There Are No Democrats and Republicans – Only Globalists and Nationalists

There Are No Democrats and Republicans – Only Globalists and Nationalists

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/23/2023

In order for there to be a one world government there needs to be a fall of the nation state. Those advocating for and initiating global policies created by unelected bureaus under the auspices of an international regime like the UN or a global forum like the WEF are globalists. Those wishing to maintain sovereignty over their own nations and enforce their territorial integrity and the laws established within those boundaries are nationalists. This applies to every nation on earth. In the United States I cannot think of a single democrat who is a nationalist. Even in the Republican party there are very few nationalists. The result in the US (as well as many nations around the world) is a destruction of sovereign nation states from within as directed from without.

Examples of globalization would fill multiple volumes. The idea was to get all nations interconnected with one another economically so that war would be impossible because of how valuable trade was to all nations on earth. By the time COVID-19 rolled around the idea of economic globalization was embraced by virtually the entire globe. People in foreign countries were being lifted out of poverty and Western consumers could purchase things cheaply. When the idiotic mandates and lockdowns rolled around; however, the supply chains broke down and trade was threatened at best and ceased in some industries at worst. The problem wasn’t with the supply chains themselves though. The problem is that globalization was never about economic success in the first place – it always was, and always will be, about governance and the accumulation of power in a global government.

To facilitate international trade, rules needed to be set down. The 1995 creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) represents an expansion of the 1947 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). GATT provided members with low-tariff or tariff free trading mostly in goods. In 1995, free trade ideas were retained in the creation of the WTO and included regulations for trade in services and intellectual property as well as goods.

GATT and the WTO was the backbone of globalization efforts. It promised increased trade because of lower tariffs, greater cooperation among a nation’s government and citizens, and a reduction in hostilities between nations who trade with one another. One drawback under these international regulatory bodies were that higher paying jobs in ‘rich’ countries went to nations with fewer worker protections paying lower wages. Another is that while benefits were shared, so too were additional risks and those risks were managed by the regulations of the foreign sovereign government(s). At the same time, a slice of a member nation’s sovereignty was given over to GATT and the WTO in order to regulate trade. The result or this is, for instance, a massive document titled Codex Alimentarius, created by two other international bodies – the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization – which has enabled the WTO to control how food is grown within trading nations.

It’s always been about accumulating power and creating global regulatory bodies, like I said. The WTO represents a massive threat to the sovereignty of member nations simply because if a nation decides to exert their sovereignty over a matter – say agricultural regulations – which fall outside of the lines drawn by the WTO, FAO, and WHO, they will not be permitted to be traded. It represents global governance over a wide variety of economic activities, not just growing food (which is massively important), which sovereign nations no longer have direct control over without jeopardizing their trading status, standing at the FAO, and compliance with the WHO.

When a treaty is adopted by the United States it is supposed to be ratified by a vote in the Senate in order for it to be adhered to. Unlike many recent ‘treaties’, which have never been voted on by the Senate (like the Small Arms Trade Treaty and the Paris Agreement) but adopted by the United States anyway, the US joining the WTO was voted on in 1994. Of the 100 members of the Senate, 76 voted to join the WTO – 35 of them were republicans. A much better reflection of the reality of the vote lies in describing the 1994 Senate as 76 globalists who hate the United States and 24 who want to maintain the republic created by the sovereign nation. Because of these 76 US Senators in name only (their real role was to act as global government agents) the US lost a fair amount of sovereignty and the people lost all of their ability to have a representative government in these matters.

The vote and the rise of the WTO out of GATT is a well-worn page in the globalist handbook for seizing upon sovereign power called incrementalism. Bit by bit these globalist bodies find a nook or cranny to get a toe hold and then incrementally strengthen their position until there is no more sovereignty left. Who controls US trade? The WTO. Who controls the borders of the United States? UNESCO. Who sets fiscal policy? The privately-owned foreign federal reserve system. Who controls the US energy and transportation sectors? The United Nations Environmental Programme.

In order for so many different global organizations to control so many integral parts of our country, those facts are supposed to never be revealed. How do you rail against events and facts you are not even aware of? Secrecy and a media compliant with their narratives were the globalists weapons of choice up until 9/11 when everyone saying anything against the narrative was labeled a conspiracy theorist. By the time COVID-19 came around conspiracy theorists were being labeled terrorists. During both 9/11 and COVID-19 the masses cheered as these labels were applied to truth tellers and those asking questions.

I used to think, “well if it is going to be a globalized world everyone will just be like the United States.” The passage of the USA PATRIOT Act dashed my misconception and redirected my understanding to the fact that the aim was to reorient all nation’s laws, policies, rights, and procedures to China’s. All of a sudden the idea of globalization seemed very unappealing. COVID-19 mitigation efforts showed just how close we are to living just like the Chinese people are forced to under their tyrannical regime. People caught onto that and said no. The lockdowns over COVID ended to usher in the age of climate lockdowns. The masks were phased out to be reintroduced in certain areas. Vaccine requirements were dropped and will be reinstated at a later date. We are not China and we made that clear. But they never stop trying.

There is a devout globalist occupying the White House at present. Joe Biden voted to have the US join the WTO because he is a globalist who wants to see the United States absorbed into the global government. He voted for the USA PATRIOT Act in 2001 and in 2006 because he hates the freedoms the citizens of this nation are supposed to enjoy. And, like the rest of his demonic globalist friends, this guy just doesn’t know when to quit. He is about to sign the sovereignty of the United States over to the WHO regarding pandemic response. If that happens you, I, nor anyone else in this nation will ever have another right again.

Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the WHO during the last pandemic. He did this because the WHO proved itself to be willing to cover for those who dream of murdering everyone on earth through man-made pathogens. Joe Biden signed us back onto the globalist health scheme on day one because he loves taking orders from murderers and medical tyrants. Trump also threatened to pull the US out of the WTO. He was not shy about his distrust and disgust with the United Nations. He did all of this because he is a nationalist. The entire Trump presidency, really from the elevator until present, has been a massive battle that many fail to recognize. It has nothing to do with republicans and democrats.

It has everything to do with preserving God, Family, and Country versus lawlessness, isolation, and globalism. Both major political parties are full of globalists. Mike Pence, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and Liz Cheney are all examples of globalists representing themselves as republicans. All of the democrats are globalists. Take the war in Ukraine. Which of our representatives are voting in favor of World War III by sending everything the US has to that nation and which are not? Those supporting Ukraine are lawless, seek isolation through individual economic ruin for each of us, and support the globalized vision of a model globalist ‘western’ state in Ukraine. Look at Palestine, Ohio. The same globalists in our government that persistently demand democracy be preserved while offering the totalitarianism of the green agenda won’t say a word about it. Donald Trump forced their hand because while he is far from perfect, he actually went out to Palestine, Ohio and brought humanitarian aid with him. Joe Biden was too busy to visit Palestine, Ohio because he was gearing up Ukraine and Poland for nuclear war while Donald Trump gave a three-plus minute speech demanding peace.

Oil and water do not mix. They can be in the same glass but they don’t mix. Oil leaves stains, residues, and filth in it’s wake. Water leaves a damp spot which dries and provides for life. The globalists are like oil and even after their latest attempt fails they will leave filth behind them which future efforts will build upon. Nationalists are like water – they purify and clean and give life. The reason for this is because nationalists generally have God on their side, a family support system, and a nation to rally around their efforts. Globalists have forsaken all of this.

We honestly need to stop using the republican and democrat paradigm. They simply don’t exist any longer. There are globalists who have replaced God with a vision of a global government and there are nationalists who still remember God, trust in Him, and give Him praise. There are those who follow the Law God gave and there are the lawless – just as Jesus Christ stated over 2,000 years ago. It will be these globalists who, on the day Jesus returns, will be forced to bend their knee and speak the first truth they ever have – Jesus Christ is King. “I do not know you,” will be the reply they receive. Repent and follow the law, strive to live the life of Christ, pray that His blood covers you. If you want to crush the evil in this world, and want to strike fear into the hearts of the lawless, this, my friend, is the only way.

Bless God and God bless.


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