The World Hates Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ)

The World Hates Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ)

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/22/2023

I believe that Yeshua walked this earth, taught directly out of the Torah, lived out all of the 613 laws of the Torah to perfection, was sentenced to death because the ways of the world in Yeshua’s time were so perverse that one living the Torah caused too many problems (especially for those claiming to teach the Torah), that He defeated Sheol (Hell), was resurrected, and awaits His orders to return to this earthly realm. Not everyone believes that, but about a billion people do claim to believe in Yeshua through the Christian faith. The Torah was given to the nation of Israel and is supposed to be the bedrock upon which the Jewish faith rests as well as the Christian faith. Apparently a segment of the 15 million Jews on earth have a really big problem with the idea of Yeshua – and now it is showing up in legislation.

Most are aware of the fact that if you take a Bible into certain regions of the world, you likely will never get out of that region of the world. Many have died in a prison cell or been beaten to death in the streets by the loving locals practicing their pagan ways. Muslim nations and some Hindu areas are famous for butchering those who theologically disagree with them. Many of the adherents of Yeshua’s teachings have been murdered for preaching the news of Yeshua. Even during the time of Yeshua, the Romans and the Jews found those following His teachings – all of which are firmly rooted in the Torah – and mistreated them. After Yeshua’s resurrection, Jews and Romans alike sought out followers of the living Torah and destroyed them. In the meantime, Jews created elaborate stories, theological arguments against Yeshua being the Messiah, and named other Rabbis as being more like the Messiah that Yeshua. The Romans took the Torah – the teachings of Yeshua – and mangled it so that it better fit with their pagan ways.

As time went on, toleration of those with different beliefs were found. Those of other faiths, it was realized, didn’t need to be imprisoned, tortured, and killed. Most realized this. Those that realized this created what are known as secular societies today. I have issue with secular societies because when a nation is completely secular it turns into a living Hell – look at China, Venezuela, and Cuba today. A completely secular society is by definition going to end up concentrating power into one dictator who will operate based on decree at worst or rule by committees based on scientism at best. The people are commanded to replace belief in God with a belief in whoever is ruling them. Those that step out of line with the edicts of the state’s dictator(s) are sent to reeducation camps, tortured, and murdered.

The ‘opposite’ of secularism is theocracy. Theocracy’s are most common in the Islamic world. Iran is probably the most representative of these states. They follow a strict code called Shariah Law found in their holy books – the most fundamental of which is the Koran. Under their laws what we would consider bizarre and abuse in the West is routine practice because they do not respect people in the society. They respect the barbarity of their demonic ‘god’ and satanist who authored their religion. They see no issues with lying, raping, and murdering anyone who rejects the lies of Allah or Mohammad. They force their women to cover themselves and to be escorted by a male family member in public. Arranged marriages are all the rage. Disobedient wives are beaten and disfigured. Women have their female parts mangled. All of that is dictated through their religion. Talking about Yeshua or possessing a Bible in this nation will likely earn you a death sentence.

In the United States, I believe the framers of the Constitution came the closest of any nation to finding a balance between the purest forms of secularism which breeds totalitarianism through human reasoning and the theocratic state which breeds totalitarianism through mankind interpreting the religious texts. That balance brought the United States government into a social contract with the people and several States based on the notion that the morality of the Bible needs to be retained yet, at the same time, reason must be used. All of that, of course, has been destroyed in this country for over 100 years, but still, that idea is what is enshrined in the US Constitution. The document acknowledges the Bible’s morality and emulates it throughout as well as provides ways to address innovations which spawn from the minds of men. The framers knew what trade and travel were and they addressed that yet they had no idea what flight was, let alone that humans would be launching crafts into space less than 170 year later. It is that moral underpinning which was paramount to the system of government operating correctly and which has so badly been targeted and debased since the Constitution’s ratification. With the erosion of the moral underpinning, the erosion of freedom has become overt. What was attacked was belief in Yeshua and belief in God. As belief in God shrunk, the importance of a government based on the morality of the Bible disappeared with it.

Israel is a secular nation. It is the home of the Jews, the descendants of Israel. Israel as a political entity is based on an unwritten constitution, much like the United Kingdom is. The Jewish nation is not under the theocracy of the Torah (which would look very different that the Islamic versions), it is a parliamentary democracy. According to many, the Jewish state will need to accomplish several things before the return of Yeshua (the appearance of the Messiah in the first place for the Jews). One is that Israel will become a theocracy under, I am assuming, the Torah. Another is that Israel will regain all of it’s lands as described in the Torah. This will be a highly recognizable event because modern Israel would need to grow. That growth would encompass the eastern Upper Nile Delta in Egypt, the northern portions of Saudi Arabia, half of Iraq, two-thirds of Syria, over two-thirds of Turkey, and all of Jordan, Cyprus, Lebanon, and Kuwait. And, of course, the Temple will need to be rebuilt – the Antichrist will need to rule from somewhere.

Now, in the Bible all of these things are stated to be in the future. While many of the prophecies have come to pass, some have not, of which these are prime examples. Jews look at these prophecies and have determined that Yeshua could not have been the Messiah because of the prophecies He did not accomplish. Most Christians avoid many of those prophecies altogether, as well as the teachings of the Torah. Personally, I cannot understand why Yeshua could not have been sent to cleanse men of their sins through His sacrifice and will return to purge mankind of their evil. I wrote about this at length in The Torah and Jesus – Jews and Christians, Reconsider.

Israel; however, has two members of the Knesset (their parliament) introduce a bill titled Proposed Penal Law: Amendment – Prohibition of Solicitation of Religious Conversion – 2023. Despite being a secular state, Israel does have several ares in their laws where they recognize their religious character. Thus, it is already illegal in Israel to compensate someone to change their religion, particularly minors. The proposed amendment; however, would add, “someone who solicits a person, directly, digitally, by mail, or online in order to convert his religion, the punishment – one year imprisonment; and if the person was a minor, the punishment – two years imprisonment,” to Israeli law.

Israel is not experiencing Jews leaving the Torah to worship Allah, Buddha, or the pantheon of Hindu gods – they are leaving because they are learning of and adopting the message of Yeshua. To me this is wonderful because Yeshua tells all who follow Him to follow the Torah as well. Who better knows the Torah than the Jews? Hopefully these Jewish converts are not throwing the Torah away though – a very real possibility as well, as most of Christianity has decided the Torah is no longer relevant. But – it is their choice to follow the Torah or to follow Yeshua as Christians or, better yet, as Messianic Jews. Those who choose to accept Yeshua, either by becoming Messianic or by converting to Chritianity; however, are cut off from their communities under Jewish custom so, it is a major, life changing decision not to be made lightly. Making the speech of proponents of Yeshua a criminal action; however, is a big problem.

An organization called Beyneynu is very concerned over the loss of Jewish believers converting to Christianity. The Times of Israel notes the tightrope act that Israel is doing in order to keep it’s adherents and the reason Beyneynu, and the legislation proposed, is important to Jews. “Partnering with Christian leaders and organizations offers Israel many benefits if it does not cross the line and enable missionary activity. However, key Israeli institutions are actively cooperating with missionaries, giving them free reign to preach their faith among vulnerable Israeli populations.” [italics mine] To me it sounds like the entire Israeli population needs to be reintroduced to the Torah. It seems they don’t have a problem with converts as much as they have issues with Israeli’s being introduced to theology. They seem to be saying they are having a problem with bringing their children up under the Torah and having their children follow the Torah for the rest of their lives.

Instead of seeking to do a better job though legislation has been introduced to make Jews converting to other religions a criminal act. The criminal under the proposed legislation; however, is not the Jew who had a change of heart and a change mind. It is anyone speaking about a different faith to an Israeli Jew. Do better? No – just criminalize massive amounts of speech. While Beyneynu is, thus far, silent upon the specific legislative effort in the Knesset their position is telling. The Times of Israel reported about Beyneynu as, “Their goal is to encourage and guide Jewish leadership and Israeli institutions to operate with clear respectful boundaries, and to institute a code of conduct when working with non-Jewish faith-based organizations, especially those with a focus on converting others.” The Beyneynu website contains a passage reading which hits especially close to home, “Messianic churches are deliberately designed to appear Jewish.  These churches misappropriate Jewish symbols and traditions to lure the most vulnerable Jews into their ranks.”

Now, why would Jews decide to any of this? Why would there be a proposition to criminalize conversions? Perhaps it is that some of these conversions are conducted by undercover Christians posing as Jews. I wouldn’t tolerate that either, but this bill would make it a criminal act for a Jew and a known Christian to discuss their differences in theology if the Jew decides to adopt Christ following the discussion. Quite literally it would ban speaking the name of Yeshua in Israel. More bizarre is that Yeshua was a Jew, led a flock of Jews, and preached a message of peace, yet some Israeli’s want all of that banned. The truth of those facts must be criminalized. Why would Beyneynu decide that Messianic churches are engaging in ‘misappropriating Jewish symbols and traditions’? Because they hate Yeshua is the only answer I can come up with. In the most bizarre aspect of this entire story, Beyneynu was founded and staffed by Christians who converted to Judaism. They don’t hate Christians per se, nor Christianity necessarily, but they certainly have it out for Yeshua.

I have learned over the course of the last year that merely reading Isaiah 53 may earn a Jew a one way ticket to no longer being accepted by the Jewish community. As such, I will append the entire chapter at the end of this article. I hope they do pass their law, criminalize the truth of Yeshua, and move Israel one step closer to being a Torah-observant theocracy. I hope so many Jewish people read this – both the well-versed and the ‘vulnerable’ that Israel charges me with 30 million years in jail.

But it doesn’t stop there. The ADL and SPLC wants to ban any and all speech discussing Jewish thought or religion if they even slightly disagree with it. They want this article and anything similar to it classified as Antisemitic hate speech. They want people like me muzzled, fined, and imprisoned. And they are bringing the same type of legislation proposed in the Knesset to the United States through Antisemitism laws. These laws draw on the definition of antisemitism given by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, ““Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.””

No problems seem to arise out of that definition; however, a closer look at the IHRA’s examples gives rise to a lot of unneeded problems arising for those who recognize Yeshua as the Son of God. According to the same web page it is Antisemitic to do any of the following, “Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions. […] Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations. […] Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.”

That last one in particular is extremely troublesome because the Jews literally demanded that Yeshua be sacrificed and that a murderer, Barabbas, be spared (Matthew 27). I don’t hate the Jews for having done that – they HAD to do it because that is what the prophecies dictated they do. How can there be a sacrifice for all of mankind’s sins without the lamb? He was not beloved by those demanding He be put on the stake. They loved their making their sin sacrifices yet failed to recognize the offering they prepared to be made to God in the form of His Son for the salvation of ALL of humanity. Sadly, the Jews have no use for that nor any of the New Testament. And so be it if Jews wish to only adhere to the Torah and reject the Messiah. Te problem arises when laws like this are implemented outside of Israel. Now, this may sound Antisemitic according to some; however, if you are a Jew who feels this way – go to Israel and endorse the ban on speech about Yeshua there. We don’t need Antisemitic laws in the United States that turn believers in Yeshua into criminals simply for understanding that it was the Jewish priest class which demanded Yeshua die.

Nonetheless, many states are considering legislation which would do exactly that. Georgia has House Bill 30. Florida and South Carolina have already passed similar bills. The US Department of State as well as the US Department of Justice uses the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition. Again, this is highly problematic for anyone who believes in Yeahua. Mayber that is why the Department of Justice saw it fit to target traditional Catholics as terrorist threats. It is important to note that Catholics are not the ones even doing the Israeli conversions – let alone acting out terrorist incidents. But, they do believe that it was the Jews who demanded the Messiah be killed – as recorded in scripture….

Some Israelis and states in the United States have declared open hostility torads, if not outright war upon, Yeshua. The European Union has no use for Him – they replaced Him with man-made climate change. Ukraine is going to great lengths to ban Him as He appears in the Bible. The Chinese have demanded that all Christian congregations replace Him with the dictator. India is Hindu and hostile to Christ. The entire Moslem world demands that Jesus was a lowly prophet who will return to assist their demonic god in slaughtering non-Moslems. Christians, in many instances, do not believe in Yeshua. His name is despised by more people than love Him. Thus, the world, indeed, hates Yeshua.

To wrap up the loose ends presented. Anyone in the United States who refuses to promote the interests of the United States should be called out for their activities directed to foreign entities. Israel is no exception to this idea. Any Jewish individual in the United States who wants to criminalize Yeshua can go right on over to Israel and support the political parties pushing that legislation in Israel. There is a global cabal running the show. This cabal is thoroughly demonic and seeks to destroy all of humanity. There are those with Jewish blood involved in this cabal but it is not comprised only nor even primarily of those with Jewish blood. As for practicing the Jewish faith – it’s out of the question, the cabal worships the Adversary. There are so-called Christians, Moslems, Hindus, and others involved with the cabal – they all worship the Adversary. Those worshiping the teller of the lies of this world can and do call themselves many things. They embed themselves into the religious institutions of this world and corrupt them. Many have already been so deceived.

Finally, one last loose end. Those wanting to ban speech about Yeshua can go to Israel, any Moslem nation, or China, among others. Those wanting to speak about the salvation offered through Yeshua’s sacrifice can go to many areas of the United States and pockets in Australia, Canada, South America, Europe, and Russia. Where are the Messianic to go? Where are the Torah observant Christians to go? What nation, what refuge do these believers have? Believing in Yeshua bars us from Israel despite observing the Torah. Observing the Torah prevents us from being acceptable in Christian congregations. What refuge is there then? Right now it is the United States – I know first hand that Messianic Jews fleeing Ukraine have sought refuge in the United States and that Israel refused to admit many of them. There are somewhere around 400,000 Messianic Jewish congregants and no nation will take us in during hard times. Israel rejects those who are of Jewish descent who acknowledge Yeshua and Christians reject the Torah observant aspect of the faith. All of the nations on earth will take devoted Adversary worshipers. Where is it that Yuval Noah Harari is not permitted? He is certainly welcomed by the Israeli people despite being homosexual, transhumanist, and constantly advocating for the extinction of the human species as God created them.

That’s the biggest hypocrisy of all. Openly flaunting the Torah is perfectly fine in Israel. Trying to exterminate the entire world is something the Israeli government apparently tolerates – Harari still resides in Tel Aviv. George Soros is allowed to use his Jewish blood to deflect the fact that he worked for the Nazi’s during the happiest time of his life. The Israeli’s don’t bat an eye. Yet they want to go after people like me for suggesting that Yeshua is salvation? Meanwhile Christians scoff at the idea that the Torah is even relevant. I don’t know what to say other than go read your Bible’s. Jews – that includes the New Testament. Christians that includes the Old Testament and the New Testament as well – Jesus is the living Torah – to follow Yeshua is to follow Torah as laid out in the Bible. Go read your Bible’s people!!!! To get you started I include Isaiah 53 as it appears in the Complete Jewish Bible, as promised.

Bless God and God bless.

Isaiah 53

1 Who believes our report?

To whom is the arm of Adonai revealed?
2 For before him he grew up like a young plant,
like a root out of dry ground.
He was not well-formed or especially handsome;
we saw him, but his appearance did not attract us.
3 People despised and avoided him,
a man of pains, well acquainted with illness.
Like someone from whom people turn their faces,
he was despised; we did not value him.

4 In fact, it was our diseases he bore,
our pains from which he suffered;
yet we regarded him as punished,
stricken and afflicted by God.
5 But he was wounded because of our crimes,
crushed because of our sins;
the disciplining that makes us whole fell on him,
and by his bruises* we are healed.

6 We all, like sheep, went astray;
we turned, each one, to his own way;
yet Adonai laid on him
the guilt of all of us.

7 Though mistreated, he was submissive —
he did not open his mouth.
Like a lamb led to be slaughtered,
like a sheep silent before its shearers,
he did not open his mouth.
8 After forcible arrest and sentencing,
he was taken away;
and none of his generation protested
his being cut off from the land of the living
for the crimes of my people,
who deserved the punishment themselves.
9 He was given a grave among the wicked;
in his death he was with a rich man.

Although he had done no violence
and had said nothing deceptive,
10 yet it pleased Adonai to crush him with illness,
to see if he would present himself as a guilt offering.
If he does, he will see his offspring;
and he will prolong his days;
and at his hand Adonai’s desire
will be accomplished.
11 After this ordeal, he will see satisfaction.
“By his knowing [pain and sacrifice],
my righteous servant makes many righteous;
it is for their sins that he suffers.
12 Therefore I will assign him a share with the great,
he will divide the spoil with the mighty,
for having exposed himself to death
and being counted among the sinners,
while actually bearing the sin of many
and interceding for the offenders.”

[Isaiah 53 is referenced in the NT in many places including Matthew 8, John 12, Luke 22, Peter 2, Acts 8, and Romans 10.]


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