The Worst Company You’ve Never Heard Of – But You Will

The Worst Company You’ve Never Heard Of – But You Will

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/17/2023

Knowledge is power – that is in the Bible. What knowledge we gain; however, has become specious at best and usually end up being outright lies. So, when a Steve Quayle or an Alex Jones has warned their audiences about new man-made technologies being designed to mentally and physically enslave humanity in an AI-driven augmented and/or virtual reality, did you laugh? Did you think it was just too out there to ever happen? Well, let me introduce you to standing corrected – meet Terra Quantum.

Terra Quantum was founded in 2019 by Markus Pflitsch. Markus has been involved with all kinds of humanity destroying projects. He worked at CERN for a year. He was at bailed out real-estate and investment firm LBBW which ended up running afoul of German law for their actions leading up to the 2009 Great Recession although I cannot find out if Marcus was investigated. Marcus was involved with banking and investing for almost 20 years in several different positions with several different firms. In addition to founding Terra Quanta, Pflitsch also founded QMware AG also in 2019 which is related to Terra Quantum.

Maybe Pflitsch changed fields after two decades due to the banking and investment industries not being able to kill enough people fast enough. It takes time and effort to steal enough money from people to starve them to death. Maybe he figured he could speed up the process by getting into quantum computing. Terra Quantum’s About Us pages’ opening statement masks what this company seeks to do by claiming that it is ‘good’ when it is nothing of the sort, “We pioneer quantum technologies to change the world for good. We live in a revolutionary time. The quantum era promises groundbreaking progress and innovative disruption to the world as we know it.”

In this statement alone there is a highly speculative qualifier used – ‘good’ (even Jesus Himself stated that only the Father in Heaven is good). Elaborating at all about what is good in Terra Quantum’s view is not wise but is was done anyway – revolution and disruption are good. The company is involved with creating quantum computing solutions for other business in the energy, automotive, financial services, and life sciences and healthcare industries. What makes this alarming is the use of quantum computers, tied, to the cloud, and running artificial intelligence over it. But all of this is ‘good’ in the eyes of Terra Quantum.

For those who are unaware of computing, I will do my best to briefly discuss it. We are accustomed to binary computing. Either a switch is on or off, or there is a 1 or a 0. In order to make machines faster and more capable, more switches in a more compact design need to be made. This has been the revolution in computing power which all of us have witnessed over the last four decades. The binary system we are used to is limited in that it can only hold one of two values and we can only record these values by using up space, literally. Some engineers, seeking to avoid the space problems they are going to run into to make binary systems faster, have turned to quantum physics to achieve their dreams. Instead of a 1 or a 0, a qubit (think of it as the on/off switch) is like a dimmer – it can hold a 0, 1, or any value between 0 and 1. And it can ‘transmit’ it’s value instantaneously from ‘sender’ to ‘receiver’.

Quantum computing is really only good for three things right now – encryption, factoring huge numbers, and running artificial intelligence. Terra Quantum’s idea is to use quantum computing, as well as traditional computing, using the cloud and AI, to enhance businesses’ bottom line. For example, in the automotive industry, Terra Quantum noted:

“Together with the Volkswagen Group’s Data Lab, Terra Quantum aimed to improve the accuracy of image recognition. In the manufacturing context, these systems are highly valuable for fault detection, for example. In the future, such models could also make a valuable contribution to the performance of self-driving vehicles.

“The team developed a new hybrid quantum machine learning algorithm and deployed it on the QMware hybrid quantum cloud. In scientific terms, they built a hybrid quantum residual neural network model, enhanced through quantum elements and a new approach for a quantum-inspired tensor train hyperparameter optimization.

“The team benchmarked this method over classical machine learning approaches and observed performance improvements in the form of reduced expected run times and fitness as the problem size scales. The newly developed approach can provide increased accuracy in image recognition tasks in fewer iterations.”

Artificial intelligence is going to be the backbone of the automotive and transportation sectors, unless they are stopped. But it will become entrenched to the point where human beings will be seen as inferior to AI not just while driving but in thinking itself. We are going to be plunged into a real-life version of the absolute worst movie I have ever watched, Battlefield Earth. I hated this movie because humanity had no knowledge of anything and the ‘aliens’ had complete control over the captive humans. More and more I think the movie was a warning to all of us that this is the intent of organizations like the WEF and Terra Quantum. Battlefield Earth is really the logical conclusion to everything that is going on right now but, because it never addressed how human beings ended up enslaved by these ‘aliens’, the movie was awful. Make no mistake about it, Klaus Schwab and Markus Pflitsch are operating on some wavelength completely alien to nearly all other human beings on the planet.

Here is what Battlefield Earth forgot to address which Terra Quantum heralds:

“Overcoming the bottlenecks of conventional binary von Neumann architectures is a critical step in the transition to creating a truly human-like thinking machine. This is achieved by emulating and simulating neuroscience principles of biological brains, both in quantum and classical hard- and software.

“To achieve this goal, we must understand that new connections of a quantum nature can appear between qubits. These spontaneous connections, termed ‘quantum spikes,’ may result from an entanglement phenomenon, and may effectively represent the quantum neuro-principles of the human brain.”

Their home page states, “The nature of biological systems – including those in our bodies – is quantum physical. Our deep tech innovation move humankind beyond binary von Neumann architecture to the new frontier, where neuromorphic computing will influence biology.” This leaves open the possibility of taking something like Elon Musk’s Nueralink, implanting it into someone’s brain to ‘enhance’ thinking, and have all of our decision making done by something Terra Quantum is already offering. It’s not so science fiction anymore.

I recall the WEF’s ‘brain’, Noah Yuval Harari, demanding that all humans recognize that we are nothing more than hackable animals and he, and other psychopaths like him (the ‘aliens’ of Battlefield Earth), are absolutely enthralled by the idea. In order to fully hack us some pretext will be created to get a Neuralink into our heads while at the same time creating a quantum computing AI based in the cloud to make all of our decisions for us through our installed devices. That is, if we are deemed worthy to live in the first place by these psychopath’s standards. The intent is to kill all of us off and then enslave the survivors through technology. So, throughout the COVID-19 mass murder and psychological warfare operations we were all being tested to see how compliant we will be towards these ends, as well as being used to provide data for their AI systems. When these same alien-minded entities unleash something like Marburg upon humanity, billions of us will likely die off from the disease but there will be promises of survival from this mandatory injection and that mandatory implant. The whole point of COVID-19 was to measure humanity’s tolerance for being forced into being culled, taking ‘mandated’ procedures which are ill advised and undocumented, and to identify any resistance. But, if we are hackable animals as Harari believes, then Terra Quantum has solutions to not only hack us in the first place but to make us unhackable with the right upgrade:

“The time to act is now.

“The world's current encryption systems are vulnerable, and the threat of hackers trying to ‘store now, decrypt later’ poses huge challenges for entities entrusted with data. We provide ubiquitous quantum security.”

The real bottom line is either humanity will wake up to what these technologies represent and demand they not be developed in the first place or they will be developed and we will cease to exist. Yes, the time to act is now – we need to demand these technologies not be used, developed, and those trying to exterminate humanity with them be tried in courts of law with human judges and human juries. At the very least there should be stringent regulations placed on artificial intelligence mandating safeguards and limits to how ‘smart’ they can be – but these appear to be non-existent.

Terra Quantum isn’t a household name today and it may never be, but the things they are doing will most likely be developed fully. Developing these technologies fully will end with humanity being forced into a slavery so complete that even Orwell’s warning will prove to be an underestimation of reality. Now is the time to get right with God and demand that post-human technologies be abandoned.

Bless God and God bless.


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