Think Global Act Local. Bullcrap.

Think Global Act Local. Bullcrap.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/23/2022

Think Globally Act Locally is a garbage slogan designed to get people believing on and acting upon the demonic intentions of the United Nations. Specifically, this is a call for the adoption and implementation of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals which really only have one aim – humanity’s enslavement and ultimate extinction. I wrote about the status of all 17 UN SDGs earlier this year. Their implementation, overall, is lacking in measurable progress towards being completed by the target date, usually 2030. The UN has recognized this and is trying to step on the gas pedal to achieve them more quickly – we are all feeling this in the US, and around the globe, because of different efforts to raise food prices, housing prices, car prices, energy prices, and everything dependent upon those industries. The SDGs are all about causing severe economic and financial hardship for everyone to force us ‘useless eaters’ into enslavement by a world government.

The catchy little UN slogan, think globally act locally, has; however, been adopted by millions maybe billions) of people. These deluded people do small tasks to virtue signal their obedience to the UN’s depopulation designs. Of course, these people don’t recognize the dehumanizing and deleterious effects their efforts, in conjunction with the UN’s efforts will produce. The UN doesn’t care if the whole world is covered in styrofoam cups, that’s for the little kids and their parents who buy into this crap – the UN only cares if the government start forcing their subjects to pick the trash up. The UN, always using deception, can claim; however, that because these kids and their parents are picking up trash, it is a bottom-up movement. Well, it’s not. Here is an example of proof.

Reporting requirements in capitalist nations are increasingly ditching reporting how well they are performing for their shareholders. Instead, the financial reports business are producing are including environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics alongside their financial statistics. Instead of shareholders – the entities which put money into these businesses – these business are claiming they have stakeholders, which, for some reason, never includes normal people we see on the streets. Businesses are using ESG to completely decouple themselves from any responsibility to anyone who matters – their investors and their end-user customers (that’s you and I).

There is a whole new industry which has been created to gather the data and information necessary to measure ESG in businesses. One such company is named Worldfavor. (I wonder if these psychotic idiots named their company that just to prove they are deceived by the world and following it instead of seeking the truth). The Swedish company recently received €10.2 million in funding. The funding came from SEB (a Swedish bank which is fully invested in the UN’s death cult) as well as Brightly Futures (a demonic Stockholm investment firm hell-bent on murdering humanity’s future) and Spintop Ventures (another investment firm for Nordic idiots trying to prove they can destroy humanity with technology).

Worldfavor offers products to allow idiotic businesses to comply with ESG reporting. Their website reads “Are you looking for a sustainability management and reporting platform, a tool to follow up on your portfolio companies, comply with regulations, or want to achieve a fully sustainable supply chain – we've got you covered.” Is this thinking globally while acting locally? Not at all. ESGs are being adopted by demonic CEO’s who want monopolies and fascistic governments they get a major stake in, the banks fund these businesses, and encourages and invests in businesses like Worlfavor and others to service the demonic UN-imagined economic system.

According to TechCrunch, Worldfavor and others are needed because:

“Over the past five+ years, a growing number of supply chain transparence and sustainability reporting startups have been popping up as consumer pressure on ethical and eco issues (not to mention frustration with ‘greenwashing’) has built a head of steam — combined with increased attention and hard reporting requirements from policymakers, such as via EU regulations linked to the European green deal, whereby the bloc is aiming to be ‘climate-neutral’ by 2050.”

TechCrunch continues:

“For now, Worldfavor’s positioning looks like a broader platform play vs some of the more specialized reporting/transparency tools springing up to cater to specific industries or products. ‘We strongly believe in [being a] cross-industry [tool] — to make it easy for one single company to share their information to multiple actors, lowering their reporting fatigue that they have currently,’ he [Andreas Liljendahl, Worldfavor’s co-founder and CEO] confirms, noting: ‘We have multiple stakeholders — the buyers, the investors, the big corporations.’”

This is the way that think global act local actually works out for everyone. The UN and their fellow death cultists have spent a lot of time and effort to ‘educate’ people that their efforts to pick up trash and protest sulfur and mercury spewing dirty coal plants will do something. People didn’t stop throwing their trash on the ground, but now there are violent factions of eco-terrorists who will throw that trash back at the littering party instead of encouraging the litterer to just take their garbage to a trash can (the eco-terrorists in this example is committing an act of assault, by the way). There are recycling mandates around the world (completely inefficient). There are scrubbers which can eliminate the harmful byproducts produced by burning coal. These were installed in many companies. In the US, the government shut as many clean-coal plants as they could by bankrupting them. The protests didn’t do it, the government did. This isn’t a bottom up model, it’s a top down model.

Companies like Worldfavor are getting their money from ESG compliant banks and investment firms. They are not building their business from the bottom up, they are building them from the top to force their SDG crap down upon ‘the bottom’s’ throats. Their stakeholders do not include anyone on ‘the bottom.’ Their stakeholders are demonic CEO’s who buy their garbage, their demonic investors who fund their garbage, and the fascist big corporations which demand compliance to their ESG goals from all of the businesses which are in their supply chain.

I worked at a company which played the we need to comply with our stakeholders game. I operated a machine which produced thermal materials for use in electronics. This company was apparently at the complete mercy of the businesses which it sold these products to – cell phone manufactures, auto manufactures, computer component manufactures, and several others. These buyers are major players in their industries. They dictated how we operated. I quit soon after realizing how much I absolutely hated the structure of the company and realizing the fact that vaccines would eventually be forced upon us, because Audi, Apple, and others would, sooner or later, demand it of the employees of the company I worked for. The company, or course, would comply – just as they did with ESG reporting.

So what does Worldfavor and their peers represent? They represent a world financial system where ESG is the golden rule, slavery to their goals is paramount, and anyone not complying going into financial ruin. The bottom – the masses of people taught the think global act local garbage who are out picking up trash and actually making the world better – only accomplished one thing, adopting UN measures which seek to dictate the slavery we are all to suffer under. It represents the end of free speech, the end of privacy, the end of capitalism, and the end of self-defense, to name a few individual God-given rights.

If you want to make bullets or guns for individual use – you won’t be able to have access to banking services, let alone get loans. If you want cheap power and no smart meter hooked up to your house, you won’t have power, neither will you be able to get a loan to make power on your own. If you choose to criticize the actions, you will have your character drug through the mud and possibly jailed for your speech. All of this has already started to occur in different areas of the globe. Canada and the United Kingdom will arrest people for speech they disagree with, banks are already denying business with gun manufacturers, and people have already been arrested for saying no to smart meters (although they were found not guilty and compensated later).

ESG, as discussed by many people with greater reach, bigger audiences, and teams of researchers correctly identify ESG as an end of capitalism. In my opinion, ESG represents a globally defined fascism operating under the umbrella of a global technocracy. Go read the SDGs and you decide what it represents for yourself. Whatever you do, please understand, whether you bought the think globally act locally kool-aid or not, that ESG and companies like Worldfavor and their stakeholders do not care one bit about your local efforts. They have, collectively, given up on the idea of controlling us individually and have decided to bankrupt and silence all of us at once by going after the producers of what modern humans need to survive in contemporary society.

Start researching where you are spending your money. Avoid doing business with ESG-compliant death cult companies. We need to start voting with our feet and our dollars consciously and much more often or we are going to end up living as slaves to the ESG system. We could bankrupt them before they bankrupt us. Yes, that is a race we are definitely running, whether we understand we are or not. By all means, explain the utter lie those uttering think global act local are actually pushing without even thinking about.

God bless.


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