Little Green Men Are Coming Our Way, Or Is It Project Blue Beam?

Little Green Men Are Coming Our Way, Or Is It Project Blue Beam?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/15/2023

The government is talking about unidentified flying objects. The media is incessant about talking about UFO’s. Everywhere there is talk about the UFO’s being shot down over the United States and, now, China. It serves two purposes which are interrelated and both are horrendous for humanity.

The first purpose is to strain US-Chinese relations to the breaking point. The first ‘object’ taken out of the sky was identified as a Chinese spy balloon. It is still my opinion this balloon was being flown to identify the best spot to launch an electromagnetic pulse attack over the US. I believe China would want to do this at the same time they invade Taiwan. US officials would be scrambling around to deal with severe losses affecting electronic equipment of all sorts. US citizens would be placed under martial law exacerbating already poor relations with the government from a growing segment of society. The US response to Taiwan would be far weaker if the US was attacked in such a way.

That, of course, would lead to a Third World War which would likely go nuclear rather swiftly. That is my first theory on the matter. The other one falls into what fact deniers call a conspiracy theory. I did not develop this theory; however, I feel the need to bring it up because all of the UFO talk is leading directly into what was described in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12; 9 When this man who avoids Torah comes, the Adversary will give him the power to work all kinds of false miracles, signs and wonders. 10 He will enable him to deceive, in all kinds of wicked ways, those who are headed for destruction because they would not receive the love of the truth that could have saved them. 11 This is why God is causing them to go astray, so that they will believe the Lie. 12 The result will be that all who have not believed the truth, but have taken their pleasure in wickedness, will be condemned.

The theory is called Project Blue Beam and was developed by Serge Monast, a French Canadian investigative journalist. According to a highly skeptical website, A Little Bit Human, Monast wrote about four different stages unfolding. Those stages are:

“Stage 1: Destroy all of the world’s archaeological knowledge through a series of man-made earthquakes. Then, provide fake archaeological findings that will negate the belief systems of most of mankind and weaken all global religions.

“Stage 2: Project a massive light show over the entire Earth using lasers and 3D holograms and claim that they’re proof of the existence of God and Jesus Christ.

“Stage 3: The Antichrist will gain control over the masses using two-way electronic thought control and dissolve all global religions, causing the world to spiral into chaos. At this time, the Antichrist will also use technology to cause extreme weather and pandemics.

“Stage 4: Finally, the New World Order will create a universal religion that they will reinforce through simulated miracles. They will continue to project light shows into the sky, including a simulated alien invasion to keep people in fear and make them believe that the New World Order is their only chance of survival.

It is clear the Project Blue Beam would represent a “strong delusion” as the King James Version of the Bible puts it. Either way, people are being told to go away from the Torah right now, as I write this and many are, sadly. They will believe in the lie because they do not have the truth set in their hearts nor the discernment to even know they are being lied to. I believe it is past time to wake up to these facts – past time to make a decision about whether to serve good or evil. But I am not God and we are on His time, not mine, so maybe there is yet a bit of time to choose to serve Him or be condemned….

Since the whole world lies in the hands of the evil one Project Blue Beam seems like it would definitely be sought after by the Adversary (call him Satan, Lucifer, the father of lies, etc…). It will be mankind which launches these wonders on behalf of the Adversary. So let’s see if reprobate humans have the capability to pull this off.

In Step 1 has been occurring for a very long time. The Smithsonian has hidden any proof of God, giants, and a slew of other archaeological findings they would rather have no one discuss. The Vatican, too, has engaged in the practice. Darwin obfuscated the existence of God by claiming that we evolved from pond scum – an idea which the Smithsonian and Vatican have adopted. Evolution is a lie, also known as a delusion. The publics have routinely been presented with evolutionary archeology meant to replace the archeological record of God’s existence.

Nikola Tesla created a scalar weapon which pulsed harmonic waves through the earth to create man-made earthquakes in the 1890’s (there are reasons Tesla’s files were confiscated and the public is not permitted to know of them – this is one example). Despite the lovely Anti-defamation League declaring it a dangerous conspiracy theory, HAARP is also able to generate ‘natural’ disasters including earthquakes by raising the ionosphere and then slamming it back down. Some think that several recent events, including the 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Turkey and the earthquake and resulting tsunami which killed 230,000 in Southeast Asia in 2004.

Everyday there seems to be some new form of assault on those believing in God, especially in Western societies. The US most recently declared war on the Catholic mass and the rosary. The Department of Justice is targeting ‘traditionalist’ Christians by having labeled their beliefs as radical (for supporting borders and deploring baby-murder, for example) and their groups as racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist groups. The UK will arrest people for praying silently or for speaking parts of the Torah aloud in public.

Step 1 is not only entirely feasible, it is ongoing. Christian, Jewish, and Islamic beliefs are being outlawed. Specifically, parts of the Torah are being attacked. Geneticists, the lying scum they are, and their god, the Adversary, come out with new discoveries day after day to try to prove their theory of evolution. All evidence of God is hidden, all evidence of evolution are promoted through archaeology.

Step 2 is what we are seeing now. All of the media outlets and governments are calling these spy-crafts UFO’s. It is predictive programming. Get ready, the ‘real’ UFO’s will be coming soon and the things getting off of the crafts will be our saviors. The evil entities running the light shows will claim ‘we were wrong, this is the messiah come to earth.’ It will be the Antichrist. Don’t fall for it. These light shows and holograms are entirely possible. China displayed a light show over Hawaii recently. There are multiple reports of entire cities appearing in the clouds. There are many other reports of extremely odd phenomena in the skies from many areas around the world. Holograms are already designed as well – it is a developed technology currently in limited use. The verdict on Step 2 is – yes, this is possible and has likely already been done.

Step 3 starts talking about the Antichrist using specific technologies. These will be seen as wonders, no doubt. I do not know who the Antichrist is and do not think that he has been revealed to the world yet, but I think he will be revealed within the next decade. Again, maybe I’m wrong about that. We are on God’s timeline. Those technologies all exist though. Two-way thought control devices are already patented. Hendricus G. Loos holds multiple patents for implanting thoughts within human minds with titles like Subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systems. All those cameras being set up, as well as the 5G and 6G (coming soon) technologies create a surveillance grid capable of recording not only our images but also our electromagnetic signatures so that the ‘proper’ thought can be inserted. HAARP has already been mentioned and is also capable of altering weather and even creating severe weather events. Doppler radar systems, cloud seeding, and stratospheric aerosolized injections/ solar radiation management (SAI/SRM) techniques are also more than capable of altering weather patterns. Geneticists regularly engage in creating more lethal and transmissible pathogens. Once they are created they are frozen and stored for additional ‘research’. Sometimes the research done on these unholy chimeric pathogens is similar to SARS-CoV-2’s latest research project – how does the population of the earth respond to it and how well does it make people sick and kill them?

On the religious side, it should be clear that all of the interfaith groups will be hijacked by the Antichrist. There are at least 27 interfaith groups which are global. Another movement not recognized as a faith while demanding the same types of sacrifice as well as adherence (even more so in many ways) is the man-made climate change ecoterrorists and the green agenda which they vomit out of their mouths every chance they get. This religion has convinced many members of every major faith to adopt the green agenda. Members of these faiths demand sacrifices to Gaia (the spiritualized and personified earth) but convince those of faith in higher power that the green agenda and sacrifices are to honor their higher power. It is promised the Antichrist will hijack religions and the methods include through interfaith efforts and belief in man-made climate change in addition to censoring and/or outlawing all religious texts, worshiping, and praying. It should be very clear that Antichrist will promote evolution as truth, that there are alien beings (he will likely claim to be one sent to save humanity), and that man must end all wars, conflicts, differences (even in currencies – think CBDC), and address global ‘problems’ like man-made climate change. It will be through the beast system, which is nearly completely installed, that Antichrist will fully control all of humanity including their thoughts.

Step 3 is not only possible it is nearly fully installed and operational. What is not yet installed or operational is being prepared to be installed.

The final step described by Monast will feature all of the technologies already discussed. Step 4 is already technologically available. What is not ready to go is the full implementation of the beast system nor the public’s acceptance of it. Global organizations are working overtime to widely disperse beast-system technologies (called the Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies). They are frantically seeking the path of least resistance for these technologies to be mandated for use by every government and regulatory body on the planet. These technologies include ESG, CBDC, carbon credit schemes, and social credit scores. As people have started quickly realizing, in far greater numbers than what was expected by the architects of the beast system, that efforts like Project Blue Beam are not mere theories, the architects of the post-human world (the beast system proponents) are in a race to get their system in place before we set up alternatives.

The truth is that UFO’s – the saucers and cigars people have seen for years and years – are man-made. Look up the terms Nazi bell, die glocke, and haubenu. Whatever get off of one of these things will not be for the good of humanity – indeed it will be for the destruction of humanity. Aliens are not real, in other words. Demons are very real; however. Why is it that so few people report sighting imps, elves, goblins, trolls, and will-o-the-wisps these days? It’s because the demonic form has changed from these creatures to the space alien – whatever color and shape they happen to be in. Keep that in mind and test the spirits as we are told to do. They are aliens in the sense that they do not strive with mankind, they want our species dead, broken, destroyed, annihilated, genetically adulterated, and enslaved. They are aliens in the sense that we cannot see them unless they want us to – they exist in a different dimension.

The ultimate truth is that God is completely real and inhabits a dimension outside of time and space itself. It was God who performed the miracles of the Bible. It was God who sent His Son to perform miracles in His Father’s name. It was God who sacrificed His Son as the lamb needed to save all of us from sin. The Antichrist will appear. We will receive marks or be put to death. And Jesus will return not as a lamb, but as a lion, and end the Antichrist’s reign. Will you be walking with God on that day or will you be looking to a false messiah who debarked from a ‘UFO’ for your salvation? Will you believe the lie or will you believe the truth of God? It’s an important question that all of us will answer even if we decide to not answer but the time to use your free will and decide for yourself is scant. Read the Bible and ask questions while you have time left to make a decision if you don’t already believe. If you do, get ready, prepare, and be bold in your convictions and spreading of the truth – it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Bless God and God bless.


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