Cold-Fusion and LENR

Cold-Fusion and LENR – Something Everyone Should Love

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/7/2022

Because I am always sour grapes, I have to write about a Gizmodo article before we get to cold-fusion and LENR, what it is, and why I think it is a very positive thing for everyone. The Gizmodo piece, titled We Are Not Freaking Out Enough About Climate Change, focuses on a paper produced by Luke Kemp and others from the Cambridge Centre for the Study of Existential Risk. That paper is titled Climate Endgame: Exploring catastrophic climate change scenarios.

Kemp’s paper basically tries to use the bogus science used by paid scientists with a predetermined agenda to scare the crap out of the world in order to force willing change upon all of us. Kemp’s paper, which is also quoted by Gizmodo, states:

“There are many potential contributors to climate-induced morbidity and mortality, but the “four horsemen” of the climate change end game are likely to be famine and undernutrition, extreme weather events, conflict, and vector-borne diseases. These will be worsened by additional risks and impacts such as mortality from air pollution and sea level rise.”

The main focus in the anthropomorphic climate change psychopath camp is to destroy all of the carbon they can. That includes plants, animals, people, and the sun and natural processes which release carbon into the atmosphere. These same people list water vapor as a pollutant as well as nitrogen fixed into excrement. All of these elements are necessary for plant life, the animals that eat that plant life, and the animals which eat those animals. Kemp, his team, and Gizmodo hate humanity and all other forms of life in general.

In the quotation; however, Kemp’s statements make no sense. Increased water vapor and CO2 result in greener, faster growing plants. The earth has always had severe weather events – droughts, storms, floods, etc… pepper the pages of history. Likewise, conflict has always been rampant upon the earth, climate change, man-made or natural, isn’t going to do a thing to change that. Vector-borne diseases seem to be lab-created recently, so maybe humans should just stop doing that gain of function garbage. And one more fun fact appearing in this quote is a direct reference to the fact that climate change made by man driving cars and burning coal, gas, and oil is a religious belief. The ‘facts’ this demonic faction of humanity spew from their corrupted mouths rely on a belief in scientism, not science.

But cold fusion and LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) could offer a solution for everyone. Cold-fusion involves taking two hydrogen atoms and turning them into helium, releasing a great deal of energy (this is the same process the sun uses to generate its energy). Conducting that process at room temperature and being able to harness the energy released would absolutely power everything on earth – forever.

In 2016, Scientific American published an article about the technology of cold fusion existing. They did their best to hide their disdain of the technology as a hoax and inoperable; however, the article does not directly deny the technology existing. The scientific community, especially those retards who have sold out humanity with their climate change mitigation suggestions and all of the money they get for making those suggestions based on their ‘research’ would be in trouble with such a technological development actually being used. Politicians wouldn’t be able to control people as well with cheaper, cleaner energy sources. The gas companies, the funders of all of the continuous lies about ‘fossil’ fuels being scarce, finite, and therefore expensive would lose billions. All of these groups are liars and have prevented humanity from benefiting from cheap, clean power by suppressing clod-fusion technologies. According to Brilliant Light Power, the topic of the Scientific American article, the result of the process would be dark matter called a hydrino (a hydrogen atom with a lower energy because the electron is put into a lower shell, closer to the nucleus).

With LENR, there is a nuclear fission process. As Natural News put it:

“Despite the persistent attempts by criminal governments and arrogant academics to crush the field of cold fusion, a commercial breakthrough has just been announced that marks a revolution for the future of our world. The Brillouin Energy Corp. has announced a breakthrough Hydrogen Hot Tube (HHT) Boiler System which uses solid-state low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) to produce controlled excess heat through the fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium, releasing no emissions, no radiation and no “spent” radioactive fuel material like what we see in the nuclear power industry.

“This breakthrough uses solid state metal lattice technology that was once dismissed by nearly all conventional physicists, yet has been reproduced and proven in hundreds of laboratories around the world over the last several decades. The technology — once dismissed as “impossible” by mainstream physicists — has now been validated, patented and published in numerous scientific journals, even as it is not yet fully understand by mainstream physicists. Only those who are ignorant and arrogant now dismiss the technology, while those who are informed are embracing this tech as a ready solution to help feed, heat and power the world.”

While LENR technology cannot replace the gasoline engine, it can (and should) replace all of our current electrical power generation techniques including those ugly bird-mangling windmills and those inefficient and heavily subsidized solar panels.

For gasoline engine replacement, engines have been designed which produce H2O. For some reason, the people who create these types of engines keep turning up dead. The technology clearly exists, would be cheaper than the gasoline we have to buy, and would produce no carbon.

Most people want cheap power – check. The freaks who hate carbon would be able to power their stupid electric car batteries without generating carbon dioxide at the power plant – check. Cars that produce no pollutants – check. So what is the hold up? I explained that above – too much money would be lost by the consensus of climate ‘scientists’ and oil and gas companies, and politicians wouldn’t have to worry about the geopolitics of energy and their exercise of control which comes with it. Too many people would lose too much money and power if these types of technologies were introduced. Also, the petrol-dollar would collapse even more rapidly because no longer would there be a need to transfer a currency into US dollars to purchase gas and oil, because gas and oil will not be needed for energy production. That means that plastics, chemical, and pharmaceutical manufacturers would be the primary industries still reliant upon oil. Using these three technologies would also alleviate the need to transport oil and gas.

All of the benefits would go to the consumer. The governments of the world would lose a mechanism or control. Some nations would lose their primary source of revenue entirely. It is going to be tough to get any of these technologies to market because of the geopolitical shifts it represents and the empowerment of the people toward more autonomy in general.

Gizmodo, The Cambridge Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, and the rest of the environmental death cult won’t be able to fear-monger about climate change any longer if these technologies are brought to market. Their voices should be the loudest voices in the room; demanding these technologies come to market as soon as possible because they solve all of the problems (including the fake problems) the environmental cult loves to point at. Instead of being activists for actual change, they, too, wish nothing more than to continue fear-mongering the world into falling for their lies – the consequences of which mean a totalitarian global government.

So, I guess it up to us to demand these technologies get to market as quickly as possible. We should do this because it will greatly reduce our electric bills, dissolve many national security concerns and dubious international relationships, and, if for nothing else, it gives individuals much more power over their own lives.


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