The Truth of Climate Change as Misinformation

The Truth of Climate Change as Misinformation

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/31/2022

We should have all been dead by now, but we are not. Thomas Malthus predicted human populations would collapse because of food scarcity. There were too many people in 1798 according to Malthus. The world’s population was about one billion people then. Its about 8 billion now. While Malthus’ predictions have been proven to be horrifically incorrect, Malthusians still exist. Paul Ehrlich, Al Gore, John Kerry, and Greta Thunberg are all followers of Malthus. Only one of these people are open about their homicidal intentions but, besides a holding a deeply held belief in the unfulfilled promises of Malthusianism, they all see climate change being man-made. All of these people, and many others in this world, believe that since climate change is caused by man, man can fix it, by, basically, exterminating about 7.5 billion people. On the way to their end goal of 500 million people left on the planet, they are executing their plans to destroy every single person on earth by forcing them into physical, spiritual, and intellectual destitution.

So what causes the climate to change? The sun causes climate to change. That giant ball of fire which is so bright and so close that it blots out all other stars in the sky causes climate change. It caused the climate of earth to change many times in the past and it is still causing the climate to change.

Don’t take my word for it though. Take LiveScience’s word for it. They wrote an article which actually tells the truth, Can sunspots affect the weather? What is absolutely astounding is that the author of the article, Jamie Carter, had the guts to allow the truth to even be printed. Even more shocking is that LiveScience is a huge supporter of the climate change narrative, making it just another pocket of Malthusians. But they did publish this article which opens with actual truth:

“The sun has a major impact on Earth: It provides the light and energy that are vital to life on our planet and dramatically shapes Earth’s climate. But the sun’s activity is not always constant, and areas of the sun can cool or even erupt dramatically. Can the sunspots that appear on our star’s surface affect the weather here on Earth? And how?

“It turns out that individual sunspots themselves don’t affect the weather, but the changes in solar activity that they reveal can affect temperature, wind and weather on the planet.”

Someone actually got at the truth. Of course, the truth was destroyed because the article appeared in LiveScience. The article was written, overall, to downplay the sun’s role in the earth’s climate. Shortly after admitting to the truth, the climate narrative shoved it’s ugly head under the tent:

“But sunspots are a sign of solar activity. ‘Solar variability does cause Earth-climate effects on long timescales,’ [University of Colorado’s Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Greg] Kopp said. Climate is a 30-year average of weather. ‘If the climate is warmer or cooler due to the sun, the average weather will be warmer or cooler too.’

“However, there is absolutely no evidence that the sun's activity is responsible for the climate change we’ve seen over recent decades, which is caused by humans pumping greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.”

It’s so sad that Jamie Carter had to include the second paragraph. But it is telling about how the climate change narrative reads. The link in the first paragraph takes people to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s definitions of weather and climate (of course they couldn’t help themselves as NOAA plays a gigantic role in writing the climate change narrative – they had to blame mankind for changes in the climate). The second link takes the reader to another LiveScience article full of possibilities and speculation about why temperatures seem to be higher. They seem so much higher because all of the models in existence disregard the existence of the sun and the way that measurements are taken are highly suspect.

The entire idea of the sun driving the climate of earth has been dismissed by the Multhusian death cult. The idea that the sun drives climate destroys the idea that mankind burning abiotic fuels (gas and oil is not made from fossils) causes climate change. That being the case, this article downplays the sun’s role in our climate by noting that sunspots have been documented daily since 1610. Great, huh? What does that tell us? It tells us there were sun spots. It doesn’t tell us the size of the sunspot nor does it tell anyone about the intensity of the sunspot and it doesn’t tell anyone about if the sunspot is even aimed at earth.

It tells us nothing really; however, the data does go back really far so the Malthusian cultists use it to say ‘see – there were blah blah number of sunspots for this 30-year chunk of time and the sun didn’t change the climate a whole bunch.’ Except when it does. There was a time period between 1645 and 1715 called the Maunder minimum. During this time there were very few sunspots. And the earth got cold. It became so cold that the Thames River froze over and glaciers began encroaching into farmlands. Really odd that for 70 years there weren’t that many sunspots and the earth got cold. Maybe when the sun does that for a couple of hundred years the earth is plunged into an ice age? Maybe, just maybe, the sun’s activity has made it so warm on earth that the polar ice caps have completely melted away (which would denote the end of the previous ice age – which the earth is still in). Also interesting is that the models the Malthusian cultists use to pronounce their claims as true don’t include the sun’s output. Hmmmm, something stinks here.

The author wraps the article up by citing NASA. NASA, the US application of Nazi sciences (I’m not being hyperbolic here), claims it measured the amount of visible light hitting the earth. They have done this since 1978. Great, NASA, lets destroy humanity because you measured visible light for 40 years and not anything else. They claimed that the amount of light hitting the earth does not correlate with rises in temperatures. It turns out; however, that some scientists cannot even accurately take the temperature because of where they place ‘official’ thermometers. Some of these thermometers were placed in the middle of parking lots, for example. Sometimes dozens and dozens of thermometers are decommissioned in one fell swoop. Well, if those thermometers are all located in Siberia the earth is going to seem much warmer because the average is going to be skewed (this actually happened).

The reason these kinds of articles bother me so much is because they give rise to climate ‘solutions.’ And I have to ask, are you enjoying the Great Reset? Are you enjoying being lied to every single day about every topic imaginable (The Great Narrative)? I am not enjoying any of it. I’m not going to take mRNA vaccines. I’m not going to mutilate my DNA. I won’t eat bugs. I won’t take a digital currency tracker in my body. I won’t take augmentations. I won’t be silent while watching humanity be destroyed by artificial scarcity, inflated prices for artificial goods, and the strengthening of a murderous global totalitarianism. These people hate themselves so much that they don’t even want to be human anymore – they want to be transhuman and live forever. All of us are test subjects for their transhuman technology. All of this is occurring under the lie of man-made climate change.

The world we are living in is all based on lies. The biggest lie out there is that God isn’t real and He’s not running the show. He is real and He is running the show. But far too many believe the lie. If they didn’t believe the lie, all of this man-made climate change garbage would be flatly rejected. For one, the science doesn’t support it (man-made climate change only exists in climate models built on inaccurate data and ‘what-if’ scenarios). And secondly, God is not happy with this world because this world has dismissed God. Not only am I directing that charge at non-believers but especially at those claiming to believe in God. Any place of worship which permits and/or promotes open borders, homosexuality, transsexualism, climate change, or mRNA shots is not worshiping the God of the Universe. The flocks of these churches have been instructed to worship child sex trafficking, fornication, mutilation, pseudoscience based on humanism, and murder by DNA corruption, respectively.

We do need education. All of us, me you, your neighbors, all of us, need education. Whether we believe in Him or not, God is giving us an education in His ways. We could learn the lesson by reading His laws, learning His laws, and applying those laws to our own lives. We need to have a massive return to God’s Laws and a massive realization that our repentance and belief in Jesus Christ, and the blood He shed to forgive us our sins, is the only truth in this earth. The truth is withering because we pay no attention to it. It’s not completely gone out of the land, but if truth does not get some nourishment soon, the lies will overrun us all. Even the elect will be tempted to believe the lies. We may be very close (if not in) the times described as the events culminating in the Day of the Lord. The people driving the man made climate change narrative want this day to come because they believe they will beat God, which will not happen. In the meantime these same entities will usher in the Antichrist and murder anyone who will not.

The same churches which are sponsoring the ways of the world are the same ones which will load their flocks onto cattle cars for food processing. If you attend such a church, you had better reconsider that affiliation and seek a church that focuses upon the ways of God and the sacrifice of Jesus. And if you think I’m full of it, please do ask yourself something. If your church has turned a blind eye to abortion, homosexuality, and transexualism do you think the church will suddenly turn away from the acceptance of pedophilia, human sacrifice, and cannibalism? Maybe you are sitting there wondering what I’m talking about today, well, remember that question because 10 seconds after 40 year-olds are permitted to have sexual relations with 3 year-olds, the satanic church will be demanding that ‘willing’ participants be allowed to be executed by satanists as a sacrifice to Lucifer. After human sacrifices are legally permitted, people will openly be used as food with or without their consent. All of these movements have already started. Abortion-sponsoring places of worship are highly unlikely to suddenly realize how evil their endorsements actually are and do an about face – they will literally tell attendees that, for the good of humanity, they need to get on that cattle car.

That is the end game of the man-made climate change lie. The purveyors of the lie have to use some vehicle to get people into the cattle car. Climate change mitigation fits the bill nicely because it necessitates a global government, demands that all activity be tracked, monitored, and sanctioned at all times, and is in actuality it’s own religion. It covers all of the main points which lead to the rise of the Antichrist. These Malthusian death cultists need to be rebuked by places of worship, not passively accepted. Don’t hold your breath though, most of them won’t even call abortion what it is – child sacrifice and baby murder. And others, even if they call baby murder baby murder, will still tell their audiences that climate change is man-made and demand mitigation efforts.

Pray over it. God bless you.


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