There Is No Such Thing As An Atheist

There Is No Such Thing As An Atheist

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 9/1/2022

Atheism is an impossibility. Anyone who expresses, “a lack of belief or a strong disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods” or a philosophical or religious position characterized by disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods,” is lying to themselves. The belief in that lie is the main reason that the world is being flushed down the toilet in front of our eyes and a human future seems more unrealistic with each passing day. The reason that humanity seems to have a non-human future in store for it is because atheism must adapt some rational basis for living within society. Unfortunately, that rational basis is even less rational than atheism itself.

We all have a soul. Some people call it a spirit. Every human has one. Some humans deny its existence; however, trying to deny the existence of a full one third of what being a human is, does not mean that it isn’t there. That would be like me saying the Indian Ocean doesn’t exist. I’ve never personally seen the Indian Ocean but my belief or disbelief in it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. This same logic applies to God Himself. Atheist reject God, of course, and by doing so must reject any spiritual body being able to exist. Clearly there are spiritual events which occur that today’s science cannot explain and never will be able to explain. I don’t know why these self-proclaimed atheists are permitted to persist in their delusions unperturbed. They claim they are morally superior to everyone and intellectually advanced because of their atheism, yet deny their own soul’s existence while denigrating anyone who does believe they have a soul which was put there by God. In order to do this, atheists replace the objective morality set out by God and use their own subjective morality which they make up as they go.

This is precisely why Marxism has such an awful record. Marx never considered what destroying God’s decree and replacing it with the state would actually do. A state has to have a head, a leader, to direct the nation (or the movement) in the direction the leader best sees fit. Under Marxism, where the laws end up being subjective rather than objective, dissenters to that direction are flat out murdered or starved to death in labor camps. 200 million deaths under Marxist regimes should have taught humanity a lesson not only about Marxist ideologies (which include socialism, communism, and fascism), but should have awakened the world that there are absolutes. It is ALWAYS wrong to commit murder, whether your name is Fidel Castro or Justin Trudeau. It is ALWAYS wrong to apply justice unequally whether your name is Joseph Stalin or Joseph Biden.

But atheists don’t subscribe to absolutes. Right now there is a lot of talk about the ‘father who took a young man’s life.’ The young man happened to be a former boyfriend of his daughter’s who abused her. The young man showed up at the father’s house, broke into the house and the father defended himself from this young man. A lot of people are saying that the father did the wrong thing because they have expanded the definition of murder to include any killing. I’d have done the same thing as the father. There are many, many other examples of this expanded definition of murder, the most vivid example in recent years being Kyle Rittenhouse who defended himself from three individuals actively trying to kill him. Meanwhile, these same people managed to make a deity out of George Floyd after he died of an overdose while in police custody. In their warped minds, burning down Minneapolis and spawning similar violent actions across the country was completely justified. It was fine to commit murder, rape, arson, assault, and looting as long as the victim was ‘the other side.’ They were so delusional that they actually set up funds, with political backing, to bail these violent criminals out of jail, sometimes mere hours, after committing their violent acts. All of this was (and still is) due to atheism and its absolute lack of any sort of objective reality. In other words, there are no absolutes if the individual committing the act can subjectively justify it within their own minds.

With so-called atheist this is an ever present threat. At any moment anyone believing in subjective reality could try to rationalize anything they want to do. Murder has already been covered above. Homosexuals who demand that their way of life be celebrated fall under this category. Transsexuals and their demands of access to children’s classrooms are an example of this. The transsexuals claim they want to teach young children to be accepting of their lifestyle choices by exposing them to their lifestyle. In actuality they are attempting to convince children that biological gender isn’t real, that they can make up what they want to be (on a daily basis even), and sexual reassignment surgery is possible all while denying that their efforts are sexualizing children at a young age and causing gender dysphoria in those same children. The media won’t call a baby rapist a pedophile anymore, choosing to employ semantics by dubbing them map’s; minor-attracted people. This is in an effort to gain a widespread acceptance of these baby-raping criminals so that, once transsexual’s ‘rights’ are secured, the map’s can seek to not only be mainstreamed into the cultural bounds of society, but to be able to commit their acts in the open without fear of reprisals. All of these movements are grounded in atheism and it’s subjective reality.

But, here is the point of this article. There are no atheists. Even if a so-called atheist decides that the definition they will operate by is one where there is no supernatural God, there are still no atheists. Everyone believes in SOMETHING, even atheists. Stalin, Mao, and others forced their subjects to forget God and embrace the state as the answers to all of their problems. Today, some so-called atheists actually believe in science (scientism to be more exact), money, video games, transhumanism, education, other humans, and most dangerous of all, themselves to provide all of the answers to the meaning of life. None of those set down an objectivity nor meaning in their lives. Nothing man can create will ever accomplish meaningfulness in any of our lives because mankind cannot nourish the soul – only God can. So-called atheists can’t admit this because they are so heavily deluded that they cannot even ask themselves the question. They are too busy bashing God, which they claim to not believe in in the first place, to draw others into their beliefs with the idea that ‘atheists’ can do whatever they want to. They never stop and ask themselves, now that the God of Creation is no longer a part of my life, what is the point of my life and what standards am I going to hold myself to until I change my mind? That is a question all of us, so-called atheists and believers alike, need to ask themselves. Atheist’s; however, being as though they believe in something as a replacement for God, defeat thier own purpose and meaning.

Maybe one of them came to that very same conclusion and decided that instead of dwelling upon what it is they are living their lives for they can just use subjective rationality and morals to continuously sustain our meaningfulness. With millions of idiotic self-proclaimed and closeted atheists these days, the fruit of their labors are evidence of their degenerate thought process. As an example, I tell people all the time that the human future is being ripped away from us and explain how it’s being done and that we will be forced into a digital version of ourselves, an augmented version of what we used to be; chipped, tracked, monitored, and surveilled slaves of a global totalitarianism which has saw fit to keep us alive upon this earth- albeit not as humans that God created. I get starry eyed stares, football statistics, and answers from people who think that a digital life would be fine with them. Several of those who believe strongly in the God of the Bible state that God will fix it – and He absolutely will. But I still have to ask myself why there is no alarm going off in anyone’s head saying danger, danger, danger. There will be no more eyeballs to look at me with, lost. There will be no more football or sports or the stats and scores that come from the competitions. There will be no more meaning at all for humanity in a fully digital world. Machines are built by man and infested with demonic activity when the demons see fit. There may be no death in a digital ‘reality’ (until the power goes out for good) but there won’t be any meaning either. There won’t be any Bible’s left to read. It is absolutely baffling to me that no one thinks huh, this could be a problem for my survival, maybe I should speak out, organize, and educate those with a subjective reality to knock their crap off because they are paving the way to the whole earth’s destruction.

But I want Jesus to return, you may be saying. Well so do I, but I don’t know when He’s coming back. I don’t know when God is sending Him back. The times foretold in the Bible are terrifying and they seem to be playing out before our eyes. To me that doesn’t mean sit back and enjoy the show – it means battle against the evil coming upon the earth. It means calling things what they really are. It means saying things like homosexuality is an abomination to God, mutilating a person’s genitals is an abomination to God, human sacrifice is an abomination to God, and ‘atheists’ are really just people who worship Satan.

Anyone not trying to be closer to God in the ways that He commanded we grow closer to Him is living their life in insurrection towards God. This is why Lucifer was cast from heaven in the first place. Lucifer’s insurrection is the way that atheist’s live. They see no point in God and the world reaffirms their positions. I am not good at reaffirming the world’s positions. ‘Advances’ in bioengineering, artificial intelligence, humanism, implantable chips, genetic mutations, gain of function research, global governance structures, and the fourth-industrial revolution are all topics which make this world more inhospitable to God’s creations on a daily basis. A Godly people would not be engaged in ripping apart God’s creation, they would be engaged in worshipping God the way He wants to be worshipped.

Not trying to be closer to God on a large scale (up to 750 million ‘atheists’) is the cause of so much strife and injustice upon this planet. Those George Floyd protesters, rioters, and looters would have done the world a better service if they would have stayed home and read their Bibles or went to their local churches and synagogues and studied and prayed there. The whole reason that Floyd was in the situation he was in was because he had no objective morality in which to guide his actions in the first place. The whole reason Satan’s scum ran into the streets and murdered, raped, and set fire to cities around the world is due to their denial of God’s ways in favor of the way of the world, their favorite TV show, or their own warped perception of reality. This world is, quite literally, going to Hell.

How do we get these deluded people to read the Bible, or any religious text at all? I don’t know if we can. Any time a so-called atheist is confronted with the reality of God they will turn to Darwin or Galton or a theoretical physicist and act like their ideas are the truth of all truths. They not only reject God being real, many atheists openly display their hatred of God by denigrating and calling for sanctions, and even death, of anyone who does believe in God. They don’t see that the only reason their worthless lives are being spared at all is because of those of us who do worship God.

Alas, these people will eventually place their world leader into power. That leader will promise peace. These gullible, Godless, slaves will bow to Antichrist and kill anyone who refuses the Antichrist’s mark or to worship him or his image. It sounds just like Lenin’s and Stalin’s USSR, Hitler’s Third Reich, Mao’s CCP, and Chavez’s Venezuela. The difference is that some blend of all of those societies will be global, inescapable, and deadly to even an atheist who dissents even in the slightest. There will be no outside influence to fight a Cold War, or have a D-Day or place sanctions on genocidal regimes. It is not a future I want to see become a present; however, being as though that future is a prerequisite for the return of the Messiah, I will do my part and proclaim the name of God and Messiah without fear – even if it means losing my head. I will not stop stating the evil I see in this world and will not stop trying to convince people of the dangers these evils pose to humanity. In those end days, which I believe are fast approaching, there will still be no atheists. The so-called atheist will replace their hatred of God with a love of Antichrist – many of them have already unconsciously made this choice. And it shows. I wish I could see the agony upon their demonically infested faces when they are forced to take a knee to the Messiah and profess that He is God.

In summary, there are no atheists. They believe in all kinds of gods, but not the God of the Universe. There are people who have bought into the way of the world which has opted for war against God by using whatever subjective rationality justifies their subjective existence, wants, and desires. As such, the world is nearing a tipping point, indeed, but the danger does not come from our SUV’s and smokestacks, it comes from a turning away from God’s Laws and the degeneracy which flows forth from that decision. If huge numbers of people do not turn their face towards God, God’s wrath will indeed pour forth upon all of us. The elect will be spared; however, as the world degenerates around them, it will become increasingly difficult for them to survive, especially after the world leader’s genocidal decrees – worship me and take my mark or die. Atheism is a euphemism for satanism, and these atheist will be the believers murderers, the Bible’s burners, and lead us straight to a one world totalitarian government which will be lead by, you guessed it, the Antichrist. Of course, the atheists will not be alone in this endeavor into degeneracy and debauchery, they will be our neighbors who steal orur lives and rape our families in the middle of the night. Atheists will be the boots on the ground for the New World Order.

Keep trying to shine the Light of Jesus Christ (Yeshua) and God (Adonai) upon the people of the earth. None of us know the time of the Messiah’s return, even though many of us feel that it is close. If this is not the time of His return though, we need to be rebuking the evil that does exist, including the evil atheists represent, get people to reconsider their stiff neckedness, and make their decision: eternal life through obedience to God or a temporary, arbitrary, and most likely non-human existence upon this world followed by eternal separation from God. And like I wrote earlier, this is a choice that all of us need to make, even those in religious institutions and regular attendees at religious services. It’s best not to wait, tomorrow (or five minutes from now) is never guaranteed.

May God bless you.


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