The NWO and the Alternatives

The NWO and the Alternatives

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/23/2023

We are being given three choices. These choices will set humanity’s course for decades. It is bigger than a man. Donald Trump will not save us from having to make this choice. Joe Biden will not save us from having to make this choice. YOU have to make this choice. If you haven’t already made this choice – I’d suggest you set out to ask the right question, which I hope this article helps you to do, and answer it on your own – no one can answer it but you.

Choice 1 – The New World Order being established as the West envisions it. It features the Great Reset and the technologies underpinning it. Any of these technologies requires individual human beings to cede a part of their own liberty and autonomy to the technology and the men and women behind it. These technologies combined, the convergence the NWO calls it, threaten the very survival of humanity as God created us.

These technologies include 5G and 6G, artificial intelligence, blockchain, genetic engineering, and robotics. There are more, but these five suffice for the point of the example being made. 5G and 6G saturates the biosphere with frequencies which do not normally occur with the capability to disrupt biological systems. The point of artificial intelligence is not to assist human beings but to replace the intellect of human beings with silicon-based facsimiles of human beings. Blockchain is a potential for enhanced human freedom; however, once the leaders of the NWO hijack it and centralize it – it will lend itself to complete human enslavement. The only reason to conduct operations in genetic engineering is to create chimeric life forms. Robots are intended to replace human being’s physical labors as well as to be implanted into human bodies for ‘enhanced’ capabilities. On any one of these fronts, serious problems arise for humanity in general – namely human beings will no longer be able to compete with the technologies in these areas, making human beings increasingly obsolete.

The convergence of these technologies represents the end of humanity. Artificial intelligence, operating upon the data from a singular blockchain stream, implanted into the human body and included in the circuitry of robots, connected through 5G and 6G technologies, is complete enslavement. What is described here is basically the idea of the Internet of Things combined with the Internet of People (we’ll use the Internet of Everything to describe both). It is also a description of exactly how a Central Bank Digital Currency will operate. The point of converging these technologies is to force everything and everyone to be tracked by sensors on the Internet of Everything in real time.

This idea is what technocracy is for the individual. The idea is track every resource in real time. A board or committee of experts (or an AI) analyzes the total amount of resources and determines who gets what and for what purposes. Food, water, and energy are paramount in the technocratic scheme. Who gets what will be dependent upon compliance with various mandates and decrees. Some of these will include managing our carbon footprint appropriately and within our allotments, taking all of the vaccines suggested, having certain robotic and genetically engineered implants in our body, and measuring our devotion to the technocratic system.

Those acquainted with the Bible will recognize that this looks a lot like the Beast system described in Revelation. That’s because it is. Right now there are chips in our cards. Those chips will stick around for a bit – at least through the global digital currency revolution which will have the capacity to really put each and every human being into the Internet of Everything. As real and supposed security risks mount this system will be moved off of cards with chips and into the human body itself through bioengineering teaming up with vaccines. Nanobots will be introduced into our bodies for health surveillance by choice at first and through increasingly severe mandates as time goes on. Those taking the chimeric nanobots into their bodies will be forced to swear complete allegiance to the Antichrist when he appears on the scene. Those who refuse will be decapitated after they are tortured to attempt to change their minds. This is totalitarian – there is only complete intellectual, physical, and spiritual subservience to this NWO once these things come about for any individual.

This is the New World Order which is favored by the West. The United States, European Union, Australia, United Nations, World Economic Forum, International Monetary Fund, Ukraine, and others favor this version of the New World Order. Enlisted into this scheme is most of the rest of the governments of the world in conjunction with many multinational business entities, academic ‘elites’, non-governmental organizations, and international forums not mentioned. Even China, until recently, was firmly in this NWO bloc. The ultimate goal of this bloc is to create a United Nations/WEF dominated global technocratic totalitarian system designed to enslave everyone or murder them for their non-compliance.

Choice 2 – Another version of the New World Order is quickly taking shape. Russia has bucked the Western version of the NWO for quite a while. They understood that the USSR was the West’s ideal civilization which is why it was initiated, funded, and propped up for so long by the West. Having gone through it, seeing it collapse, and not wanting to endure the horrors under that system again, the Russians are uniquely positioned and qualified to rebel against the global installment of the technocratic totalitarianism.

In China, the West decided to do, basically, the same activity as the activities they conducted in Russia which created the USSR. While Russia’s system crumbled, China’s mutated into what it is today. Instead of strictly sticking to Communist economic policies, China adopted some free market ideas as long as the could be completely managed by the Chinese government. In essence the nation of China has not been Communist for several decades – it was made into a fascist state. The businesses are still completely under the government’s thumb yet the operators of those government approved businesses are able to retain some of the proceeds. It is the exact same thing the Adolf Hitler did in Germany and all of it is Marxist.

China and Russia creating deeper diplomatic, military, business, and monetary ties represents a big problem for the Western NWO. Russia and China, together, represent 1.6 billion people – 20% of the total number of people on earth. The 1.45 billion Chinese people are already under a social credit score. Sooner or later, Russia will also adopt a social credit score and have announced their intention to implement a central bank digital currency as has China. Plans have already been drawn up to create an alternative to the Western NWO’s most important asset – the US dollar being the reserve currency of the world. To combat the reserve currency, Russia and China, along with India, Brazil, and South Africa (BRICS – with additional countries also seeking membership) have long sought to create a currency based on their own currencies in a basket. These three countries in addition to China and Russia get the total number of people in the Eastern NWO (we’ll use that term for ease of distinction) to almost 3.3 billion people – 41% of the human beings on earth. The Eastern NWO which is being created poses a serious threat to the stability of the Western NWO.

Nowhere is this more clearly on display in the world than in the war in Ukraine. The war and the events which have taken place – particularly Western sanctions against Russia – have created a no-brainer situation where decisions start become black and white. Russia may not trust China (they have decided to defect from the Western NWO to create their own version – the Eastern NWO) but they are dependent upon resource exports and China is dependent on the resources Russia has for sale. The sanctions pushed the two nations together. As a result, the Eastern NWO is getting much more powerful at the Western NWO’s expense. The war between Russia and Ukraine is basically a civil war war being fought between Russia and Ukraine. From the 30,000 foot view; however, the world’s involvement in the conflict really represents a third world war being fought between the Eastern and Western versions of the New World Order.

The Eastern version of the NWO will feature basically the same thing the Western version does. The difference between the two versions is that the Chinese government is the driver of it’s implementation. While the United States government – the driver of the Western NWO’s implementation – will, at times, at least pay lip service to upholding human rights the Chinese has openly declared they do not care how many of their own people must perish, let alone those of other nations. The Chinese have indicated a desire to take the resources of the United States and exterminate every US citizen in the process. In other words, the difference between the two versions of the NWO is the West pretends it is not openly hostile towards humanity while the Eastern version promises the complete annihilation of everyone in it’s path.

Choice 3 – Rejecting both versions of the New World Order’s is not a task for those unable to think nor for those who are weak in heart or faith. The third choice is to align with God. To align with God means understanding how to set one’s self apart while seeking the favor of God. The way to do this is in the Torah – sorry Christians who refuse the Torah. Also, to align with God we must recognize that God sent Yeshua in the flesh to offer us salvation from our sins. Yeshua is the living Torah. To follow Yeshua is to follow the Torah – again, sorry Christians you are under the Torah. Also, sorry Jewish people who hate Yeshua – you don’t need a new Temple to start making sin sacrifices at, you need to accept the salvation of Yeshua. That is all Biblical – go read it for yourself if you want to fact check me.

The third choice is to reject the ways of the world in favor of seeking the favor of God as descried above. On this world, being as though we are in it (we are not supposed to be of it), there are some things we should probably be doing. Recognizing the truth of the situation humanity is in is a great first step. We need not only to recognize, reject, and rebel against the NWO versions, we need to recognize the lower hanging fruit as well. Many already do this. Abortion, central bank digital currencies, genetic engineering, LGBTQ ‘rights’, medical tyranny, drag queen story time, world war, and economic collapse are far easier to identify than the choices presented above. They are easier to identify because they are more local to our lives. The prime example right now is, inflation is robbing the individuals and local communities they live in as the economy lurches to and fro as it begins to collapse. This is easy to detect because it is affecting everyone in the US and the rest of the world.

If you hope to be provided for your allegiance needs to be decided now. The only way to fight against the ways of the world is to align yourself with God. The Bible contains a passage in the New Testament at Matthew 10:28-31 which has been used several times in recent months to stress the importance of using our free will to make this choice now rather than putting the decision off until it is too late to make the decision at all. It reads, 28 “Do not fear those who kill the body but are powerless to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who can destroy both soul and body in Gei-Hinnom. 29 Aren’t sparrows sold for next to nothing, two for an assarion? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s consent. 30 As for you, every hair on your head has been counted. 31 So do not be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows. Everyone on this earth will die (transhumanism is a lie). We need not concern ourselves with that as much as we should concern ourselves with what happens to us after our death – who can kill the soul? Only God can kill the soul. God will only kill the soul if we decide to turn our faces from Him – if we use our free will to reject Him. If we follow the ways of this world we are turning our faces decidedly away from God. Our souls are in peril if we do that.

Warning – I feel this is a much needed section because there are so many thinking there are alternative ways to these. There are not. Actually, I provided too many choices myself. There are two – God and not God. The Eastern and Western versions of the NWO really only represent one choice – the way of the world. These two ‘choices’ between competing visions for the way of the world display the different levels of depravity willing to be engaged in. The end goal is the same – mass human extinction and enslavement while demanding we use our free will to reject God in the process.

The warning comes from the fact that there are those who have decided there is a third way. These people want nothing to do with God nor anything to do with any NWO. There are two main philosophies driving these people. There are the people that believe they can prepare for the worst and that, alone, will save them from any worldwide calamity. There are those who revel in their ignorance, pay no attention to anything going around them, and claim that everything is just fine. Both are not only completely wrong – they are completely useless at best and very dangerous at worst.

As soon as the idea of prepping is introduced the idea of lots of guns and ammo comes to the people’s minds. This is an important part of prepping but does not cover even the most basic needs humans have. Guns are needed to protect what one has. Is that a garden? Is it livestock? Is it water? Is it storable food? Medical supplies, water purification, shelter, energy sources, and relationships are just as important to prepping as guns and ammo are, more in my opinion. The idea that people will be able to shoot their way out of any situation is one which is far too prevalent. The idea that someone will start going around murdering people for their things is what is really being propagated by individuals holding these ideas. On top of that, even if they do get into a defensive position, they do not have God to offer them protection whatsoever. When their ammo runs out, their food is eaten, and their water tainted, they will have nothing to rely on but murdering those who do have it or joining a group of like-minded individuals who murder others to get what they require. If you are one of these people who plan on making it through future calamities in this manner I urge you to reconsider. Seek God. Realize the methods being deployed to extinguish the non-compliant will not be able to be shot at to effectively neutralize the threats. Those methods will include slaughterbot swarms and chimeric plagues created by NWO psychopaths. I’m not trying to say don’t prepare, I am saying prepare the most important part of the entire prepping equation – your soul.

For those who pretend that everything is a-okay – it’s not. It wasn’t okay under Donald Trump. it’s certainly worse under Joe Biden. It will still be bad under a Ron DeSantis or another Donald Trump administration but not as bad as another Joe Biden administration or a Mike Pence, Gavin Newsom, or Nikki Haley administration. The people running the show behind the scenes want all of the chaos upon the world to occur. Economies will collapse, technologies will erode and destroy the ability of humanity to act of their own volition, and faith in the ‘experts’ will be demanded under any elected leader. Denying that a choice even needs to be made will allow whatever leader is in power to do their will knowing that you aren’t even paying attention to weigh in one way or another. Is that you – I don’t think so because you chose to read this far (thank you very much for your time and participation!) but those people are out there. They have memorized the statistics of every player on the 2022 New York Jets football team but when asked what nanotechnology is they state they don’t know what that is and, more concerning, that they do not care. They will go on to memorize the 2023 New York Jets statistics. These people will not care about what is going on until 47 people are moved into their home under the new pandemic mitigation and all of them are Brazilian soccer fans who hate American football. Even then all they will care about is the Jets. I hope this article gets into circulation among these sorts of people and they become enraged with what has been written in this article. I hope they realize that they only have themselves to be angry with and that this choice is still looms over their heads. If they make the choice then they can start taking a stand one way or another. Not everyone will choose God but if even one does, then one more will be an ally, a brother, a refuge for those who have chosen God, and a refugee able to be quickly integrated into the social fabric of his or her brothers and sisters in God and Yeshua.

Take all of this to the Lord in prayer. Please, take it to the Lord in prayer – it’s the ultimate fact check. If you don’t know God, seek Him, read the Bible. If you don’t know what Yeshua sacrificed for you, seek Him, read the Bible. If you don’t seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, read the Bible, pray to God, love Yeshua. If you don’t think the NWO is real – go look it up – it is completely real. If you don’t think the NWO is completely invested into destroying humanity – go look that up too – it’s real too. Know that the NWO is not to be feared, not to be accepted, and that truth is in the Bible and the fact that God is completely real. The truth destroys the NWO and it’s intentions for humanity completely – bullets, bombs, and threats only serve to get them to react in draconian anti-human ways.

Bless God and God bless.


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