The Mark of the Beast Is Sitting on the Drawing Board and About to Become Reality

The Mark of the Beast Is Sitting on the Drawing Board and About to Become Reality

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/24/2023

The mark of the beast, the integral part of the beast system, is written about in the Bible. This isn’t an exercise in eschatology; however. This is very real and is about to be implemented around the globe. It will pertain to those who hate God just as much as it will pertain to those who love God. Religious affiliation aside, the concept of a central bank digital currency is on the drawing board and about to become a reality worldwide.

Do you have a credit card with Mastercard? I suggest you burn it and never use Mastercard for anything ever again. The same goes for Visa. These two companies comprise 76.1% of the US credit card market – American Express makes up 19.6% and Discover contributes 4%. Also, I would be very critical about continuing to use BNY Mellon, Citi, HSBC, PNC Bank, TD Bank, Truist, US Bank, or Wells Fargo for anything. I’d suggest moving any transaction to a different bank. Do what you can to avoid having to use the Swift system. This won’t be easy but it can be done.

Why? They have been participating in a demo for a central bank digital currency for over three months. This currency is nothing like the cash in your pocket, the credit limit on your credit card, or the balance in your bank account. It is the mark of the beast, one of the most speculated upon passages of the Bible:

16 Also it forces everyone — great and small, rich and poor, free and slave — to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead 17 preventing anyone from buying or selling unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18 This is where wisdom is needed; those who understand should count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a person, and its number is 666. - Revelation 13:16-18

I am not going to get into the who. My intent is to get the reader to reject the mark whether you believe in God or not. For those of God, this is very clear. Taking the mark of the beast subjects one to the plagues of the seven bowls (Revelation 16) – sores, the seas becoming unable to sustain life, the rivers and streams turning to blood, the sun burning people, complete darkness, the Euphrates River is dried up loosing three demonic entities which assemble those who hate God for a war against him, and a storm with lightening and thunder and an earthquake which levels all mountains and turns all cities to ruins. Prior to this, a passage reads:

9 Another angel, a third one, followed them and said in a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives the mark on his forehead or on his hand, 10 he will indeed drink the wine of God’s fury poured undiluted into the cup of his rage. He will be tormented by fire and sulfur before the holy angels and before the Lamb, 11 and the smoke from their tormenting goes up forever and ever. They have no rest, day or night, those who worship the beast and its image and those who receive the mark of its name.” 12 This is when perseverance is needed on the part of God’s people, those who observe his commands and exercise Yeshua’s faithfulness. - Revelation 14:9-12

Most Christians are very well aware of this prophesy. Things are going to get bad. Really, really bad. The mark of the beast ensures one’s damnation as well as their torment on this earth according to the Bible. For those not ascribing to the Bible; however, I need to ask – do you like the government? Do you trust that government so much that you want them to track every purchase you make? How about the for-profit Federal Reserve Bank System, do you trust them? Do you think either of these entities are going to have your best interests in mind? I can definitively answer a few of those questions – the government hates you and the Federal Reserve System may hate you even more than the government does. Whether you believe in God or not, both of these entities understand that God is absolutely a reality and they also think they will defeat God of the Day of Judgment.

That is exactly what a CBDC is supposed to do, track every transaction in real time. All of the financial entities listed above (and more) are salivating while awaiting the FED’s initiation of its CBDC. Mastercard in particular has a white paper they released in January 2022. It is titled Central Bank Digital Currencies: How Mastercard can support central banks in their exploration of Central Bank Digital Currencies.

“Digital currencies increasingly show potential to become a part of everyday commerce, and we are committed to supporting the industry to realize the benefits of this potential and to support the future of payments. Innovative new solutions for sustainable and inclusive economic growth can benefit everyone, everywhere.” [page 3]

Some people have adopted cryptocurrencies because of their anonymity. The decentralized nature of blockchain technology is the selling point of cryptocurrency. Blockchain; however, doe not need to necessarily be decentralized. If blockchain is centralized, as the FED would do with a CBDC, then every transaction would be able to be tracked in real time. This centralized version of blockchain will apply to everyone.

“Mastercard is committed to helping central banks explore the opportunities CBDCs present and sees itself playing a critical role in enabling and supporting new digital networks like CBDCs from an infrastructure, applications, and services level.” [page 3]

Mastercard has, for decades, made money hand over fist by charging processing fees, transaction fees, user fees, and interest rates. They are worth $349.57 billion with net assets of $34.724 billion. Those funds are going towards implementing a CBDC which they hope to write the regulations for and make massive profits from. The document which is referenced above is really a brochure for the reasons Mastercard should be used in the FED’s research and implementation of CBDC.

“Even before the COVID-19 pandemic—and certainly since—consumers have been increasingly moving away from paying in physical cash and toward engaging in online commerce, which is accelerating rapidly. At the same time, we are seeing the continued development of blockchain-based crypto-assets that lack any central bank involvement or backing. Naturally, central banks also are looking toward the future by investigating how new technologies such as blockchain may support innovation while maintaining monetary policy and financial stability.” [page 5]

This describes the idea that cash needs to be gotten rid of, one way or another. Thus far, cash has been given up voluntarily because of incentives to use other forms of payment. Debit cards, credit cards, iPay and anything which is a non-cash payment is encouraged while cash is demonized. During COVID-19 we were told that cash could make people sick, for instance. Cryptocurrencies don’t make the FED or Mastercard any money nor does it give them any control over our purchases but it, too, is an alternative to cash. To Mastercard and the FED, the logical solution is to migrate to a CBDC so they can eliminate cash and make money in the process.

“Why are Central Banks exploring CBDCs? […] Overcoming the inefficiencies associated with the costs of printing and movement of money borne by the central bank […] Delivering new payment functionality, such as programmable and offline payment capabilities and more efficient, secure government disbursements […] Providing a stable, secure alternative to unregulated cryptocurrencies, whose value is volatile, in order to maintain trust in the nation’s monetary system” [page 5]

In 2022 the FED budgeted $1.060 billion in order to print money. The most expensive bill to print is the $100 and cost 17 cents. They want to reduce the money printing budget as well as the transportation of physical money to $0. In other words, the FED, a privately owned foreign bank, wants to reduce their overhead by not having to print physical cash anymore.… The term “programmable” means that deductions can be made after a deposit has been recorded in a banking institution. “Government distributions” is referring to Universal Basic Income (UBI) which the participants in CBDC hide by claiming that it’s for tax returns, SSI, retirement, unemployment, and other welfare benefits…. To foster trust, the FED is going to demonize, and eventually convince Congress to completely outlaw, all competition to the FED’s centralized CBDC including cash, non-blockchain credit services, and especially alternative blockchain networks.

“Real-time payments provide governments another option for fostering financial inclusion and offer safe, seamless, and secure payments to reduce the use of cash and eliminate shadow economies. RTP solutions also enable financial institutions to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving digital payments landscape.” [page 7]

Mastercard is facilitating and advancing the war on cash being waged by the FED. By definition, a real-time payment system would provide for immediate transactions which would necessitate artificial intelligence to monitor for acceptability including whether the funds are available, whether or not the transaction may be fraudulent, and whether or not the transaction is even an option for that user.

“To avoid inadvertently facilitating financial crime, central banks that issue CBDCs must do more than set stringent KYC [Know Your Customer] and AML [Anti-Money Laundering] standards for supervised intermediaries; they must also provide a network-level view that empowers all intermediaries to more effectively identify and trace financial crime as it moves across the ecosystem.” [page 22]

In order to achieve this ‘security’ all users will be forced to give up all of their anonymity. Purchases will need to be tracked in real time as previously mentioned.

“To most effectively secure a retail CBDC from both foreign and domestic threats, central banks will need to deploy ecosystem-level monitoring tools that are global in scope; relying on partners to provide critical intelligence from beyond their own borders.” [page 23]

Not only will a CBDC be global, but the surveillance of the CBDC will be global. All nations will be forced into monitoring transactions and taking actions against anyone deemed to be making a fraudulent transaction. Nations will also be forced to share this information with the FED.

“Forging new paths for sustainable and inclusive economic growth improves the quality of life and the financial security of all segments of society. Maintaining public trust will be a critical element to successful transformation.” [page 24]

I have no trust in the FED. I absolutely do not want them having my data in the first place. I surely do not want them to have all of my financial data. I don’t want them to have real-time data on anything I do nor the locations I make purchases at. This will enhance something called geofencing efforts – a key feature of the 15-minute cities being rolled out right now around the world.

“Finally, we believe in the efficacy of partnerships between the public and private sectors to successfully usher in transformational change, drive adoption, and create the best end-user experience. Ongoing payments innovation, expanded financial inclusion, and the efficiency of national and international payment flows all depend on vibrant private sector competition. If a CBDC is the right path for a central bank to reach its objectives, the private sector can assist in many areas, including the design and distribution of the CBDC.” [page 24]

I have written numerous times that public-private partnerships is a long way around having to be truthful – it’s fascism pure and simple. In particular, Mastercard envisions itself, and has positioned itself, to be a major beneficiary of this particular fascist arrangement between themselves, the FED, and the US government.

So, to try to drive this point home, Mastercard wants the FED to create a CBDC. The New York Innovation Center also wants the FED to create a CBDC. The FED wants to create a CBDC. They are already trying it out and all of the institutions I listed above, the ones to avoid in particular, have decided to help them out. It’s in a document titled, Members of the U.S. Banking Community Launch Proof of Concept For A Regulated Digital Asset Settlement Platform. You may have missed this bit of news as no mainstream news source will touch this with a ten foot pole.

This it what it will look like in real life. All other currencies will end up getting banned. Cash, bitcoin, debit cards, gold, silver, and anything else which is used as currency besides CBDC will be destroyed. All of those thinking “they won’t touch bitcoin or etherium or [name your digital asset]” or “they would never confiscate gold and silver” have another thing coming to them. They will destroy all other cryptocurrencies by making them relational and able to be tracked by the FED. Failure or hesitancy on the cryptocurrency’s part will mean that it is just banned. They have already confiscated gold and silver in the past in the United States as well as in many other nations throughout history and they will do it once more.

Once they get everyone on the CBDC nearly everyone will begin receiving a UBI in my estimation. It will be wrapped up in a pretty bow like the COVID-19 ‘relief’ funds were. Remember they ordered us to stay home and then ran a demonstration of how UBI works. AS time goes on, employment will become a luxury and we will be incentivized, coerced, forced, and finally mandated to cease doing productive work for income in any traditional sense. As all of this occurs, the real features of why the FED wanted the CBDC in the first place will become apparent. By this stage; however, it will have become too late to do anything about it. Coupled with the CBDC will be a Chinese-style social credit score which will include a carbon-budget in it’s calculations. All of us will be directly included in a carbon market where we will be restricted from activities which produce too much carbon like driving a car, having lights on, eating meat, and taking a hot shower. Forget air-conditioning, flying on a plane, or living in anything bigger than a 250 square foot coffin apartment.

In addition to our inclusion into their carbon market, we will also be monitored to make sure we follow all rules, regulations, and edicts issued to us. If we step out of line, the term “programmable” will flash across our minds and all of a sudden our UBI payments were just reduced, our social credit score went down, and a bit of already deposited money was seized instantaneously from our CBDC ledger. The same thing will be true of any comment made in real life and any content produced for consumption by digital sources such as social media. It will only be a matter of time before those who oppose same-sex marriage and baby murder end up homeless, without internet access, and UBI payment too meager to to eat off of.

Everything will be rented as well. You won’t own a car. You won’t own a home. Any extra CBDC will be taken away monthly, weekly, or daily. There will be nothing to hand down through the generations. You will exist as a renter who is viewed by the owner-class as a production unit which will be unneeded as soon as robots are infused with AI and are capable of taking over your job. This is applicable to almost all jobs right now. As people are made obsolete, they will stop getting UBI. The intent will be to starve those who are replaced, dub them obsolete and remove them from existence by death. Obviously most people do not want to die. This will give rise to all of the security features in the CBDC.

If you want to buy bullets, you won’t be able to. If you try to heat your home on a cold day in May your carbon credits, seasonally adjusted of course, will likely not permit you to do that. If you want to hop on the bus to go across town to enjoy a park with a trail you may not be able to because your social credit score may not permit you access. If you want to visit your mother and father in a nursing home two hours away from your front door, you will need to gain approval beforehand – it’s too far away to make a regular habit of. If you travel 31 minutes to work it is likely it will become so expensive for you to go that it will make more sense to quit. Everything will have to be within 15 minutes walking distance from your front door. If you go to a vendor 21 minutes away your CBDC will just not work.

Quantum computing coupled with blockchain would alleviate almost all fears of being hacked because of the insane level of encryption quantum computing provides and the distributed nature of the blockchain. But quantum encryption can be hacked and CBDC, as envisioned by the FED, will not be distributed in any meaningful way because the FED will centralize it. Quantum computing and blockchain are bad enough solutions to this security issue. Far worse will be the response the FED will have in reality – the actual mark – a biometric identity which can include all sorts of data including heart rate, vaccine status, sweat production, vitamin and nutrient monitor, cancer detection, and just about anything else the human body is doing. This ID will also serve as your payment option. The only option will be whether it is in your forehead or in your right hand.

CBDC is not the mark of the beast but it is the system the mark will operate by. And, yes, it will be global. Once all nations instantiate a CBDC it will be extremely easy to force all of them into one currency whether they continue by different names or not. There is an entity which is regarded as the central bank for the central banks called the Bank of International Settlements (BIS). This bank already operates behind the scenes to accomplish all sorts of tasks for central banks on a global scale. Every entity, person, organization, and government which is promoting CBDC as some kind of great idea knows, at some level, they are willingly creating the beast system. They want to make it seem that CBDC is a great idea because the front end will be so easy to use. It will be so convenient to use that using anything else would create an inconvenience. It will be so convenient that billions of humans will willingly get in like to get their biometric ID to secure this convenience and give up all autonomy at the same time.

I mentioned it will be global. CBDC proponents are trying to dazzle as many people as they can before they force it upon everyone who doesn’t like the idea. Convenience and security is their dazzling selling point and people are going to eat it up. Of course these people eating up the lies of CBDC being convenient or secure are only ever going to see the front end of the system and I am sure it will be very simple to operate. The back end of the CBDC system; however, will literally be the devil’s playground. On the back end, all CBDC will end up being identical to one another. They won’t have to share a name. All they will need to do is track, trace, identify, and surveil identically. The BIS could easily decide this is within its purview and force all central banks to operate in the manner the BIS demands, or be cut off from having an operating CBDC at all.

This all sounds creepy doesn’t it? Well, go do a search for BIS CBDC. I did. What I found was Project Rosalind. The latest update to Project Rosalind came in February 2023:

“In February, we reached a significant milestone for Project Rosalind. We hosted a global showcasing event, where we successfully demonstrated a set of API functionalities that could enable a close collaboration between the public and private sector in developing a retail CBDC system as well as supporting a robust ecosystem to spur innovation.

“The next milestone for Project Rosalind is the completion of the TechSprint in April. Further details and key insights from both events will be included in the final project report expected to be published in the second quarter of this year.”

Do you want to read something really creepy? The BIS named their project after Rosalind Franklin who died of cancer at 37 years old in 1958. During her span on earth she treated those she saw as intellectually inferior to her like crap. She took a photo through an X-ray diffraction device called Photo 51 which ended up in Watson and Crick’s hands who then, using her photo, in part, staked a claim as having made the worst discovery ever – DNA. After she stopped working on DNA, Franklin devoted the rest of her life to viruses. And it is this woman which the BIS has named it’s CBDC project after. How can anyone possibly deny that CBDC is already being developed with the intent to tattoo, inject, or implant it upon or inside our bodies?

If you have read this article to here, I sincerely thank you. This is where the religion comes back. The Antichrist will readily make provisions in the CBDC code to ensure you have rejected God and thus have ‘secured’ your ability to continue using the CBDC system, aka the beast system. We were warned in the Bible that this would come to pass. Here it is. The beast system will be operational in a matter of years. I would bet on it being globalized by no later than 2030. My best guess is that CBDC’s will be a global currency by 2025 unless something stops it. That ‘something’ will be, and can only be, God Himself. God will not stop all of this from occurring unless we all turn our faces towards Him. I don’t think humanity will do this, even though I pray we do often. If humanity as a whole rose up and said no to CBDC we could stop it but far too many are blind to it’s existence and there are many who see CBDC as a positive. This, too, is because they have neither sought the guidance of the Holy Spirit nor decided it was worth their time to pray to God. I suggest to everyone, get right with God. I urge everyone to read the Bible, learn His ways, and do what you can to walk with Him. Social credit scores won’t like anyone walking with God and only God will give you a way to flee from it in the first place.

Bless God and God bless.


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