Chicago, Portland, Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit, and other locations. Antifa will embed in all of these if they are able and the ‘protesters’ themselves may decide to begin committing acts of violence.

NPR published an article several hours ago hearkening back to 2020’s riots. “Mostly peaceful protests held across the U.S. after release of Tyre Nichols footage” which means that there were violent acts and they were not peaceful. The article mentioned that LA experienced property destruction but no arrests were made. Tyre Nichols’ mother was quoted, all the way at the end of the article, “‘I don't want us burning up cities, tearing up our streets, because that's not what my son stood for,’ Wells said at a vigil for her son on Thursday.” The NPR piece includes the reason why all of this is being hyped up, “Also on Friday, White House officials also spoke with mayors in more than a dozen major cities — such as Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Chicago — to brief them on federal assistance.” This is the federalization of local police departments which is the entire reason Antifa exists.

None of this would be remotely possible if the federal government were not allowing and, at times, encouraging if not openly promoting, Antifa activities. For one the federal government refuses to address Antifa as the domestic terrorist organization it is. Since there is no centralized command nor leader of the group per se, they aren’t listed the feds story goes. Yet, there is a centralized command, it is located at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Homeland Security and George Soros Open Society front groups. If Antifa were labeled a domestic terrorist organization, the FBI, DHS, and George Soros would be so labeled. They would have to arrest themselves in other words – an event that is never going to happen because accountability is the one thing that is for thee and not for me from their viewpoint.

Even ‘hate watch’ groups like The Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League are in love with Antifa. The SPLC has no relevant information regarding Antifa because they are dedicated to Communism and are a terrorist group themselves. The SPLC enjoys watching all of the violent acts committed by Antifa. The ADL lists Antifa as, “A decentralized, leaderless movement composed of loose collections of groups, networks and individuals who are vigorously opposed to fascism, and focused on countering right-wing extremists both online and on the ground. While some antifa adherents have engaged in violence or vandalism at rallies and events, this is not the norm, despite disinformation campaigns that suggest otherwise.” ADL is covering for the violence committed by Antifa by suggesting that it really doesn’t exist in line with the Communist media outlets around the world. Exposing Antifa for what they are is actually seen as white supremacy by the ADL.

Sheila Jackson Lee, with a great deal of fanfare from global government, has introduced HR 61 in the House. “Leading Against White Supremacy Act of 2023” would make it a crime to expose groups like Antifa, as well as anything else deemed white supremacy including Pfizer, COVID-19 narratives, the Ukraine war, vaccines, transsexual story times, sexualizing children in grade school, illegal immigration, and all kinds of other topics we aren’t supposed to talk about according to the SPLC, ADL, Sheila Jackson Lee, WEF, and the global government which met at Davos earlier this month. The bill reads, in part, “A person engages in a white supremacy inspired hate crime when white supremacy ideology has motivated the planning, development, preparation, or perpetration of actions that constituted a crime or were undertaken in furtherance of activity that, if effectuated, would have constituted a crime.” If you suggest building a wall and enforcing the border, advocate for gun rights, quote Bible passages, or suggest that the federal government is attempting to take over local policing, the Department of Justice will be coming after you for your speech.

Antifa exists as a terrorist organization whether they have an easily discernable central command or not. Their goal is to centralize policing powers in the hands of the federal government. Antifa loves running around in counties with weak kneed mayors and unconstitutional sheriffs like Portland, Oregon and Minneapolis, Minnesota. They hate running into people like the mayor of Detroit, Michigan or the sheriff of Polk County, Florida. Antifa exists to exploit the weaknesses of ineffective governments who are permissive of their terrorism with the goal of having the feds take over for them. That’s how Communists operate and that’s how Antifa operates as well.

How do we get rid of Antifa? Step one is to hang that terrorist label around their collective necks. Step two is two start holding police accountable for illegal actions. If it would be murder for a citizen it shoud probably be murder for the police officer involved. We should also probably address eminent domain issues which feature police officers charging cars, money, and houses with crimes, taking possession of the asset, and doing whatever they want with it but that is a story for another day but something else Antifa could justify their violent antics with.

The opposite of Antifa is accountability. Accountability is contingent upon ethics violations. Ethics are; however, designed by men to justify their actions and are used to take ‘good’ courses of action instead of ‘bad’ courses of actions. Ethics should be grounded in the morals found in the Bible but they are not. Ethics are rooted in the evil hearts of particularly evil men and women and have been written into all kinds of supporting documents – the Communist Manifesto, On the Origin of Species, The UN Declaration of Human Rights are examples. If we do not turn our faces back towards God, repent of our sins which have gotten us here, and tear up these man-made ethical codes destroying our lives and replace them with the absolutes found in Biblical morals Antifa will be successful. We need to be accountable to God, and we will be. The time to recognize who we need to be accountable to is now. We need a restoration of Biblical morality and based on that morality we need to hold law breakers, rogue cops and Antifa alike, accountable.

Bless God and God bless.


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