Davos 2023 Summary Part 7: What Borge Brende Didn’t Say

Davos 2023 Summary Part 7: What Borge Brende Didn’t Say

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/26/2023

Borge Brende, the World Economic Forum’s President, gave a speech on the final day of Davos 2023 titled Closing Remarks: The Road Ahead. Collaboration is the way forward for Brende and the WEF, no matter what problem the forum is looking to manipulate, and Brende made that clear in his remarks. What he did not mention directly are the details of how the collaboration will arise. The real issue according to the Davos elites is summed up by the theme of their 2023 meeting, “Cooperation in a Fractured World.” Brende looks at the consolidation of power and effort throughout society and sees it positively while promising to wage all out war against the elements causing the fracturing. What is being fractured are the WEF’s designs for the world (Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution and The Great Reset) and the cooperation the WEF is encouraging is a realignment of how best to destroy any dissent while marching in lockstep towards their goals.

From the 1970’s until now the Davos crowd has largely done as it pleased. Some of those objectives were spoken to by Brende. Economics, climate change mitigation, global public health, geopolitical considerations, free trade, and wars are some of the topics which have been longstanding objectives at the WEF. These areas have all been weaponized to achieve their goals and, even though the world is fractured, the WEF is still planning on using these areas to move humanity towards enslavement and death. To this effect, Borge stated:

“Thank you very much and, uh, thank you for this, uh, very, to this very thoughtful panel. Um. I remember from economics that we learned that with five economists there would usually be like seven different opinions in the same room, but I, I felt they were very aligned and also related to the importance of, uh, growth. So, their participance, what an incredible and impactful week this has been. On behalf of professor Schwab, auhm, Klaus, our executive chairman and founder, the managing board, and myself, a big thank you, to you.

“Over the past several days progress has been made on scaling climate ambition, driving more equitable growth, and unlocking the benefit of frontier technologies. For me the greatest lesson of the week has been that although the world is more fragmented today, it does not need to be tomorrow. By coming together like this, we can shape a more collaborative future.”

Over the last week I have written about the other areas Borge did mention. I included the beginning of the speech because it is here where he references everything else they discussed. To be honest I don’t know the details of every conversation and every meeting – I didn’t go to Davos 2023. But I am aware of some of the other topics which were discussed because there is one topic which overwhelmingly wove its way through all of the other topics already covered. That topic is the very idea of collaboration and the future Borge mentioned.

There is a war against information being waged and I’m sure that everyone has encountered it at one point or another. What I deem misinformation is the fantasy land, completely detached from reality, the global government wants us to believe we live in. What the global government deems misinformation is anything which confirms reality or, to be more precise, any suggestion that there is truth in anything outside of their official narrative. Because they refuse to acknowledge reality and I, and many others, reject their fantasy land there is a war taking place in the information space. This would be a very easy war to win but, because less than a quarter of humanity is even aware of it, it is, sadly, infuriatingly, and frustratingly being lost. We must wake up to the war at hand, define the reality we want and move towards it. Otherwise we (well, some of us anyway) will end up in global government fantasy land, which I will get to in a bit – first the war on information.

Yesterday I wrote about the Global Shapers and how they are nothing but a bunch of spies and should be rounded up for espionage. Here is another example of why this is glaringly true. As late as March 24, 2022 the Copenhagen cell, along with the London and Malmo cells had a webpage titled “Combat COVID. Stop misinformation.” which included a portal allowing Global Shapers and others concerned about the narrative about COVID-19 to report anything against the WEF’s narrative. The reporting form has since been removed.

Based on the fantasy land the WEF thinks we do live in and portending the major dystopia they have planned for us if we fall for that bit of their misinformation, the WEF went to battle using their own misinformation tactics. The Sociable has a piece about the WEF’s claims about the origins of the phrase “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.” Now, the WEF absolutely published this; however, because they hate free speech, they attempted to blame the origin of the statement on an anti-Semitic 4chan user. Actually, it originated in a 2016 video. The video actually has a lot more to read than just that. And, because the WEF video serves as a great introduction to the fantastic dystopia they have planned for each and every one of us (if they cannot murder us first), I will offer a transcript of the words in the video:

“8 predictions for the world in 2030. You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy. Whatever you want you’ll rent. And it’ll be delivered by drone. The US won’t be the world’s leading superpower. A handful of countries will dominate. You won’t die waiting for an organ donor. We won’t transplant organs. We’ll print new ones instead. You’ll eat much less meat. An occasional treat, not a staple. For the good of the environment and our health. A billion people will be displaced by climate change. We’ll have to do a better job at welcoming and integrating refugees. Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide. There will be a global price on carbon. This will help make fossil fuels history. You could be preparing to go to Mars. Scientists will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space. The start of a journey to find alien life? Western values will have been tested to the breaking point. Checks and balances that underpin our democracies must not be forgotten.”

Again, it was 2016 – 7 years ago – that this was published. It is a testament to how stupid the WEF thinks we are to not be able to connect the dots. It is also a testament to the WEF that there are so many who are oblivious to the existence, let alone the intent, of the WEF. By 2030 we will not be able to leave our homes save for some employment positions. Everything will have to be brought in from somewhere else. The US will be decimated. China and the European Union will be the superpowers. Humans won’t be human anymore because we will be a conglomeration of synthetic replaceable parts. Meat will be eaten three times a year at best and out waste will be monitored for compliance. We will have to suffer under housing commisars. There will be brownouts and blackouts and you won’t have a car because there will be no gasoline. Everything will cost more money, especially food and energy. To escape the hell these monsters are creating we can go to an alien planet. The freedom and individual liberties in places like the United States will be purposefully destroyed and replaced with technocracy. The UN Declaration of Human Rights (which confer no rights to anyone – it makes all of us slaves to the dictates of the UN) will be the under-girding of this global technocratic totalitarianism.

I guess I let the cat out of the bag a little bit early with what our future is supposed to look like according to the WEF and the global government installing itself in new arenas and consolidating power in many others. It does not sound pleasant to me because it sounds like the end of George Orwell’s 1984 – “Imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.” Here we are at the beginning of forever. The global government is already here in many aspects – we failed at stopping it. As more and more have recognized this – more than the WEF counted on – they have been forced to switch to attacking speech by making laws criminalizing it. Thus we now have hate speech laws and misinformation claims in the middle of all of the other catastrophes and crimes the global government is perpetrating against humanity.

One of the most obvious attacks against humanity was the COVID-19 murder spree these global government goblins are still conducting. Because these guys love gloating about how evil they truly are, they actually held a conference to discuss how best to address disinformation about COVID-19. The topic was about how to stop misinformation about the cost-of-living crisis but there was a lot of talk about COVID-19 and the disinformation campaign they conducted to censor anyone with common sense, especially on social media. The disinformation they cite is is ideas like masks don’t work, social distancing is used to control prison inmates, the shots are killing and maiming and sterilizing people, and all workers are essential. The only way they can make these claims was spoken out loud by the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, Melissa Fleming, and it’s not reassuring for humanity, (47:00) “We own the science, and we think the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do.”

Fleming gave away the global government’s secret of their narrative control. They own the science, meaning the science is going to support whatever the global government told them to find. COVID-19 is going to kill everyone, masks work, mandates are good, ivermectin is dangerous and ineffective, the murder darts are safe and effective – all of these lies were told to us and backed up by global government funded ‘science’. And we were all commanded to believe them. They are murdering truth in order to murder people. To lighten the tone (this actually enrages me even more) Fleming and the WEF invited CNN to participate in the conference.

At Davos the misinformation/disinformation war on truth was again discussed. The host of this meeting. titled “The Clear and Present Danger of Disinformation”, was former CNN host (and pedophile look-alike blue ribbon winner) Brian Stelter. Also participating were Arthur Gregg Sulzberger (NYT), Vera Jourova (European Commission), Jeanne Bourgault (Internews), and Seth Moulton (Representative from Massachusetts). Moulton himself decided to use the session to make unbased claims (lie) about Donald Trump. Sulzberger decided that ‘free press’ only applies to the official narrative pimps like the New York Times. But the real fun one proved to be the traitor to humanity from Europe and mass-murdering whore to the global government, Jourova who suggested that access to platforms need to be cut off from those whom she deems as having spread misinformation and disinformation. She also warned the United States, “‘Illegal hate speech, which you will have soon also in the U.S., I think that we have a strong reason why we have this in the criminal law," Jourová said. "We need to the platforms to simply work with the language and to identify such cases.’” She loves the cheka and apparently misses them so much that she has volunteered to be a cheka member herself.

After this whore to the new global technocracy spoke, Stelter immediately went to the traitor from Massachusetts. He paid lip service to free speech and then decided that it’s really not all that important if public safety is concerned. And, because he is a coldblooded murderer, Moulton then suggested that any vaccine hesitancy is misinformation and that people still need to go take their shots. He should have been arrested, along with everyone who attended Davos 2023, when he landed in his home country. Moulton should have been put on trial in a Nuremberg 2.0 setting and he should have already had his sentence executed.

Sheila Jackson Lee, a long-standing traitor to the United States who belongs in a nice padded cell, not a Washington DC office, heeded the cheka’s demands that the United States criminalize speech. H.R. 61, introduced in the House on January 9, 2023, would make it a crime for white people to speak. I’m not being funny here. Everything in the “Leading Against White Supremacy Act 2023” states that white people who say anything which could be construed even remotely as ‘hate speech’ will be subject to investigation and criminal prosecution by the Justice Department.

One of the specifics this maggot infesting Washington DC included is “replacement theory.” What did the WEF say in their video, transcribed above? They said a billion people will be displaced on purpose because of the climate change hoax. Where are these people coming from? They aren’t coming from cultures with any respect, understanding, or relevance to the culture and history of the United States, that’s for sure. They are using millions of economic migrants from God-knows-where and plan to use the ‘climate-crisis’ refugees they drum up to replace the cultural values, heritage, and sovereignty of the United States. Period – they openly state their intent. Sheila Jackson Lee thinks it prudent to have that disgusting Satanist Merrick Garland investigate, prosecute, and imprison me for pointing that out. If you don’t believe me, go read the bill.

This overt all out assault on free speech can easily result in censorship, repression, and criminal charges for refusing to abide by the narratives regarding catastrophic cyberattacks, bank bail-ins, and new ‘pandemics’ in particular. This global government is determined to destroy all of us in every way they can.

The WEF’s Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2023 surveyed cybersecurity experts and business leaders and found:

“Global geopolitical instability has helped to close the perception gap between business and cyber leaders’ views on the importance of cyber-risk management, with 91% of all respondents believing that a far-reaching, catastrophic cyber event is at least somewhat likely in the next two years.

“Following from this, 43% of organizational leaders think it is likely that in the next two years, a cyberattack will materially affect their own organization. This, in turn, means that in many cases, enterprises are devoting more resources to day-to-day defences than strategic investment.”

Of course they blamed Russia, everything is Russia’s fault and that is the narrative they are sticking with. The cybersecurity being implemented will lead to far-reaching internet kill switches being installed and used to make sure those not following the WEF’s narrative have no access to any digital services. “Geopolitics is reshaping the legal, regulatory and technological environment. “As global instability increases cyber risk, this report calls for a renewed focus on cooperation. All stakeholders from public and private sectors who are responsible for our common digital infrastructure must work together to build security, resilience and trust,” said Jeremy Jurgens, Managing Director, World Economic Forum.” All internet activity, especially human activity on social media, will be monitored by Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, especially AI and quantum computing.

Bank bail-ins seem to already be happening. People banking with Bank of America (a legalized theft ring) found their bank accounts shorted. Bank of America did nothing to quell their customer’s issues. ATM’s are being taken offline and in some cases removed due to the official narrative – crime and theft of funds from the machines. The real reason is liquidity but, according to Sheila Jackson Lee it is white supremacy spurring me to make that claim and I should go to prison for writing it. This is a phenomena which will only become more widespread and costly to those with bank accounts. Over a year ago I attempted to open a checking account after my bank restructured. They informed me that my old account would be changed to an account featuring fees and I promptly closed said account. I know how they make their money off of my deposits and I know that charging me a fee for them to make wild loans isn’t worth it to me. I earned the money – not them – yet these banks, especially the larger ones have this idea that your money is their money and they will do as they please with what they claim is theirs, including stealing it from you.

Finally, there are new pandemics in the works. SPARS, an operational manual which was implemented in 2020 masquerading as a ‘simulation’ purely for CYA purposes, detailed ever step of the plandemic and the ‘cure’ which is murdering so many of us. In case you want to see this for yourself, here is a link, and we are in chapter 17. The creators of SPARS (COVID-19) have 18 similar projects under way. Event 201 simulated the responses we are seeing today and have suffered under since 2020. Enterovirus was the focus of the latest tabletop exercise, Catastrophic Contagion, which is highly pathogenic in children meaning, they scumbags are planning to target children. These exercises were at one time actually obtainable, however, they appear to have been removed off of the website. Gain-of-function ‘research’ continues for no real reason whatsoever because there are already thousands and thousands of chimeric pathogens which have been created and are stored in labs around the world. Aerosolized Ebola had it’s name changed to Marburg. The are plague strains with incredibly high mortality rates. Mouse pox is extremely lethal. Weaponized anthrax exists. Smallpox still exists, and has been modified to be more lethal and transmissible. Eventually these scumbags will release them from their confines and laugh at all of us as we are murdered by these Mengele’s. This, too, is hate speech though according to that racist pig Sheila Jackson Lee.

Hopefully the reader can understand how dangerous it is to criminalize speech. Once speech is criminalized any speech can be criminalized. Calling someone a fag or citing Leviticus 20:13 is a crime in Britain. Saying the word twink to a transsexual in Canada is hateful and able to be prosecuted. The intent is to ban the speech of God Himself by banning the Bible and banning anyone from professing faith as someone who is engaging hate speech. Never stop speaking the truth – primarily the truth of the Bible, the truth of God, the truth of God’s Law, and the way, the truth and the life which is Yeshua. If you fight for nothing else, fight for free speech. Without free speech, without communication, without truth, there can be no effective fight against anything else. And I don’t want to hear ya, ya I have my guns. Your guns can survive an AI-infused drone swarm – you will not. We need to preserve and enshrine the importance of speech right now and use our voices to demand legal action against those seeking to destroy our ability to speak the truth, before they unleash their drone swarms, and fully unleash their cyberattacks, bank bail-ins, new pandemics, thermonuclear war, COVID-19 vaccine mandates, and a whole bunch of other global government initiatives. These people at Davos met to figure out how to get us to seek our own deaths before they have to kill us themselves. Take that to the Lord in prayer, before you can’t even pray because it’s hate speech too.

Bless God and God bless.


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