Twitter Justice as US ‘Law’

Twitter Justice as US ‘Law’

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/6/2022

The ideas in Alexardea Ocasio-Cortez’s head are revolting to me. They have nothing to do with American values. In older videos where she doesn’t look anorexic, AOC is actually attractive. I had a working twitter account for about three months and then I said “@AOC, You’re a Nazi-loving crack whore.” I have been silenced on Twitter ever since because I will not delete the post and Twitter deemed the post hateful.

I have yet to use a mainstream social media site that hasn’t decided that my speech was hateful. Facebook has issued me over a dozen 30 day bans along with other sanctions. Tiktok has removed several of my videos. I have two strikes on YouTube and have had multiple copyright infringement notifications for some of the content I have posted, despite having not violated any copyright because I don’t even pretend it is my content. I used reddit for about 3 days and then my score (-58) was so low I couldn’t use it for anything anymore. Instagram completely deleted my account. If Pinterest ever figures out that all I posted to their site were pictures with links telling the truth about the UN’s SDG’s I’m sure I will be deleted from there.

I’ve never had a problem with mewe. I’ve yet to run into problems on 2nd 1st. Rumble has never given me any grief. Have you heard of any of those? Probably not.

Have you ever heard of or Alex Jones? In 2018 he was banned from using any of the platforms I have had issues with. Some of these same platforms banned the president of the United States. Twitter, Facebook, Tiktok, YouTube, reddit, Instagram, Pinterest, and others have their own version of free speech and their own version of due process.

The only platform I have ever used which lifted a restriction from my content was, oddly enough, Tiktok. The (due) process for removing restrictions on speech for all of these platforms is basically the same. The platform’s AI goes through and flags things it finds suspected of violating terms of service. A message is sent to the user which includes a vague explanation of why the action was taken along with a link to read about the ‘violated’ term(s) of service. There is usually an appeal mechanism. With the exception of Tiktok, every single time I have appealed anything I have received a response which says the platform’s AI was correct in banning the content and I can remove the content to continue using the service, or the sanction stands as is and once it expires, I can use the service once more, with no further recourse available to me.

Instead of recognizing that the way these platforms have weaponized their own hate speech codes against truth, many members of our government, in the legislature, executive, and, especially, the judicial branch, have embraced the terms and conditions of these platforms. Alex Jones, the first highly visible victim of a complete and unified censorship effort by mainstream social media platforms serves as a canary in a coal mine. Today, Jones is again serving as a canary in the coal mine, along with others. Twitter’s terms of service have now infested some liberal courts around the nation.

Basically what happened is Jones had guests on his radio show who denied that the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary school never happened. Jones himself had questions about the events. The parents of the deceased children, assisted greatly by ‘woke’ federal agents, sued Jones for defamation. Subpoenas were issued for Jones to produce evidence. Jones complied and turned over what he had. The judge in the case decided Jones was hiding something and just defaulted him with a guilty verdict. There was no trial determining his guilt. A Soros backed and aligned judge just decided that Jones was guilty and set a trial date for how guilty. That jury, the members of which didn’t think Jones has ever been treated unfairly be anyone including the government, that Jones did something wrong in the first place, and that they had no need to determine whether or not Jones actually committed the acts the judge deemed he was guilty of. At the how-guilty-is-Jones trial, neither he nor his legal team were permitted to say Jones was innocent, nor that Jones has 1st Amendment protections, nor was he permitted to give press conferences.

Jones’ ‘trial’ was a civil case, not a criminal one. Being as though defamation was proven by an illegal default judgment by an incompetent and corrupted judge, the whole case should have been thrown out. On appeal, hopefully it will be, but that outcome is not assured at all. Under the constitution, the Seventh Amendment reads, “In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.” I’m not sure if Jones waived his right to a jury trial in the initial proceedings but I cannot fathom why he would be advised to do so. The jury Jones got for determining how guilty he was decided upon slightly more than $4 million.

This type of trial has already moved into the criminal realm with the January 6 detainees. Roger Stone’s ‘trial’ is another example of this. There are many more lesser known cases which have also been subjected to a legal application of Twitter rules. You hurt my feelings, so I am going to sue the bejesus out of you and, if possible, put you in jail until you recant your hurtful ways. The only way to get out of jail is to ‘admit’ to the narrative the prosecution team wants to hear or to get a pardon from a governor or the president.

It’s the same as Twitter’s terms of service and their guideline on harmful or hateful speech. Their definition is so broad as to have the practical meaning of any speech which anyone takes offense at. Climate change isn’t man-made, the jabs are harmful, AOC is a Nazi-loving crack whore, gender is binary and includes male and female and anything else is mental illness, God abhors homosexuality, anything about retaining the 2nd Amendment, abortion is murder, and all types of other opinions on virtually any topic can hurt someone’s feelings. Twitter calls it hate speech and bans the post, and the account because of the way Twitter is set up. The legal precedent basically reads ‘follow the narrative or die.’

I cannot and will not follow Twitter rules about legal free speech which may hurt feelings. For example, I’m not going to use pronouns to describe people as they choose to be described. If a pronoun-dysphoric individual persists in demanding I call them something they are not, I will start using the word ‘idiot’ when I address them. Should I be arrested for that? If so, should you be arrested for your embrace of the fantastical world of the ‘idiot?’

Civilizationally, this is the road we are on. Either we are going to be forced to live in a fake world full of fake people or we are going to be able to call things by their right and proper names. If you were born a girl named Becky and decided to attach a penis, call yourself a boy, and renamed yourself Mike, I’m going to call you Becky, decide you have a mental illness, and if you absolutely demand I address you as Mike, I’ll address you as idiot. Is throwing me in jail, suing me for your hurt feelings, and destroying my reputation going to make me change my mind? No. What does this accomplish? The end of the first amendment, due process, and the lest vestiges of a once great, God-blessed, nation.

That is the aim of the Alex Jones case. That was the aim of the Remington case, which was ginned up by the same evil people as the Jones case. Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, the Jan 6 ‘insurrectionists’ (trespassers), and many others are all early victims of Twitter’s version of justice applied in the legal system.

We are watching a global Marxism being pulled over our eyes. How does this happen? By shrugging our collective shoulders at the Jones’ (and others) cases and pretending that Twitter justice being applied to them (the others) will never apply to themselves. Describing the Nazi’s rise to power, Martin Neimoller is credited with penning:

“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist.

“Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

“Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Jew.

“Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

The Nazi’s rise to power is not unique. The same plot occurred in Lenin’s and Stalin’s Russia. Pol Pot did the same thing in Cambodia. Mao Zedong employed the same tactics. Hugo Chavez, Che Guerva, and Kim il-Sung all followed suit as well. We are watching it occur in the United States. There are no more warnings available – the globalist ploy is operational. In my opinion the light on top of the hill has been snuffed out – all that remains is the empty husk of the once great estate.

The few constitutional protections which have not been destroyed yet are being dismantled in front of our faces. The people behind this plot know they cannot attack the US citizen directly en masse because of our firepower. So they are going to destroy all of the other protections – due process, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom to redress grievances, freedom to speech, the right to be secure in our papers and property, the freedom from cruel and unusual punishment, and every other line of the constitution itself. Once the plotters of this globalist aligned overthrow of the United States is complete, they will still not come after the firearms – they will go after the owners through a modified, corrupted, and illegitimate ‘legal’ system. At that point the Declaration of Independence will need to be invoked – something I would like to see avoided. Until that point is reached, we need to get vocal, be active in social and political movements focused on restoring the Constitution, and to be appealing to our Creator for guidance. Peacefully.

Pertaining to this article, denounce the Alex Jones kangaroo court. It’s much bigger than Alex Jones, it will, one day, be you on ‘trial’ and the verdict will not be in dollar figures but decide your existence; prison, work camp, or death.

Want some levity? Go read your Bible and God bless you.


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