Something is Going to Have to Give – Privacy or Surveillance

Something is Going to Have to Give – Privacy or Surveillance

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/23/2022

I read an article this morning out of the Daily Mail called “Are these pictures proof that brain scans can read our minds? Researchers showed volunteers pictures of their faces, while a special type of MRI translated their brainwaves into images...with uncanny accuracy.” The first half of this article is kind of terrifying. The directions the human race is taking to create a future in which man is more machine than flesh is not one I am willing to see occur without a fight.

What researchers found is that images created in our minds can be read fairly accurately by a supercharged MRI machine. Once the data is collected, it can be fed into an artificial intelligence which reassembles the original image fairly accurately. Basically a picture is shown to a person, the MRI scans the person’s head, the AI reassembles the photo as remembered by the person and the new image is placed next to the original to see how accurately the human and the MRI match.

They are creating a future where even private memories are not private:

“They are developing technology to read our minds with such accuracy that it may reveal exactly what we're looking at or imagining, discover our voting and buying intentions, and even reveal why we may be wired for illnesses such as depression and schizophrenia.”

The Daily Mail continues:

“In fact, this technology is already being used to understand how our brains work in order to diagnose and treat a range of conditions, for instance enabling surgeons to plan how to operate on brain tumours while sparing as much healthy tissue as possible.

“It's also enabled neurologists and psychologists to map how cognitive functions such as vision, language and memory operate across different brain regions.

“Scientists use it to track how our brains produce experiences such as pain, and are developing the technology to fathom problems such as addiction — and to test drugs for treating these and illnesses such as depression.”

Looking at the pictures included in the article, I wouldn’t rely on this whatsoever because, while they are similar, they are not the same. But that’s me, and possibly you, not a bunch of crackheaded scientists thinking they can defeat their Maker by making science experiments like this. They love and, and, as the article states, hope to use this technology to not only treat addictions and metal illnesses, but to ‘cure’ blindness, communicating with comatose patients, recreate people’s dreams, and even for “police forces to scan witnesses' brains for memory-pictures of people involved in crimes.”

One more time, just in case you didn’t actually read that last line:

“As AI brain-decoding systems become more sophisticated, Thirza Dado [AI researcher and leader of the study] believes they could enable police forces to scan witnesses' brains for memory-pictures of people involved in crimes.”

Dado is also noted in the Daily Mail piece for working on camera implants to allow those who are blind to see again as well as stating, “In future, we may also be able to look at the ability to picture people's ideas.”

While Dado is gung-ho about creating a future completely devoid of any iota of privacy even within our own heads, others are stating the obvious – humanity is not there, yet. The technology, according to several researches and experts is, as yet, not reliable enough to depend upon for detecting lies or measuring IQ’s. Daily Mail quoted Dr Joanna Moncrieff, as saying:

“‘While fMRI scans can show something dynamic is going on in a brain, they don't provide any evidence for establishing what causes this dynamic activity to happen.’ 

“‘The scan shows a brain that is active at that moment, without explaining why.’

“‘Similarly, no one has ever clinically demonstrated with fMRI scans any identifiable biological mechanism in the brain that consistently underlies depression or other mental disorder,’ she adds.”

Moncrieff’s words give me hope because it leaves humanity a little bit more time to tell the Dado’s of the world to knock it off, get legislation passed banning such technological developments, and forbid any sort of legal clinical trials from taking place. I’m sorry if you or a loved one are blind – turning the blind into a cyborg is not going to assist in creating a human future. Because this kind of non-human garbage won’t be stopped (save for a miracle), when the vision cyborgs have better ‘vision’ than normal people, many will clamor for the implants on a voluntary basis.

Imagine what Stalin could have done with such technology. Instead of having to wait for a child, neighbor, or passerby to report criminalized speech, or opening up all the letters sent to check for subversion, an AI could just compile a list of ‘bad thought’ criminals and give it to the head KGB agent in the town at the beginning of the day. The rest of the day would be arrests, beatings, trials, and murders. If that makes anyone angry, then it will be their turn tomorrow. Stalin would have seen exactly how much he was hated by his people, noticed how his already extreme paranoia did not come close to matching that hatred, and murdered 95% of the whole of the USSR. Maybe he wouldn’t have been that extreme; however, it is a possibility. Undoubtedly, the death toll in the USSR due to democide would have been far greater than it was. 25 million dead would have easily been 80 million dead.

The Daily Mail put this probability more succinctly: “Whatever the case, it's chilling to think such technology could be developed by authoritarian regimes to detect people's inner beliefs and punish them for opinions they've never voiced.”

Right now, this technology cannot pick up our thoughts with accuracy. Notice, I am only talking about this technology. There are plenty of other ways this can be done. MIT is doing it with speech2face, in 2018, MIT developed a device able to read thoughts through vocal chords, and other research projects are seeking to infest our God-given bodies with nanotechnology to achieve reading our thoughts. Humanity needs to wake up to two facts. The first is the eugenics movement is not only alive and well, it is thriving with the official approval of multiple governments of the world. The second is that, if we can realize the first fact, we can fight against it and win, which will create a human – not a cyborg/AI/robotic future the mad scientists with government grants and approvals are seeking to force us into.

So, share this article, and start doing some research into these types of things. I suggest starting with the Holy Bible and accepting Jesus Christ into your life.


Think Global Act Local. Bullcrap.


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