Still Blaming the Wuhan Market

Still Blaming the Wuhan Market

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/4/2022

Wired is still thinking there is a way to prove coronavirus originated in the Wuhan wet market. Apparently science doesn’t tell the story they want to hear and they need to make new science. In order for Wired to even make the claim, one would have to completely ignore that there are two level 4 biosecurity labs within the area. One would have to dismiss all of the findings showing that SARS-CoV-2 has multiple splices of DNA in it – something nature doesn’t do, but humans can. They are ignoring the fact that the germ is actually 4 different disease agents wrapped up in an HIV shell. And of course, no one involved with the article would ever ask that demonic thief Anthony Fauci or any of his accomplices for their e-mails, nor for the (undoubtedly disposed of) research projects occuring in the two Wuhan labs.

So what in the Hell is wrong with Wired? They are getting paid to write articles featuring narrated fabrications, that’s the most glaring problem with Wired. The narration comes from the decrepit sewer pit that Anthony Fauci calls his mouth, as well as the sewer pits called the Biden Administration, the CCP, the WHO, the CDC, and the FDA, along with others. Who pays Wired? Their advertisers. Who owns Wired? Condé Nast.

Condé Nast is the parent of Wired Magazine. They feature other brands besides Wired, too – GQ, Vogue, and Teen Vogue. These magazines seem to be following the sinister trend set forth by them magazine. “them, a next-generation community platform, chronicles and celebrates the stories, people and voices that are emerging and inspiring all of us, ranging in topics from pop culture and style to politics and news, all through the lens of today’s LGBTQ community.”

Now Wired makes sense to me, as well as the other publications they produce; the owners are a rabid pack of bull-dykes who are at the throat of humanity. They hate humanity and they hate themselves even more, so it is kind of sad; however, they consciously make decisions which ends up getting crap like this published. I wonder if this lesbian brigade would ever publish a piece by Dr. Mercola, Roger Stone, or Andrew Tate. I’d doubt it. They hate facts and they hate any scientific finding which their demonic world view is at odds with. Condé Nast and all of its brands are the definition of woke and their intention is to outright lie and obfuscate truth without regard of the lives their duplicitous and evil works may negatively impact.

So, wanting to appease their advertisers and Condé Nast’s agenda, Wired dug up some complete bottom feeders calling themselves scientists to pretend that the last two-and-a-half years weren’t done on purpose. Michael Worobey is the head of Arizona University’s Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. He read the WHO’s report about their ‘investigation’ of the Wuhan biolab. The report basically goes we asked some questions, they answered some questions and we didn’t check anything they said; then we left to write this report. Worobey claims that the initial outbreak occurred very near to the market. It is interesting that every work by any ecologist I have ever encountered stresses that there are too many people and is in love with murder. Worobey seems to have gone to bat for Fauci during the HIV scamdemic as well by making the same types of claims.

Other unidentified researchers connect to Worobey looked at Weibo messages asking for help with CoVID-19 symptoms from January and February 2021. They claim they traced the initial spread of the 2020 scamdemic.

A University of California San Diego researcher, Jonathan Pekar, claims that there were two different strains of coronavirus. An explanation of how many infections need to occur before disease occurs and human to human transmission is possible is written in the article. Pekar claims that only 1 in 7 infections result in disease.

A Francis Crick Institute (UK) virologist, Jonathan Stoye, noted that what Worobey and Pekar would like to get their hands on is DNA from the ‘crossover’ animals. Of course, the animals didn’t exist prior to coronavirus and don’t exist now. But idiots like Pekar are willing to go traipsing through animal remains until he ‘finds’ (invents) what he would like to find.

The writer of this article, Amit Katwala, sums up his article with the preferred narrative – the one he was paid to write:

“That’s [Stoye’s noted comment] unlikely to be possible. There are theories on how infected animals may have reached the market: Wuhan is in Hubei province, and to the west of the region there are caves that are home to horseshoe bats, close to farms that once housed millions of raccoon dogs and civets. The most likely course of events is something like: A bat infected with a novel coronavirus flies over a farm where animals are being reared for meat. It poops, and viral particles infect one of the animals below, sparking an unseen wave of infections at the farm. Maybe the virus crosses over to the farmworkers but fizzles out because there’s not enough population density to sustain a human epidemic. Days or weeks later, in November 2019, some of the infected animals are shipped to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where they’re sold at stalls in the southwestern corner. The virus crosses over to humans at least eight times, maybe more. The majority of those infections fizzle out without spreading to anyone else, but two take hold, start to spread. Not long after that, dozens of people in the area start to come down with a mysterious viral pneumonia.”

All of that is bull in my opinion. And I have researched this, a lot. I researched it because the damned ‘cure’ murdered my father. I’m still pissed off about it and I still want justice for his death. If this author ever decides to stop writing down Satan’s words to have them published, maybe Katwala could go learn the truth. That seems unlikely; however, because this paid shill for the neo-Mengele’s of the world also wrote:

“The overwhelming scientific consensus is that Covid originated in a similar way to related diseases such as SARS, which jumped from bats to humans via an intermediate animal. Figuring out exactly what happened with Covid-19 could prove immensely valuable both in terms of finally disproving the lab leak theory and by providing a source of information on how to stop the next pandemic. ‘This is not about placing blame,’ says Kristian Andersen, a professor of immunology and microbiology at the Scripps Research Institute in California. ‘This is about understanding in as much detail as we can the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic.’”

Anderson is one of the researchers trying to find the exact location of the emergence of SARS-CoV-2. So, too, is a virologist named Edwards Holmes who took a picture of the market in 2014.

What are all of these people going to do? Demand enormous sums of tax money to never investigate where this crap was made. They will never look at the lab. They will never look at the mountain of evidence which exists and points straight at the Wuhan lab, its ties to Anthony Fauci’s NIAID, and gain of function research. They don’t want their almighty funding flow to dry up. They don’t care about the truth, they only care about making sure the narrative is stuck to and reinforced to keep that murdering scumbag Fauci and his friends out of an electric chair or a lethal injection chair.

As a side note, any publication owned by Conté Nash should be avoided at all costs, save for understanding the enemies of humanity. The brands they push are nothing but lies, written not for information, but for whoever pays them the most. Their publication, them, and some of the articles they have published, especially in Teen Vogue, are disgusting representations of their idea of science. Conté Nash is screaming to the world that they hate humanity and that they are incapable of understanding science at all. Maybe we should listen to their feminasi screams and advise others to make sure they stay away as well.


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