3 Seconds to Midnight

3 Seconds to Midnight

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/22/2023

You had better get right with God. The last three days have been an exercise by western powers to scale Kahn’s escalation ladder two rungs at a time. As it stands, the only way to escalate the war between Ukraine and Russia is to start using tactical nuclear weapons. The 3 seconds being referred to is the doomsday clock and when it reaches midnight, BOOM! Bye bye civilization.

The asinine clown which has infested the White House, Biden, has been on a tour of European nations designed to provoke Russia into confronting NATO directly. He stopped by Kiev and chatted with his money-laundering partner to make it known that the United States stands behind Ukraine’s insane demands to prolong the suffering of the people of Ukraine. While the blithering idiot from the US was visiting, the equally demonic leader of the Ukraine mentioned that he would put tanks inside of Moscow. How absolutely fantastical to think US, German, and British tanks, driven by Ukrainians, would ever get within the outer limits of Moscow. Zelensky also stated that if China begins assisting Russia that World War III would fully commence. I don’t know where Zelensky has been at or what he is smoking but the world is already in World War III and has been for over six months. Ukraine’s words and intentions, fully backed by the war criminal from the US, NATO, and most European nations, show no signs of a desire for peace.

After Biden got done petting Zelensky, he went to Poland. While Biden was in Poland, he announced that the US is at war with Russia and going to increase The United States’ involvement against Russia. Biden framed Putin as “murderous” and as having committed crimes against humanity. In his nighttime, Hitlerian, Warsaw speech, Biden also pretended that Kiev, under Zelensky, who has thrown every political opponent in jail, banned Orthodox Christianity, conscripted millions of his own people into the military, and still supports the neo-Nazi Azov battalion, not only represents a democratic state but freedom as well. You cannot make up how disconnected from reality western powers are. Biden proved this over and over again during his speech:

““He [Putin] doubts our staying power. He doubts our continued support for Ukraine. He doubts whether NATO can remain unified. But there should be no doubt our support for Ukraine will not waver,” he [Biden] said. “NATO will not be divided, and we will not tire,” he added. “President Putin's craven lust for land and power will fail. And the Ukrainian people's love for their country will prevail. Democracies in the world will stand guard over freedom today, tomorrow and forever. For that's what it's -- that's what's at stake here: Freedom.”

Biden has an Orwellian understanding of the word freedom. This presidential interloper has repeatedly demanded US citizens be disarmed, be force vaccinated, and have our speech silenced. He has shut down basic necessities and forced economic and financial hardship upon every single US citizen. He has made repeated demands for the rights of baby murderers, transsexuals, and illegal immigrants while holding political opposition in US prisons where they have been tortured. While he was giving this speech in Poland (who needs enemies when Poland and Ukraine are your friends) it was revealed to the world that the burning materials at the site of a train derailment in Palestine, Ohio – a US city under attack by the federal government – is spewing the most lethal man-made substance known, dioxin (and the most lethal variant of it to boot), over Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky with more areas sure to announce their damages in coming days and weeks. This state-based terrorist regime is killing his own people while claiming we are free – just like that maggot Zelensky. Not only are we being stripped of our rights in the US, we are being made extremely worse off financially as well. Yet, over $100 billion has gone to Zelensky and now the US taxpayer is footing the bill for Ukrainian pensions.

Yet, Biden persisted in his lie. He did a fairly good job of describing himself and the deadly ruse he, and his western counterparts, are operating under and hoping none of us notice. Well, Biden, we have noticed your brand of ‘democracy’ and we are pissed off because no one voted to have you get us into World War III and exterminate the human race. And why is this happening? All because illegitimate NATO (i.e. the US) ‘needed’ to start playing around in Ukraine when they are not even a member of the warmongering ‘security’ organization. So, while he meant this for Putin, Biden’s charges fit him to a tee:

““And while decisions are ours to make now, the principles and the stakes are eternal. The choice between chaos and stability, between building and destroying between hope and fear, between democracy lifting up the human spirit -- and the brutal hand of the dictator who crushes it,” he said.”

These choices, of course, are whether or not to go headlong into a thermonuclear holocaust or to sue for peace and avoid it. The choice was already made in 2014 by that scumbag Communist Barack Hussein Obama – it shall be war until the destruction of mankind has taken place. It shall be war until every nuclear device on earth is unleashed upon humankind. The US government backed the 2014 Ukrainian coup. The US backed Zelensky’s allowing NATO’s presence in the nation – the Minsk Agreement be damned. The US backed the biological laboratories working on chimeric race-specific gain-of-function pathogens. The choice for war has already been decided by the democrat party and many within the republican party as well.

Russia had a state of the union address given by Putin in the middle of Biden’s fantasy-land-based foreign press conferences. It’s not a coincidence that when Putin was speaking communications networks in Russia were suffering from a cyberattack. Putin stated that Russia will no longer be participating in nuclear weapon caps, called the START treaty, and put their nuclear weapons into “combat duty.” If the US decides to conduct nuclear testing Russia will follow suit according to Putin’s speech. And that scumbag traitor and completely moronic and warmongering Secretary of State Antony Blinken noted that Putin’s intentions, as laid out in his speech, were “deeply unfortunate and irresponsible.” Blinken not already having been sentenced to prison is the only think deeply unfortunate here. It is a sad day, and unfortunate and irresponsible day in Blinkinese, when the leader of Russia is able to be found more trustworthy than any federal government official. I agree with Putin when he stated:

““They just tried to use these principles of democracy and freedom to defend their totalitarian values and they tried to distract people’s attention from corruption scandals … from economic-social problems.””…

““The responsibility is on the West and the Ukrainian elite and government, which does not serve the national interest, but [rather serves the interest] of third countries [which] use Ukraine as a military base to fight Russia.

“The more they send weapons to Ukraine, the more we will have the responsibility of the security situation at the Russian border. This is a natural response.””…

““They distort historical facts and constantly attack our culture, the Russian Orthodox Church, and other traditional religions of our country,” Putin said of Western nations supporting Ukraine.

““As it became known, the Anglican Church plans to consider the idea of a gender-neutral God … Millions of people in the West understand they are being led to a real spiritual catastrophe.

““Look at what they do to their own people: the destruction of families, of cultural and national identities and the perversion that is child abuse all the way up to paedophilia, are advertised as the norm … and priests are forced to bless same-sex marriages.”” (inserts in original)

I don’t like Putin having fallen for the west’s trap they laid for Russia; however, Putin is absolutely, one-hundred percent, correct in these statements. Joe Biden is as corrupt as they come and so is the democrat party. The Biden crime syndicate with a member who holds a position of power through a coup is covering their butts by aiding Ukraine, appeasing China, and absolutely prostrating themselves on the floor for any globalist entity – the WEF, WHO, and UN chief among them.

Democrats have been itching for a full on war with Russia since at least 2016 when Killary repeatedly promised that war with Russia was an inevitability if she won the presidency. They had to postpone that conflict until 2021 because this guy named Trump became president and told both nations to stop messing around with one another. Imagine if the US decided to actually close the border and go after the cartels militarily. How would the US government respond to a Russia or China or Iran setting up military aid packages to the cartels? Biden would probably be celebrating the move because he hates this nation – normal leaders though would halt the aid as quickly as they could and would most likely use missiles to achieve it.

The one thing that no one can ignore is the degeneracy of the West in terms of biblical morals. The entire West has become full of reprobates. Those of us with strong faith in God and love of Jesus are, piece by piece, being told that our faith is a mental illness and that we will need to get reprogrammed in a specially designed facility also known as a prison. Hitler, Mao, Stalin and others of their ilk did that and Western leaders, particularly Biden, are hoping to join their ranks. Transsexual rights trump God given rights. Hate speech is found in the Bible because it offends gigantic portions of the reprobate citizenry. Homosexual marriage is to be exalted over heterosexual marriages because the partners are so brave and deserve to be celebrated, biblical morality be damned. Depopulation through baby murder and sterilization campaigns targeting minors is freedom – pregnancy crisis centers are to be burn to the ground in rampages of arson with the culprits never even searched for (Putin didn’t mention this aspect of the degenerate West, but it is degeneracy nonetheless).

In the United States, and in many Western and Western-aligned nations, the government is waging war on simultaneous fronts. The public war is on mean old Russia for defending it’s borders from Western advances and the slaughter of Russian’s inside of Ukraine by state-backed neo-Nazi’s. The quieter war is the one being waged against the citizens of Western and Western-aligned nations. This quieter war is being fought through information. To win this quiet war, we need to acknowledge it is taking place, learn how to say no, and expose it to others. That is happening but not nearly fast enough nor broadly enough.

The way to avert World War III from ending in global nuclear holocaust is to demand peace be found. All of us can demand peace by, well, getting together and demanding peace. Let’s do that – millions of us should assemble at every level of government and demand that peace be pursued between Ukraine and Russia. One way to get peace is to thoroughly expose these war criminals for what they are – demonic, warmongering, scumbags who want all of us dead. Not all of us hold positions to effect this; however, if more people in those positions started asking questions like AP’s Matt Lee did of John Kirby several days ago, things would be a lot clearer – we are being led into World War III by completely delusional psychopaths. John Kirby was forced to admit several truths. Ukraine is not a part of NATO. NATO was expanding into Ukraine despite this. Russia’s claims of NATO expanding towards Russia’s borders is a fact. And NATO claiming that Russia is putting itself in harms war by moving closer to NATO is a lie. It truly is fascinating to watch how belligerently stupid John Kirby thinks everyone else is while he makes a complete jackass out of himself.

These are the people leading us into thermonuclear war. I don’t care where you live – this war will affect every single person on the planet if it is allowed to occur. It is time to sue for a peaceful resolution to this conflict from everywhere – all points – upon the earth. While we are sueing for and demanding peace, we need to realize that there are no adults in the room and prepare for surviving the cataclysm to befall us. I suggest getting right with God be your primary goal. Secondarily, making sure you will have access to food and water, have a stash of fuels, and somewhere to lay low for at least three months seems a prudent start. Learning survival skills like how to grow food, how to mitigate and/or shield radiation, and how to make water potable will prove to be extremely useful. Walking with God; however, even with all of the survival skills, arms, ammo, water, and food in the world, is the only way to ensure your survival. ““Do not fear those who kill the body but are powerless to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who can destroy both soul and body in Gei-Hinnom,” said Jesus in Matthew 10:28. We’d be wise to follow His warning.

Bless God and God bless.


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