Joe Biden’s Dystopic Economy – Student Loan Redistribution

Joe Biden’s Dystopic Economy – Student Loan Redistribution

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/25/2022

I am not a Joe Biden supporter. I don’t like elderly people who hide in their basements. I didn’t vote for Biden because I liked the way the country was being run by Trump, with the exception of Warp Speed. Joe Biden is a scumbag – I told that to anyone who would listen to me before the 2020 election and now we all have to suffer under that scumbag’s ‘leadership.’ I have absolutely no future under this type of regime because this regime is literally a cabal of murderers and slavers without exception.

So let’s see, the Biden coup payed off and Biden immediately began making gas prices higher through domestic shortages and drilling bans. His regime is coming after our firearms and doing his level best to bankrupt all firearms manufacturers. His regime is targeting parents who disagree with sexualizing their 5 year-old children. He has endorsed central bank digital currencies, spent trillions on hiring new IRS thugs and ineffective ‘green’ technology subsidies, and begged for oil from enemies of humanity like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. He’s raised our food prices. He’s raised our taxes. The Biden regime is a nightmare which has done it’s best to destroy any semblance of representing the interests of the citizens of the United States of America.

While I was done with the Biden regime on November 4, 2021 (the same date that I learned of his successful coup), I have grown increasingly pissed off at this regime. First they labeled me and anyone even remotely like me a terrorist and now his regime is just handing out money to people in order to get votes. There are commercials for people to go ‘green’ up their homes on the government’s dime. There is all kinds of money going to ‘green’ startups and ESG ‘accounting’ businesses. And now the Biden regime has decided to write up to $20,000 off of student loan debt.

The government gets its money from tax dollars that people with a job pay. If you’ve had a job you are undoubtedly familiar with the federal income tax that literally robs all working people of about 10% of the proceeds of our labor. So – to all the people that never went to an institution of ‘higher’ learning – I am sorry for you. To all of those people who won’t get to go to an institution of ‘higher’ learning because of Biden’s stupidity, I apologize to you as well. If you incurred student loans and paid them off, I also apologize to you, especially.

Here is why I am apologizing. I owe somewhere in the neighborhood of $100,000 in student loan debt. I should be happy that the amount I owe is no longer as large as it once was; however, I am not. I’m not happy with debt forgiveness because I don’t want forgiveness – I want the federal government to allow businesses to thrive to the point where I can go out and get a job for $25 an hour and pay the loans back. Biden won’t let that happen.

His puppetmaster, Barack Hussein Obama, really screwed all of us with student loans over when he raised the interest rates from 3.2% to 6.4%. The year I paid over $10,000 in student debt, I was told that I could only claim $1,500 (if my memory serves me correctly). The reason my debt grew so much was because once I graduated from school with a master’s degree in criminal justice Citi never contacted me to set up a payment, they immediately sold my debt to the Department of Education. The Department of Education did not contact me until 7 years later. By the time they contacted me, my loans with them were in default. In order to get the loans out of default I would need to pay an exorbitant amount of money for a year. Unfortunately for me, my place of work lost their freaking minds over CoVID and my immediate supervisor was a hardcore Nazi in love with China (and so was the union I was forced to join) and I was suspended for not wearing a mask, followed by my resignation (I should have forced them to fire me). Thus, I didn’t complete the year of payments I was supposed to make. Now I have to pay both the defaulted loans off as well as the non-defaulted loans off at the exact same time. At least that was the way it was explained to me.

I don’t make much money. My intent is to change that. So, instead of sitting around whining – I am going to have to step it up – it may mean less of these articles on a more infrequent basis, but I have to go start making real money somehow. I only wish that instead of Biden doing everything he can to crush decent paying jobs, he would leave us the hell alone and let us go on about our business. But he isn’t going to do that so my intentions will be more difficult than they need to be.

Of course, some people are very happy with Biden’s pinko decision. They can keep on working at some low paying job and not worry about $20,000 of their student loan debt. I am sure they will celebrate their windfall by playing more video games.

Those who payed their loans off or who have payed towards their loans should be very angry about it. The pinko’s in the Biden regime aren’t going to be sending you a $20,000 check. I’m angry about it because I’m sick and tired of all of this money being taxed out of our checks being spend on absolutely worthless causes.

And then there are the scumbags of all scumbags – the 50-over-50 crowd. I wasn’t aware of the group until this morning and, honestly I am completely bewildered that there are people like this in the United States of America. Everyone involved in this group is a complete loser – I give them an ‘L’ for the entirety of their lives because of what they are doing – going on a dept strike by promising to NEVER repay their loans and DEMANDING that the federal government forgive ALL of their debt.

One especially rancid specimen in the 50-over-50 group appeared in the premiere media publication for morons, The Guardian. Lystra Small-Clouden wrote a piece titled I’m 65 and have $300,000 in student debt. I and other older debtors are going on strike. This completely moronic woman decided to get a doctorate in human-resources at 53 years old. All I can ask is why is that degree even necessary and why would you be willing to take out those kinds of loans at age 47 (according to her article this is when she returned to school)? This woman attempts to justify her refusal to pay in emotional terms. She states she was a single, black, immigrant mother. Then she writes:

“My debt is an economic drain but it’s also an emotional one. I have been stressing over it for 12 years now, and the stress has taken a very real toll on my physical health. I suffer from hypertension and high cholesterol and recently had emergency surgery to remove my gall bladder due to digestive issues caused by unnecessary stress. I spend a lot of time thinking about the fact that I am 65 years old, with projected loan repayments for the next 21 years of my life – meaning I will be 86 when I pay them off. When you are burdened by student debt, there is no quality of personal or work life. You are stuck at home – foregoing vacations, visiting family and friends, professional conferences, everything.”

That’s right, she actually blames student loans debts for her medical issues. Hypertension and high cholesterol is a problem someone else should pay for because of her decision. Having her gall-bladder removed – again – something else someone else should pay for because of her decision. Maybe she should go take a walk on a nature trail and think about how pretty the bird’s songs are and how pretty the trees are instead of dwelling on her student debt 24/7. Maybe she should have gotten a degree in relaxation therapy. Maybe she should have, at some point in her schooling, taken a basic economics course pertaining to how capitalist societies operate. Any responsible person would not be going out and holding a sign DEMANDING that these idiots have their loans payed off by anyone but themselves, through their own labor. If this woman was really serious, she would go find a second job to work so she’s not still trying to pay them off 20 years later. Instead this rancid, bottom-feeding, scumbag with a hyphenated last name is going to stand around with a sign in her hands demanding the federal government pay 1.7 trillion dollars for ALL outstanding student loan debt. The rest of the fifty-over-fifty group is no better.

This woman actually makes me sad, because, after being on this earth for 65 years, seeing first hand how things actually work, she still feels compelled to demand someone else clean up the mess her decision has made for herself. Her student loans are not my problem, just like my student loans are not your problem, and your mortgage or car payment or [insert debt here] is yours. I am not going to live in your house, so I’m not going to help you pay for it. You are not going to benefit from my education so you (nor anyone else) should pay for it. Hyphen woman hasn’t figured this out yet. She can only see that it would be fair to her, despite the fact that all that money that she has paid to this corrupted despicable government is going to pay for other people’s debts. She thinks that’s fair when, in fact, it is the furthest from fair that there is.

The fair thing to do would be for the government of the United States to stop taxing us so much and to show some form of fiscal restraint. Billions of dollars to DARPA and new IRS agents and ‘green’ startups and carbon credit schemes and CBDC and Ukraine and NATO are not where my tax dollars should be going – that money should be in our pockets because the US government shouldn’t be spending it. Fiscally responsible government is the opposite of what hyphen lady is pushing for; however.

Because hyphen woman has a worthless degree she will never pay for unless she is awarded some kind of grant offered by the federal government in the field of human resources (unlikely)or finds a second job, she doesn’t realize what she, and others like her are actually doing. First of all the fifty-over-fifty group is trying to stake a claim to something that is not theirs, which is straight out theft. Joe Biden just stole billions of dollars from the US taxpayer and hyphen lady is not only justifying the theft but demanding more theft. The group is also legitimizing the manner in which the Department of Education operates regarding student loans when the Department has no legitimate role to be a lender of anything in any capacity and is unconstitutional in the first place. They are legitimizing the idea of ‘free’ college for everyone. In my opinion there are already too many people in too many college classrooms. Making it ‘free’ will, eventually, make it compulsory. Hyphen lady and her group actually represent two major planks any Communist pinko scumbag pushes for – ‘free’ compulsory ‘higher’ education and wealth redistribution. The Biden regime, I’m sure, greatly values this degenerate group and will rely upon them to gin up democrat support again in 2023, just in time for the next presidential election (if the country makes it that far).

With that I will end this piece so that I might apply for an $80,000 a year job my degree most likely will not qualify me for. I was stupid in getting the degree; however, that isn’t your fault, it’s mine. There are losers in capitalism. My decision to get a higher degree was not a winning one for me but that doesn’t make the debt anyone else’s. It’s still mine. Just like everything else I own – it’s mine and not yours. I don’t believe in sharing what is mine with everyone else and I don’t expect you to have a different outlook on that at all. You earned what you have, for good or bad, I’ve earned what I have for good or bad. The Biden regime and many other groups, like the fifty-for-fifty group, think all debts (and thus all assets) should be collectivized and that’s a dystopia I don’t want to have to live in and certainly do not want my children to have to overcome. I’d say a tax strike is sorely needed in this nation – give those moronic murdering scumbags at the IRS something to do instead of terrorizing the US citizen for no reason.

As always – God Bless and ask Him for guidance before declaring yourself exempt from taxation.


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