Top 5 Real News Topics

Top 5 Real News Topics

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/16/2023

There is a lot of coverage of a lot of news. Some stories are vitally important and detail how humanity’s survival is in jeopardy. Others stories are meant to create a veil to obscure what is really going on in our world. Nearly all news stories contain some element of the topics which follow, so, here are the top five topics I think we should all be paying attention to no matter where our news comes from. (Warning – I have definite biases regarding all of the following topics which you may not agree with, follow these topics anyway through whatever lens you view them as they all involve humanity’s future existence).

1. The war in Ukraine has heated up once more. Russian reinforcements are pouring into Ukraine. 500,000 troops and a couple thousand tanks are trying to break through heavily fortified locations within Ukraine. Russia is hoping to take control of several cities within Ukraine. Ukraine is buggering every nation on earth for weapons (having secured tanks, they went on a European tour for war planes). Basically, the Russia reinforcements are meeting heavy resistance because Ukraine is using all kinds of technology – artificial intelligence, especially – to slaughter the Russian’s trying to advance. Despite this, Russia is advancing while Ukraine is shooting so many bullets at them that NATO members cannot replace the spent ammunition as fast as it is being used.

If Russia achieves it’s objectives in Ukraine the world will be closer to a peace deal depending on how the West responds. The West could recognize a fact they should have recognized almost a year ago – Ukraine is not a member of NATO nor the EU nor the Russian Federation and the nation should not be getting assistance from anyone. If Russia’s offensive is successful, NATO members will have a tough choice to make. Send more weapons? Make formal declarations of war against Russia (even though most Western nations and NATO already have personnel fighting in the war)? Or will some rationality creep into the minds of these warmongering Western nations and tell Zelenski he isn’t getting anything from them until there is peace? My guess is more weapons will be sent to Russia and several EU/NATO nations make official declarations of war.

If the Russians are repelled and Ukraine holds the line, Russia may very well use some of their missile technology to bring the conflict to a swift end. The West, again, will have the same decisions listed above. They may decide to retaliate in kind by striking Russia’s interior. This scenario would quickly escalate into a nuclear war. Either way it plays out, we should know the conclusion within the next month or two as Zelensky, following the demands of the West, refuses to even try to make peace and Russia does not believe it has solved it’s internal security threats posed by Western operations taking place in Ukraine. We are about 15 seconds away from humanity’s near-complete nuclear annihilation and either way this goes, in two months we will be even closer to that event – I’d put it at 8 seconds left on the doomsday clock – no matter what happens.

2. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulation (IHR) revisions have been ongoing for months. The goal of the WHO is to create a binding regulatory body at the international level including the ability to sanction nations which choose to not follow WHO’s diktats. Under the Pandemic Treatyand revised IHR’s the WHO would be able to declare a whole range of non-medical issues as Public Health Emergencies of International Concern (PHEIC). Obesity, firearm related homicides (they include suicides in their statistics), and environmental concerns revolving around the hoax of man-made climate change are already viewed by the WHO as vital to public health. Gender-affirming care (mutilating the genitals and destroying the reproductive capacity of our children), baby-murder (euphemised as abortion), and gender and racial equality are also issues the WHO is particularly interested in.

If a nation refuses to follow these rules they will be subject to fines as well as sanctions. As the United States has relearned the hard way, China is the main manufacturer of a wide range of medical supplies and pharmaceuticals. The WHO’s Secretary-General is an Ethiopian war criminal and murderer who was hand-picked by the Chinese to lead the WHO. Since China does a lot of the manufacturing for the world’s medical and pharmaceutical needs, China will be told to just stop sending them to nations violating the WHO’s public health demands. It is even more disconcerting knowing that one of the delegates negotiating at the WHO to create these scenarios is none other than that mass-murdering psychopath, Anthony Fauci.

Apart from the social issues, the gain-of-fuction research that created SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) has continued unabated. There have been completed projects and there are ongoing projects to make diseases like smallpox, Ebola, Marburg, and anthrax more transmissible by adding new vectors (ways to catch the disease), more evasive in the host body, and more lethal in general. The WHO could repeat their COVID-19 crimes over and over again with any of these chimeric pathogens. Once the Pandemic Treaty or IHR’s are revised to meet their tyrannical needs, the WHO will most certainly ‘discover’ (release) any one of these pathogens upon the public and start demanding compliance from national governments. We the people, getting sick and dying from whatever is released will be murdered outright from the decrees the WHO issues regarding acceptable treatment options which will kill far more people than the disease itself – just as they did with COVID-19.

3. The mRNA gene therapies which have been called vaccines exclusively to assure the manufacturers have no liability for harm are being mandated and expanded. In the US these gene therapies are ‘approved’ for children 6 months old. The CDC includes COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ in it’s list of routine school immunizations. Despite these shots being neither safe nor effective, the CDC and public health officials in the United States have placed all of our children on a kill list and are executing their murder-spree.

Brazil’s new Communist and unelected president has mandated these shots for all Brazilians. The United States tried to do this but it was shredded by the courts. Only recently have mandates for government employees, especially military personnel, been relaxed. The same is true in a vast number of nations. Some nations have gone so far as to ban the shots in their nations. A handful of nations have begun investigations into vaccine manufacturers for fraudulent claims regarding safety and efficacy. There is talk in several nations regarding assembling a Nuremberg Trial-style tribunal to hold those responsible for the creation, ‘mitigation’ efforts, banning of safe, effective, and available treatment options, and the continued promotion of the ‘vaccines’ despite overwhelming evidence of the disastrous effects in terms of injury and death they have caused to humanity in general – tens of millions are no longer here and tens of millions more are going to live the rest of their artificially shortened lives permanently injured.

Messenger RNA technologies are not only being used in COVID-19 injections. The genetic mutilation vector is included in flu vaccines. The mRNA death jabs are about to be used in RSV, cancer, Zika, HIV, Ebola, Rabies, and malaria prevention. Ignoring the horrible effects of mRNA gene therapies already being used to maim, sterilize, and kill millions of people, it is going to be used to prevent all of these diseases and more. Combine the use of cancer-causing mRNA shots full of metal, graphene, ‘aborted fetal’ genomes, and other harmful substances with the desires the WHO is about to realize. The possibility of being forced to undergo multiple mRNA death jabs is a terrifying certainty the moment the WHO gains the teeth to effect its decrees.

4. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are supposed to be completed by 2030. The United Nations is working very hard to accelerate the progress need to achieve these goals. The World Economic Forum, WHO, International Monetary Fund, and many other international organizations, national governments, sub-national governments, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions and individuals, and businesses have adopted the SDG’s as the cause of their actions. The problem with all of this is that the intention of the SDG’s is to force people into compliance with a world government and the decrees they make in a world not designed for human beings to exist in. They are designed to bankrupt everyone on earth (those who are not compliant first), make us dependent upon the global government for all of our basic necessities, and slowly at first begin to cull the non-compliant while tightening the definition of what compliance is.

The UN claims that the SDG’s were designed to fight man-made climate change. Clearly this is not the case. Nothing was done under the SDG’s to mitigate the effects of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear meltdown. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has perpetrated several ecological disasters in the United States including the effects Hurricane Katrina had on Lake Pontchartrain, the contamination of several rivers in Colorado by releasing millions of gallons of contaminated water from the Gold King Mine, and the events still unfolding from the derailed train in Palestine, Ohio – the contents of which have been found hundreds of miles downstream in the Ohio River, the fourth largest river in the United States which is a tributary to the largest river by far in the United States, the Mississippi. The SDG’s have nothing to do with actual environmental issues – they exist to control humanity with the ultimate goal of killing as many humans, domesticated animals, and crop plants as possible.

5. The Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies are being implemented to destroy humanity. Those technologies which have not been fully developed yet are being worked on as quickly as possible to make them deployable as well. Humanity is being directed and forced into using these technologies through a wide variety of methods but the most prominent method being used is through a new perception of economic success (stakeholder capitalism) and the adherents to the concept. Thousands of businesses have decided to go ‘woke’ because of their desires to effect stakeholder capitalism. The technologies were written about by Klaus Schwab in The Fourth Industrial Revolution and include artificial intelligence, blockchain, robotics, virtual reality, wearable and implantable chips, genetics, and quantum computing. By themselves each of these technologies represents an existential threat to humanity’s existence. When all of the technologies are used simultaneously it represents a post-human world which is why all of these technologies are being developed in the first place.

Bonus stories include the war on truth, the war on God-given rights, and the absolute corruption of everyone ‘in charge’. The war on truth includes banning portions of the Bible, pretending that men are women and vice versa, baby-murder is a human right, critical race theory isn’t racist, riots are peaceful, minor attracted people are not pedophiles, and Marxism is a valid arrangement of society.

Attacks on God-given rights include the justice system refusing to punish those who commit certain ideologically-motivated violent acts, stripping any ability of the lawful citizen to defend themselves from violent attacks, and the criminalization of non-narrative conforming speech. God-given rights are also being attacked by making up new ones like healthcare, freedom from religion, baby murder, same-sex marriages, and the ‘right’ to not be offended.

Corruption is the common thread between the global government, international organizations, businesses, national and sub-nation governments, NGO’s, and academia. Not everyone involved in these institutions are necessarily corrupt but the heads of nearly all of them are. The currency of corruption is blackmail and the devastation the truth would reveal about the individual being blackmailed. Jeffrey Epstein was one such corruption and blackmail gate keeper but he was far from the only one. The blackmail used is not just illegal or nefarious cash flows, it’s most potent form is in compromising leaders through tricking them into having sex with 16 and 17 year olds. Once that is achieved, it only gets worse as they are already blackmailed. When a leader’s devotion to keeping secrets and following orders is questioned by the blackmailer the leader is ordered to commit more atrocious acts – sex with younger and younger children, child murder, human sacrifice, cannibalism, and even more disgusting things are demanded.

The end is near in my opinion. The Antichrist will rise and fall. In heaven, seals will be opened, shofars (trumpets) will be heard, and bowls will be emptied. At the end of all of this, Yeshua (Jesus Christ) will return and set the earth on fire to purify it of the evil upon it. 1,000 years of Holy rule upon the earth will commence and I hope to meet you there, during the Millennial reign of Yeshua HaMashiach.

The point of this article is really twofold.

The first is that the only truth is found by trust in, fear of, and love for Hashem (God) the love of Yeshua, and the discernemnt provided by the Ruach HaKodesh (holy Spirit).

The other reason this article exists is to try to alert any reader to some pretty major threats to humanity to encourage you, reader, to share this article, warn those around you, prepare for the worst, and to inspire you to take peaceful action against these developments. We should be witnessing massive PEACEFUL protests in the United States demanding an end to US sponsorship of and participation in the Ukraine war; a divorce from and restraining order pertaining to the WHO; Nuremberg Trial’s II; an eviction of, divorce from, and restraining order applying to the UN; and, the responsible development and use and possible moratoriums regarding humanity’s technological advances representing existential threats. We should also be seeing these protests to demand that God-given rights are inviolable, certain recognized ‘rights’ are actually criminal acts, and the corrupt (lawless) be legally removed from their positions or step down.

Those of God especially should be at the forefront of these protests and actions encouraging and promoting all of these changes as well as a call to READ our Bibles, REPENT of our sins, PRAY for salvation and direction, and DISCERN the events unfolding around us. Without God leading the way we have no chance of success – that is THE truth.

Bless God and God bless.


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