How to Get People to Serve Evil

How to Get People to Serve Evil

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/21/2023

The Washington Post is a reflection of the political leanings and desires of it’s owner, Jeff Bezos. Bezos, an abashed an unmitigated anti-human future proponent, has two stories in his mouthpiece which detail just how absolutely evil this man and his publication are. Those writing at The Washington Post should be ashamed of themselves and should be forced to cover the story of their owner’s trial for crimes against humanity. People are tired of being abjectly lied to by the likes of Bezos in order for him to promote his anti-human future featuring a global technocratic dictatorship where he drinks wine and eats caviar while those he has enslaved are turned into non-human entities with a hive mind to serve him and his friends. His purpose is to convince individuals to do evil, and individuals are deciding to do it.

The first of the two stories showing this is political in nature. What it means to be ‘Soros-backed’ was published on March 20, 2023. Before getting into the article, I will offer my take on what it means to be Soros-backed. It means soft on crime, devoted to Marxism, and politically driven. While the Soros-backed individual thrust into political power may not directly associate with the color revolution organizations established by Soros in the United States (these are terrorist groups, by the way – their purpose is to effect a revolution, through violence if necessary, in whatever country they are established in), they are backed by those groups who exist at the leisure of George Soros. Soros’ targeting of much more local races – country district attorney’s, county and state judges, mayors, and state elected officials such as State Attorney General are cheaper and yield more direct manipulation of the policies affecting the lives of people. It’s more bang for the buck for Soros. It’s less freedom and constitutionality for the people in the ares covered by this Marxist ploy to destroy the United States. It’s also more violent streets for citizens and less chance of lengthy prison sentences for offenders. This is EXACTLY how Marxism overtook numerous nations throughout history.

George Soros knows this because he has funded these types of ‘grass-roots’ agitations in over a dozen countries. One of the most recent of these was the violence which ensued in Ukraine after the nation did not vote to join the European Union in 2014. Ukraine also suffered under similar Soros-funded subversive activities in 2004. He has sponsored violence in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Yugoslavia, and other, mostly Baltic, nations. He has arrest warrants outstanding in several nations including Russia. He also funded the Marxists in BLM and Antifa around the globe which is really another display of how Soros uses his illegally gained funds to contract individuals to do works of evil whispered into his ear by the Adversary.

The Washington Post though, demands that we have no memory of Soros and the evil he has done. The author of the article, Philip Bump, very well may be in bed with Soros. He detests people having the memory to debunk his entire article. He makes the claim that because so many different people fund a political campaign at any level, it is impossible to gain out-sized influence. Yet, while he makes his claim, Bump also stumbled through the fact that access to high dollar donors is often a feature of the pay-for-play arrangements our political system has become (just look at Hunter Biden). “Donors and politicians do at times work in symbiosis, with the former boosting the latter to advance desired outcomes the two share. More often (and more realistically), the concrete benefit received by campaign donors is access, getting to talk to a candidate at a dinner or quickly have a meeting set up with a senior staffer. This influences policy, certainly, particularly on subjects where the donor and not the politician is the expert.” George Soros isn’t going to back non-Marxists who are not open to the possibility of violent revolutionary overthrow. Bump’s argument goes out the window when that fact is introduced. He conveniently left that out of his narrative.

On top of Bump’s main argument, he casts those who think that Soros-backed is a negative thing as “naive” or anti-Semitic. “These accusations that candidates are “Soros-backed” suffers from a naivete that’s common in American politics.” Bump actually shows his disdain for the average voter in the United States and his rabid hatred of the Republicans in particular. Why are people naive about this Soros-connection to our politicians and elected officials? Because Marxists like Bump refuse to report truthfully in the articles they produce. Instead they protect the most evil among us – in Bump’s case here, George Soros.

But he wasn’t done yet. Bump also wrote, “Of course, there’s also the other reason that Soros is often a target: He’s Jewish. The Anti-Defamation League has documented ways in which anti-Soros rhetoric often intermingles with antisemitism and centuries-old antisemitic tropes; e.g., a powerful Jewish person seeking to reshape society.” I’ve written about the ‘Jewishness’ of people like Soros before. People like Soros are as Jewish as Molech. Have whatever blood you want. Jewish denotes a belief in the God of the Jews. Soros has bluntly disassociated himself from God altoghether and described his time working for the Nazi’s in Hitler’s Germany as one of the greatest times of his life. To even pretend that George Soros is Jewish is a reprobate activity.

Bump doesn’t even bother to pause – he needed to make the connection between racism and Antisemitism and the entire Republican party. This allows the psychopaths who read the Washington Post to feel good about themselves by avoiding affiliations with racists, Antisemites, and Soros-backed politicians being bad for the US and Republicans in general. And by believing in these lies, these deluded workers of iniquity are goaded into putting their delusion into action – staying silent when mass shooters are released from prison, attending child sexual abuse events at libraries, and demanding that DA’s can challenge Presidential elections with indictments and arrests.

Bump then tells his readers exactly what to think. In order to think it, Soros’ 80 plus years on this earth – most of them devoted to working evil and foisting Marxism upon nations through violent revolutionary actions – must be forgotten. Thus, Bump concludes, “There’s no reason to think that Bragg is targeting Trump or the Trump Organization because he was indirectly backed by Soros or because he is unusually left-wing. On the other hand, it’s quite obvious that the phrase “Soros-backed” is meant, as with Warren, to cast each as illegitimate and biased. To get Trump allies to view a potential indictment as tainted. Remember that since late 2016, Trump has also been engaged in a robust effort to reduce prosecutions. Unlike Soros, though, Trump’s efforts have been constrained to prosecutions targeting himself.”

Some of the ‘people’ Soros funds are told to dress in flat black and throw rocks, Molotov cocktails, and shoot bottle rockets at cops and into store windows. Others are told to infiltrate populous movements. Others are told to infiltrate anyone involved in non-Marxist political movements. Still others wear business suits and run Manchurian Candidate campaigns on Soros’ behalf. And then there is the army that Bump has contracted himself into – those writing Marxist propaganda pieces to instill the idea that individuals can act in violence without consequence by covering for evil individuals like George Soros. Meanwhile, Jeff Bezos sits back licking the caviar and cracker crumbs from his lips salivating over the day when 95% of the people on earth are gone, no one is human, and everyone exists to serve him and his friends like Soros.

In the second story there is an ulterior motive the author fails to even acknowledge. The ulterior motive is so absolutely over the top hypocritical as to make me want to vomit. Published on March 21, 2023, Why seniors are blocking entrances to the four largest U.S. banks, penned by Maxine Joselow, environmental activism has inspired these old individuals to come together. Not just normal environmentalism is being demonstrated against, the hoax of man-made climate change is being demonstrated against. This article is the Jeff Bezos’ of the world telling you that you will have nothing and you will like it.

Joselow spent virtually no time or effort on trying to obtain the reasoning behind those participating in the activism. Instead she wrote, “The protests add to the mounting environmental pressures on Wall Street from politicians of both parties. Liberal lawmakers have pleaded with large financial institutions to cut ties with the fossil fuel industry, while conservatives have attacked what they see as “woke” capitalism, a reference to companies that treat climate change as an economic risk.”

She continued her article to detail the four bank’s positions on the issue. Joselow took a good deal of time and space to say the banks are still financing gas and oil operations. She noted Greta Thunberg’s demands that those 65 and over are most to blame for climate change and approved of those demands. She extensively quoted a psychopath on a quest for human extinction named Ben Jealous who is the former NAACP head and now head of the Serra Club. He will be speaking at the post-human rally and is quoted by Joselow:

““The big banks in the U.S. are really participating in the No. 1 threat to the future of our planet,” Jealous said. “When I was president of the NAACP, I sued the big banks successfully to change their behavior when it came to discrimination. And now that I’m leading the Sierra Club, I see a similar need to put pressure on the banks to get them out of the business of financing fossil fuels.””

It took Joselow almost until the end of the article to get to the point about what these people are pushing for. “Though organizers are encouraging customers of the biggest four banks to take their business elsewhere, they say the main point of the protests is to push those banks to change their policies.” Joselow then parades an elitist who went scuba diving to chop up her card underwater to try to prove her point. Those ‘other’ banks are the ones who refuse to finance energy projects which are not green. Useless.

Joselow does mention that this geriatric-focused protest was planned before the banks realized their losses and, as an industry, found themselves in a liquidity crisis. And this is where the hypocrisy really enters the picture. Those ‘green’ banks are failing because of their ESG devotion and the liquidity crisis. Those big banks will end up bailing them out if they are allowed to survive. The four banks in this article will end up owning those ‘green’ banks. Those four banks, more than any others, will never be permitted to fail. So what is Joselow suggesting here? She is suggesting that the banks eaten up by the big banks be all of the non-’green’ banks.

Again, The Washington Post and Jeff Bezos are demanding that none of us have any memory of anything and fail to recognize what these big banks are really doing. They are about to shove CBDC down the US population’s throat. Joselow never mentions this fact and instead has decided that banking ‘green’ instead of with the big banks will do something to alter the course of the implementation of CBDC. It will actually speed it up because these ‘green’ banks are all ready to do anything ‘green’ – including adopting CBDC as quickly as possible.

All the way at the end of the story, Joselow finally got to the heart of the matter. She wants these banks to delve even deeper into ESG accounting procedures and turn off all of the so-called fossil fuels in the world. She, like Bump in the previous article, is another Marxist with a ‘journalism’ position using her position to demand individuals go out into the streets and show solidarity for her Marxist vision. Bezos is again licking his lips….

Are Bump and Joselow really so stupid that they cannot see that as soon as the likes of Bezos gets his way he will have them executed. Are they that short-sighted to not understand that undue foreign interference in elections and turning off all so-called fossil fuels will destroy the lives of all of us, them included? Are they so evil that they see the intentional destruction of the United States and of ever person on the planet, respectively, as some grand goal which must be achieved? Do they not realize what Marxist’s do to the people that ushered them into power? Do they not understand that they will have to rent electrified smart coffin apartments, have no access to reliable transportation, and be forced to eat crushed meal worms as food? I guess not. All they care about is that paycheck their overlord Bezos gives them for laying out the causes for individuals to reject God, believe the lies, and work the iniquities of the Adversary. They are too stupid, too full of themselves, and too evil to understand that they are calling for their own deaths as well. Bump and Joselow and everyone working similar evils believe in their lies so thoroughly they have even given up on the idea of their own self-preservation.

This is the mainstream media in a nutshell. They already live in the society described by George Orwell in 1984. Everything contradictory is put in the memory hole. Whatever the current lie is circulating in the news is the ‘truth’. Anyone who remembers differently is a criminal and arrests and torture await anyone acting upon their memories of discrepancies between the new lie and the old lie. All of this is coming and in some cases has already been conducted (Alex Jones, Dr. Simone Gold, the January 6 protesters compared to the BLM/Antifa riots). The Winston’s at The Washington Post exist to manipulate the plebes into participating and reacting to the lies appropriately. This is why it is so incredibly important to understand the truth of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. The way of the world is a bunch of lies intended to first get us to sell our birthrights and second to exterminate all of God-created humanity. The truth will not only set us free of the ways of the world and it’s lies but also gain us eternal life.

Bless God and God bless.


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